1. A people must separate and protect itself if it does not want to become a minority in its own country. Above a certain number of foreigners, they determine the policy and the fate of the original natives.


    In German: Ein Volk muß sich abgrenzen und schützen

    Ein Volk muß sich abgrenzen und schützen, wenn es nicht zur Minderheit im eigenen Land werden möchte. Ab einer gewissen Anzahl an Fremden bestimmen diese die Politik und das Schicksal der ursprünglichen Einheimischen.

    • Very true . The elites want to mix up all the races to produce a Mongoloid race with no history or identity, so easier to control. The libturds in white lands actually want this mixing of the races. Do they think the gimmegrants will shake their hands and thank them?
      I told many a libturd to take an Afghan or African family into their own home or rent a property to house the said gimmegrants at their expenses. Lol — so far no libturd has agreed to this. Why not?
      Very easy to explain. Libturds think they are morally and intellectually superior to all others.
      So when they have to live with the dog-shit mess THEY created, they want nothing to do with it. However, they are quick to spend taxpayers money on the said gimmegrants as a way of making themselves feel charitable and generous and superior to all.
      And the libturds aren’t intellectually superior — they are stupid and weak. They can’t see that ethnic cleaning means they have to go also.
      Gimmegrants want the very land you live on, they want/demand your food, gas, and electric benefits, access to education and to health care. They want us Whites gone.
      Lots of posts from blacks and browns on FB state this belief and action.
      Blacks and browns hate whites for being successful. They accuse us whites of all sorts of crimes, yet are ignorant or deny deliberately the crimes committed by their own coloured kind. .
      They see history as an excuse to commit the same crimes, a karma, a revenge, a kind of justice.
      When you get coloureds to admit to past crimes in their history, then they gob off about the KKK, the slave trade, and the Nazis etc to guilt-trip you.
      Lol! Some blacks actually fought on Hitler’s side in WW2 — Black Germans from the old imperial-German colony of Namibia.
      The great athlete Jesse Owens said he got better treatment in Nazi Germany than he did back in America. This was told to me by one of his relatives, reading from Jesse Owen’s autobiography.
      Don’t believe the lies teachers tell for a piss-poor pay cheque.
      Be proud of being white. Know your history, warts and all.

      And smile as you punch your attackers in the face.

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