The wealthy COHEN family wants to settle 200 migrants in a Breton village, and everywhere else in France, too

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[JdN: I have edited this story for greater comprehension by non-French readers.]

Everything in the “Horizon” project of the “Merci” foundation of the Cohen family – having made a fortune with Bonpoint children’s clothing – exudes the most nauseating antisemitic stereotypes, lending a hand to every anti-jewish-conspiracy theory. As part of a widespread miscegenation program, the Cohen family,  “convinced that refugees are a great chance for France [JdN: this is a government slogan to promote migration, calling the hordes of African and Muslim gimmegrants  “a chance for France”, in French “une chance pour la France”]”, plans to settle hundreds of families, euphemistically called “political refugees,” in depopulated French villages.



“The world we live in, and I’m part of this movement today, is a world of movement, and there’s no point in fighting against it. [As the great Fench antismitic riter Hervße Ryssen has exposed, claiming that mass Turd-World migration is “unstoppable” is a classic jewish Big Lie]. I mean, we have all these [rightwing French] people who are closing themselves off — even wanting a France which is for the French.. but that doesn’t mean anything at all — the French themselves are just foreigners, in fact. » [?]

Benoit Cohen

The magazine  Elle  will teach us a little more about the nomadic family (that is all into “movement”“ cf. supra) of the Cohens and their little house that is an island of tranquility in the heart of Paris:

Paris, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. The house, an 18th century building, is hidden behind a Haussmann building. [Baron Haussmann, who obviously was part-German, brilliantly recreated the city of Paris under Napoleon III.]

The rooms overlook a small garden of wild herbs; it is like the countryside, but is situated just a stone’s throw from the Invalides [a famous military hospital].

Benoit Cohen opens the door: “Welcome to my mother’s house!” Actually, the filmmaker and writer lives in Brooklyn [! yes, this fine French patriot prefers to live in Jew York City], but he is passing through to present his new book, titled, like a comedy: “Mohammad, my mother and me”.

in  Elle Magazine


It was therefore in Callac (Côtes-d’Armor] [JdN: in Brittany, a heavily keltic part of France where some still speak a kind of Gaelic, and there are many prehistoric, Stonehenge-like stone structures)

that the Cohen family negotiated with the mayor Jean-Yves Rolland in order to repopulate a town that had fallen from 3,000 inhabitants (1980s) to 2,229 (2019) due to various industry closures (slaughterhouses, farms, etc.).

Protest: “We are native Bretons, not settler colonialists. Reconquest! No to the Horizon project”

Nothing extraordinary in a country that has bled out its industry after having bled out its agriculture, maximizing profits by employing the poor from the other side of the world tas cheap labor o sell stuff to the unemployed masses here in our France.

This city therefore has to become one more of these laboratories of the racial “Great Replacement” of the Whites in action. (The jews, of course, repackage it as “repopulation”, which, strictly speaking, amounts to the same thing.)

Each parcel of what remains of our beautiful country must be brought up to speed with the official policies of the destruction of our national pride and the emotional, political and psychological cohesion of the indigenous white population.

All this is also designed to push back on the latent fascism of us evil Whites which is always ready to reappear from the fertile belly of the filthy Racism beast. One only has to reread Bernard-Henri Lévy ( L’Idéologie française ) or, at the real roots of this perfectly planned-out program, the works of the german-jewish Frankfurt School authors (Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Jürgen Habermas, etc.).

The Cohen family is therefore coming in at the end of this long post-World War II comet of migration which has irrigated the “white” world with increasingly vast waves of foreigners, with the tsunamis of the last five years having perhaps made the situation irreversible.

The hour of white secession from the multiracial new “France” may have come, because any assimilation – and even any integration – of these hordes is becoming more and more improbable.

Today, precisely, many French people are wondering about a reversed rural exodus in order to leave the urban centers or heavily allogenic suburbs that are far too underworldy and crime-ridden, preferring a certain white-French ethnic gregariousness and a more peaceful living environment.

Also, the most conspiratorial among us — to whom we do not belong, of course — remain consternated by the state’s will to sprinkle each and remote corner of France with a multicultural mix, just as if no wog-free zone should any longer remain and thus no retreat to any zone of whiteness is possible. Is this mere paranoia?

“They adjure you, and just now the pope of a sick Christendom said it, to open your doors wide to the migrants.

But I say to you, and I beg you:  Close them! And close them quickly — if there is still time! »

Jean Raspail
The Camp of the Saints, Robert Laffont editions, 1973


The Cohens’ clothing firm of Bonpoint is at least in line with its “Horizon” ideology since its own website opens with an image that has become – it must be said – a perfectly banal ethnic mix (we, of course, should no longer say the word “racial”, because races do not exist…. but note that the word “racism” still does – go figure… )

On this subject, absolutely rewatch the video of Laurent Guyénot on  this page .

(c) website


A few years earlier [1962], (((Ralph Ginzburg))),

Portrait of magazine publisher Ralph Ginzburg, 1972. He holds a copy of the debut issue of his Eros magazine (published in Spring 1962) and stands in front of a framed photograph of a woman, dressed only in stockings, standing with a bicycle. (Photo by Bernard Gotfryd/Getty Images)

…..the infamous American editor of the magazine Eros, had published a photo that caused a lot of ink to flow, showing the white belly of a woman, and just below her bare breasts two hands were clasped all peacefully, one masculine and black, the other feminine and white. The photo accompanying this long caption read:

“Tomorrow, this couple will be considered as the pioneers of an enlightened age, in which prejudices will be dead and the only race will be the human race”. It was exactly that.

Jean Raspail


In Callac we are organizing to avoid a great invasion which would bring back horrid memories to the readers of the visionary  Camp des saints  (1973):

A member of the collective “for the defense of Callac’s identity”, Michel Riou, protests: “In Callac, there are [indigenous white] people who have been looking for work for a long time. Why aren’t we offering them training, rehabilitated housing, etc.” says the shocked former deputy mayor. “We are apolitical and not racist. We don’t mind that there are a few immigrant families in Callac. But I notice that these foreigners have not found work here. Since they came here, they have been living entirely at public expense.”

in  Le Figaro


However, without wanting to ruin for you the end of the Camp of the Saints novel, it is quite possible to predict that all this will end very badly. But this time it will be dreadful for both natives and newcomers, while the countryside will resound with the gleeful rubbing of the hands of “philanthropists” who have ensured that their well-conceived “charity” will as always begin with themselves.

Mass immigration, what a great project!

1 Comment

  1. One could pour paint on Bonpoint clothing in the stores. Time to fight back and boycott these anti-white bastards. These people are ethnically clearing us from our own lands. Leave a comment on their website. Let’s have mass uncontrolled Immigration into Israel — fair is fair.

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