….An Aussie writes and gives yet again.
….A Finn asks me “when”?
When are you going to start your religious movement, John? You have been writing the last six months you will start it “soon” — but when? When is the deadline for its release?
I’m a 65-year-old Finn, a retired journalist, no wife, no kids, but plenty of time at my disposal, but also the three major newspapers that I worked with for 32 years payed me well. (I was working for the foreign news department.)
And probably the money I was able to save I wont be able to spend in my lifetime. I would definitely support such a religious movement financially every month should one actually appear. My religious background is in vanhoillislestadiolaisuus. You should check it out.
I replied:
You ask very good questions, and with Finnish-Old Lutheran bluntness. 🙂 (This area here is full of Finlanders, as we call them, good Americans of Finnish descent.)
I know from my last life that the masses remain utterly inert — completely immovable– until “their backs are to the wall.”
1932 was such a year, Year Three of the Great Depression.
We got 37% of the vote in mid-1932, though just four years earlier, under conditions of relative economic prosperity, German voters slapped us with a microscopic 2.6%!
I WAS PREACHING THE SAME THINGS IN 1932 AS IN 1922 — BUT between Great Depression-era hunger and the fear of mass-murdering bolshevism (next door in the Soviet Union) IT WAS THE PEOPLE WHO HAD CHANGED, driven by despair.
2022 likewise. I have needed white people to become literally 1) poor and 2) terrified.
And now, finally, we are again at that stage when it is “wake up or die.”
Also favorable now is that the old, imported, Near Eastern religion, “Saulianity,” is moribund, just customs and holidays, it is no longer able to quash a vibrant new faith.
On a vital personal note, when my wife’s cancer returned in January — very suspiciously — I was faced with oncologists here in the sparsely populated UP, and other MDs, of a leftist, jewish, gay or Chinese background… in a 98% white, gentile, hetero and even Nordic region!
There are exactly two hospitals we can use in this entire, huge region.
Our dread has been deliberate neglect or worse by these non-white or libtard doctors, and a silent wish to see her die –if they knew who she and I are.
Starting my religion is a guarantee that they will find out.
(photos taken literally right now)
So we are doing massive expenses right now, out of pocket, to keep her alive with alternative medicine. ….Not just because I love her and she me, or because she loves life, or because she is also a fierce comrade, but for vital financial reasons which I would be a fool to fully divulge.
I need Margi to survive for many reasons. A slowly dying wife is also a huge problem for someone starting a worldwide movement
Should I then run around the world “preaching hate” and just letting her “kick the bucket”? The jews would love it if I took a callous view of her fate, especially in view of the lies of your countryman, Henrik Holappa, claiming infamously that I was a wfe-beating monster in order to save his own neck in 2009 from the Finnish political police, SUPO.
The religion was actually ready in 2003, 19 years ago, when I wrote Trauma and Therapy of Nations, a title which women especially like, and women are vital for a religion.
This faith, however, took its final form in my head in 2017 after reading two superb books by Eckhart Tolle.
But it must take off like a rocket from Day One, because the enemy will instantly mobilize every asset he has against it and me:
— legal/”lawfare”/courts
— media,
— political,
— federal (and local) police,
— tax officials,
— financial and even
— military.
The Buddha and Mohammed died at a ripe old age, having succeeded in 1) starting something very, very big and 2) passing their doctrines down to trained senior disciples.
But Jesus died so very young (and in a horrific way) — and then a jew named Saul “came along” to take over his religion — bereft of its charismatic and fearless founder and leader — to make it into the exact opposite of what He intended.
I could go off half-cocked, comrade, and then end up just like that man, and then wage against the awesome forces of jewry, with its orcs and white traitors, a heroic Winter War, a Continuation War, and finally a ghastly Brother War with a bitterly disappointing outcome.
But our race has just one last chance.
“Timing is everything” — true with a woman and also true with the masses. 😉
Unfortunately, the majority of people only change during crises.
The commentator “Black Pete” once said that a too comprehensive book by a (relatively) unknown author would rather not be read. And so it is! An introductory reading that makes people aware of the essential cosmic principles will arouse interest in the author: “What does the author have to say about X and Y?”, etc. Then everything will go through the search function on Johndenugent.com and will require appropriate server capacity. Countless articles and contributions illuminate all the essential aspects of life. Johndenugent.com is read worldwide(!) by people in leading positions, but the reading circle/audience is relatively “elitist”, whereby “elitist” refers to critical minds of all population groups (decision-makers, employees, workers, housewives, etc.), the “awakened” 3.5 percent, or something like that.
The new initial image of man, the new self-understanding will not be a central religion to which all people bow. When the reawakening of man around his spiritual origins begins, then this will result in an unprecedented hunger for knowledge, thirst for knowledge around his origins and around the cosmic laws. Like a plant blowing up an asphalt surface.
