The Ukrainian heroine who suddenly turned against the jews

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Nadia Savchenko was an adored Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, military officer,
….parliamentarian and russophobe whom the Jewkrainian government and media used to love — that is, until she asked why 80% of the rulers of her country were jewish.
Ukrainian heroine, once NATO-glorified, now attacks regime, reveals she saw snipers at Maidan in 2014, brought in to kill both cops and protesters, triggering rage, chaos & revolution

If true, this statement by Nadezhda Savchenko, one of the most famous and popular people in that country, would confirm what I and the alternative media have said since 2014 — that a false flag happened at the Maidan revolution of 2014 (named after Maidan Square in downtown Kiev).

And Trump could fall into the same trap if he sends federal troops into cities suffering anarchy from Demoncrat mayors kowtowing to BLM/Antifa. Snipers could appear, massacring “peaceful protesters,” and the jewsmedia will then go nuts against Trump, and Congress will impeach and remove him!

Outside snipers were brought into Ukraine, into the Maidan (government) area of the capital, with orders to massacre both cops and protesters!

Ukraine is 1/3rd Russian-speaking — but the first act of the putschist, all-Jewish, NATO puppet government of Poroshenko (son of a convicted Jewish swindler) was to ban the Russian language from eastern Ukrainian schools and the administration!  In other words:“Down with the Ukrainian Russians!” 

Effects of the sniper massacres?

An aerial view shows Maidan Nezalezhnosti or Independence Square crowded by supporters of EU integration during a rally in central Kiev, December 8, 2013. Pro-Europe protesters flocked to Kiev’s Independence Square on Sunday for a rally that organisers were hoping would swell to 1 million people, piling pressure on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich to turn back from seeking closer ties to Russia. REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko (UKRAINE – Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CITYSCAPE)


1) Killing cops intimidates some into fleeing (better for revolution), and enrages others into shooting into the crowds;

2) Killing protesters (whether by cops or snipers) infuriates the protesting crowds against the cops and their ultimate boss, then-president Yanukovich.

3) This finally triggers an outright revolution (which would put into power three Jews and NATO puppets as president, prime minister and mayor of the capital city).

4) And the world public says “Good riddance to any ruler who guns his own people down.” (Except he did NOT….)

Possible perps:

Either NATO snipers or, more likely, Israeli snipers, Jews born in Ukraine of course spoke perfect Ukrainian (and Russian, as well as Hebrew and maybe English), Soviet-era Jews who left for IsraHell after the USSR collapsed in 1991.


Make the democratically elected, pro-Russian, then-President Yanukovich look like a terrible and bloody tyrant who “kills his own people.” (Yeah-yeah-yeah, where have we heard this before? Right before the US killed Saddam, Khaddafi and it tried to kill Assad.) Such a tyrant must of course must overthrown. So by all means have snipers shoot into the crowd. And it was just goyim,  anyway…. “cattle” in Hebrew.



SHOCKING: ‘Hero of Ukraine’ Nadia Savchenko now accuses Kiev for Maidan Snipers

Convicted for killing Russians, but after her revelation, now branded enemy of state

— Jewkraine adds Hungarian and Serbian prime ministers to death list
— Putin conscientiously follows Teddy Roosevelt’s dictum to “walk softly and carry a big stick.” This was the Ilyushin II-80 jet flying over the May 9 victory parade….an what is that? That is the special nuclear-war command plane for the president of the Russian Federation.
Message: Beware the Bear.

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