Sam Bankman Fried, billionaire mega-donor to the Demoncrat party (second after Soros) ruthlessly ripped off small investors; his financial empire has collapsed

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The jew-serving Tony Blair and Bill Clinton with the jewish mega-con man Sam Fried

Meet top Democrat Donor and financial criminal Sam Bankman Fried
research by JdN correspondent and researcher

We have all heard of Elon Musk, who if you listened to the mainstream media is an operative for the Republican Party. He’s not. He is just a brilliant mind that bought a very important social media and broadcasting platform. We still don’t know what his intentions are, to be fair. Some say it’s to make money, others to fight for free speech. I personally believe he’s done it to troll the people giving him a hard time – as bonkers as that may sound. 😉

But there are two high-profile donors – both Jewish, as you might have expected – that are on this planet to harm humanity that are off-limits and therefore immune to criticism. The first is of course the Hungarian Jew, George Soros.

If you dare criticize him you will fid out he is entirely off limits, and will be immediately attacked as being antisemitic and full of “hate” — in spite of the fact that the man is:

— wanted by the police in several nations for crimes against humanity,

— has destroyed millions of people’s lives via fraud, and,

— in America has had a hand in increasing our murder rate in the big cities due to his support of “progressive” Democrat district attorneys (prosecutors) who knowingly release murderers and pedophiles so they can free up resources for their real agenda of locking up their political adversaries.

……(JdN) When Newt Gingrich in 2020 brought up the murder-loving, DA-bribing George Soros, Fox News hosts went silent-treatment on him, refusing to even discuss Soros

If you doubted the power of this vile jew Soros, watch this, and remember that GINGRICH WAS THE SPEAKER 1994-98 OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, one of the most powerful men in America.

(hostile video)

Remember that, as Wiki says, “The Speaker is second in the United States presidential line of succession, after the vice president and ahead of the president pro tempore of the Senate.”

It is a demonstrable fact that George Soros has been attempting to destroy law and order by funding radical left-wing ideologues to run for district attorney offices. St. Louis’ Kimberly Gardner is one such example. The selective prosecution of BLM and Antifa rioters, and lack thereof, is a decision leading to increased crime and violence within the communities, and so far ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGES.

The moment quickly went viral on social media, and while many libtard & leftist observers applauded the hosts for cutting off Gingrich’s truthful statements, Fox News viewers and conservative pundits were furious that the network cowed to the arch-leftist and Holycost survivor.

“This is the power of #GeorgeSoros,” tweeted Glenn Beck, the right-wing TV star who, during his Fox News tenure — January 2009 to June 2011 on the Fox News Channel; Beck has authored six New York Times–bestselling books —  often blasted Soros, accompanied by a chalkboard with lines connecting various political entities to the philanthropist.

“This is how the media and now Fox News bows down at his feet. Everything said here is public record. Have you ever seen Fox come to a complete halt like this? Why?”

And so during Thursday’s broadcast of Outnumbered, Faulkner addressed the issue in a standalone segment, seemingly looking to quell the anger that had bubbled up among the network’s conservative base viewership.

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner addressed an awkward on-air conversation that occurred one day prior with Newt Gingrich on Thursday, when several co-hosts of “Outnumbered” said George Soros should not be part of a conversation around the cost of riot damage across the U.S.

“So, we had a little incident on the show yesterday that was not smooth. And while I was leading that segment, we had interruptions, and I sat silently while all of that played out. Also not ideal,” Faulkner explained on “Outnumbered” on Thursday.

“Our guest, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is beloved and needed to be allowed to speak with the openness and respect that this show is all about, was interrupted,” she said.

“Do we debate with fire here? Yes,” Faulkner continued. “But we must also give each other the space to express ourselves. As the only original member of the six-year-old amazing daytime ride known as ‘Outnumbered,’ I especially want to rock ‘n’ roll with every voice and perspective at the table.

“We don’t censor on this show,” she said. “And that’s why we are winning weekdays at noon.”

On Wednesday, Gingrich argued that money provided by the billionaire leftist Soros was helping to fuel riots in multiple U.S. cities throughout the summer following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

“Progressive district attorneys are anti-police, pro-criminal, and overwhelmingly elected with George Soros’s money.

And they’re a major cause of the violence we’re seeing because they keep putting the violent criminals back on the street,”

Gingrich said Wednesday.

