Margaret Huffstickler 1948-2022

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I have the sad task to announce to you all that my dear wife Margaret died last night at 5:40 a.m. at Ontonagon Hospital of a stroke, a complication of her head cancer.
She was simply a wonderful woman, a courageous patriot, a fine cook, a great dresser, a charmer… and I am happy that she is now free from her terrible four-year bout with cancer.

My work will continue and expand. Thank you for all your help to Margi and to me over many years.


Jim Rizoli
That is sad news. Margi was a wonderful woman, a great WN who never gave up her beliefs, and she died faithful. That’s all you can ask.

an hour ago
So sorry, John. Prayers and condolences.

43 minutes ago
Oh, dear John – that is so very sad – I am so sorry – I only recently got to watch a couple of videos with you, and Margi, and she was such a kind, and wonderful lady. It makes me cry, that such good people pass away. She is resting in peace, and may you find comfort in many treasured memories of Margi. Liebe Grüsse.


So sorry to hear of your loss, John. Cancer is such a cruel illness, and she was a fighter. She will live on in your heart until the time you both meet again. My sincere condolences, mate.

Carl Mason123

Hi JdN.
I’m truly sorry for your loss. Every day I used to think of you and Margi and your fight for life. No words I can say seem appropriate to convey my feelings.
Margi was a truly natural beauty, highly intelligent and artistic. Margi was a friend I never had the chance to meet. Yet I knew a fraction about her via your blog.
The last few years have enforced my beliefs in our mission and every second counts in our short time on earth.
Regards, Carl

I will be writing more after I recover from this shock.


  1. I am sorry for your temporary loss. If she is able to remain in the intercarnate state until you discarnate, you shall meet again. Otherwise, may it please the Gods to guide her spirit to a safe and comfortable next incarnation.

  2. John, my deepest condolences.

    I believe Margaret is with the Gods awaiting you to join her in your next incarnation together.

    Margaret was/is such a beautiful soul and I mourn her passing. She is with the Gods always.

    Donation coming, brother.

    • Thank you so much.

      I said often to Margi that I wanted to be her husband in some future life too, and have beautiful children together.

      The horrid truth is that she had to have a hysterectomy in the wake of being raped by a Washington DC negro.

      She was four times a victim of violent crime in DC, once by a white man, btw.

      (A beautiful female relative of mine by marriage became infertile as a result of her adulterous husband having sex with a whore who had VD, and then infecting her. This is a true atrocity.)

      When I wrote the other day that white females, especially those with lots of estrogen, the compassion and nurturing hormone, need to be protected, I was also thinking of Margi, who was kind and giving to a fault. This was the woman who lent $20,000 to revisionist Fred Leuchter, whom she did not personally know, entirely because he said he was in dire peril of losing his home (which was a lie, and he welshed shamelessly on the repayment which he easily could have done). Leuchter merely refused to make his property-tax payments until he got an automatic foreclosure notice, then sent that out to donors and raised funds off this bogus pity-party. With that he paid his taxes and pocketed the rest.

      I advised her against this loan but redheads do not take orders. 😉

      Margi, I, Diane King and Jim Rizoli expose the fraudster Leuchter:

  3. Dear John de Nugent,

    Much strength and God’s blessing.

    It often happens that deceased parents or life partners also show images of themselves in the physical space, when they communicate with their remaining relatives, make themselves noticeable.

    These relatives are then often, because of the unfamiliarity of the experience, frightened and look away or run away, which is supposed to make the deceased (according to Seth) sad that one is frightened by them instead of being glad about their presence. An 82 year old lady told me in 2020 that her deceased mother sent healing energy to her ailing arm joint, she directly felt her mother’s presence and how she made a healing impact on the area. However, due to the unfamiliarity of the experience, it frightened her, and instead of speaking to her and being grateful, she unfortunately asked her mother to stop at that time.

