Pentagon opens new UFO office as “national security” is threatened

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Pentagon Creates New Office to Investigate UFOs That Stray Too Close to US Military Facilities

UFO - Sputnik International, 1920, 21.07.2022
A spokesperson for the Pentagon reportedly said that the US military takes incursions into “special use spaces” by any object seriously, identified or otherwise.
The US military has established a new office called the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in an effort to further investigate the nature of so-called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), as UFOs are often referred to nowadays.
According to Newsweek, the creation of the new office was announced by the Pentagon earlier this week, following the amendment of a previous directive to establish the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG).
“The original name (AOIMSG) and mission did not include the expanded scope of the organization outlined in Section 1683 of fiscal 2022 NDAA,” Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough told the magazine. “We feel that the new name, AARO, better reflects the expanded scope and mission of the office – which includes anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged and transmedium objects.”
She pointed out that the US military takes incursions into “special use spaces” by any object, identified or not, very seriously and investigates each such instance.
“Safety of our personnel and security of our operations are of paramount concern,” she said. “We have always been concerned that incursions by unidentified aerial or anomalous phenomena could potentially pose a threat to US national security.”
The Pentagon also announced that the mission of the new office will be to “synchronize efforts across the Department of Defense, and with other US federal departments and agencies, to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in, on or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace and other areas of interest, and, as necessary, to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations and national security.”

…. a comrade and I posted these comments

  • Ancient galaxy imaged:

    It’s 13.5 billion years old, and of course, is full of stars (suns), many like our own sun, and planets, many like our own Earth. There are between 100 – 400 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, and likely a similar number in this 13.5 billion year-old galaxy.

    Given that the distant galaxy imaged is 13.5 billion years old, and that its light took 13.5 billion years to reach Earth, many, if not all, of its stars have probably long since burned out, but the thought occurred to me – assuming that life arose on at least one of the Earth-like planets in that galaxy, and evolved at a similar pace as life did here on Earth, what would the “alpha” species on such a world be like, assuming they didn’t destroy themselves first? They would likely appear like gods to us, with technologies and abilities that we would scarcely be able to comprehend. Maybe they are responsible for many of the “supernatural” phenomena that humans regularly report.

    • Thanks.

      Peaceful and cooperative humans, who by definition would be immune to divide-and-conquer messaging, would pour their talents and money into health, infrastructure, education and the fine arts. World wars would not devastate the buildings built up over centuries. Progress in all areas would be constant and life-spans measured in centuries.

      Earth is unnecessarily an ongoing hell.

  • Pentagon renames UFO office to include “transmedium” objects:

    I’m still trying to figure out what is going on with the UFO phenomenon. What are UFOs and who is controlling them? Are they simply top-secret U.S. anti-gravity craft, “Fourth Reich” UFOs, alien craft, other-dimensional phenomena, demons, angels?

    Some of the UFO cases are truly bizarre and scary, and point to some type of inter-dimensional phenomena or demons rather than solid physical objects and beings. I once spoke to a MUFON investigator who mentioned a recent UFO case where someone sighted a UFO, and later saw a black “orb” the size of a basketball floating around in his basement, as if it was scoping out his house.

    Other UFO cases are bizarre but not necessarily scary, like the Russian cosmonauts who reported seeing huge “angels” floating outside their spacecraft.

    Then there are all the alien abduction cases, where people report small aliens with huge black bug-eyes doing tests on them, etc. Are these real beings, or something else? The CIA is reported to have faked UFO abductions for unknown purposes, in Brazil, I believe.

    In my opinion, the UFO phenomenon is the most important thing happening on Earth today, and it’s imperative that we figure out what they are, and who is controlling them.

    • Yes, and I realized this in 2010. But when I wrote this, I lost half my readers and two webmasters. 😉

      As the French would say, I was “guilty of being right too soon.” 😉

      Earth is being interfered with on a massive scale, by both benevolent and malevolent beings.

      • A more detailed article on the Pentagon’s renaming of the UFO office. It seems the Pentagon is worried about UFO incursions at military facilities, which in my mind gives credence to the “Fourth Reich” UFO theory. Why would highly advanced aliens capable of interstellar space travel need to reconnoiter U.S. military bases? They would likely have weapons that could destroy the entire Earth, and don’t live here, so why would they care about the latest U.S. jet fighters, missiles, or hydrogen bombs?

        • Thanks.

          However, it is not correct to assert with any certainty that aliens do NOT live here. They live IN planets, including earth.

          And they may view the Fourth Reich as merely “better than the other earthlings.”

          The powerful novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton called “Vril” is very much worth reading. Any reader is bound to get a weird feeling that the author was merely cloaking the truth in the form of a novel. It somehow rings true, as NOT fictional or a fantasy at all, in a strange kind of way that creeps up on the reader, and is quite scary.

          The basic ideas is that an advanced race lives down IN the earth and might just emerge and wipe us out — in disgust.