“I’m not sure we need to bring George Soros into this,” said co-host Melissa Francis.

“I was going to say you get the last word, Speaker,” Faulkner said.

“He paid for it. I mean, why can’t we discuss the fact that millions of dollars…” Gingrich said before co-host Marie Harf [a fmr advisor to Demoncrat John Kerry as Sec’y of State) injected:

“No, he didn’t. I agree with Melissa. George Soros doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation,” Harf said.

“OK. So it’s verboten!” Gingrich replied [with heavy sarcasm].

Looooooonnnnnng silence………………………….

“OK. We’re going to move on,” Faulkner said.



…..There is someone just as influential and perhaps even more nefarious than Soros.

Sam Bankman Fried.

In the following few paragraphs I’ll present you the facts surrounding Bankman-Fried and let you decide if this is someone you want deciding who “wins” and loses in our elections.

Bankman-Fried was born in 1992 on the campus of Stanford University into a family of leftwing academics/leftists. Born and raised to an upper-middle-class Jewish family in California, he rarely saw the sorts of people he now uses his fortune to “empower” — to use his word — at the expense of white America and all decent Americans

Fried is the son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman, both professors at Stanford Law School. His aunt Linda P. Fried is the current dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. His brother, Gabe Bankman-Fried, is a former Wall Street trader and the director of the non-profit Guarding Against Pandemics.

In the summer of 2013, Bankman-Fried began working at Jane Street Capital where he learned to cheat and swindle, as people named “Bankman” do.

In September 2017, Bankman-Fried quit Jane Street and moved to Berkeley, California, where he worked briefly at the Centre for Effective Altruism as director of development from October to November 2017. Centre for Effective Altruism operated as a charity, in spite of the fact it brought in tens of millions of dollars profit.

Why is a charitable NGO hiring a currency and derivatives trader? hmmmm…..

From Bankman-Frieds onlin bio – “In November 2017, FB then founded Alameda Research, a quantitative trading firm. As of 2021, Bankman-Fried owned approximately 90% of Alameda Research. In January 2018, Bankman-Fried organized an arbitrage trade, moving up to USD 25Million per day, to take advantage of the higher price of bitcoin in Japan compared to in America. After attending a late 2018 cryptocurrency conference in Macau, he moved to Hong Kong.  He founded FTX, a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, in April 2019, and it then launched the following month.”

Since then Bankman-Fried has made upwards of 20 billion dollars from speculation and bitcoin and become very influential in politics.

So why is this rat of a man important?

…..Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Democratic causes in 2021–2022 election cycle with total donations of $39.8 million.

This massive amount of money lagged only behind George Soros’s giving.

Of this, $27 million was given to “Protect our Future PAC” – a hard left-wing organization – that was entirely bankrolled by Bankman-Fried.

In the 2020 election cycle, Bankman-Fried contributed $5.2 million to two super PACs that supported the Biden campaign. He also contributed to two conservative groups that worked to undermine Donald Trump, including the disgraced, pedophile-linked Lincoln Project and the Log Cabin Republicans – a notoriously Gay organization effectively created to harm President Trump.

Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Joe Biden in the 2020 election cycle, personally donating $5.2 million, second to only Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg….now there’s a goyish name for ya…..

When asked if he was only supporting Democrats at an event featuring Tony Blair and Bill Clinton as speakers, Fried-Bankman stated “No, I support politicians regardless of affiliation if they are doing good. I want to help people with my fortune and my politics follows that ethos.”

Ahhh what a mensch, Yiddish for “lovely fellow”….

Bankman-Fried then went on to donate to the Republican campaigns of notorious RINO US senators Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Deep Staters who worked fanatically to undermine President Trump. He donated $105 THOUSAND to his pet faux “conservatives”, and, ahem, $35 MILLION to liberals, a ratio of 1:341 in favor of Democrats candidates.

“In 2022, Bankman-Fried provided initial financial support for Protect Our Future PAC. Protect Our Future was launched as a Democratic political action committee with $10 million in initial funding aiming to support “lawmakers who play the long game on policy-making in areas like pandemic preparedness and planning“, according to Politico.

Yep, pandemic preparedness. Let me go out on a limb and hazard a guess BF wasn’t helping us little guys prepare for the pandemic.

Prior to this past week’s mid-term elections Bankman-Fried set up two firms to distribute millions to Democrat Party candidates from  the American southwest to Florida and all points in between. For the good of the people, of course. (HIS people?)

