EXTRAORDINARY N-E-W VIDEOS — 18 months in the making — and narrated by me! The sicko jewish pervert Leo Frank and his machinations revealed; Tom Watson, the first American national socialist and exposer of the jewish press

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The jews disastrously miscalculated in 1913 when they began defending in court and the newspapers the obviously guilty rapist-strangler Leo Frank, who had murdered the 13-year-old white Christian girl Mary Phagan, as being a “poor victim of antisemitic bigotry,”

The idiotic and counter-produtive smearing of the good people of Georgia as well, who actually never had been antisemitic before this murder, led to huge jewish defeats — and this led to the founding of the ADL to rectify disastrous jewish mistakes.

Three juries — and every level of court in the land —  actually found Frank guilty! His throat was cut by another prisoner, and then he was lynched in 1915.

…..Tom Watson, the first national socialist

I am both proud of, and somewhat well-known for, my hard work for over a decade now on the Leo Frank case, which is about a Jewish businessman who raped and murdered his 13-year-old Gentile employee, Mary Phagan.

I am in fact a co-curator on the GARGANTUAN, factual history site: The Leo Frank Research Library www.leofrank.org :


This mega archive represents ten years of har work. As you can see, I have released on this website many articles and audiobooks on the Frank case. The entire 1,800 page official Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records are published on this website and not to mention the 300+ page official Leo Frank trial brief of evidence is contained within it. Also, all the newspaper articles about the Leo Frank case from April 28, 1913 – August 31, 1913 from Atlanta Georgia are published in PDF format.


My late wife (and fervent WN) Margaret Huffstickler released in 2015 a major audiobook of the superb The Murder of Little Mary Phagan, by the great-niece of the girl! This audiobook is not to be missed! It reveals that Leo Frank made an admission on the witness stand that amounted to a murder confession! This is the dirty little secret of the Leo Frank case which the Jewish supremacists at the ADL and SPLC refuse to acknowledge!

We ask you to ask them if Leo Frank changed his alibi on the witness stand and placed himself in the very men’s toilet where Phagan was found dead by the Negro Janitor Jim Conley on April 26, 1913. We ask all the Jews in the world if they are aware of this fact that Leo Frank placed himself at the place the prosecution built the theory of where Phagan was murdered!

Margaret Huffstickler reading Hitler poem Artois



Let us never make Frank the “star” of this case, but remember that one of our wonderful little girls, of exemplary character, superb genes and striking beauty, was the star, and so were the Georgia men who prosecuted Frank, who publicized the TRUTH, and then, by boldly hanging Frank, avenged her!

Mary looks a lot like this girl today and had incredible hair and blue eyes, but was only 13 at the time she died, and had worked 55 hours a week for a dollar an hour in today’s money in the Jew’s sweatshop to help feed her family.


The heroic Hugh Dorsey, prosecutor, beat the finest defense lawyers of Georgia and got the conviction.


Tom Watson, later a US senator, used his newspaper and magazine to state the truth over and over until Frank was finally executed BY  THE PEOPLE.




Mary Phagan had been sexually harassed for months by this Jewish serial pedophile Leo Frank, from the spring of 1912-1913. She was then lured by Leo Frank into the machine room, known colloquially as the metal room in the factory on a Saturday afternoon using the excuse of checking if a shipment had come in, was verbally accosted, physically assaulted — she fought this fiend off with every fiber of her being and tiny 4’11” stature —  was struck with a punch to the eye and knocked out when, falling back, her head hit a lathe handle and her scalp was split open, and was then — sorry to write this on Christmas Day — this unspeakably vile Jewish sodomite vaginally and anally raped her with some object, so that her private area gushed blood 🙁 🙁 🙁 , and Mary was then murdered by strangulation, a kind of death which takes a good minute of horror to kill the person!)

