As senile as he is evil: Biden denounces Putin’s “TAX hike on food and gas”

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@theduran@Meddy1@Patriotblade I think this is the $40 Billion question: Was this all planned and deliberate, or the result of collosal incompetence and arrogance?


@theduran@Meddy1@imranqqq The former, IMO…. the goal being 1) economic collapse, 2) blame it on Biden-Harris, and 3) the Great Reset as the sadly unavoidable solution — you will own nothing and be happy.



9 minutes ago

@theduran Insane that Putin has more control over my nation’s economy than my President….who would thunk?!? Prices in my area of US jumped over 40 cents from Wednesday to Thursday. My energy bills have been significantly higher year over year. Americans are NOT buying the “Putin price hikes..” 🤨🤡


Priscilla Rivas Loria@PRL1111

11 minutes ago

@theduran I love it, Putin is the most powerful guy in the Universe!! I wonder why they always blame Putin, and not Xi Jinpin!



25 minutes ago


What a dumb idiot! I hope the ‘normal’ Americans recognise lies and propaganda when they hear it!


@theduran@Alecto49 We do and we’re outraged!!



31 minutes ago

Puppetmastersfool aka Brutuscass or Jon to friends@Puppetmastersfoo

36 minutes ago

@theduran Thankyou



38 minutes ago

@theduran Don’t ever talk to a street hawker. Don’t make excuses or plead poverty. Just tell them to get lost. It’s the only language they understand.


John de Nugent@JohndeNugent

41 minutes ago

@theduran Great video!
I have no sympathy for that strolling con man telling you that the watch was from Hugo Boss. He is simply a swindler. How about getting a job even as a janitor, hospital orderly, or washing dishes? But he is probably “too good” for that.
Vladimir Putin is now the Goldstein of the “Hate Minute” in the Orwell novel “1984.” Beware his evil tentacles, which are everywhere, and while he is collapsing in every way in Russia, he is running everything in America. 😉



44 minutes ago

@theduran If that guy comes around again, can you see if he has Ralph Lauren’s Blue? I just tipped you $10. Let me know if you need more! 😂🤣😂



53 minutes ago

@theduran i bet he could sell you a girlfriend for a good price.



A girlfriend, with the time, no doubt! 🙂



57 minutes ago

@theduran Oh shit not the itchy scratchies. Welp that’s its folks, Russia is doomed now.



59 minutes ago

@theduran I don’t know why you don’t have a girlfriend but the Invictus should change your luck


Stephen Smith @Stephen1105

1 hour ago

@theduran I long for the good old days meant “The Basement” was a hip jazz club , not
a hideout for the President of the United States …..



1 hour ago

@theduran hahahaha. The convo with the seller… I’m dying. So many interesting things happen to you at the street. You should make up a video with all these “episodes”.



1 hour ago

@theduran Alex you are the sweetest 🥰


Robert J Garnett@rob_garnett

1 hour ago

@theduran I wonder how many “focus groups” they tried the “Putin Tax” line on.



1 hour ago

@theduran don’t worry we chip in and get you a new watch 😎👍



1 hour ago

@theduran The irony of doing a vid on the Putin Tax as the Hawker Tax intervenes. The hawker is more honest than Biden at least.



1 hour ago


That guy.. sheesh. Reminds me of visiting the Louvre in the 70’s. The tour guide warned us about the photographers. She told us to not let them take our picture, or they would try to charge us a lot of money. And even summon the police if we refused to pay! These photographers, are they still around in Paris? They were really pushy.



1 hour ago

@theduran that guy is very persistent



1 hour ago

@theduran Starring in your own Clown world 😂. In the era of Nazi makeovers, Alex is offered a knock off Hugo Boss, the Nazi Party’s official Clothier who was one of the Nazis rehabilitated in the 20th century and transformed into a luxury brand .



1 hour ago

@theduran This was fun Alex, thanks for leaving in the bit in the beginning with the guy selling you the watch and cologne. Lets be honest, he was a good salesman, but you know how to haggle too:) 5 euros for a cologne is a good price!



2 hours ago

@theduran what I really love is that in Greece (and Cyprus) everyone is “my/your friend” 😄
The sad fact about everything You, Alexander, the Duran or even we report about can seriously be put into your clown world. It IS the new normal and it’s so unbelievably sad and disgusting. So what I’m saying is you could just start the clips off by saying “and now clown world”


Dr. Brett Harris@Bretthar123

2 hours ago

@theduran We should be thankful that the leaders of the collective west are so incompetent – imagine it they were competent and cashed up, the war would go on for years.


William I@William_I

2 hours ago

@theduran Bidenopolous will love to smell you now, Alex!


    • Very interesting!!! Thank you!!! Wow. I read the long Wikipedia article on tengu ( and often they are depicted with beaks or beaklike noses, exactly as are jews, or with phallic noses. In Austria the common people would say the Jews have penisnasen.

      Again we see that the most radically antisemitic (anti-Big Jew) remark ever uttered, said by Jesus, corresponds to reality:

      (John 8:44)

      This is a man declaring total war on the jews, for one cannot cooperate or negociate with devils, or with any authentic psychopath. They cannot be outfoxed or tricked, being the past masters of lying and deceit, just stopped or destroyed. I said this in another life already, that we cannot compete with the jews in the area of deception, which is their millennial specialty. As the Mossad’s own motto goes: “By deceit shalt thou wage war.”

      Interestingly, as Wiki elucidates, the modern Japanese to this very day have an expression for a conceited person: tengu ni naru….and who is more conceited, arrogant and self-worshipping than the jews? “God’s Chosen People,” according to the book THEY wrote! 😉


      The tengu of this period were often conceived of as the ghosts of the arrogant, and as a result the creatures have become strongly associated with vanity and pride. Today the Japanese expression tengu ni naru (“becoming a tengu”) is still used to describe a conceited person.[16]

  1. Haha…ich musste mal zur Strafe in der Schule einen Aufsatz schreiben.

    Ich hab gefragt, auf welchem Papier — und der Lehrer sagte: Mir egal, meinetwegen auf Klopapier…Hauptsache du schreibst das!

    Was glaubst du was ich gemacht hab? 😉

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