The Roman Colosseum as it probably looked in AD 80. (It was actually called the Flavian Amphitheater by the Romans; Flavus meant “blond” in Latin, and the Flavians were a noble Roman family that ruled Rome after the assassination of Nero, the last of the emperors descended from Julius Caesar.)
I have strong positive feelings about Rome and about having been a Roman official in another life. The Empire was indeed very brutal and somewhat corrupt, but also very civilizing in other ways.
In my last life I built constantly in the Greco-Roman style, not the Germanic, actually:
Few know that the Roman Colosseum was built largely with the slave labor of Jewish prisoners after AD 70. They had surrendered to the Roman legions in Palestine after the generals Vespasian and (his son) Titus, both to become emperors, had crushed the First Jewish Revolt. The jews have an intense hatred to this day for the Roman Empire that twice smashed their revolts, for the city of Rome, and for the Roman Catholic Church, which they view as a continuation of that empire.
The Arch of Titus revels in the Roman troops carrying away a huge menorah, the symbol of Judaism, out of the jews’ burning Temple.
A comrade and generous donor sent me a link to a video claiming that a supposed report about Jesus by Roman governor Pontius Pilate was authentic.
I replied:
I will look into this “Acts of Pilate.” It is entirely possible that Governor Pilate sent off a report about Jesus, and other matters, from that rebellious, troubled and troubling province of jewish Palestine, which would go on to commit two huge uprisings against Roman rule, both totally crushed.
Unfortunately, there is a plethora of apocryphal Christian literature, writing sometimes called “pious fraud.” A technical word is “pseudography,” meaning in Greek “fake authorship.”
The intention is good, of course, but it is basically inventing stuff.
More and more, I see Jesus as a starseed who made understandable mistakes in dealing with the basically hopeless and incorrigible Jews. 99% of His teachings went right over His disciples’ heads.
Jesus was regularly depicted as blond or auburn-haired in paintings in the catacombs of Rome, where persecuted Christians met. The jews triggered these persecutions from the time of the mad emperor Nero on by defaming the Christians as baby-flesh-eaters, baby-blood-drinkers, as committing incest between brothers and sisters, and causing earthquakes, floods and plagues by angering the pagan gods.
The French book Jewish Antichristianism by Martin Peltier goes in detail into how the jews stirred up both ignorant mobs and also Roman officials with deliberate slanders against the hated Christians and their Jesus, who despite the image of “Gentle Jesus” said probably the most antisemitic thing ever: the jews are from their father, the Devil. (John 8:44). The result of convincing people that Christians were monstrously evil fanatics was gruesome deaths: eaten by lions, set on fire, crucified, and starved literally to death in underground dungeons.
In the end, the self-appointed apostle Saul, AKA Paul of Tarsus, was able to hijack the whole thing and use it to glorify the Jews, and reaffirm that they are “God’s Chosen People” to the gullible goyim.
Yet the Jews, by rights, should be the sinister villains of the story, having hated, defamed, framed and caused the horrible whipping and bloody, excruciating murder of Jesus of Galilee [with Galilee, lit. “Galil ha Goyim,” meaning “Goyim District” in Hebrew!]
Had Jesus — who was beyond brilliant and also multilingual, not to mention a performer of genuine miracles (which the Talmud concedes!!!!) — put His very profound and key teachings down on paper, and not just put things out orally to a bunch of illiterate peasants and fishermen, going way over their heads, Saul could not have hijacked the whole thing and rejudaized it.
There is a good reason why things are put down on paper and signed and witnessed by a notary, in this case so they could not be twisted into something pro-jewish ten or twenty years later by a cunning subverter who was a Sanhedrin agent.
And yet enough of the true Jesus does shine through in the Gospels to create a religion which is far better than atheism and which does show the Jewish leaders in a very negative light.
Even Saul could not get away with denying the jews’ kangaroo trial of Jesus and making threats against Pontius Pilate to bring about His crucifixion.
The skeleton of the story is based on well-known public events which forever will brand the Jews as exactly what they were and are, psychopaths, liars, character assassins, blackmailers, and Christ-killers.
I will add some mysterious Jesus sayings and stories:
I was amused to read Eckhart Tolle joking: “Only a Buddhist can understand Jesus.” Tolle does quote Jesus and especially some of His most puzzling sayings, such as “blessed are the poor in spirit,” “love your enemies,” and “turn the other cheek.”
In terms of strange deeds, the night before He is arrested, Jesus instructs the disciple Peter to buy a sword. Then when Peter uses it on a slave who is part of the party that came to arrest Jesus, Jesus heals the slave and restores his sliced-off ear, saying “those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.” Hmmm. 🙂
Also, Jesus, about to expire after hours of agony on the Cross, says in a loud and clear voice in the Aramaic language to God in heaven:
“Eli, Eli, lama sabakhthani?!”
This means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
This would suggest that something had not gone according to plan, to say the least.
I have no doubt that this quotation is accurate and not apocryphal. Being puzzling, it is not at all the kind of thing which supports the narrative of Jesus being God, that is, God the Son. Jesus is saying He does not understand something. It is in there because there was naturally dead silence as a (locally) very famous man was dying — as a religious superstar breathed his last. It is in there because everyone heard it, and the final and striking words of Jesus, a notable man, began to be circulated.
And this bewilderment on the part of Jesus is exactly what a starseed might say, an earthling in the flesh who actually incarnated here from a far higher Nordic planet. Starseeds come on a mission of love and mercy, and then they find the earthlings obdurate, bizarre, ungrateful, and incredibly hard to change — the common experience of all starseeds.
It is not just the Jews down here who live in spiritual darkness.
The Romans said it 2,000 years ago:
“Mundus decipi vult” — the world wants to be lied to.
The Jews only thrive because of us.
And so our beautiful Third Reich was almost doomed from the start; it was just one tiny pinprick of light for 12 years in a sea of darkness, in ages of misery.
Of course the world united against us. It was and is full of wickedness, including the quiet little crime of selfish, cowardly inaction.
My SS telephonist 1940-45, Rochus Misch, found a pessimistic remark I made to be worth reporting to posterity as we moved in January 1939 into the beautiful New Reich Chancellery, which I and Albert Speer had designed:
“The only way I will leave this building is feet-first.”
And six years later it came true.
There is no point in politics when people are wicked.
Aldous Huxley was right: Earth is the hell of other planets.
One might also call it a penal colony, run by the kapos — by certain ruthless inmates.
And now we all see it. Hell on earth.
The new faith will free us first from our own inner hell and only then begin the complete transformation of this world.
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