Thomas Sowell, proof there ARE honest, smart black thinkers

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Born in poverty in North Carolina, Sowell grew up in Harlem, New York.[2] Due to financial issues and deteriorated home conditions, he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell enrolled at Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude in 1958.[3] He earned a master’s degree in economics from Columbia University in 1959, and earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.

If you read the whole Wiki article (, Sowell is exactly the kind of black man I can deal with.

Deep down, he is clearly a black white-supremacist. He cannot openly say it, but such Blacks are the kind who would submit to a truly Aryan (noble) white government.


  1. Imagine being a very Hi IQ black like Sowell, observing his racial Kin.
    Imagine being a very Hi IQ white person, and going to Wall Mart, to observe white racial kin.

    Both people will come to the same conclusions. Booker T. and Dubois argued over the talented tenth. Booker T. wanted an industrial system for blacks, and argued it did not ignore educating the talented tenth. Booker T. was for an integrated community of blacks, where the greenbacks circulated with local economy.

    Dubois, a front man for New York Jews and the NAACP, argued that the talented tenth were to get special treatment and that the nation owed them an education. T

  2. Let us wish the good Negroes well, but we should not have them in our midst, in my opinion.

    Race is important for group solidarity. Having Negroes in a White group will ruin its ability to make a difference. That is what I think.

    • I could not agree more. It would have to be a benevolent yet firm apartheid based on the overt, proclaimed and official state doctrine that whites are superior, which would also appear in the media the Blacks watch.

      • Yes, there are some few good negroes and also many truly horrible whites. After 69 years of living and 48 as an active white nationalist, I would say that 80% of whites at this terrible final stage are liars, cowards, bullies or even conscious traitors who work for the jew enemy toward white genocide. Would you not agree?

  3. @Kendra, True. Racial hygiene is the gods’ will. Race mixing is instinctively repulsive. Can two people of different races love each other? Maybe, but it should not be promoted!

  4. Along with the self loathing (hating) Jew and the Asian White Supremacist the Magical Uncle Tom Negro will save the White Race.

    Now imagine this comment in Morgan Freeman’s voice.

    • I am not sure who claims Thomas Sowell will save the white race.

      Are you claiming that I assert this?

      Sowell has been very critical of the Demoncrat Party, the welfare state and white guilt for decades. I was reading his newspaper columns back in the 1980s.

      A radically new kind of white movement will seek and will need both friends and allies against the real enemy, Jewry.

      Whites are aging, low-T, obese, and only half the population.

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