Spiritual reading: You do not need to become, you need only to remember

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November 17

We are well aware that many of you are in the process of calling up your nemeses, of bringing into the light of consciousness those beliefs, patterns, thought forms and values which have overshadowed and hindered you for many lifetimes.

All around the planet, the membrane which separates conscious from unconscious is thinning and it becomes more and more obvious to many people what it is that they are indeed engaged in a struggle with.

And these struggles, broken open, now revealed for what they truly are,  are of a magnitude and power you have not seen before.

If this is not happening for you, it may, and soon.

You all need to fnd your own way in this time. You are the heroes and you alone must choose your course and your stance. If you fail in this, if you lean too hard on anything—a structure, a religion, a person, an outside source of any sort—then you will likely return to the same place again when you have gained the tools you need to do it on your own.

And while this is fne and you will each take the time and experience you need in order to achieve the mastery point you have set as your individual goal, there is no harm in
gathering the many advantages that are on offer. Today we want simply to remind you that you are already the masters of your own lives. You do not need to become, you need only to remember.

We see you as great, branching, sheltering trees—magnificent, ancient, powerful and deep rooted. You have and are all that is needed. It is your fear and illusion which lead you to imagine that you are nothing more than a skinny sapling, subject to the animals, insects and elements. No, you are source, you are home, you are shelter, you are strength and fortitude, you are
wisdom, you are life.

When you engage with your worst nightmares, remember please that you have already won, and try not to give it all away when you hear the persuasive voice of fear whispering in your ear. No one gains when you do that. Everyone loses.

We love you deeply, we are always here with you, and we are so happy to be able to encourage you to remember the truth of who you are, especially as the very earth seems to shift beneath your feet.

All our love and blessings.



…..Jennie Roestenberg in 2015 of the famous 1954 UFO sighting in Staffordshire, England, holding a drawing tha accurately represents how the nordic aliens appeared to her and her two sons


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