When Jim Conley found her, her legs were spread eagle and her little hands were found still raised up to fend this villain off to the last second. (Yes, adrenaline can cause hands to stay up and create rigor mortis in this position.) No Jew was going to take this little Christian girl’s virginity by force if Mary could help it!


Civil War photos: Brave Confederate soldiers who died with their hands in rigor mortis, still raised up:



And Margi also released this 2013 audiobook of the first book ever written on the case in 1913: https://archive.org/details/LeoFrankCaseAtlantaGeorgiaGreatestMurderMystery1913_201503


On April 20th of 2015, I released a video which went relatively viral (60,000 views on all platforms) on “VIP pedophiles: Kill them All.”  I even used some humor and kept it lively, and mainly tied it all into current events, so this fundamentally grim story of a pencil factory murder and the lynching of a Jew and its relevance to today finally came to life by it for many white Americans and others.



It struck me while recording the audiobook for this great article by Tom Watson on the Leo Frank case, right after Frank had been righteously “lynched” on August 17, 1915, by the finest citizens of Georgia, that Watson, by this point, by September 1915, had in effect become a true White nationalist:

— an advocate of racial truth,

— of racial separation (less openly, because the South already had legal segregation and openly proclaimed “white supremacy”) and

–the removal of all Jews from white society as a wicked and hostile people.

Publisher Tom Watson wrote this September article “Leo Frank Jew Pervert” right after the August 17, 1915 hanging (conducted by the crème de la crème of the frustrated people of Georgia themselves after two years of spurious legal delays) of the pedophile, rapist, and sex killer Leo Frank, a prominent Jewish official and businessman whom major Jewish-owned or influenced newspapers protested was a victim of antisemitism. (re: Adolph Ochs’ New York Times and Albert Lasker, advertising magnate).


Watson defends the “lynching” (which carried out a death sentence supported by three juries: Coroner’s Inquest, Grand Jury and Trial Jury, and every level of the court system appeals: State and Federal) and goes beyond this to make his strongest statements yet about the bane of Jewish media sway over America. Here we are 107 years later and the Jews still control our media and have absolutely wrecked this country.

He also discusses two other famous cases of that day of supposed “antisemitism,” the Captain Alfred Dreyfus case in France (regarding a Jewish officer convicted of espionage and treason) and the Menachem Beilis case in Ukraine/Russia (about a Jew convicted of ritually murdering and draining the blood from a little Slavic child).

Here is the entire article as published by Tom Watson, and you can see he is no longer zeroing in on the one Jew Leo Frank, and his crimes, but raising the whole issue of the Jews in general in a South which had been rather pro-Jewish until then for Protestant Christian reasons (the Jews as God’s People) and because Southern Jews had strongly “supported the South” (and of course profited off) both slavery and the Confederacy.

In this article we see Watson going beyond all this and quoting from the Talmud to show that Leo Frank, in raping and murdering this innocent girl and then lying about it, was not a renegade at all from Judaism, but was in fact obeying “The Holy Talmud” and carrying out the commandments of Talmudic Judaism.

This was a major step forward. and it happened decades before the word “white nationalism” was invented in the 1970s. But that is what this was, early antisemitic white nationalism.

Here is my September 2015 audiobook on the case (part 4 of a 5 part series):





Tom Watson, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, “The Case of Leo Frank, A Jew Pervert”

Narrated by John de Nugent

Part 1 (of 13):

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:


  1. In Bälde werden Schönheiten rar – hier eine Frau Doktor Wunderschön-blöd. 😮

    Ruhe in Frieden Giselle Neres| Ihr letztes emotionales Video vor dem Tod _Sie wusste, dass sie sterben würde

    Descanse em paz Giselle Neres| Seu último vídeo emocional antes da morte _Ela sabia que ia morrer


    (Ein Artikel bei ‚thecovidblog.com‘ – Verknüpfung siehe bitte nach genannt)

    Gisele Neres: 29-jähriges brasilianisches Model und Architektin stirbt an plötzlichem Herzinfarkt

    Frau Gisele Neres war CEO von Studio Ginn Arquitetura. Sie war auch ein Model und Unternehmerin, die an mehreren geschäftlichen Unternehmungen beteiligt war. Frau Neres wohnte in Governador Nunes Freire, Maranhão.

