Chirps and Trills: Birdsong Can Help Reduce Anxiety and Paranoia, Study Shows
AUTHOR Allyson Aleksey
Listening to the chirps and trills of birds can decrease anxiety and paranoia, according to a new study out of Germany.
The study, published October 13, tested the effects of traffic noise and birdsong on 295 randomly selected participants, who listened to a few minutes of typical city traffic noise and then bird choruses at low and high frequencies. Participants performed cognitive tests and filled out questionnaires assessing mental health before and after the experiment.
“Everyone has certain psychological dispositions. Healthy people can also experience anxious thoughts or temporary paranoid perceptions,” lead author Emil Stobbe said in a press release. “The questionnaires enable us to identify people’s tendencies without their having a diagnosis of depression, anxiety, and paranoia and to investigate the effect of the sounds of birds or traffic on these tendencies.”
Stobbe’s team found that traffic sounds caused higher levels of depressive states, whereas birdsong lowered levels of anxiety and paranoia in healthy participants.
Study authors believe this is the first test revealing an effect birdsong specifically has on paranoia. This could lead to further research of actively manipulating soundscapes in different environments, including psychiatric wards and hospitals, to test the effect it has on patients’ anxieties or paranoia.
“Birdsong could also be applied to prevent mental disorders. Listening to an audio CD would be a simple, easily accessible intervention,” said Stobbe. “But if we could already show such effects in an online experiment performed by participants on a computer, we can assume that these are even stronger outdoors in nature.”
The study also suggests that birds can improve mood, something that past studies have confirmed. In 2020, researchers found that the effects of having a greater diversity of birds were akin to that of having a larger income.
“We found that avian diversity is as important for their life satisfaction as is their income,” Dr. Katrin Böhning-Gaese, the author of the 2020 study, previously told Mashable.
So next time you need a pick-me-up, consider simply opening your window or putting on a birdsong soundtrack — the positive effects of nature’s sounds are abundant.
Impariamo il linguaggio degli uccelli 😉
Transl from the Italian:
Let’s learn the language of birds. 😉
Yes, and we must also recall that they are only evolved dinosaurs, and thus praiseworthy survivors of the great catastrophe 70 million years ago. 🙂
Along this same line, on youtube are sounds of crickets which is claimed to help or cure tinnitus.
Dear Mr. de Nugent, I believe you are In ERROR, of your assessment regarding THE 4TH REICH.
HITLER and the Best Germany had to offer maybe did go off to ANTARTICA. That is a possibility, however, I would like to bring up the ON-GOING(30 PLUS YEARS NOW) DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION OR TRANSFER OF German Industry into the USA. THE recent Nordstream bombing(USA) and other hostile acts by the USA are fulfilling EXACTLY what the AMERICAN POWER STRUCTURE(I will call it that) wants to happen to modern Germany.
And that is STEAL, OR transfer all its INDUSTRIAL MIGHT to the USA. This AMERICAN WAR AGAINST GERMANY, has been ongoing for decades, especially under Obama and Biden.
I can tell you that DOZENS OF German Industrial Giants are all moving here to the USA due to the ongoing events in Europe.
Of course, when Merkel was leader of Germany, she actually WANTED more ties to Russia than the USA. This is why you see what’s happening in Ukraine, as part of the “AMERICAN POWER STRUCTURE” Strategy of Stealing German Industry away from its own people.
Just my two cents there.
We are in 100% agreement, so there is no error. 😉
The fate of the poor Germans in Europe, who are basically work slaves of jewry, with Germany being a bank cash machine, an ATM,
for Israel, and of the Disengaged Germans in the Antarctic (and also in the Andes mountains), who are fierce and proud national socialists, are totally separate.