Spiritual reading: the only real safety; NS reverence for Jesus, NOT the jew-serving churches

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November 24

Whenever one takes a large step forward, there is likely to be a reaction within, which attempts to pull one backwards, into the zone of comfort. As you grow and expand, (and we are seeing such energetic expansions!), the instinct of your smaller self is to contract, to pull back and inward, to not take up so much space, to not be so noticeable.

Safety lies in invisibility, or so goes the thinking of your personality.

But your soul knows that the only real safety can be found in fully expressing that soul energy, in living in the center of your true nature. And face facts, dear friends, your true natures burn pretty brightly.

We wanted to bring this up because there is so much that is moving and changing and—as we said—expanding, that the energies of reactive fear are showing up with regularity. You need to be on the lookout for them, to see these feelings for what they are. There will be a natural ebb and flow of emotion as you grow—that is to be expected. The first sensations are often of joy, freedom, and ecstasy, as you awaken to a new perception, dimension or power.

But as you work to integrate that new experience into your life and practice, you will probably encounter some discouragement or frustration. It is normal to lose some of the divine energy that fuels transformation as you work to ground it. But beware of the fear, the coldness in the gut, the voice that says “I’ll die if I let go of this” or “No one will love me if I embody that.”

As you know, this is simply your limited self trying to maintain control and its tactics need to be met head-on and with courage and commitment

to your soul’s emergence in this world.

But enough of that. Today will be a wonderful day for all kinds of undertakings on all kinds of levels. Please take advantage of it to move through th

ings on your lists, whether they be mundane or esoteric.

There may well be obstacles that you encounter, but each of them will carry for you an important lesson. So it could be a very productive day from a number of standpoints. In short, it is a good day to be present and awake and open to what comes your way, as well as a good day to plunge in and to do the things you believe that you want to accomplish.

One note: please try to move lightly through your day today. Do not invest anything with undue seriousness or weight. There are other times when it will benefit you to delve deeply. Today, act on your life, take what comes philosophically, and try to glean from it what you can. It will probably turn out to be more than you imagined, if you approach it from this perspective.

We love you and send our blessings.



……Where do these readings come from?

A real person whose real name is Elizabeth West, who, she says, channels guidance from Nordics.

I have corresponded with her, and she was a friend in California of a late friend of Margi, Susan Livingston (photo, with Margi’s cat Princess), who twice stayed with us, in January 2020 and January 2021, and helped Margi clean up her house despite her disorganized ADD mess. 😉 (Since her passing I have gotten the house squared away. A friend of Margi’s came over the other day and exclaimed: “Wow, it looks so different! Margi would love how the house looks now!”) ) Anyway, Susan was a cleanliness-and-order person who loved Margi and also her late mother, Hazel, the Shakespeare-play director.

Margi got a lot of solace from these spiritual readings, and they changed her into a more serene person, even as her health went down and down.


I do not know if these readings are really from Nordics — just that they give people daily strength to live, love and grow, and Elizabeth does not charge anyone anything for them. 🙂



…….NS reverence for Jesus of Galilee

Two graphics — which a comrade, former Green Beret, and very generous donor just sent me — from Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer:


“Easter/The jews nailed Jesus to a cross and believed him dead, but He was resurrected. They also crucified Germany, but it has risen again — more glorious than ever.”



“For or against/Whoever helps Satan’s people cannot be a servant of God” [Over and over, in the Reichstag and in the Bavarian legislature, the Roman Catholic-run “Center Party” entered into coalition governments with jews and atheistic socialists to exclude from power Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP, which DID support the teachings of Christ!]



  1. Non dimenticherò mai le tue letture spirituali…e tutto quello che hai fatto per me.
    Soprattutto Essere qui.
    Sto attraversando un momento difficile, sento che sto attraversando una tempesta.Per non parlare della solitudine.Poi mi vieni in mente tu e senza Margi.Sei coraggioso…

    • Transl:

      I will never forget your spiritual readings… and everything you have done for me. Especially just by Being Here with us.
      I am going through a difficult personal time; I feel that I am going through a storm….not to mention the loneliness.
      Then you come to mind and how you go on without your Margi. You are brave.


      Thank you. I feel for your pain and loneliness, and you too are very strong.

      As for Margi, well, I saw her die…. as I saw many of my soldiers die…..so many wonderful soldiers and so many fine wives in my many lives… and then I saw them again joyfully when I too died and entered the interlife.

      Count Laval Nugent married the Italian noblewoman Giovanna Riario Sforza (1797-1855) on 26 November, 1815 in Naples, Italy, and they had six children.