    Your and Margi’s bond and love will continue across incarnations. Margi will continue to assist with advice and strength-giving love, the telepathic breakthroughs will be tremendous and the unfolding of your inner abilities and potential will accelerate immeasurably.

    Much power!



    In German: Viel Kraft

    Lieber John de Nugent,

    ganz viel Kraft und Gottes Segen.

    Oft kommt es vor, daß verstorbene Eltern oder Lebenspartner auch im physischen Raum Abbilder von sich zeigen, wenn sie sich ihren verbliebenen Angehörigen mitteilen, sich bemerkbar machen.

    Diese Angehörigen sind dann oft, ob der Ungewohntheit der Erfahrung, erschrocken und schauen weg oder laufen weg, was die Verstorbenen (laut Seth) traurig machen soll, daß man sich vor ihnen erschreckt, anstatt sich über ihre Anwesenheit zu freuen. Eine 82-jährige Dame erzählte mir 2020, daß ihre verstorbene Mutter ihr heilsame Energie zu ihrem kranken Armgelenk sandte, sie spürte direkt die Anwesenheit der Mutter und wie diese heilend auf die Stelle einwirkte. Aufgrund der Ungewohntheit der Erfahrung machte es ihr jedoch Angst, und anstatt zu ihr zu sprechen und dankbar zu sein, bat sie sie damals leider die Mutter, damit aufzuhören.

    Ihre und Margi’s Verbundenheit und Liebe werden inkarnationsübergreifend anhalten. Margi wird auch weiterhin mit Rat und kraftgebender Liebe zur Seite stehen, die telepathischen Durchbrüche werden gewaltig sein und die Entfaltung Ihrer inneren Fähigkeiten und Ihres inneren Potentials werden sich unermeßlich beschleunigen.

    Viel Kraft!


  4. It was my privilege to have met this wonderful woman, and enjoy her cooking and hospitality. John, you now have your most potent advocate on the other side. I’m convinced that she will make great things happen for you, and us now.

    • I am choking up reading this.

      But I absolutely believe that every word you wrote is true.

      [Jim is one of my all-time biggest donors and is a former US Army Green Beret who also served when I did as a stormtrooper in the George Lincoln Rockwell party, the NSWPP.]

  5. Sorry to hear that, John.
    I presume part of the experience resembles the one I had when my brother died of cancer – a great loss, but also a certain relief for the end of his suffering.
    I am sure you will continue to find inspiration from her, even if I presume other sources will more prevalent in the future.
    Hope your coming days of reflection and sorrow also will give you strength to eventually carry on with the work that has given the rest of us so much of value.
    All the best.

  6. Dear JdN,

    We’d like to formally apologize to you for killing your wife.

    Please do not destroy us now, we said we are sorry.

    We will even let you sit shiva with us.

    Try to be a mensch about it.


    The Jewish People

  7. Dear John,

    I’m so sorry to hear of Margaret’s passing. You are in pain, but Margaret is not. Remember that energy cannot be destroyed, only transferred. Margaret retains her consciousness, self-awareness and individuality in a non-corporal sphere of existence as I write this.

    I hope you are able to deal with this tremendous loss the best you possibly can until you are with Margaret once again.

  8. Dear Mr. John de Nugent,

    My condolences. I’m sorry your wife passed away. You were both fortunate to have one another. You always took good care of your wife — I always admired you for how good you were to your wife. May she Rest In Peace, Amen.

  9. Lieber John,
    hiermit möchte ich Dir meine tiefe Anteilname aussprechen.
    Meine erste Frau hat mich auch viel zu früh für das Jenseits verlassen, ich kenne diesen Schmerzverlust, der aber mit der Zeit – die ja viele Wunden heilen kann – nicht verschwinden sondern seinen vorgesehenen Platz in Deiner Seele finden wird.
    Dir noch ein Heilgruß

    • Lieber Kamerad,

      Ich danke der Anteilnahme.

