Pot pourri; the movie we need

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A comrade sent me the following remarks and news items:


Thanks for all your work to wake up people so as to face reality.

USA : truckers run out of fuel
This is engineering (((communism))) : create critical supply shortages in order to create chaos. Violence will then inevitably break out and create the justification for (((them))) to clamp down hard in order to curtail the problem they themselves created.
https://gab.com/White__Rabbit/posts/108444955611551978 50sec video

Tensions in the Azov Sea, Black Sea and now in the Baltic…


I’ve just finish to read a book about George Lincoln Rockwell, John. What a man!

And it was a jewish lawyer who defended him to get out of jail. More amazingly, this (((Leonard Holstein))) was in charge of the California American Nazi Party!

Rockwell even made a speech in front of the Nation of Islam with Malcom X and received a decent welcome!

So sad our side doesn’t have the cinematographic financial means to make a movie about him to impress the masses!

There are only two pages at the end of this book about his end.
And it’s strange. There was an attempt to kill him two months before. He couldn’t see the shooter, but he told William Pierce he recognized [the expelled ex-member] John Patler. And he went to the laundry without any bodyguard?


  1. The biggest threat to White people are politicians who knowingly seek to ethnically cleanse white people via the Kalergi plan.

  2. A number of years ago, Ralph Forbes, a lieutenant of GLR, produced a cassette tape recording about him and his struggle. It was heroic and very inspiring. I wish I still had a copy.

    • Thanks. I knew RaLph.

      He said to me that he once heard Bill Clinton say on a small campaign stop in a town in Arkansas:

      “I’ll always have a career in politics because they have so much dirt on me. They LOVE me.”

      When he was running for lieutenant-governor of Arkansas, he lived literally on McDonalds, because it was cheap, he told me, and he got a heart condition out of it.

    • Thanks, comrade, but ahh, you may be forgetting the ways Joseph Biden Jr is absolutely perfect for the job:

      He is a psychopath, a rapist, a congenital liar, a pedophile, and he instantly obeys even the most absurd order to the letter.

      If the goal is to collapse the economy and thus justify total gun bans, a Great Reset, a cashless society, mandatory universal vaccination and biochipping (and remember, in the new golden age “we will own nothing and be happy” — an actual phrase from Klaus Schwab), then this man is is the ideal president.

      When the CIA in 1967 began spewing its catch phrase “conspiracy theory” (to counter in the presstitute media of that time all the 80% of Americans who rightly doubted the Warren Commission for blaming the innocent Oswald for the Kennedy murder), they were thereby slandering two perfectly good concepts:

      1) conspiracies and 2) theories.

      Under law, there are the very real crimes of conspiracy to sell drugs, to murder, to traffic children, to defraud, etc.

      And all research and development of the new products and technologies we enjoy begin with scientific theories that become practical products and realities. The laser started out as a theory — and now every store checkout counter uses them on bar codes.

      Most of all, if a theory, however farfetched it may seem, fully explains a puzzling phenomenon, then it is true.

      Here is the puzzling phenomenon:

      The top deciders in the Democrat Party, in the spring of 2020, force all other Demoncrat candidates for president, including the charismatic, intelligent POC and female Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who took many popular positions and who, IMO, could have beaten Trump, to give up their candidacies, leaving Biden as the only possible nominee.and why? It was BECAUSE he is stupid, BECAUSE he is senile and BECAUSE he is incompetent and an vert crook.

      When (and not IF) the economy crashes and people are starving, then the tall, blue-eyed, aging white male Biden, not the jews, will be the hate object and the ideal fall guy — not Schwab, Bloomberg, Soros,Rockefeller or Rothschild.

      Ideal scenario: “white supremacists” with guns (all FBI/MK-ULTRA) assassinate the nasty old turkey, and then they do the big gun crackdown they always wanted, using red flag or other laws.

      Then, once the possibility of armed resistance is eliminated, they proceed with the full nightmare.

      So Biden is actually perfect — for the nightmare world envisaged by the Big Jews.

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