ENGLISH NBA champ Lakers fall to white Spanish team; New Hampshire government seizes baby because parent is Oathkeeper online supporter

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From NBC Sports:


Could Barcelona hang in the NBA?

Kurt Helin

Oct 8, 2010, 10:17 AM

Barcelona, the defending champions of EuroLeague, just knocked off the two-time defending NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers Thursday.

Europe’s best beat the NBA’s best 92-88. They did it on a night the Lakers starters got some real run — Lamar Odom played 41 minutes, Pau Gasol 36 and Kobe Bryant 25. Barcelona did it by holding the Lakers to 34 percent shooting and LA was 0-for-14 from beyond the arc.

Kobe Bryant under stress from pasty-faced Barcelona white boys



Farmington, Conn. (AP) – A producer at ESPN, Neil Goldberg, has been arrested on public indecency charges after a complaint about a peeping Tom in a Farmington apartment complex.

But when it is a Jew, it ain’t no ordinary Peeping Tom…..it’s a member, ahem,…. of the Chosen People.

A young Arab asks his father: – What is this weird hat that we are wearing?-

– Why, it’s a “chechia” because in the desert it protects our heads from the sun!-

– And what is this type of clothing that we are wearing?

– It’s a “djbellah” because in the desert it is very hot and it protects your body!

– And these shoes that we have on our feet?

These are “babouches“, which keep us from burning our feet when in the desert!

– Tell me, papa?

– Yes, my clever son?

– Why are we living in Winnipeg?


From: Henrik Holappa

Today it is now exactly two years from when I applied for political asylum in the United States of America, 9th October, 2008.

Time flies, indeed!

All the best,

I replied:

* * *

Yes, two years since that day Margi and I shelled out $2000 for a special immigration lawyer, filled out forms for days, made several trips to the Burgh, and what it did was this:

It indirectly enticed the stupid Jews into arresting you in one of the worst outrages ever.

….since you had applied VERY LEGALLY, CORRECTLY AND RESPECTFULLY for asylum, you really were in fear of three indictments in Finland, and the country is now so very outraged (much more than two years ago, when you were here in 2008) that 40 million illegal Mexicans are here taking our jobs, selling drugs, jabbering in their awful version of Spanish, a white European language, and raping our and their women.

This huge turning of the tide is why Arizona is now supported by the whole country, and why their big hate-whitey movie “Machete” totally flopped at the movie theaters.

Sympathy for illegal aliens is now at zero.

And you, on the other hand, were a fighter against rapists and for the honor of white women……and you applied legally and correctly to stay in America, land of the free…… We know; we were there.

Arresting you and then 86 days they kept you in solitary with no books or magazines in a windowless cell was a mistake on the level of the Jews foolishly imprisoning Vincent Reynouard, the married father of eight sweet blond and red-head kids.

I wrote several times to Robert Faurisson’s sister that the French Jews might be actually too smart to arrest him. (The Belgian Jews, much smarter, decided just to give him an electronic bracelet for three months and keep him at home, except to pick up his kids at school…)

I opined though that the Jew president of France, Sarkozy, was in fact stupid and arrogant enough to order his arrest. 😉

All psychopaths, after all, are driven by a deep compulsion to throw their weight around and flaunt their sadistic power over the victim.

They live to do these outrageous acts and they gloat over their tyrannical power.

And then the rage builds. And builds, and builds.

And then, like the Finns (your people) rising in outrage and beating even the mighty Swedish Vikings and burning their capital, the “big tough guys” fall.

Of course, the Henrik Holappa and Vincent Reynouard cases ONLY hurt the enemy and become a PR disaster with the masses AFTER my movement starts.

Your and Vincent’s names must still become household words to Americans and show the horror of the ludicrously misnamed “hate speech” laws..unconstitutional laws designed by haters to oppress those who object to minority acts of hate.




Couple who took part in Oath Keepers online discussion forum have child snatched in shocking new level of police state persecution

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, October 8, 2010


A newborn baby was ripped from its mother’s arms by officials from the New Hampshire Division of Family Child Services accompanied by police last night after authorities cited the parents’ association with the Oath Keepers organization as one of the primary reasons for the snatch, heralding a shocking new level of persecution where Americans’ political beliefs are now being used by the state to kidnap children.

What was supposed to be one of the most joyous occasions of their lives turned into a nightmare for John Irish and Stephanie Janvrin, after they were told by The Director of Security and the Head Nurse at Concord Hospital that their baby would be taken to be checked by the hospital pediatrician.

