The goal is an apartheid, overtly white-ruled North America; my security issue

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A comrade, K, wrote:

Civil war? I think American Whites should prepare for it. I think the Mexicans are on the side of the Jews. Blacks are divided. I think it will be the Whites against the Jews and their various colored allies, with a large sector of the Blacks being neutral.

JdN: Agree, thanks, but the 50% of good Mex may be on our side, too.

K: I believe the Mexicans we see in the country today are a consequence of the change in our immigration policy in 1965. This means that the Mexicans of today do not have deep American roots. They have only been in the country for a very few generations. I am of the Boomer generation.

I cannot recall a single Mexican in any of my classes at school, even when I was a university student.

In 1965 our immigration policy was overturned. The old immigration policy was to maintain the same relative populations of the various races living in the country at the time.

I believe the Mexicans we see in the country today are a consequence of the change in our immigration policy in 1965. This means that the Mexicans of today do not have deep American roots. They have only been in the country for a very few generations.

JdN: All so true, K.

We Boomers do remember how it was, and as Tucker Carlson says, we must never forget how things were and that what is going on now is not normal, not acceptable, and, in fact, increasingly not bearable.

Carlson clearly knows who I am. There is just “one depopulated Finnish-settled fishing village on Lake Superior.” ONTONAGON.

To also cite Carlson, the Hispanic vote is swinging strongly toward Republican MAGA Republicans. The LGBTQ and CRT teachings being forced in the public schools have disgusted the often Catholic (or Protestant fundamentalistic-evangelical), highly conservative and hard-working majority of Mexicans. (I can tell you for a fact that all over the USA, employers of blue-collar workers –in construction, food service, landscaping, roofing, etc. — prefer Mexicans over Whites and especially over Blacks.

I say this after many, many discussions with actual white employers.

Unlike many younger and middle-aged Whites in these degenerate times, full of entitlement, victimhood and narcissism, Mexicans show up for work and they work hard.

As with the Blacks, if the Hispanics accept and actually fight for white supremacv, they will be rewarded by being allowed to stay in our white nation in certain areas, while other vast areas of America will become lily-white again.

I want a war with laser focus only on the genocidalistic jews, and not on 70 million Hispanics and 45 million blacks. We must win this first, and THEN issue the new dispensation. This is how George Washington saw things back then, in 1775-83. It is all a pipe dream unless our troops WIN IT.

My goal is to WIN, and then be as pure as we want afterward.

My great lesson from WWII and my surreal anti-Russia policy of 1941-44 is that no matter how lofty our ideals and how brave and skilled our soldiers were, the best in the world by far,

quantity did defeat quality in 1945.

Bad news from the get-go on 22 June 1941 — the Russians fought like lions for their Russian motherland, regardless of its then communist leadership, and they had excellent, practical weapons and stupendous war production. I should have gone in there to LIBERATE the Russians, not just give them a new master.

Many northern Russians and Ukrainians are blonder than we Germans are.

I will not write off 105 million blacks and browns who also want social and economic justice, safe streets, good schools and a job that can enable them to marry, start a family and enjoy a decent life. They will never get that from the current judeo-pluto-pedophilocracy, just the descent into total enslavement and vaxx-induced death.

The goal is to win.  When you send beautiful young men off by the millions to fight and perhaps die, as I have in many incarnations, your goals must be thought-through and truly realistic. The goal –my goal — is to win.

And the FACT is that the USA is now only half white and many of these Whites are old flabby Boomers.

In blue: U.S. counties that are 40% or more minority.

Let’s get real, people.

We need the  black and browns to be either for us or neutral.


OVERT White rule over ALL of the current USA and Canada — with non-white areas also being placed under OVERT white rule, including a cotton-tobacco belt in the South in counties that have already been majority-black for 200 years, Hispanic strips and the once liberal-ruled, race-mixed areas on both coasts. Again, this means OVERT white and NS rule that they must accept —  or leave.

The exasperated non-whites will accept much more readily than one would imagine that the white man, if he is noble this time, will again run this country, as a good steward and as the best leader by his genetic makeup.

I will never forget the Reverend Brock, a black nationalist who was pro-white and anti-Jew, saying to me, a main speaker, after my speech at the 2007 “No More Wars for Israel” conference in southern California:


If you Aryans are the master race, then be the master race and be the leaders!

If this is your country, as you say, then why don’t you take it back?!

You forced us [blacks] here, and now you cave in to the Jew — and so now we all are slaves and all miserable — because you Whites claim to be superior and yet do nothing!


This is NS 2.0 — embracing all races, and leading all races, in fighting and destroying the wicked jew.



And now, at the price of losing my dear, sick wife,

Margi in October of last year on Ontonagon Beach, pain level 4. Toward the end it was 6 out of 10. In 2019-20 it was 8 out of 10. (Photo by a neighbor who adored Margi.) Her stroke almost instantly freed her from the final, agonizing pain of a full cancer death at 10 out of 10.


I am freed by fate to create the new national socialism that is right for America, and then America can change the world — this time for the better.

The non-whites know we are naturally a far kinder race than the jews, even a race of natural liberals.


My webmaster 2009-11 was Clark Lightbridge (not his real name), who had the passwords to all my websites, again, for over two years (2009-2011), and was a black man. (Actually, he was half Black-African and half-Egyptian.) From Los Angeles, in 2011, he came out from California to Pennsylvania and lived for four months under my roof, a five-bedroom headquarters, to set up some special computer systems and help with video editing.

I asked him why he had contacted me:

“When my mother and I moved to this neighborhood, it was mostly white — and safe and clean. Then it went black and brown, and everything went downhill. So I decided to help white people, and googled and found you.”

This soul was brave, strong, beautiful and loyal — to both me and to our sacred cause — to the end of her incarnation as “Margaret Huffstickler.” This was the last photo.

I cannot crack up in grief —  and I will not, because she freed me up for a reason, for starting the long process toward our overwhelming white victory.

I would otherwise have gladly waited on her hand and foot to have another four years with my queen.



…..My security concerns

For 17 years I did not drive alone, but always with my wife.

I  took her to the beautiful Agate Beach on Lake Superior after each doctor visit —  four years out of my life of perpetual visits to doctors, hospitals and pharmacies.

But now I drive alone, live alone, and walk alone.This is not good.

“The greatest danger to our republic comes from the Ultra-MAGA extremists.”


And do not forget the chemtrail explosion directly over my house on 22 August 2022.

Chemtrail “nuke” goes off right over our house; other crosshairs chemtrailing of my two previous houses in Pennsylvania

I am in danger.
I need a bodyguard/driver (I can shoot), and one, and then several, assistants.
What are you doing with your life?

Do you really want to help Adolf Hitler?

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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


  1. My father attended America First rallies in the 1940’s. Charles Lindbergh was an open advocate of White supremacy at these rallies. Blacks attended these rallies. Blacks know what happens without White rule. If Jews rule, we all suffer a horrible satanic fate.

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