Spiritual reading: do the work you reincarnated here to do

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November 23

We love you, love you, love you. You have no idea just how dear you are to us. We want to thank you for being brave enough to do the work you came to do, to reach for the highest expression of human life, instead of taking it easy. We understand that this is very hard, and very lonely sometimes. We do. And we also see just how uplifted you are so much of the time, and we are so glad of that.

For as you accustom yourself to a higher vibration you are closer to us, communication is easier and we can share with you more clearly what it is that we know and see.

Today allow the gratitude you cultivated yesterday to flow. Don’t let it, or your contemplation of it, slow.

This will help you so much today. As you well know, gratitude is one of the most powerful means of opening your heart, and when you open your heart, you access the true power that you were born to wield. So fly on the gratitude you have brought to the surface. Let yourself feel as blessed as you are. See the world from the perspective of someone given the greatest gifs imaginable. And then you will be able to share them most generously.

Here, we are not talking about superficial sharing, but giving of the deepest sort, of the sort that ennobles you when you do. Today we are entreating you to gather yourself up in the gratitude that you have created and to become a new person. There is something each and every one of you does that is directed by your fears. Pick just one thing, if you will, but allow yourself to approach it today in gratitude and power instead of in fear and defensiveness.

Here lies true freedom, which is of course another thing for which we can all give great thanks.

Be assured that in taking this step you will be richly rewarded. There is no other way. And it is time now for you to begin to call upon your gratitude to guide you, especially when you are in a situation that you feel pushes you into a corner. You can do this, and you will be freer and stronger and an energetic role model for those around you as you do.

So, as we said initially, we love you so very much, and it is our task right now to urge on those of you who would listen, to show you how incredibly much you are needed and to thank you again and again for your determination to be and to live up to your highest potential.




    • A real person whose real name is Elizabeth West, who, she says, channels guidance from Nordics.

      I have corresponded with her, and she was a friend in California of a late friend of Margi, Susan Livingston (photo, with Margi’s cat Princess), who twice stayed with us, in January 2020 and January 2021, and helped Margi clean up her house despite her disorganized ADD mess. 😉 (Since her passing I have gotten the house squared away. A friend of Margi’s came over the other day and exclaimed: “Wow, it looks so different! Margi would love how the house looks now!”) ) Anyway, Susan was a cleanliness-and-order person who loved Margi and also her late mother, Hazel, the Shakespeare-play director.

      Margi got a lot of solace from these spiritual readings, and they changed her into a more serene person, even as her health went down and down.

      I do not know if these readings are really from Nordics — just that they give people daily strength to live, love and grow, and Elizabeth does not charge anyone anything for them. 🙂

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