In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, once a WN bastion, Satanists join Gay Pride festival, offer “unbaptisms,” then pull out; Hoffman’s Talmud exposé

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The Satanic Temple Idaho has pulled out of a Pride event this weekend after previously advertising “unbaptisms” being performed by a member of the group. Pictured, a representation of the devil is aflame as part of an annual tradition in Guatemala on December 7, 2021.ORLANDO ESTRADA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Satanic Temple Offers “Unbaptisms” at Pride Event, Then Abruptly Pulls Out


A satanic group that was originally scheduled to perform “unbaptisms” at an Idaho Pride event has dropped out of the gathering.

In a response to Newsweek, the North Idaho Pride Alliance stated that the Satanic Temple Idaho will no longer be in attendance at their annual Pride in the Park celebration on Saturday, June 11. The North Idaho Pride Alliance also added that the Satanists “dropped out of the event on their own accord.”

Individuals from the Satanic Temple Idaho were originally set to perform “unbaptisms” at the annual happening, according to regional NBC affiliate KOBI, which the North Idaho Pride Alliance website describes as a “family-friendly, community event celebrating diversity and building a stronger and more unified community for all.”

“We are so excited to announce that we will have a booth and be participating [in] Coeur D’Alene’s ‘Pride in the Park’ event next Saturday, June 11th from 10am-3pm!” the post read, according to KOBI. “We will have merchandise for sale, be offering support to our community and performing unbaptisms for those interested!
Just know, Satan loves you for you! Hail Satan!”

An “unbaptism,” according to the Satanic Temple chapter in Austin, Texas, is an opportunity for those who believe they may have been baptized against their will to “revoke” the common religious tradition that was carried out on them. The temple goes on to describe the unbaptism as a “ritual” that is “intended to provide bodily liberation and catharsis to those who have been subjected to unwanted religious indoctrination.”

While the Satanists will no longer be attending, other groups and businesses such as the ACLU of Idaho, Everytown for Gun Safety, the Human Rights Education Institute as well as a number of churches are still set to be involved in the Pride event, according to the North Idaho Pride Alliance.

In addition to food and musical performances, Saturday’s event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, will have arts and crafts as organizers promise it to “be bigger and bolder” than in years past.

Newsweek reached out to the Satanic Temple Idaho for comment.



…..The lesson for us all of Coeur d’Alene

I have been active in our cause since 1978, a period of now 44 years. And  always I heard about the “PNW theory,” the Pacific Northwest theory, which a onetime NS and novelist named Howard Covington was pushing. This notion was that Oregon, Washington State and Idaho were racially lily-white (far from true now!!!), fertile, beautiful with all their mountains and lakes, underpopulated and thus having cheap land, and therefore perfect for a white bastion.

And one of the specific areas the PNW people pointed to was Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Not just conservative white ex-Californians in general were moving there, but also some famous and meritorious white nationalists and Holocaust revisionists moved to or lived in CDA: activist Stan Hess (a friend of mine since 2006); Michael Hoffman, author of the superb “Judaism Discovered” [see below]; the late Pastor Richard Butler of Aryan Nations, who had a whole “compound” and held big meetings there; antizionist writer Mark Glenn and later his friend, the late, great Michael Collins Piper; writer and fmr Marine Corps major William Fox, who later rented a room from me in Pennsylvania; and others.


The area is now 94% white and Republican, but country-club Republicans….. and this means you had better not even whisper the words “race” or “jews.” 😉

We are talking RINO Republicans…. spouting the nauseating Marxist Lucifer King line that Tucker Carlson always uses (I do like Tucker, but not in this regard)  of how America was supposed to “not judge people on their skin color” (as if that were all race were!) “but on the content of their character.”

So, in other words, America was designed to be a race-blind society that welcomes everybody in..  a historically incorrect and disastrous idea. America was founded by white supremacists and antisemites, among them the Founding Fathers.

And what is today’s Coeur d’Alene anyway? When you come right down to it, it is the symbol of rich Whites retreating.

Give up the magnificent California, give up Michigan, give up Virginia —  hell, give up the whole country to the satanists, gay militants, and wogs, and bury your head in the sand on a Coeur d’Alene beach.

And now the ultra-leftists are in the rich honkeys’ precious hiding spot, Coeur d’Alene, and no one dares even object.


We will run out of space on this picture soon. Next we have a fake alien invasion, more fake red-flag events and obviously a fraudulent midterm election to contend with! Not to mention monkeypox, men wanting to teach kids about sex and to be allowed to shag them…

This is the only thing that can save us now…. a new form of this:



…..Michael Hoffman’s detailed, authoritative dissection of the wicked Talmud in “Judaism Discovered”

This thousand-page book is the ultimate exposé of Talmud filth.

