Livestream after Buffalo shooting revealed “shooter” was a homeless Buffalo resident, mentally ill, liked Blacks and was into building a “time machine”

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The New York State resident called me today to say he saw on the livestream after the tragedy an older black fellow who hung out at the Tops supermarket and said the shooter was friendly, talked with him for two hours, went on and on about aliens, and said to this black guy how he himself was building a time machine.

The caller told me that he had read the supposed manifesto, saying: “John, it is at such a high level of writing that you could have written it, a 67-year-old Georgetown graduate, but never a kid of 18 who dropped out of Broome Community College [] after one semester! I attended a community college for one semester myself and most of those kids can’t put one grammatical sentence together!”

(from Natural News, a different take)

Something didn’t look right in the “manifesto” message of the supposed Buffalo food store shooter who reportedly shot 13 people on Saturday, killing at least 10, according to media reports.

Here are the opening lines of his manifesto:

My name is Payton Gendron, I was born on June 20, 2003, which makes me 18 years old as of writing this. I am the sole perpetrator of the recent attempted mass shooting. I lived in Southern Tier, New York all my life with both my parents and 2 brothers. I believe I am ethnically white since my parent’s nationalities are from north-western Europe and Italy. I graduated highschool with a regents diploma with advanced designation and am currently enrolled in SUNY Broome with a major in Engineering Science. I would love to continue this but there are bigger problems I’m more concerned with. I am not a warfighter, nor have I been enrolled in any military or tactical training, so excuse any mistakes I make during my attack. I was never diagnosed with a mental disability or disorder, and I believe to be perfectly sane. Recently I took an MBTI test, as seen below.

Even in the first few sentences of his manifesto message, there were very strange uses of words that immediately struck me as odd:

  •  Saying “I believe I am ethnically white” is very odd, as no one normally puts the “believe” qualifier before their ethnicity.
  • Using “highschool” as one word instead of two (“high school”), especially when claiming to have “advanced designation” (which is also a strange phrase).
  • The choice of the phrase “warfighter” instead of “soldier” or “military person.” Very odd choice.
  • The sentence, “I believe to be perfectly sane” is grammatically incorrect and hints at some deliberate alteration of the word choice.
  • In addition, it was incredibly odd how many brands of firearms and ammunition he mentioned, as if the manifesto were written by trial lawyers looking to pre-name companies to sue. (The entire thing seemed to be almost like a set of left-wing talking points for censorship and gun control…)


  1. Building a time machine! Can we go back to the 1950s please ? We can avoid all the lefty woke pro gay shite they try to force on us. Or 1930s Germany and give Hitler a Chance.

  2. I think the suggestion that Peyton Gendron’s _Manifesto_ was not written by him is probably mistaken.

    It would be nice if Gendron’s “Manifesto”were readily available. It is not. I personally only know of its contents by things said about it.

    From what I have seen of the matter, I think Peyton Gendron, the Buffalo shooter, was an intelligent kid and an idealist who had the courage of his convictions.

    • Black folks grocery-shopping or stocking shelves is almost as innocent-seeming as the seven church ladies at a Bible study in Charleston, S.C.
      Sorry, for me this has MK-ULTRA written all over it.

  3. The “Orion Process”

    The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to be able to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity and fear in the American people to which would then lead the them to voluntarily give up their arms by slowly allowing their government to pass laws restricting the use of firearms to then over all gun confiscation. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well under way, however, there are still many Americans who are fighting back in order to secure their Second Amendment rights.”

    • Thank you very much for this information!
      I looked at it carefully. I have no doubt that I was in one of these programs, but I ran away from home at ten and from that point on I have detailed memories of my life.

  4. I am confident that what the news said happened was a real event; and I think this event is a sign of the times.

    The White man is beginning to get angry. The White man is beginning to get angry, and that is the significance of this shooting.

  5. Hi John,

    I found your website from Jim Rizoli on Bitchute. I really enjoy listening to your talks with him. However, this was a total hoax. There are a lot of great videos that breakdown the livestream of the “shooting”. It’s totally fake.

    • That may well be. I have not had the time with this particular false flag to look too much into it, because my mission now is spiritual and religious. But I used to do exhaustive exposés of other false flags and shooting hoaxes, such as the fake Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook fake school massacre, and the fictitious Charleston SC church shooting. (NO Southern WN would EVER go shoot up a church, or want to murder black folks peacefully studying the Bible, called by Southerners “the Good Book.” And a church is a “House of God.” I lived for 20 years down South. This has bogus written all over it…and Margi proved that Dylann Storm Roof is actually the crisis actor and former Hollywood child actor John Christian Graass, who used to act in “Star Trek: the Next Generation.” Same face, same ear shape, matching everything, just older.)
      But then I got inexpressibly TIRED of it all, comrade, because first you knock yourself out as a blogger to dig up and then expose the truth — and it has NO impact on the masses.
      And it is always the same, that the US Deep State (aka the Big Jews) committed this real (or perceived) mass murder and that they used crisis actors and lots of ketchup. 😉
      (For example, the mother of a supposedly murdered Sandy Hook kid in December 2012 was also, rather astonishingly, the mother as well of the fat young woman who died in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 when the car of a WN supposedly plowed into a gathering of leftists.)
      But for me just one issue and priority now remains:
      What is wrong with white people (FORGET THE JEWS; BLACKS; MILITANT GAYS; MUSLIMS; ETC) that they are immune and blind to incredibly important, life-saving and urgent, pressing truths about race, about the jews, the Holofraud, and about their now overt project of white GENOCIDE?
      This is the only topic that grips me now.
      The blind mind — and how to fix it.

      • Thanks so much for the reply, John. I agree with you regarding false flags – it is tiring to research and doesn’t seem to yield much result in changing anyone’s mind on what the real issues are.

        Lol, yes, that woman was in both false flags and many of these crisis actors can be looked up quite easily. Like you, I try to help wake up my peers every day. Take care and God bless.

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