          The key idea to retain is that as long as the insane earthlings indulged in killing each other only with spears and bullets, the more advanced races could shrug it off, in sort of the way white nationalists shrug off headlines like “seven [negroes] killed [each other] over the weekend in Chicago.” 😉

          But in the age of nuclear weapons earthlings endanger other species living in, IN this and in, IN other planets.

          I came to the conclusion years ago that we earth whites are the degenerate branch of a very noble ARYAN race, its black sheep.

          So the other whites uniting against the Third Reich 1939-45 was in a way predictable and “normal.”

          Normal here is chaos, atrocities and horrors. it is the perfect planet for jews to conquer, because people here are morally insane.

          Earthlings are a rare minority of schizophrenic humans who lie to themselves on a daily basis about matters both large and small.

  • NASA “goes back” to the Moon beginning this August (even though the Apollo missions were all hoaxed with the help of film-maker Stanley Kubrick):

    From the above article:

    “Fifty-three years after the historic landing of Apollo 11 in 1969, the new mission to orbit the moon is tentatively set to begin on Aug. 29, according to agency officials.

    Artemis I will be an uncrewed test-launch with a newly developed spacecraft, Orion, to determine if it’s time to send a human crew to the moon next year.”

    Mark my words – either some major catastrophic event will happen (which NASA already knows about) to cancel the manned mission next year, or NASA will fake it again, using modern CGI technology.

    Why do I believe this? Because NASA still hasn’t figured out a way to protect the astronauts from deadly deep-space solar and cosmic radiation once they are outside the Earth’s protective magnetosphere, which extends out about 1000 miles from Earth’s surface. And NASA has publicly admitted this in numerous articles.

    Even astronauts on the highest-flying space shuttle mission, to service the Hubble space telescope orbiting at about 400 miles up, reported seeing constant retinal flashes from deep-space cosmic rays passing through the shuttle’s hull, their helmets, and their skulls, and hitting their optic nerves. Once past 1000 miles and outside the Earth’s protective magnetosphere, the effects would be much worse, and NASA knows this.

    NASA could fake it again using modern CGI technology, but people in 2022 are a lot more tech-savvy and much less naive than they were in 1969, and also much less trusting of the government, so there would be a lot more public scrutiny of any supposed NASA manned mission to the Moon.

    That is why I believe NASA won’t risk faking it again, and it makes me wonder what type of catastrophe will happen between now and 2023 to give NASA the excuse to cancel this planned manned mission to the Moon. WWIII?

  • Another thought just occurred to me. My previous comment about NASA’s planned manned Moon mission in 2023 was based on the idea that NASA’s Masonic leadership would actually care about the health and well-being of its astronauts, and in the case of the Apollo astro-NOTS, who were all Masons, that was true. The Apollo astro-NOTS were not sacrificed because they were Masons, like NASA’s leadership.

    But if the astronauts on this planned Moon mission in 2023 are non-Masons, NASA’s Masonic leadership may have decided to simply sacrifice them, and let them slowly die of radiation poisoning upon their return to Earth, then blame their deaths on COVID-19 or some other nonsense. In fact, knowing how evil our government is, this may be the most likely scenario. I would not want to be an astronaut on this planned Moon mission in 2023.



  1. I’d like to hear some stories about the beeple inside the earth. I’ve heard of fairytales about it, but I’ve never met someone who actually believed that. Most people I heard that from were flat earth people, and they are a group almost entirely devoid of proof. But to hear from an honest person about inner earth beeple, and why they believe what they believe. I feel like that’d be interesting.

  2. Aliens invading the Earth will be the next part of the great reset. Scarier than CoVid lockdown hoax. The last nail in the coffin of freedom long lost.

  3. Unrelated to the above, but… Brad Pitt is bisexual, which is a nice way of saying that he’s a closet homo:

    Here’s an old photo of Pitt being hugged possessively around the neck by some Jewy-looking character:

    Brad Pitt was the star of the movie “Fight Club,” which is Andrew Anglin’s favorite movie – he has mentioned it probably hundreds of times. That, in combination with his obvious hatred of women, and the fact that he used to wear pants that were more like skirts in high school, makes me wonder about him.

    Andrew Anglin with his high school girlfriend. Note the “pants” he’s wearing:×2069/350×327/media/img/posts/2017/11/AnglinAndGirlfriend/original.jpg

  4. Secret Science and the Secret Space Program

    The Covert Colonization of Our Solar System

    I don’t agree with everything in these books. On the whole though, very informative books.

      • @velhal Can you say that with 100% certainty? That may be true. I don’t know. Personally, I’ve never been convinced of many of Corey Goode’s claims but some things he says I do believe.

        What I find really interesting in those books I posted links to is the scalar physics that he talks about. Really fascinating stuff. Scalar Waves can cure all human illnesses. Really worth learning about.

        Many of the things that Dorsey talk about in those books resemble very closely to episodes of Star Trek TNG that I watched as a kid. Science Faction. If they’re putting it in tv or movies, they most likely already have the technology. Those books aren’t expensive. Give them a read.

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