White crazy f—er tries to enter Alabama elementary school, goes for officer’s gun

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A lot of demon-possessed white people these days, as well as of other races. In the old days, guys like this would be locked up for public and their own safety, and not roaming the streets.


It was closet jew, ultra-RINO, and arch-NWO backer Nelson Rockefeller, governor of New York State in the 1970s, who started this nationwide state-government trend of “let’s save money on mental institutions by throwing the mentally ill onto the streets. If a shrink certifies they are non-violent, we can just give them the heave-ho.”

The result has been a pandemic of homeless weirdos ruining our major cities. And as bad as it is for us all, it is far worse for women, being physically smaller and weaker. They just watch strong, alert-looking white men walk by, but harass white females.
And what happens to them is all karma. I have dealt with a number of mentally ill people, and many of them lie, steal, mooch and blame everyone else for their own follies. They are not just mentally ill but also spiritually ill. I gave a local guy a job raking leaves for me….and after the job was done, I am  convinced it was he who stole two rakes ($15 each) out of my garage! I became more and more convinced he was the chief suspect, and then, by “amazing coincidence,” that very day I ran into him at the barber shop for the first time in eight years up here, as if an angel were sending me confirmation of my hunch.
If you help a narcissist, he will despise you as a sucker.

So I am glad this f—er, Robert Tyler White, this total burden on society, got his WHITE ass shot before he could harm any kids!


God is love, and Christianity is right about this — but He is tough love.

God is not one to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap. And a great Judgment Day cometh.


We are all subjected to the same “They Live” messaging….. but not all of us bite. Some of us begin searching passionately for the truth….



  1. I remember you once helped a fat girl in Ontonagon, but she did not want to change. She did not pay her bills and let everybody else buy her a sandwich. She was not allowed to enter a certain bar, because she never paid, just mooched. This very fat girl did not deserve John’s kindness.

    • Yes, and she is still at it. Now living 500 miles away, she wanted me to send her money just last week. I blocked her.

      Life lesson: If a person living for 25 years in a world that contains seven billion people is friendless, there just might be a good reason. 😉

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