As many readers and supporters have correctly surmised, my blogging has nearly halted because of Margaret’s increasingly ominous cancer struggle. Even emails thanking generous and loyal donors, to my vey great regret, have fallen by the wayside.
But the other reason was completing my book.
The book to start a powerful new Aryan warrior religion.
What is all this mere blogging about anyway that I and others have done for years?
“Hey, guys, guess how the Jews shat on us today?”
I agree with Count Otto von Bismarck: “My goal is not to write history but to make it.”
The book is now complete and on a flashdrive on my keychain. On my person at all times.
As for Margi, guess what? We got married. 🙂
It was the least I could do. The most I could do is what I am doing now, literally 20 hours a day, seven days a week, of being a cancer caretaker who is on call for her all the time.
(My workday yesterday ended at 11 pm. I was up again at 2 am and was with Margi in the ER, who was straining to breathe. She got azithromycin, prednisone and an inhaler, Albuterol. I then got in a 90-minute snooze at 7: 15 am, and have been at it again since 8:45 am. It will probably be another 20-hour day.)
And I am very suspicious about her sudden health crises.
Remember all those American biolabs the Russians found in Jewkraine?
Remember Ft Detrick, Maryland?
It was the US and Fauci that created Covid, too, via an infamous “gain of function,” and blamed it on, and released it in Wuhan, China.
And we have no guard at the house to protect our food, doorknobs and other household surfaces that people touch frequently from poisons when we are gone for days, weeks or, in 2019, months on end battling this horrid cancer.
In 2008-2011 I had up to seven people living at my house in Sarver, Pennsylvania, and the car was garaged, California-style, in a garage located under the kitchen, in the house structure.
No one could just waltz in and poison our food, or tamper with the car, unlike what happened to a bottle of milk that Mel Gibson’s character drank in the final part of his jew-free conspiracy masterpiece “Edge of Darkness.”
It was laced with a radioactive substance and (spoiler alert) Gibson’s character dies of the poison in the final scene. Btw, all the thugs in that movie look jewish. (Gibson was in the Hollywood doghouse when he did this extraordinary movie.)
Paartly we have no human security at home because Ontonagon is so isolated, so rural, so woodsy, and thus few want to move here, or they fear our six-month winters.
And people fear the lack of jobs here.
When Margi got her inheritance in 2018, then, out of the blue, she got cancer. It devoured half my life from 2018-2020 helping her survive Stage IV tonsil cancer
Then, when I got MY inheritance, in the fall of2021, sure enough, her cancer came back.
We both were in perfect health until those inheritances.
And now I warn the jew:
1) You cannot stop the release of my book and a new movement of hate for your psychopatic lies and crimes
2) If my wife dies, I will show the world how suspicious it was, and the world will as well that you killed Christ, the Roman Empire, Mary Phagan, the tsar, 16 million Germans, President John Kennedy, 34 sailors on the USS Liberty, 3,000 civilians on 9/11, and you obliterated hindreds of thousands of civilians in Libya,Syria, and Iraq.
And your 100% jewish vaccine is slow-killing millions of innocent Whites as we speak.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, jew. Your own words condemn you.
There is more I could say, very good news, but I want to throw the jews a surprise party. 😉
Please forgive me the lack of blogging, readwrs and donors….but I have no more interest in what THEY are doing to US.
It is time to make them fear what WE are up to, and dread our vengeance for the millions of our innocent dead, and oceans of tears.
To your and Margi’s marriage, to the marriage of two spiritually evolved people:
According to Seth (Seth Material), the marriage between Jane Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts, is said to have additionally strengthened the energies and abilities of both of them, to have released additional energies.
“What is all this mere blogging about anyway that I and others have done for years? […]” – It was a preliminary stage, another preparatory step towards the revolution of consciousness, a building block in the foundation of John de Nugent’s complete work.
“The book is now complete […]” – It will be the central, curiosity-awakening introductory literature, most of which will then go to via server searches when readers want to know what the author has to say on topic X or Y, etc. The John de Nugent material created over years will provide the basic knowledge for many people to rediscover their own inner origins.
