Putin did not apologize to Israel; and Hitler was not a jew; recognizing jews physically

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) speaks with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett during their meeting, in Sochi, on October 22, 2021. (Photo by Yevgeny BIYATOV / Sputnik / AFP) (Photo by YEVGENY BIYATOV/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)
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…Putin did not apologize to Israel’s PM Bennett

Many negative things in the Russo-Israeli relationship have happened recently, among them:

— FM Lavrov saying Hitler (as in,  you know, “the Worst Monster in Human History”) was a jew (a totally wrong claim, btw; see below)



— FM spokeswoman Maria Zakharova denouncing Israeli mercenaries correctly for killing Russians in Ukraine

Zelensky appeals to American jew leaders for no-fly zone, calls Russian incursion “pure Nazism”; Israeli “ex”-commandos killing Russians; Putin’s army finds illegal US bio-weapon labs



Israeli ‘mercenaries’ teaming up with neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Russia says

In Ukraine, Israeli mercenaries are actually shoulder-to-shoulder with the Azov militants,” said spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Israelis are fighting alongside Azov, a Ukrainian military battalion with neo-Nazi roots, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday, amid a row between Jerusalem and Moscow over the latter saying Hitler was part Jewish.

“I’ll say something that the politicians in Israel who are now inflating their information campaign are unlikely to want to hear,” Zakharova said in an interview with Sputnik Radio. “Perhaps they will be interested. In Ukraine, Israeli mercenaries are actually shoulder-to-shoulder with the Azov militants.”

Israel is certainly aware of this, she added: “I saw video.”


— Russia sharply denounced Israel’s condemnation of its incursion into Ukraine, AND its horrible mistreatment of the Palestinians, AND its thwarting of decades of peace efforts

“The gloves are off” — After Israel denounces Russia over Ukraine, top Russian official, Sergei Ivanov, blasts Israeli hypocrisy about “human rights,” “war against Syria” and “committing war crimes against civilians”

See 16:25-18:47 here: Putin did not apologize; he just said some nice things about Israel.

  • No Putin ‘apology’ to Israeli PM found in Kremlin transcript
    Tel Aviv earlier claimed that President Putin apologized for the remarks of his foreign minister, in which he suggested Adolf Hitler may have had ‘Jew
No Putin ‘apology’ to Israeli PM found in Kremlin transcript
Tel Aviv earlier claimed that President Putin apologized for the remarks of his foreign minister, in which he suggested Adolf Hitler may have had ‘Jewish blood’
ByNews Desk– May 06 2022

Bennett claimed that during a phone conversation with Putin, the Russian leader had offered an apology over a claim by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Adolf Hitler possibly had “Jewish blood.”

Hours later, the Kremlin issued a statement that included the full content of the conversation, making no mention of an apology.

Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also commented on this, saying that the conversation that took place between the two leaders was “exactly as disclosed” in the official statement.

Peskov did not directly affirm the absence of an apology in the Kremlin statement he referred to, opting for a more subtle approach.

“The [Israeli] prime minister accepted the apology of President Putin for comments by Lavrov and thanked him for clarifying the president’s view of the Jewish people and the memory of the Holocaust,” Bennett’s office said on 5 May.

Ties between Moscow and Tel Aviv have soured significantly since the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.

On 4 May, the spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that Israeli mercenaries have been fighting side by side with the Ukrainian neo-Nazis from the Azov Battalion.

“There are mercenaries from Israel fighting alongside the extremist Azov Brigade … Israel will not be able to ignore this, especially with the presence of videos and materials documenting this,” Zakharova told Sputnik.

She also said that this collaboration could not be happening without Israel’s knowledge, and that Tel Aviv was aware of footage documenting the situation.

On the same day, the Kremlin welcomed an official delegation from Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, led by the deputy head of the organization, Musa Abu Marzouk.

Recent reports indicate that Israel is also considering an increase in its military support to Ukraine, at the request of the US.

Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, following Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements and Moscow’s recognition of the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.

At the time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said one of the goals of the special military operation was to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.


4 hours ago

@MikeinHouston What must be understood is the diplomacy at work. Each side is issuing the statement which suits their interests best, and they carry on. The mutual agreement here is that both sides wish to maintain good relations. Truth will not separate them! It’s basic diplomacy. At least, there are some adults in the room. People can learn from it.


John de Nugent@JohndeNugent

4 hours ago

@MikeinHouston Putin would not dare to alienate the Russian-nationalist faction in the government, which long has seen him as too soft and conciliatory. The Maidan coup was just one of several instances where a gullible Putin let mortal enemies do as they pleased.
And these enemies were mainly from the Tribe: Nuland, Poroshenko, Yatseniuk and Klitschko.
Russia has a long history of anti-Jewish anger, and even Stalin came on board with it.
To kowtow to “the Jews” would be politically impossible for Putin. He knows he always could replaced by a hardliner.
His non-apology actually speaks volumes. Any so-called “Western leader,” btw, would have fired his foreign minister and FM spokeswoman (like Maria Zakharova) and groveled for the things they said, like (the misconception of) Hitler being part-jewish — or the truth that Israeli ex-soldiers are fighting for Ukraine and killing Russians.

Looks like Lavrov was just reading the Jerusalem Post…..


