“UNJABBED”: Powerful dystopian cartoon about the jabbed in Year Three; some little jews definitely awakening to Big Jew Agenda

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JABBED: A fictional, dystopian future imagined by artist Ken (((Avidor)))

It may not be so fictional. However, this 2 minute video is too dangerous for anyone to view so Vimeo removed it. Watch it now before they censor it everywhere

For more about this series, see this article in The Federalist . Vimeo is censorship at its finest!

Watch it while you still can . “They” don’t want you to see it.

[JdN:  It is up now on, believe it or not, JewTube, but for how long? So I downloaded it and uploaded it my own site. What struck me is that the heroes are all nordic-white looking, blue-eyed Americans, though the artist-creator, Ken Avidor, by the name should be jewish.]


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© 2022 Steve Kirsch
548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104


  1. Sometimes I wonder whether this entire “vaccination” operation was designed to do exactly the opposite of what most of us assume it will do? I can’t shake the feeling that this entire thing was just way TOO suspicious. I mean, everything about the pandemic and the injections has just screamed “Danger: Stay Away.” Everyone seems to assume that it’s the mindless lemmings who are going to be maimed, sterilized and killed off (I’ve no doubt that many will be) but still I wonder, are those really the type of people the jews want eradicated? Or, on the other hand, do those of us who would never go near that noxious garbage represent precisely the type of people they want to gone? Think about it. This operation has allowed them to do something that there’s no other way they’d ever pull off, it allowed them to put all of us undesirable fish into one small barrel. All they’d have to do to fulfill their dream of a world populated only by them and millions of goyim slaves, is include some
    type of antidote/remedy inside one of these rounds of boosters that will protect most of the injectees from a certain toxin or pathogen, which they’ll then release. The shot would then weed out some of the the less desirable slaves, while the toxin would get rid of every problematic descendent world-wide in one fell swoop. Though I consider this scenario to be less than likely and there’s still no way I’d ever allow me or mine anywhere near that hackcine… I just cannot help but wonder.

  2. The people we detest for their inaction, are referred to by the Jews as Goyim (animal herd). A very appropriate label.

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