      Was mich stört ist nicht nur der Verlust, sondern auch ihre völlig unnòtigen Schmerzen und dann ihr Tod, da ihr Onkologe, dessen ich einer jūdischen Herkunft trotz des englischklingenden Namens “Goodwin” verdächtige, unglaublich faul war und ihre immer dringender werdenden Behandlung unaufhörlich hinausschob — bis es zu spät war und unsere gewaltigen und kostspieligen Anstrengungen nichts mehr halfen.

      Charles Goodwin, MD:

      Dieser andere Arzt namems “Goodwin” ist offenbar koscher:

  10. My deepest condolences to you and to all who knew and loved Margi. May her soul rest in peace, and may God help guide you through this difficult time
    Take care, good sir.

    • Thanks for your comment.

      Yes, and when one understands reincarnation, then the interlife (the existence between earthly incarnations) is a time of huge growth and often of them helping us out who are still on this side— after getting permission from our guardian angels to do so.

      A wise old saying, probably going back for millennia, is “speak no ill of the dead.”

      And that is because many of them do hang out in their old houses from time to time, out of love and habit, and they listen to what we say about them. And if it is fair and balanced or on the other hand abusive, they hear it.

      So it is wise to truly forgive our deceased loves ones their little flaws, ever cognizant of our own.

      As taught by the blond Jesus of Galilee (Galilee meaning “Goyim District” in Hebrew, Galil ha goyim)

      if you judge others mercilessly, God will judge you mercilessly too.

      We can indeed speak to our deceased loved ones, as I actually do every day to Margi’s ghost.

      The departed can actually be very busy doing things and growing up; they can also “pull strings” for us,  and create new chances and opportunities for us in this world, which can otherwise be very bleak.

      This planet is so full of horrors now as well as beauty, and more than ever before.

      Woe to those who cut God, their angels and their transitioned relatives off in these daunting, yea, pre-apocalyptic times!


      Part of my coping with intense bereavement over losing my soulmate of 17 years is, in fact, talking out loud (or just in my mind) to my late wife, expressing to Margi my joy that she is once again free from pain, and is again a beautiful and luscious 30-year-old woman, weighing around 115, and no longer the emaciated 90 pounds of pain that she was in her final two months — where she was, btw, very stoic, brave, tough and Aryan.

      On the other side, everyone looks 30, neither young nor old, but at their peak.

      I thank Margi from all my heart for a thousand kind, loyal, and loving things she did for me 2005-2022…. and I wish her from all my heart great spiritual advancement NOW, where she is, meaning great growth and change on the other side.

      She knows what her issues were, as I do mine, and the guardian angels assigned to us and to her, and our deceased relatives, can be VERY helpful in gently prodding us forward.

      We can watch life-review videos with these loving beings as much as we want, and discuss with them the right or wrong choices we made. Btw, lying is literally impossible on the other side. Anyone you are conversing with can read your thoughts and you theirs, plus see your aura. While one CAN wall one’s thoughts off, that in itself becomes an instant “red flag” for the other person. 😉

      And so when we reincarnate, in some cases we are NOT THE SAME PERSON AT ALL. Many change drastically for the better.

      Many people, however, waste entire incarnations with minimal or no spiritual progress. but then maybe, just maybe, it is in the interlife where they wise up.

      So there is no guarantee that an Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, or Adolf himself would be a great conqueror again in his next life.

      Suppose our guardian angels sit you down and have you, the once Glorious Warlord, watch as wives, mothers and grandmothers weep on getting the news that their son or husband had fallen in battle.

      War is hell, and a leader must never be eager for it.

      Free will is, however, the iron law of God.

      He lets us choose — and He grants us as well the consequences of our choices.

      I already told my little Margi many times when she was still here that in our next lives, I wanted so much to have a big family with her the next time!

      I will be blogging on all this.

  11. I just now looked for Margi on Facebook and learned of her death. What a tremendous loss. I very much looked forward to our musical sessions. I would accompany her at the piano and she would sing so beautifully. I will always remember her kindness and musical enthusiasm. God bless you, Mr. de Nugent.

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