Ex-NATO fighter pilots training the Chinese air force to beat the West

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A squadron of Chinese Jl-10 fighter jets. The Asians in general are less creative than Whites, but excellent at copying OUR tech — and are famous for being extremely hard-working, stoic, and passionate about getting an advanced technical or scientific education, not studying useless fluff like Black history, transgenderism or other woke topics. In the Eisenhower and Kennedy years, there was a huge push to graduate more scientists and engineers in the US to beat the Soviets, but now China graduates FAR more scientific and engineering professionals than all the countries of the West.


hina specifically has quietly, discreetly adopted many, many key programs and ideas from German national socialism. In addition, China is racially 90% homogenous — being overwhelmingly people of Han-Chinese ethnic stock — and it has just one political party, which is really post-communist in most ways and simply patriotic for China. The economy is mostly government-guided private enterprise, and many Chinese have become millionaires. I have met, taught and conversed extensively with many educated Chinese. This is a formidable people we should get along with, not fight, and especially because they 1) have nuclear weapons, and 2) missiles that can sink our aircraft carriers quickly.  In the Pentagon’s own war games, the Chinese quickly win any battle over Taiwan.

….British fmr NATO pilots training Chinese air force!

China’s armed forces recruiting dozens of British ex-military pilots in ‘threat to UK interests’

All British former service personnel, who have accepted jobs to train Chinese military pilots, “are almost certainly enhancing China’s military knowledge and capability,” an official has said.


  1. The Daily Stormer’s .rw Rwandan web domain at https://stormer-daily.rw has apparently been cancelled, and the site is once again only accessible using the TOR web browser and the following TOR address:


    It’s really astonishing the amount of trouble the Jews have gone to, in order to cancel Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer website. As Anglin has pointed out many times, his is the most cancelled website in history. He has literally been cancelled from everything, to the point where his site is now only available on the Dark Web, using a TOR browser. The Jews apparently see him as a real threat to their anti-White agenda, despite his often juvenile reporting style.

    Here’s two of his latest articles:



  2. The “international” only cares about prices and money. It is hilarious how China is hoisting the West and Jewish finance capitalism on its own petard.

    The Atlanticist (with an I) system is finance capitalism, and this sort of government reduces everything to money markets and money prices. Parliamentarians do not rule, the hidden hand rules from behind the scenes. Parliamentarians do not bite the hand that feeds.

    The money type of FC is private bank credit, issued at debt. The “City of London” can an does hypothecate new Euro-Dollars against a ships bill of lading. Wall Street and the City have been joined at the hip since post WW2, when Atlanticism won.

    Some other recent examples of patrimony theft, are the U.S. sending its jobs and knowledge to China, to then monetize formerly Chinese debt free labor; and to get that sweet labor arbitrage. The profits from wage arbitrage channel through the Western finance class, who “make the deals.” The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was no different – same mechanism different players. Jews were working in the background, making a plan to make some profit, and then creating the money to make it happen.

    China rope-a-doped the West by allowing inputs of raw materials (by shipping) into their East Coast, and then they built factories nearby. China’s export industry was created along Eastern Sea-board. Movement of shipping to and from China was guaranteed by the U.S. Navy. The Atlanticists thought this model would work, and that China would become “integrated” into the world system.

    Instead, China silently built up her rail and transport corridors, to access labor and raw materials from the interior.

    China becoming the “workshop” for Atlanticist international capital didn’t pan out, especially after Tiananmen square, when Chinese leaders kept their State Banks and did not succumb to dollar debts.

    Some more hilarity is the hypersonic race, where Chinese scientists learned American secrets at our national labs.



    Los Alamos National Laboratory alumni are driving key advances in military and dual-use technologies for the PRC including in hypersonics, deep-earth penetrating warheads, unmanned aerial vehicles, and submarine noise reduction.


    The “international” Jew is busy with his liberalism. He is erasing borders, languages, and even sexual identity. The only thing that really matters to the Jew is money and prices. Money and Prices are to be controlled by Jewry, and debt instruments are to be attached to the world. This puts the international Jew in the cat-bird seat, repairing the world (so he thinks).

    China, with their industrial capitalism presents the same threat to the financiers that NSDAP Germany did, and before it the Colonials of North America.

    A self sufficient economy, not dependent on Jew bucks, is against everything that the self-styled god-people want.


    Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.

    Exactly the same thing that happened to Germany is happening to China. Only China is “enriching” many of the finance class in the West, and this is allowing China some breathing room before being attacked. For example, corrupted critters like Nancy Pelosi would stop any China hostile legislation, since she profits from Chinese investments.

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