Spiritual reading: it can be okay to cry

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November 16

It would be good to allow yourself to weep today. Most of you carry great cargoes of sorrow deep within, from this life and from those in the past. There are times when the sorrow stays underground and can almost be forgotten, and then there are times when it pushes its way to the surface and demands to be reckoned with, seen and yes, felt. Today could be a day when your sorrow is heightened, when you are called to acknowledge both the feeling and the circumstances which occasioned it.

And there is so much that creates sadness and suffering. Of course a great deal of it is illusion and one’s relationship to the illusion, but life on your planet is rife with cruelty, and in truth, you are delicate and so readily wounded.

If you fnd yourself feeling sad (or angry or tense or frightened, any of which may well be just covering the grief) try to feel into it and if you have the chance, give it voice, give it tears. Your tears are ofen the only medicine that will heal the pain, so don’t hesitate to give yourself over to them. They are, in effect, a gifr which was given to you in conjunction with all the challenges of earthly life as a means for soothing and gentling yourself.

In this time, you are subject not only to the pain which you carry for yourself personally, but to a global pain as well. This is not theoretical or even emotional, but rather vibrational. It
is not something that you can dismiss (although sometimes you can decline to accept it) but something that requires clearing. Weeping can help.

The sadness rises and falls, but the foundation of your being constantly increases in strength and beauty.

You are here right now because you have the extraordinary capacity that is needed in extraordinary times. The sadness is both like waves that wash over you and then recede (so just deal with them and keep breathing), and also one of the means by which you become stronger and clearer. Everything that happens in this time is opportunity. It is so much easier and more useful when you are able to remember this.

So, if you are predisposed to cry today, cry for all you are worth. Let it rip, get the most you can out of your sadness. Milk it for every drop of truth and clarity that you can. And if you are not there, are not sorrowful, use the day for tidying up your life. It will also be a wonderful day for taking care of details, for organizing and sorting, for finishing things long left unfinished. Be extra kind to those around you—be aware that many may be stuck in the middle of their grief, may be reliving painful times.

And of course, be most generous and gentle with yourself, for indeed you have been hurt terribly—each and every one of you—over the course of many lifetimes.

But don’t forget that you are not a victim nor need think or act like a one. You are in the process of claiming your rightful power and light. Where once you may have been helpless, you are no longer. You can do and be whatever and whoever you can imagine and intend. This is a day for seeing and cleansing sorrow, not one for falling prey to it.

We know that many of you struggle with painful and ofen overwhelming situations, that it may seem as if there is little you can do. Start with your tears, and stay open. You are supported and guided and loved very, very much.




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