Friendly, beautiful white Portugal, super-vaxxed, has the most Covid in Europe; get ready for the NEW Cohenavirus panic and BOOSTERMANIA

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  1. There is no Covid-19 virus. This is the linchpin of the entire scamdemic.
    It is just the normal, regular old seasonal flu. So, there are no cures,
    no variants, no deaths, no hospitalization stats, and no infection rates
    for a virus that doesn’t exist. Why doesn’t Jordan understand this obvious fact?

    • I thought this initially and so did Andrew Anglin and many others.

      Now I am not so sure. I never had the flu in my entire life but I contracted Covid (or whatever it is) in January and was dead-tired and in bed for four days.

      Others not only had this symptom but also lost their sense of taste and smell for months.

      There is a school of thought that says it was a bioweapon (but not a very effective one for depopulation) and we all know the Russians found many US bioweapons labs in Jewkraine.

      I get the idea that it was a bioweapon that petered out, so the vaxx came along as well to achieve depopulation….. genocide.

      • I’m in the same boat. I got it a month before it was even supposed to be in this country. I told my wife that it was the strangest bug I ever had and that “it felt like a bioweapon.” I still managed to convince myself that it was just the flu rebranded and then my wife got it last year and immediately afterward my healthy, skinny, unvaxed wife inexplicably developed type 1 diabetes. Now I’m thinknig it’s a weapon of some kind either bio or chemical and honestly I’m a little worried that maybe the hypervigilant Chinese response could possibly be due to their knowing something that we do not. It’s weird, a lot of the adverse hackcine effects (like Diabetes for example) are very similar to the long term “Covid” effects so they’re probably doing the same thing.

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