With the sword of Presence, cut off the negative thoughts that are ruining your life

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My stroke-level blood pressure after reading the hostile and unjustified notes by the jew doctor against my late wife.

It became clear after three ER visits that my heart, blood vessels, lungs and other systems were fine.

It was entirely my own thoughts and feelings that were killing me.

And now, thanks to many steps I took to get control back over my well-being, my BP is not only back to normal but extremely good — as it was before. 129/67 (lower right column) is the BP of a high school athlete.

And everyone who met Margi, a brilliant woman — 150 IQ — a charming, energetic, loving and brave person, with all her human flaws, understood immediately what her final misery and death would mean to me — to her husband, NS comrade and mate of 17 years.

To know her, for all her issues, many caused by, IMO, vaccines that triggered severe ADD, “attention deficit disorder,” was to love her.

Mercifully, Margi slept most of the final three days.

But she conducted several lucid conversations by phone with supporters on the eve of her passing. So they even more startled than as I was when she was gone. As I have written, on the night before she died, Margi did tell me:

“I think I will cross over tomorrow” — and she did.

A male admirer who had died years ago — a German named Uwe in Saxony-Anhalt who was madly in love with her, yet whom she had turned down repeatedly for marriage, having me as her mate  — also had “spoken” to her of how he had missed her:

“Ich habe dich sooooo vermisst” = “I have missed you soooo much.”)

Such encounters with friends and loved ones already living on the other side can take a lot of the fear of death away.

Her passing was to my relief — for her sake, but to my own deep grief.

Do swans mate for life and then go off and die when they become widowed?

Yes, many do, especially Trumpeter Swans.

Before they mate, they literally do form a heart symbol, and the male is devoted to his wife and their babies.

I guess I was just a swan in an earlier life. 😉 (Swans can peck hard and fight fiercely to protect their family, btw.)

So this was my hardest test since I ran away from MK-ULTRA at age ten after I seeing an old man crush a nest of baby birds to mush with his boot. (Torturing and killing young animals and fellow children is classic satanism. The CIA has a contract with satanists to deliver them highly abused children for the CIA’s own training programs for both 1) hitmen and also 2) mind-controlled military, business and political leaders.)

Mentally surviving this sudden loss was the proof that Eckhart Tolle is truly onto something.

We CAN get a grip on our thoughts and our feelings — and banish those that are destroying us from within.

Make your mind SERVE you, not torture you.

And let me be clear: Horrific times are ahead.

And millions of Weak Whites will kill themselves instead of fighting the bastards to the death who have brought disaster on our race, and in 1945 crushed, enslaved and slandered with the Holocaust lie my beloved Deutschland.

German woman raped and killed by General Patton’s Third Army, in Zerbst, Sachsen-Anhalt. Margi loved Zerbst and visited there several times.


SS soldiers mistreated and beaten to death by Brits

The most beautiful city in Europe reduced to rubble and 500,000 smelly cadavers. The current generation of Americans is the reincarnated Greatest Generation that did this. Spare me the pity party.


So… will you be spiritually STRONG —

— or a cowardly, whining, moaning, moping, hysterical weakling when the SHTF, and idiotically put a gun to our head or jump off a bridge, killing YOURSELF instead of exterminating our loathsome, raping, stealing, lying, despicable foes?



    • Thank you, Velhal. As a fellow supporter, I am appreciative of all those those who financially help brother de Nugent.

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