And this is why Foreign Minister Yair Lapid was so triggered. I have such great respect for Lavrov, he nails it with every word he says: https://www.timesofisrael.com/on-quest-to-clear-kasztner-historian-shocked-to-prove-nazi-collaboration/


John de Nugent@JohndeNugent

3 hours ago

@LittleBigHorn An absolutely untrue slander. No Jews were allowed in the part of Austria where the grandfather was from. This has been debunked over and over.
It is part of a kind of ego trip: since Hitler was 1) admittedly brilliant, 2) was good at PR, psychology and propaganda, 3) had dark hair, and 4) hated the Jews, ergo he must be one of those self-hating part-jews.
Utter nonsense. And subliminally based on ego — “such a genius just had to be part-jewish.” As if Guttenberg, who invented the printing press, or Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, or Goethe, or Wernher von Braun, or Daimler and Benz, who invented the gasoline engine, and many others just had to have Jewish DNA to be great!
Jewish kids (and I speak from growing up with Jews) are taught this: “Our people got over 100 Nobel Prizes.”
And they point to Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein especially.
Yet ‘pride goeth before a fall,’ as their Old Testament says.
I would be careful if I were they. Zelensky and his junta from the same tribe could cause a very bad world reaction. And the Russian bear, if provoked much more, could nuke them, and their buddies in Israel, until Kiev and Tel Aviv both glow.


@JohndeNugent I am not aware Austria had any residency restrictions for people of the Mosaic creed at that time. The Habsburgs were generally very friendly to them…. But there is also the events in the 1930ies, where it seems that Chancellor Dollfuss had a dossier that he obtained from the Catholic Church (who was responsible for birth registry) pointing into the same direction regarding Hitler’s origin, which he claimed would completely destroy the German Fuhrer…. https://www.jta.org/archive/dollfuss-organ-challenges-germans-to-disprove-charge-of-hitlers-jewish-descent Dollfuss was then murdered by Hitler’s people, and in 1938, after the invasion and occupation of Austria, his ancestral village and the area around it, where many of his ancestral relatives were buried in the Churchyard, was immediately turned into a completely closed military area (kind of area 51…), first called Doellersheim, and then Allensteig, under which name it is still a restricted military area today….. And for someone who made his party soldiers go back several generations to prove their heritage in official papers, his own “interest” in his heritage was remarkably secret….. So for me, it is pretty clear that Lavrov was right.


@LittleBigHorn You are right! You are not aware of it 😉 You wrote: “I am not aware that Austria had any residency restrictions for people of the Mosaic creed at that time. The Habsburgs were generally very friendly to them.” So here:
The Habsburgs did occasionally borrow money from super-wealthy jewish bankers, among them the Rothschilds, but were very antisemitic for centuries about the “little jews” (a common term used by the jewish people, meaning jews who are not rich, powerful millionaires or billionaires, a term explored in Rabbi Michael Lerner’s “Jewish Renewal.” I have met and corresponded with the author.)

Habsburg tolerance for the little jews began only with the final emperor, Franz Josef, and actually in the final half of his reign.
The total myth, which lacks all evidence, was the claim that the paternal grandfather of Adolf Hitler, Johann Hiedler, was not the father of Alois Hitler, Adolf’s father, but instead that Alois — Adolf’s father — was sired by a rich Graz (province of Styria/Steiermark) Jew named Frankenberger on Alois’ mother, who was then working as a maid in their Graz mansion.
(This would be analogous to the way that Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, btw, was from Graz himself, infamously sired a son by his Mexican-American maid, which led to his divorce from Maria Shriver, btw.)
There is, however, zero substance to the Frankenberger story, which both jewish and communist magazines have pushed for generations entirely as yet another way to attack Adolf Hitler.
The Establishment German historian and biographer of Adolf Hitler, Werner Maser — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Maser — discovered that:

“… None of the Frankenbergers known to have lived in Graz could have been the father of Alois Schicklgruber, nor does there appear to be any trace of a German Jew bearing this name or any variant thereof in the nineteenth century.
“Indeed, from the end of the fifteenth century until a decade after Maria Anna Schicklgruber’s death, no Jews were residents of Graz. Under the terms of the treaty concluded on March 19, 1496 between Emperor Maximilian I and the Styrian towns, ALL JEWS WERE TO BE EXPELLED FROM THE TOWN BY January 6, 1497.

“…. Not until 1781, in the reign of Joseph II [ruled 1780-90] (see photo),

were they allowed to re-enter the Duchy of Styria and then ONLY FOR A FEW WEEKS AT A TIME … when they were admitted to the annual fairs in Graz, Klagenfurt, Laibach and Linz against the payment of a fixed sum.

“But as early as September 9, 1783 the rights of the Jews were again curtailed, a measure that was reinforced by further discriminatory regulations in 1797, 1823 and 1828. This situation remained unchanged until the beginning of the 1860s ….(9)

In other words, it is simply impossible that in 1836 Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, could have become pregnant by a Jew in Graz named Frankenberger, prior to giving birth to Alois Schicklgruber/Hitler, Adolfs father, in 1837.

No jews were in Graz in 1837.

Not one drop of jewish blood — Corporal Adolf in 1917, who looked keltic with his dark hair and blue eyes. Austria was settled and ruled for centuries by the keltic Hallstatt culture.



……Recognizing the jew

Here are some books on jews, their behavior/physiognomy and motivation viewed from both a physical and esoteric perspective:

Who Is the Jew?: The Jew Identifier Document (2020)


Contra Judaeus: Exposing Jewish Psychopolitics (2021)
Jewish White Genocide (2020)



  1. Maria Theresa began with a profound hatred of Jews, about whom she would write, in 1777, “I know of no greater plague than this race, which on account of its deceit, usury and avarice is driving my subjects into beggary.”

    Maria Theresa the legendary Austrian Queen was famous for her hatred for jews.

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