“Partly we have no human security at home because Ontonagon is so isolated, so rural, so woodsy, and thus few want to move here, or they fear our six-month winters.” According to the Seth material the Great Lakes Area is supposed to be a high-activity zone, and main coordination points (physical reality shaping energy entry points) are supposed to be located here. Furthermore, Seth said in a sense that living at great lakes enormously favors the development of inner abilities. Ontonagon is therefore an excellent choice under several aspects, and probably the decision for Ontonagon was also promoted and encouraged by inner instances (subconscious + inner self [guardian angel]):
“Briefly, in your own country, the West Coast, portions of the East Coast, Utah, the Great Lakes, the Chicago area, the Minneapolis area, and some other southwestern areas, are in those neighborhoods of excellent coordinate activity, for the reasons given. Materialization will quickly appear, and potentials therefore for both constructive and destructive elements are high.”[1]
Loving care for a person requires time, attention and strength. However, on the inner level, work also continues on the main project, especially during the sleep phases. Caring for a loved one, of course, does not make it easier; the loved one himself, in turn, needs all his strength to cope with the situation of the immediate moment.
In any case, the inner instances will comply with the request for advice, support and additional energy. The particular message can be freely formulated, spoken and internalized during a suitable moment, equal to a video letter, and then handed over as a one-liner instruction (short message designation reference) before the sleep phases as well as in the early morning hours before sunrise.
“Please forgive me the lack of blogging […] but I have no more interest in what THEY are doing to US.” Yes, the basic analyses concerning the causal factors of the present situation are finished, everything was said, also concerning basic reality structures.
Also JdN itself said once analogously that (((they))) find pleasure in it, if with an excess of negative news an athmosphere of [white] despondency and helplessness develops; an excessive concentration on negative news can lead us indeed into despair.
The empowerment of the individual to act must now be paramount. Encouraging appeals are important now, within the limits of time.
Furthermore, I wish you much strength!
[1] “Seth Speaks”, Jane Roberts, on page 41 in this online PDF version:
In German:
A lot of Fortitude. Viel Kraft.
Zu Ihrer und Margi’s Heirat, zur Heirat zweier spirituell entwickelter Menschen: Laut Seth (Seth-Material) soll die Heirat zwischen Jane Roberts und ihrem Mann, Robert Butts, die Energien und Fähigkeiten von beiden zusätzlich verstärkt haben, zusätzliche Energien freigesetzt haben.
“What is all this mere blogging about anyway that I and others have done for years? […]” – Es war eine Vorstufe, eine weitere vorbereitende Treppenstufe hin zur Bewußtseinsrevolution, ein Baustein im Fundament des John-de-Nugent-Gesamtwerkes.
“The book is now complete […]” – Es wird die zentrale, Neugier erweckende Einstiegsliteratur sein, das meiste wird dann über Server-Suchanfragen auf gehen, wenn Leser wissen möchten, was der Autor zum Thema X oder Y etc. zu sagen hat. Das in Jahren entstandene John-de-Nugent-Material wird für viele Menschen das Grundwissen zur Wiederentdeckung der eigenen inneren Ursprünge bereitstellen.
“Paartly we have no human security at home because Ontonagon is so isolated, so rural, so woodsy, and thus few want to move here, or they fear our six-month winters.” Laut dem Seth-Material soll die Great Lakes Area eine Hochaktivitätszone sein, hier sollen sich Hauptkoordinationspunkte befinden (physische Wirklichkeit gestaltende Energieeintrittspunkte), außerdem sagte Seth sinngemäß, daß das Leben an großen Seen die Entwicklung innerer Fähigkeiten enorm stark begünstigt, Ontonagon ist daher unter mehreren Aspekten eine ausgezeichnete Wahl, vermutlich wurde die Entscheidung für Ontonagon auch von inneren Instanzen (Unterbewußtsein + inneres Selbst [Schutzengel] gefördert und bestärkt):
“Briefly, in your own country, the West Coast, portions of the East Coast, Utah, the Great Lakes, the Chicago area, the Minneapolis area, and some other southwestern areas, are in those neighborhoods of excellent coordinate activity, for the reasons given. Materialization will quickly appear, and potentials therefore for both constructive and destructive elements are high.”[1]
Die liebevolle Pflege für einen Menschen erfordert Zeit, Aufmerksamkeit und Kraft. Auf innerer Ebene wird jedoch auch am Hauptprojekt weitergearbeitet, insbesondere während der Schlafphasen. Die Sorge um einen geliebten Menschen macht es natürlich nicht leichter, der geliebte Mensch selbst wiederum braucht alle seine Kräfte, um mit der Situation des unmittelbaren Moments zurechtzukommen.
