The masters of accusatory inversion: “Russian soldiers with Ukrainian human trophy”; the nationwide gas chamber

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ACTUALLY, it’s Israeli-jewish soldiers with a female Palestinian prisoner…..


It’s like the jews claiming Hitler built gas chambers to genocide the jews.


No, Hitler never did, but now, via chemtrails, the jews have turned the skies over the entire United States into ONE BIG GAS CHAMBER to make the goyim docile and depressed, and to cause droughts and famines, so the hated gentiles can be mass-killed!


The jew motto: Before committing any crime, first accuse at the top of your lungs some goy of doing it.

“Hitler wanted to take over the world.”




  1. That Israeli soldier kid with the very light-blond hair doesn’t look Jewish at all – he looks German. Full-blooded Jews do not have blond hair, and his facial features are also Aryan, not Jewish. His skin tone is also much lighter than the other Jews in the photo. So, I’m wondering if he’s descended from the thousands of German WWII orphans whom the Jews abducted and brought to Israel after 1945, to be raised as Jews, and thereby improve the Jews’ Neanderthal DNA.

      • I think I read in a previous blog of yours Jdn. That the jews aren’t really jewish. They were infiltrated by ashkenazi and used to do the ashkenazi dirty work..Strange how the word NAZI is in their name

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