May 9 warnings; Poles, yet again eager to start a world war, commit outrage on Russian ambassador

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The Duran have a somber warning of a similar sort — that 1) the Western economies are going to crash, and 2) Russia is going to win in Ukraine, leading to neo-cons in a panic situation where war seems the only solution for crushing dissent and a depression at home and humiliating defeat abroad.

This is a very serious outrage in Warsaw against the Russian ambassador:

This was dangerous, disgraceful, vulgar, bullying, and also typically Polish, and

“The Russian Ambassador could be seen trying to wipe some of the paint out of his right eye as a woman put  a pair of women’s panties on his shoulder. Andreyev spared a quick glance to the undergarment before someone off-screen removed it.”

Poles, of course, have zero bad conscience about their horrible mistreatment of their defenseless German minority in 1919-39, and no care about their even worse, truly gruesome mass murders in 1945 of ethnic Germans, nor about their taking of the eastern third of Germany (backed by Stalin)!

Will the Polish hotheads succeed once again in starting a world war?


I am wrapping up my blogging. It is obvious why. There is no more time for mere blogging. There is only time for the religion to transform us from jew-run animals back into humans.

A bit of dark humor:



1 Comment

  1. Historian AJP Taylor gives an alternative account to of how the scheming Poles deliberately obstructed peace talks with Germany. The British diplomatic corps asked the Poles twice , why they were deliberately provoking the Germans.

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