The John de Nugent Material and other treasures are waiting to be discovered by the masses. When the time will be ripe, it will be turbulent. The old ruling structures are now gradually crumbling, rearing their heads one last time, the new self-image not yet internalized. The old belief systems are crumbling and the new basic assumptions have not yet reached the people. When the time comes, the John de Nugent Material will be present at the very front of the world stage. Refrigerators are still relatively full, water and electricity are still flowing, and the television provides distraction. The death wave, however, is becoming more and more dramatic …
The consciousness raising of the masses cannot be forced. It goes only the other way around, the masses must long deeply for knowledge about their origins. Then everything will start rolling relatively fast, then the time will be ripe to present a basic reading. This will then be like a surging wave of energy that inspires and stimulates to publish the right basic reading at the right time.
Amen. 🙂
In German:
Wenn die Zeit reif sein wird
Leider ändert sich die Mehrheit der Menschen erst während Krisen.
Der Kommentator “Black Pete” meinte mal sinngemäß, daß ein zu umfangreiches Buch von einem (relativ) unbekannten Autor eher nicht gelesen würde. Und so ist es! Eine Einstiegslektüre, die die wesentlichen kosmischen Prinzipien bewußt macht, wird das Interesse am Autor wecken: “Was hat der Autor zum Thema X und Y zu sagen?”, usw. Dann wird alles über die Suchfunktion auf Johndenugent.com laufen und entsprechende Serverkapazitäten voraussetzen. Unzählige Artikel und Beiträge beleuchten alle wesentlichen Aspekte des Lebens. Johndenugent.com wird zwar weltweit(!) von Menschen in führenden Positionen gelesen, der Lesezirkel/das Publikum ist jedoch relativ “elitär”, wobei sich”elitär” auf kritische Geister aller Bevölkerungsgruppen bezieht (Entscheidungsträger, Angestellte, Arbeiter, Hausfrauen usw.), die “Erwachten” 3,5 Prozent halt, oder so ähnlich.
Das neue Ausgangsbild des Menschen, das neue Selbstverständnis wird keine zentrale Religion sein, der sich alle Menschen beugen. Wenn die Wiederbewußtwerdung des Menschen um seine spirituellen Ursprünge beginnt, dann wird das einen nie dagewesenen Wissenshunger, Wissensdrang um seine Ursprünge und um die kosmischen Gesetze zur Folge haben. Wie eine Pflanze, die eine Asphaltdecke sprengt.
Das John-de-Nugent-Material und andere Schätze warten auf die Entdeckung der Massen. Wenn die Zeit reif sein wird, wird es turbulent zugehen. Die alten Herrschaftsstrukturen zerfallen nun schrittweise, bäumen sich noch ein letztes Mal auf, das neue Selbstbild ist noch nicht verinnerlicht. Die alten Glaubenssysteme zerfallen und die neuen Grundannahmen sind noch nicht angekommen bei den Menschen. Wenn der Zeitpunkt kommt, wird das John-de-Nugent-Material ganz vorne auf der Weltenbühne präsent sein. Noch sind die Kühlschränke relativ voll, noch fließen Wasser und Strom und der Fernseher bietet Ablenkung. Die Sterbewelle wird jedoch immer dramatischer …
Die Bewußtwerdung der Massen kann man nicht erzwingen. Es geht nur andersherum, die Massen müssen sich zutiefst nach Wissen um ihre Ursprünge sehnen. Dann kommt alles relativ schnell ins rollen, dann wird der Zeitpunkt reif sein, eine Basislektüre zu präsentieren. Das wird dann wie eine wogende Energiewelle sein, die dazu inspiriert und stimuliert, zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die richtige Basislektüre zu veröffentlichen.
Amen. 🙂
EN Thank you as always for encouraging praise and your insights.
DE Vielen Dank Wie immer fūr Ermunterung und Lob, auch für Ihre eigenen Einsichten.
EN We must not forget that the superpowers China and Russia have a vital national interest in the transformation of America into a peaceful nation that respects the rights of all races and peoples.
DE Wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass die Supermächte China und Russland ein vitales nationales Interesse an der Umwandlung Amerikas in eine friedliche Nation haben, die die Rechte aller Rassen und Völker achtet.
EN America and George Washington won because powerful foreigners wanted them to win.
DE Amerika und George Washington siegten deswegen, weil es mächtige Ausländer so wollten.
EN We offer the masses land, peace and bread. Their enemy offers slavery and death
DE Wire bieten den Massen Land, Frieden und Brot. Deren Feind bietet nur Sklaverei und Tod.
EN Salvation comes through social nationism, NS 2.0!
DE Das Heil kommt vom sozialen Nationismus, N.S. 2,0!