He did so from his home in the Bahamas, where Wikipedia writes he lives as a “vegan” with “his ten roommates”. Sounds like the sort of thing Jeff Epstein could get into until you see what his roomies look like.

Besides using his vast wealth to bankroll Democrats pushing far-left policies, Bankman-Fried was also looking out for his own personal and financial interests, of course, making friends with people that who regulate his industry while bankrolling their campaigns.

Bankman-Fried told Politico that “his political contributions were not aimed at influencing his policy goals for the cryptocurrency ecosystem; however, FTX was circulating a list of suggestions to policymakers at the time. The CFTC has a reputation for favoring relatively relaxed regulations for the industry, when contrasted with other regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission.” reported that “Bankman-Fried pushed for regulations via the Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act (DCCPA) by extensively lobbying Congress, which was perceived as being favorable to FTX but harmful to the broader industry, especially its decentralized financial competitors. He did this while bankrolling the campaigns of Democrat bureaucrats in charge of the CFTC.”

So where’s this all headed?

FTX Collapse and the defrauding of working-class investors who sunk their life savings into Fried-Bankman’s firms (with notes from


Rumor has it that Bankman-Fried had a hand in Superbowl-winning quarterback Tom Brady’s demise as well.

And ain’t Fried’s girlfriend a looker!! 😉

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States announced (this was not covered until after the mid-term election, of course) that it is investigating Sam Bankman-Fried, “the man behind the troubled cryptocurrency exchange FTX”. The assets of a local trading business and “associated parties” were frozen in the Bahamas, where his arm is based.

Furthermore, the island of Cyprus intends to revoke FTX’s operating license, and the crisis may force the US and EU to tighten cryptocurrency regulations.

While Sam Bankman-Fried has just stepped down from his bankrupt exchange, reports that there is speculation that the FTX founder could be facing charges after misusing customer funds.

FTX and its founder have come under scrutiny after financial revelations about Bankman-Fried’s trading firm, Alameda Research.

Mass withdrawals from the cryptocurrency exchange followed, which sent the FTX exchange and the ecosystem’s native ftx token (FTT) token spiralling. FTX then announced on 11 November that it had filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Bankman-Fried was stepping down.

FTX had reportedly misused billions of dollars’ worth of consumer investments, according to a Wall Street Journal article also released just after the election. The cryptocurrency exchange had allegedly used these funds to finance “risky bets” by Alameda Research, which ultimately led to its downfall.

A Twitter user highlighted that this breached FTX’s terms of services. The exchange had specified that deposited cryptocurrencies would stay in consumers’ hands.

The user, who goes by Twitter profile wassielawyer, tweeted: “FTX’s [terms of service] specifically states that title to assets remains with the customer. Which means FTX was literally stealing customer funds. Clearest criminality so far…”

Stealing customer funds and then donating them to the Democrat Party machine, of course.

The US Justice Department and US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had already been investigating the cryptocurrency exchange before its collapse, according to the Wall Street Journal, although no one told any of us this was the same man bankrolling the Dems to mid-term election success. writes,

“The investigation was focused on the exchange’s US branch, which had seen minimal damage so far from the implosion. FTX for some reason was not being looked at. The two government agencies suspect that some of the assets listed on the cryptocurrency exchange violated securities laws. This would result in the person handling the assets, in this case FTX, also breaching these regulations.”

During the initial investigation it was revealed that Gary Gensler, the SEC chair, had met with Bankman-Fried informally earlier this year.


As per Wikipedia:

Gary Gensler (born October 18, 1957) is an American government official and former investment banker serving as the chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. [Gensler previously led the Biden–Harris transition’s Federal Reserve, Banking, and Securities Regulators agency review team.] He is also a professor in the practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Gensler served as treasurer of the Maryland Democratic Party for two years. During the 2008 presidential campaign cycle, Gensler served as a senior advisor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and later advised the Obama campaign. In May 2015, Gensler was named chief financial officer of Clinton’s campaign for president.


Looks (see the above collage) like Bankman-Fried’s girlfriend….. ugh, what a face.

Gensler was interviewed recently by CNBC and said: “We’ve been clear in these meetings… that non-compliance was not going to work; the public is going to be hurt.”