    Einzelheiten sind unklar. Aber Frau Neres erlitt am 23. September einen plötzlichen Herzinfarkt. Sie wurde in ein nahe gelegenes Krankenhaus gebracht und später am Abend für tot erklärt.

    Frau Neres erhielt am 7. Juni 2021 und am 31. August 2021 mindestens zwei Injektionen [Bemerkung Dr. Conti: Darum das eingangs erwähnte ‘Frau Doktor Wunderschön-blöd’, ist die neunundzwanzigjährige Frau Architekt Dr. ing. Giselle do Nascimento Neres auch noch stolz gewesen, daß ihre Mutter mindestens einmal (vermeintlich!) harmlos gepiekst wurde – wie viele ihrer Bewunderer mag sie als falsches Vorbild in den Tod genommen haben, und noch nehmen?!].


    Quellenangabe des obig übersetzten Artikels – zu finden im unteren Bereich der folgenden Seite ‚thecovidblog‘, die in der Tat besonders lesenswert ist, und zwar:

    Midweek Mashup III: Wir hatten Recht mit der Oscar-Alopezie-Werbung, machen Sie sich bereit für die „Tomatengrippe“, die Frau hat seit März 2020 „langes COVID“ und 22 weitere plötzliche Todesfälle

    Midweek Mashup III: we were right about Oscars alopecia ad, get ready for “tomato flu,” woman has “long COVID” since March 2020, and 22 more sudden deaths


  2. (Article in English)

    Another case in the United States (USA)

    Regan Lewis (20). Died on September 27, 2022, one day after her Covid “vaccination”. She suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and apparently had no previous illnesses.

    According to her mother, she had herself “vaccinated” because she wanted to continue her nursing education.


    Reference: Telegram channel of the musician and enlightener Michael Wendler, as of October 2, 2022, which refers to the following source:


    (Artikel in Deutsch)

    Ein weiterer Fall in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (VSA)

    Regan Lewis (20). Am 27. September 2022 verstorben, einen Tag nach ihrer Covid-“Schutzimpfung”. Sie erlitt einen plötzlichen Herzstillstand und hatte offenbar keine Vorerkrankungen.

    Laut Angaben der Mutter ließ sie sich “impfen”, weil sie ihre Krankenschwester-Ausbildung weiterführen wollte.


    Quellenangabe: Telegram-Kanal des Musikers und Aufklärers Michael Wendler, Stand 2. Oktober 2022, der auf folgende Quelle verweist, und zwar:


  3. – Addendum to my previous post –

    – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –




    (Document length: 1 minute and 12 seconds)

    (Länge des Dokuments: 1 Minute und 12 Sekunden)


    Remark Dr. Conti: Significantly, there was nothing to be found in YouTube about the fate of just twenty-year-old girl Regan Lewis!

    Bemerkung Dr. Conti: Bei Judtupp war über das Schicksal von der gerade mal zwanzigjährigen Maid Regan Lewis bezeichnenderweise nichts zu finden!

  4. Die Verknüpfung beziehungsweise der Link zum Artikel der mittels ‘harmlosen kleinen Piks’ zu Tode gekommenen zwanzigjährigen angehenden Krankenschwester Regan Lewis läßt sich nicht mehr öffnen – das ging aber schnell vonstatten mit der Zensur!

  5. Nun läßt sich die Verknüpfung doch wieder öffnen – womöglich haben die Verfasser des Artikels zwischenzeitlich am Text sprich Inhalt des selbigen herumgeschraubt?!

  6. Oder es handelte sich um eine ‘technische Störung’ – jedenfalls war der Artikel eine ganze Weile nicht aufrufbar. Naja, aber jetzt ist er erneut da.