Most  of  all, it explains to jew-revering, Bible-adoring Christians that the “Old Testament” which they think is so holy (BECAUSE THEY NEVER READ IT) has not been the main book defining the Jewish religion for two thousand years! No, it is instead the even more horrific Talmud, written between AD 100 and 500.



……But the “Old Testament” and its god Yahweh were already bad enough! Down with the demonic Yahweh!


The Jews’ god is clearly no God of love: “Worship me, Jews, and kill the old gentile women. Your reward is this — you can make sex slaves for yourselves of all cute young shiksas.

The women of the Chosen People — no wonder jewish men lusted after our Aryan women… Deep down, the jews know they are a demonic people and that their god is Satan.

Early Christian bishop Marcion, tragically ruled a heretic, saw that Yahweh and Jesus’s God were literally two different beings.

The God of Jesus was no wimp, but neither was he a psychopath.

The coming faith will make clear that spirituality includes a balance between war and peace, yin and yang, men and women, Mars and Venus, liberals and conservatives, left and right, forgiveness and the firing squad: whatever the situation calls for.


A Catholic and WN wrote me on VK:


With respect, may the Day of Wrath come, and not as the “Christian-Zionists” expect, but as the Lord God demands, for their perfidy and loathsomeness, the scum who calumniate Christ and His Holy Mother in the despicable Talmud.

I heartily agree [with you, John] that the “god of Judaism” is not the Father of the Most Holy Trinity, i.e. the Christian God. The perfidious rabbis worship Satan and not the True God.

This is a rendition of the famous 13th-century Latin, Roman-Catholic hymn, “Dies Irae” (or, “Day of Wrath,” about the Second Coming of Christ and Judgment Day). This rendition is off the 1994 CD, “Ego sum Ressurectio [Latine: “I am the Resurrection”],” and is difficult to find.

For those who may want a quick breakdown of the song and history:

The first seven versus are meant to waken sinners from spiritual lethargy and realize that life is fleeting. The other versus are all meant for one to find four things: forgiveness from God, mercy from God, strength from God, peace from God. Invasions from Mohammedans (common term today is Muslim), wars on fellow Christians, Black Plague, famine, civil unrest, and other hardships were common during this time. BUT do not forget the importance of expressing all of the fear, uncertainty, doubt, grief, and releasing it to God. That is what this music is doing. Music such as this was made to convey depth of feeling to convert the sinful, turn them to the mercy of God, draw strength from the Church’s sacraments God gave to us, and then send them back into the world to face all of these uncertainties with a peaceful resolution to rely on God come what may.

I replied:

Thanks for this comment. The brilliant book “From Yahweh to Zion” by Sorbonne graduate Laurent Guyénot exposes — with pertinent quotes from the Old Testament — how Yahweh, like Zeus among the Ancient Hellenes, is not at all a loving, just creator god, or a “Heavenly Father.” (This term was a neologism introduced by Jesus, a truly radical religious reformer, or, more accurately, a genuine religious revolutionary.) Yahweh, instead, is a lower, selfish, demonic entity.

Genesis 3:5 Note that Yahweh is very much against this happening:

“Your eyes [speaking to Adam and Eve] will be opened and you will be like [us] gods, knowing good from evil.'”
This tyrannical desire to keep people down, poor, fearful and ignorant, reminds me of Joseph Stalin!
Or, returning to the religious context, Zeus, punished Prometheus horribly for giving fire, light, warmth and knowledge to wretched humanity. An eagle comes every three days and eats from his liver, since he is chained to a boulder.


In Plato’s dialogues, Socrates and his listeners agree that the Greek gods are unworthy of admiration and have done appalling things. All over the ancient world, actually, intelligent white men and women were lookin for a more enlightened religion as a result. Late Judaism, Christianity, and other religions then dove into this void, with late Judaism cynically exploiting this thirst for true enlightenment. Their god was certainly not what Gentiles needed, but a god even worse than their own!

Jesus to the Pharisees, who later wrote the Talmud:

Matthew 23:15

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert [to Judaism], and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are!”


Then we read this in Genesis: (3:8-10)
“”8. The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. 9. But Yahweh God called to the man. ‘Where are you?‘ he asked.

10. ‘I heard the sound of you in the garden,’ he replied. ‘I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.'”
This is clearly not the Creator of the universe (a “multiverse,” actually, with many dimensions, or as Jesus said, “many mansions”), but an actual being 1) physically walking along, making moving noises with his feet; 2) doing so when it is cool out (in ancient Iraq, location of Eden), and 3) and asking the dude, Adam, where he is.