“They lied to us – they got us to allow them to take our daughter under false pretenses, we didn’t even have a choice,” said Irish.

When Irish tried to stop his daughter being taken, the baby was immediately wheeled out in a bassinet, after which Irish saw three men in suits accompanied by uniformed police officers as well as detectives and social workers. who proceeded to try to search Irish.

“They forced me to stand up, held my hands behind my back and patted me down,” said Irish, before police told him they were taking the baby.

“My fiancé didn’t even get any time to bond with the baby – they came in and stole our child,” said Irish. The parents were given a couple of minutes with their daughter before being forced by police to leave the hospital. Irish was subsequently told that a “security officer” would follow his every move.

The affidavit in support of the decision to take the child, which has been verified by Oath Keepers, states, “The Division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Irish associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers,” confirming that political beliefs were, amongst other reasons, one of the primary factors behind the snatching of the baby.

Even if the additional reasons cited in the affidavit, which are unproven at this time, could be considered sufficient reason for the state to take the baby, the fact that political affiliations were even mentioned is a frightening indictment of how far the government’s war on Americans who dissent against authority has advanced.

“Regardless of the other allegations, it is utterly unconstitutional for government agencies to list Mr. Irish’s association with Oath Keepers in an affidavit in support of a child abuse order to remove his daughter from his custody.” writes Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. “Talk about chilling speech! If this is allowed to continue, it will chill the speech of not just Mr. Irish, but all Oath Keepers and it will serve as the camel under the tent for other associations being considered too risky for parents to dare. Thus, it serves to chill the speech of all of us, in any group we belong to that “officials” may not approve of. Don’t you dare associate with such and such group, or you could be on “the list” and then child protective services might come take your kids.”

The parents were not even full members of the Oath Keepers organization, they were merely on a discussion list related to the group. This makes the case even more shocking – you don’t even have to be directly associated with a group that the government deems to be a “militia” to have your baby stolen – you merely have to be involved in online discussions of issues relating to the constitution and freedom in America.

Irish’s own web page clearly states that he supports a “NON-violent, law abiding gathering of like minded Patriots,” and that he is “AGAINST ANY acts of violence or illegal activity.”

“The Sons of Liberty Riders does not endorse or tolerate radical, extreme, violent or racial postings,” states the website.

The Oath Keepers organization is not a “militia,” as the affidavit claims, it is merely a loose network of current and former military and law enforcement professionalswho have sworn not to obey unconstitutional orders such as gun confiscation, warrantless searches and mass internment of Americans. The group is committed to non-violence.

If this case is allowed to stand it opens up a hellish future for free speech and political discourse in America. If parents live in fear of having their children stolen by the state because they criticize the government, the United States can rank itself amongst the worst dictatorships in history who invoked the threat of taking people’s children if they spoke out against tyranny.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes has announced that a legal defense fund will be created to help Irish, and that the organization, “will actively pursue aggressive legal remedy and redress.”

“We will assist in locating competent local legal counsel in New Hampshire and additional expert legal counsel from around the country in First Amendment and child custody law,” wrote Stewart on the Oath Keepers website.

“There can be no freedom of speech, no freedom of association, no freedom to even open your mouth and “speak truth to power,” no freedom AT ALL, if your children can be black bagged and stolen from you because of your political speech and associations — because you simply dare to express your love of country, and dare to express your solidarity and fellowship with other citizens and with active duty and retired military and police who simply pledge to honor their oath and obey the Constitution. It was to prevent just such outrageous content based persecution of political dissidents that our First Amendment was written.”

Watch the video below in which John Irish describes what happened.


We join with the Oath Keepers organization in asking people to flood the relevant organizations with calls and emails demanding the release of the baby. Please be polite.

Contact New Hampshire DCWY

Telephone (603) 271-4711
Toll Free Number (800) 852-3345
Fax Number (603) 271-4729

Email: Click here to email.

Contact Concord Hospital

(603) 225-2711
Toll Free Instate: (800) 327-0464

Email: Click here to email.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and “Coast to Coast AM,” America’s most listened-to late night talk show.

==========JOHN KEATS’ “ODE TO AUTUMN” (1819)

Autumn seems to have changed little since then. 😉

Except we Americans call it ‘fall.’ ‘Cuz leaves fall. 😉

ODE TO AUTUMN, by John Keats

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