1. Beobachter: Symbolismus: Impfung + Hautfarbe + Unterhaut (+ Impfung in Unterhaut) + Ukraine-Flagge + Stahlwerk + ...
    June 9, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    Sehr geehrter John,

    wie Sie wissen, sind die Menschenvernichtungskriege gegen Weiße von hochgradigem Symbolismus begleitet, 911 ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür[1]

    Die Ukraine-Flagge soll Bestandteil dieser Symbolik sein,[2][3] auch der Dreizack und auch die Tatsache, daß das Stahlwerk betont in den Vordergrund gehoben wird.[4]


    [1] “Das 911 Mega Ritual Teil 39/42”,

    Kanal Savannah Nobel (hochwertigste Analysen):

    [2] “240 – Das große Haut-Ritual (1/2)”,

    [3] “241 – Das große Haut-Ritual (2/2)”,

    [4] “243๛ Azovstahl und Affenzirkus”,

    In diesem Video wird ebenfalls darauf hingewiesen, daß in der Ukraine junge weiße Männer in Scharen sterben, die Opfer sind, jedoch sollen bestimmte hervogehobene Symboliken (Stahlwerk) hinterfragbar sein.

    • Yes, indeed.

      I think, and the Durans report, that the Ukies are demoralized… and IMO aware now of how crooked their jew rulers are.
      So they are slacking off, and getting themselves killed for their sloppiness.
      The Russian and Donbass-ethnic-Russian soldiers I have seen and watched up-close in the Patrick Lancaster videos seem very sincere, optimistic, gentle with civilians, patriotic and motivated — on a mission of mercy, rescuing and defending their people, living out the old knightly ideal.
      Fact is that most Russians consider Putin to be TOO gentle, TOO moderate and TOO conciliatory and forgiving. Medvedev, the fmr president and PM, is now positioning himself with the hardliners. H elooks surprisingly like the last tsar, Nicholas II, btw, and is the same height, 5’6″.
      In view of the reality of reincarnation, it does make you wonder.The entire tsarist family was murdered by the jew Sverdlov and his bolshevik soldiers, so this would have to be reincarnation, plus maybe descent from some Romanov nephew or niece.

    • I thought so, but only based on his height, 5’6″, since many jews are short, even very short. (Ben Shapiro is 5’0″!)

      Otherwise, Medvedev does not look at all jewish, or even slavic, for that matter; he looks almost German with his rectangular head. (Americans, a century ago, nicknamed German immigrants “squareheads.”)

      … and Tsar Nicholas II, by DNA, was mostly German, via his grandmother, Victoria, and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Bavaria, and NII was also married to a German, Alexandra.)

      This jewish site denies Medvedev is jewish: http://www.jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=198

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