The SEC chair also said he would continue to bring cases to the court for those breaching regulation, yet he did not verify if FTX was being investigated.

Congressman Tom Emmer (R-Minnesota) criticised Gensler on Twitter and said he was actually “helping SBF and FTX work on legal loopholes to obtain a regulatory monopoly”. The Biden administration has been, as well.

If the Republicans do control the House, there is a chance they might set up an inquiry. However, seeing as how thick (stupid) the GOP is, expect more hearings on Planned Parenthood, CRT and rainbow flags, and next to nothing on people like Bankman-Fried – the mega-rich sociopaths funding these evils. reported that “Potential charges are not the only impact from this implosion facing Bankman-Fried. The founder and CEO saw his wealth plummet by almost 94% on 8 November.”

Bankman-Fried’s net worth fell from just under $16bn to less than $1bn – with some reports noting Bankman-Fried’s personal wealth had fallen to $991m.

More consequences have since followed for Bankman-Fried as he announced his resignation on 11 November, along with the exchange filing for bankruptcy. His entire board also stepped down.

In a normal country that valued its own citizens, this vile crook would be facing prison. My guess, though, is Bankman-Fried will leverage the influence he has with the people in charge of our lives and successfully keep his filthy tukhes out of jail. I’m going to go out on a second limb here and say Bankman-Fried will be able to keep much of his fortune and be allowed to walk.

Troublingly, Bankman-Fried is one of the investors who helped Musk purchase Twitter. Although Biden has said he will investigate Musk’s ties to the Saudis – now that the Saudis are lukewarm to the American Deep State – I don’t expect Biden (or Musk for that matter) will be talking about his family’s links to Bankman-Fried anytime soon.

And in conclusion, let me go out on a third limb here….The Dems this evil man helped get into power will not be reimbursing the people Bankman defrauded anytime soon.

End article



  1. This Jewish FTX scandal is just the latest proof, as if we needed any more, that “democracy” simply means covert Jewish bankster rule. It’s why the Jewish banksters worked so hard to finance the overthrow of all Gentile monarchies in Europe and Russia. From the 1789 “French Revolution” to the 1917 “Russian Revolution,” Jews and their Freemason shabbas goys succeeded in the covert overthrow of Gentile monarchical rule, and its replacement by Jewish bankster rule, in the form of “democracy.”

    The U.S. was already ostensibly a “democracy” (actually a constitutional republic), so it was much easier for the Rothschilds and their goy Freemason conspirators to overthrow, by passing the “Federal” Reserve Act in 1914. The “Fed” is a privately-owned Jewish banking cabal with secret owners, which loans the U.S. government money that it creates out of thin air, and collects the interest on those loans. The “Fed” is unconstitutional, as only the U.S. government has the constitutional right to print money. This is why the U.S. is perpetually in debt to the tune of trillions of dollars – an amount which increases every year. To whom does the U.S. government owe all this money? To the privately-owned Jewish banking cabal known as the “Federal” Reserve. This Jewish bankster control of our entire economic and political system is why things keep getting worse in America. These Jewish banksters are like a giant leech attached to our nation, slowly bleeding it dry.

    Now the Biden administration’s Anthony Blinken (Jew) has revived the idea of a “North American Union” composed of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, modeled after the European Union, which would further cement Jewish rule and essentially abolish our nation’s sovereignty. This is also why the Jew-controlled Biden administration and its head of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas (Jew) have kept the southern border wide open and encouraged millions of low-IQ Mexicans and others to flood in.

    But most white Americans are still asleep, and have no clue as to what is going on. They are too busy watching Jew-owned mainstream media like FoxJews and the Communist News Network (CNN), and rooting for their favorite stupid sports teams, most of which are also owned by Jews. I really see no hope for the United States in the coming years, unless some miracle happens.

    The hysterical and insanely over-the-top reaction of the Jew-owned Democratic Party to the January 6th “insurrection” at the U.S. Capital, which was instigated by FBI agent provocateurs, shows how fearful the Jew banksters are of a real revolution which would overthrow their control of the United States.

  2. From outside, looking in: “Bitcoin” appears to me as a game played by the rich, and by fools who want to PRETEND that they are rich.

  3. All that money and looking at Bankman-Finklesteins “lover” I think he should’ve got a decent pair of glasses.
    Another corrupt jew . Will they ever find/recover the money= nah
    Will he go to jail?=nah.

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