Die inneren Instanzen werden der Bitte und Anweisung um Rat, Unterstützung und zusätzlicher Energie in jedem Fall nachkommen. Die jeweilige Nachricht kann während eines passenden Zeitpunktes, gleich einem Videobrief, frei formuliert, gesprochen und verinnerlicht werden und dann vor den Schlafphasen sowie in den frühen Morgenstunden vor Sonnenaufgang als Einzeiler-Anweisung (kurze Nachrichtenbezeichnungs-Bezugnahme) übergeben werden.
“Please forgive me the lack of blogging […] but I have no more interest in what THEY are doing to US.” Ja, die grundlegenden Analysen hinsichtlich der verursachenden Faktoren der gegenwärtigen Situation sind abgeschlossen, es wurde alles gesagt, auch hinsichtlich grundlegender Wirklichkeitsstrukturen. Auch sagte JdN selber mal sinngemäß, daß (((sie))) Gefallen daran finden, wenn bei einem Übermaß an negativen Nachrichten eine Athmosphäre der Mutlosigkeit und Hiflosigkeit entsteht; eine übermäßige Konzentration auf negative Nachrichten kann durchaus zur Verzweiflung führen.
Die Handlungsermächtigung des Einzelnen muß nun im Vordergrund stehen. Ermutigende Apelle sind nun wichtig, im Rahmen des zeitlich möglichen.
Weiterhin viel Kraft!
[1] “Seth Speaks”, Jane Roberts, on page 41 in this online PDF version:
The patriot Linus Pauling verified that high doses of vitamin c will help ease the pain and discomfort of cancer patients. In fact, we all need to take high doses to optimize good health to prevent cancer in the first place. Please take a look to see if it would helpful.
Thanks for your suggestion and at age 68 I I actually remember when Pauling came out with this.
(I just spent my birthday in the ER with Margi on July 14th.)
The problem is it must be administered intravenously, and 25 grams is $150. That comes to $600 a month we do not have, because the website costs me $1600 a month due to jew hackers, and many lives are at stake if the jewish and racial issues are not addressed and resolved, and this site is the vehicle for saving millions of white lives. I have a responsibility for both Margi and the greater picture.
IV administered is the best choice. The second best choice is orally for ordinary folks. You should never pay anything near $150 to get 25 grams in your body. Just buy the cheap Ascorbic Acid (vitamin c powder) and take 5 grams per serving mixed with warm water. Take this 4 hours apart for your body to absorb. Increase the dose over time (after a month). Your body will tell you when you have reached your own individual needs and then stay at that optimal level. If you have never taken vitamin c in high doses, I would probably suggest that you start with 1-2 grams per serving for your body to adjust.
When your body experiences stress or in fighting mode, the optimal level is much higher than normal. As an example, I normally take 20 grams throughout the day but this increases to 50 grams when I am about to catch the cold. You can mix ascorbic acid with sodium bicarbonate (2:1 ratio) to make it more palatable.
One thing Pauling and Ewan Cameron observed and warned about was the severity of the cancer when starting the vitamin c regimen. They found when patients had only days to live, the high doses eased the pain in some patients but they ultimately died. In others, the high doses made the patients much worse and then they died offering no relief at all.
It seems the route to using vitamin c to treat cancer is to determine at what stage the cancer is. The earlier the treatment starts, the higher the chance of full recovery and prolonging life. At later stages, vitamin c may only prolong life and ease the pain but unlikely to lead to full recovery.
Thanks and I would very, very, VERY gladly believe you…. but I must say that Margi does take 1 gram daily of ascorbic acid, having read that only that much can be absorbed, and that more Vitamin C than that, administered orally (in her case, it would be by feeding tube; her throat is half-gone and so she takes nothing orally) can actually help the tumor grow by becoming hydrogen peroxide, which tumors thrive on.
Can you pls provide me with some trustworthy source saying that C can indeed be administered orally in such huge amounts and actually fight, not aid, the cancer?