  7. I recently viewed this very unflattering and apparently authentic video footage of Hitler at the 1936 Olympics, where he appears to be on drugs (speed):


    Suspecting a hoax, I did a little research, and found this article, which claims that the video was sped up, but one of the videos used to prove it looks not much different from the video in question – he’s still rocking back and forth strangely and strumming his right hand fingers:


    • Oh boy… have you never watched an exciting, very close football game and rocked, or (in my case) seen your daughter get her master’s degree diploma from Duke? To see her up on the stage of a top university achieving a great personal and career goal (and this after faltering at the University of Vermont, and being suspended for two whole semesters for underage drinking and pot)? She turned her life around, and I rocked in my chair to see her well-earned triumph!
      People do rock in their seats for sheer joy! 🙂
      The 1936 Olympics were a gigantic triumph for our German athletes (crushing the American athletes, btw, in the medals count, the opposite of 1932 in Los Angeles…). Our Games (summmer and winter both) showcased to the world the legendary efficiency, high spirits and the will to win of the New Germany.
      The Codoh commenters are correct that I basically never took the dangerous Pervitin.
      To the very end, my demeanor was cool, calm and collected. If it had not been this way, I never could retained the respect and obedience of my combat-veteran, high-ranking officers — most of whom had also served at the front in WWI already!), and especially not after the serious defeats began piling up for Germany from 1943 on: Stalingrad, the Kursk tank defeat, the enormous Allied sucess on D-Day, and then the final great failure of the Battle of the Bulge.
      Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz told a critic: “Compared to the Führer, we are all just big kids.”
      I can assure you as well from this life that what the Marines call a “jumpy Jake” would never have impressed the hardened warriors of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. One either has “command presence” or one does not.
      I would recommend my repeated articles about Rochus Misch, my SS aide 1940-45, and his remarks debunking the jew fantasy film “Downfall.”


  8. A white family’s pit bulls attack and kill their two young children, leave their mother badly mauled. I’m really tired of idiots like these two parents who owned two pit bulls, and people who defend those vicious dogs, saying, “It’s not the dogs – it’s the owners,” as if only pit bulls with abusive owners commit these types of unprovoked attacks. Look at the photos of this family – do they look like abusive owners who trained their dogs to fight?

    Pit bulls and pit bull mixed breeds should be outlawed, period! They are mentally unstable animals due to being a hybrid between a terrier and a bulldog, and being originally bred to fight other dogs. 90% of the dogs in animal shelters are pit bulls, because people, mainly men, get them as macho statements, then get rid of them when the dogs start getting aggressive. They are “nice and sweet” until something triggers them, and they go ape-shit. Anglin calls them the niggers of the dog world, and he’s right.

    These two dead kids also deserved smarter parents. The soyboy father wearing the Harley Davidson shirt is probably the one who insisted on getting two pit bulls as a macho statement, to make up for his own inadequacies – now he has to live without his two children. What an f’n idiot. And to think that I’m alone while fools like him have attractive wives and children. Where is that law of natural selection and “survival of the fittest” we hear so much about? It seems that white women are only attracted to soyboys, big stupid assholes, and negroes:


    I do believe Anglin is right about his claim that women are evil and seek only to destroy men. This woman probably chose Mr. Soyboy instead of a real man as her husband because she felt that she could easily control him. Now she’s suffering the consequences of her own stupidity.

    Some recent Anglin articles on women:




    Gisele Bundchen – a typical coal-burning white whore and adultress. And like most women, she’s a skank without her thick layers of makeup:





    And what kind of cuckolded fool is Tom Brady, letting that filthy negro live in his house with his wife? That negro was likely banging his wife every time he left the house. Brady may be a great quarterback, but he’s a sorry excuse for a man, and he seems to have a lot in common with Mr. Soyboy in the first article. Pathetic.

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