LOL! Some “Creator-of-the-Universe” this god is!

“Yo! Adam! Where you at?” 😉

And now verse 3:22:

“Then Yahweh God said, ‘Now that the man has become like one of us [“us”? as in plural? What happened to the vaunted “monotheism,” the belief there is only one God? The early Jews, in fact, were not at all “monotheists,” just monolaters — worshiping one god, theirs, while, by contrast, Greeks and Romans worshiped a whole pantheon (Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Ares, etc., and Egyptians had many gods, too).
The Hebrews believed correctly that many “gods” existed (powerful beings who, by eating certain substances at regular intervals, became somewhat “immortal”), simply maintaining that their demon, Yahweh, was the best god for getting what they lusted after.
If the Hebrews complied with his commands, and worhsiped only him, they would be

1) rich,
2) powerful,
3) get lots of slaves,
4) have lots of sex with multiple wives and female slaves, and
5) wreak horrible vengeance on their enemies, like sawing people in half (“asunder” in the King James Bible).


So Yahweh goes on, talking clearly to another god: “[Adam] will know good from evil [agreeing thus with the serpent!!!!!! agreeing with Satan, incarnate appropriately as a snake!!!!], he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live for ever!'”

So immortality comes from consuming a certain physical substance on this tree, which is exactly what the Greek gods did as well, drinking “nectar” and eating “ambrosia”!

What all this is about (with both Yahweh and Zeus) is evil, transdimensional, alien beings being tyrants over surface-earthling humans, showing by a hundred misdeeds that they were not in any way, shape or form the loving God that Jesus taught and worshipped, and called “Our Father”!

Any god who want to keep his human creatures ignorant, fearful and mortal (doomed to die, unlike them) is not the Christian “God-is-love” deity!


……Joseph Farrell’s fascinating book

Oxford PhD Joseph Farrell has written a masterpiece here about Yahweh as a real, horrible and extremely tall alien; his demonic worshippers, the Jews; and their conquest of the world via usury (money-lending at interest, then seizing real assets when debtors default — which the Jews often want to happen).

And I really have to smile, because it is a totally antisemitic book — but strictly between the lines. Not one sentence is antisemitic on the surface.  😉



……Rabbi Laitman: “We Jews are aliens, sent here to enslave these earthlings”

…..You really have to read this whole thing


While it made me an outcast back in 2011, every word is true, and now even the US Navy releases UFO videos, and aging Apollo astronauts, losing their fear on their deathbed, have said that aliens do exist: ‘we saw their craft both going to the moon and then on it.’


……New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s



…..UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet



To put it in a nutshell, two vast empires are fighting each other across our galaxy, and specifically on this earth:

— a nordic-led confederation of many kinds of humans and non-humn but humanoid allies


–a ruthless reptilian empire that created the Jews and sent them out to go amongst other humans — and betray them.

This cartoon is humorous, but also spot-on, with the White American as the essential tool in the Jew conquest of the world for THEIR masters:

This honest Jews and whistleblower, who recently passed on, said a mouthful here:


  1. Why do you gays even need a “pride” month? If gays want to be treated like normal people, then act like normal people. Heterosexuals don’t have their own flag or marches.
    Even if we did, we wouldn’t use them for the simple reason we heterosexuals don’t have to advertise our actions. We don’t let our egos direct us. Your sexuality should be private. Nobody cares what queers stick up their arseholes.
    As for the main religions, all were written by men long after the events — written to control people. All are written in blood. Nobody has seen, spoken to, or heard their Gods or prophets. All main religions are into profits, not prophets!

  2. Also in Coeur d’Alene, ID – a U-Haul van full of likely feds masquerading as “white supremacists” in a group called “Patriot Front” pulled over by cops, unmasked, doxxed on their way to protest (incite violence) at a “Gay Pride” event:

    This is pretty convenient for Biden and the Left’s propaganda that all white people are “evil racists.” I’ll bet there are more FBI informants in that group than actual members. Note the matching khaki pants, blue shirts or hoodies, and white hoods on all of them. This is why one should never join any of these types of “white supremacist” groups – they have all been heavily infiltrated by the feds.

  3. Justin Bieber suffers a common COVID-19 vax injury (facial paralysis), but lamestream media claims it was caused by a chickenpox virus. I had read about this story on the lamestream media a few days ago, but had forgotten that Bieber’s 25-year old wife, also vaxxed, suffered a stroke due to a blood clot in her brain. Healthy 25-year olds suffering strokes – happens all the time, right? Bieber must be really stupid to not realize that the vax caused both his and his wife’s injuries:

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