I personally feel that they are discouraging people at every turn to try anything else but their treatments. The only thing it will help to grow by not trying something else is their bank balance and the patients’ misery.
If you consider how many weeks or months of “recommended treatments” your wife has received from doctors educated at Rockefeller funded institutions, would you consider it a success for her to get to the stage she is at now?
Have they clearly explained to you and showed you the chemical equation how ascorbic acid can somehow turn to hydrogen peroxide in the stomach or is it fearmongering hoping it is enough to stop the inquiry? I have often times taken ascorbic acid powder without sodium bicarbonate for the past 13 years and I still haven’t died yet. I have consumed over 95kg of ascorbic acid over this period. In fact, I take very high doses of all vitamins and minerals and still awaiting an overdose death according to them.
I assume you mean 1 gram absorption rate per day is the max. This is a lie. Average healthy 155lb man need between 10-20 grams to stay optimal. Deviation away from “healthy” and “155lb” means higher dose needed when the person is healthy to begin with.
Trustworthy source I can say are his own books on vitamin c and book by Abram Hoffer. There are further medical books on vitamin c that I have but it is not necessary in your case due to time constraint.
I would say to stay away from the Linus Pauling Institute for medical information. It is run by the establishment and the role they serve nowadays is parroting the same info.
You can of course buy those books yourself to read if you have the time, but I am happy to buy them and send them to you if you wish.
Thank you for your comment and kind offer re the Abram Hoffer book, which we gratefully accept! 🙂
John and Margaret de Nugent
801 Michigan St.
Ontonagon MI 49953
In both the 2018 tonsil cancer and the current metastatic tongue & liver tumors, the cancer was found to be “unusually aggressive.” And so, for this and still other reasons, I remain suspicious that they were induced by the FBI.
We tried many natural methods in 2018-19 but they failed, and so we turned to chemo and radiation very reluctantly and in extremis. We both know how judaized modern medicine has become.
The cancer is now Stage IV…..but the battle continues.
Hey John, would you dial the tele? I do not seem to have your (new?) number. I am hoping to send something your way, but I am missing some of my old info.
Thanks, John.
Ordered from Amazon. I hope your wife’s condition would slowly improve.
Thank you very much, comrade! 🙂
Margi and I were discussing liposomal Vitamin C, which can be made with lecithin, she said, and with sodium ascorbate, both of which we have on hand.
I discussed intravenous versus oral administration with our oncologist who said that the stomach and gut metabolize (breaks down) a lot of anything that enters the body that way.
At the hospital, for example, they are giving Margi one single gram of morphine for pain, but that is the same impact as 7.5 grams orally/by feeding tube….
Did you ever look into the Scalar Wave treatment and the TimeWaver that I told you about previously? If it was me, that’s what I would do. It will work.
Thanks. I may have, and will check it put again, but cost and out-of-pocket expenses are a huge hindrance.
TimeWaver Videos:
Dr Carolyn McMakin Frequencies, The Brain %26 Consciousness Timewaver Healy FSM
If you can find the money, this is what you need to do. Most practioners would charge about $100-150 a month. I don’t think the FDA will let these machines into America but there are practioners who will treat remotely (you don’t have to be near the device for it to treat you. Quantum physics, etc.) They can do an intake via zoom or e-mail.
John & Margi, I have stumbled upon a device that I would love for you to check out. It seems incredible and I hope could help you all out.
I also have links to the guy I have dealt with(great guy).
Blessings and prayers, Gary
Hi John . I’m not sure if this will help . A friend who had C. He was given pure orange juice to drink by our local Hospital to battle it. I remember packs of orange juice stacked up at home. This might save you the costs of having it intravenous or injected. I hope this helps, JdN.
Thanks, Carl.
I have no experience with Liposomal vitamin c so I cannot comment. You have to use what is best for you. If IV administered is 7.5 times more effective based on the morphine intake, then 50-100 grams of vitamin c via IV is equivalent to oral dose? I remember they actually administered 100 grams of vitamin c a day on a select few patients via IV.
Watch this video when you have the time to listen to the man himself. It may help ease your concern on high doses.
Sorry John, I should have provided this link earlier but I could not find it before and I thought Jewtube removed it. I have a copy of this clip in my library but I couldn’t share it here with you.
p.s previous post I meant to ask what IV dose is equivalent to what oral dose.