      I miss her too. 🙂


      • Già….una Sforza.
        Erano donne Tenaci,orgogliose come Margi.
        Puoi sentire tutta la loro sofferenza.
        È meraviglioso il cammino che abbiamo affrontato..anche se i piedi fanno male 😉
        La foto di Margi a 18 anni è stupenda 🙂 🙂
        Ti voglio BENE 🙂 sarà un mondo affollato 😉

  2. As a “Pagan” or “Heathen,” I do no business with the gods (plural intentional) of the Abrahamic (Jewish, Christian, or Muslim) mythosphere. There ARE other Gods in the Cosmos. Some are malignant, like Ba’al/Moloch. Others are indifferent, and many are benevolent/beneficent.

    Lately I have encountered scholarship which asserts that “Jesus” never actually existed, but was a literary invention that went viral. As I have said in another comment on this site, I believe that the god of the Inquisition is not worthy of human worship.

    • I understand your antipathy toward any semitic religion.

      As for Jesus, I have often blogged on why he WAS real, and Aryan, as Hitler believed.

      The Talmud began to be written down just two generations after Jesus, and it is full of information on this fierce enemy of Judaism, all twisted, of course, and vile insults against Him. The Romans also fiercely persecuted the Christians, and why would they have done so if it were a ROMAN invention?

        • Sorry, but while I understand your logic, I strongly disagree with it, and do not wish to let it lead others down the opposite path.

          Eckhart Tolle constantly quotes Jesus approvingly, adding that his disciples had litte or no idea what He really meant. His followers wanted a military messiah to boot the Romans out of Palestine, not a man preaching genuine enlightenment.

          Beyond that, comrade, beyond the historical right and wrong of it all, which I care about deeply, and speaking now to you entirely in practical PR terms, to bash Jesus is folly — a huge turn-off for the masses, and especially for many conservatives we need to reach.

          What was good and true in the old religion must be taken up by the new.

          • John, the biggest problem with Jesus is his pacifism because we can’t win against a ruthless enemy this way. Also the quote ‘nobody comes to God but through me’ is a megalomaniac thing to say, so I hope you’re right that it was made up by the kikes to enslave us.

          • Margi also objected to this seeming megalomania, and all of it is found in the Gospel of John, which literally all, ALL scholars concede was the last gospel of the four to be written down, and long, long after Jesus’ death. It contains sayings ascribed to Jesus that are found nowhere in the other three gospels, and which have a very different tone and feel. (I have read the entire Bible four times and the New Testament in the original Greek.)

            The truth is that Saul totally redid the man Jesus as actually being God, and His murder on the cross by the jews was turned into a sort of jewish temple sacrifice which wiped away our sins, appeasing an angry Yahweh.

            Wow. A human and enlightened Jesus who cried, felt hunger and thirst, and ran for his life when the jews were after him, was now God Himself……

            There was actually a huge battle over all this deification between James, the brother of Jesus — who obviously knew Jesus, his own brother — and was a strict monotheist, not a Three-Gods-in-One, Trinity man, and Saul (“Paul”), who had muscled his way into the Jesus movement and took this whole movement over by creating his own huge following among Gentiles — and then controlling the Jerusalem Jesus group by regulating the money flow from his own converts (some of them wealthy, and all of them generous) to the often dirt-poor, persecuted and ostracized Jesus admirers living in Jerusalem.

            In the end, very, very few jews of any stripe understood Jesus’ teachings, which were profoundly Aryan and not pacifistic at all. Jesus never, ever sent Roman soldiers or officers away, claiming “war is state-sanctioned murder” or the like, and, in fact, he healed the slave of a Roman centurion.

            Jesus, a nordic starseed, incarnated to go undercover as a jew in order to preach peace and love, turning the other cheek, love-thy-enemy, etc, TO THE JEWS. Why? In order to defang these dangerous jews — and thus to protect his own people, the Aryans.

            I explain all this in my religious scripture.

          • John, it’s incredible how jewry has diverted the murder of Jesus to the Romans. We know it was the Talmudic jews, but is there proof ?

          • The Talmud itself gloats over His death, saying He richly deserved it and was a blasphemer and black magician.

            The most nauseating story is that hs mother Mary — “a hairdresser and whore who slept with Roman soldiers,” they say — had learned black magic in Egypt. So one day when she bent over a big trunk of clothes, Jesus ran up and slammed the lid of the heavy chest down on her breasts and sat on the trunk.

            As she screamed, the “Jesus” of the filthy Talmud demanded she reveal all her secrets of black magic so he too could perform “miracles.” (The Talmud fully admits that Jesus performed miracles, and even that a young rabbi who was dying saved his life by calling on the name of Jesus, adding that it is better to die than be saved by a wicked blasphemer…..)

            This Talmud is the darkest, most psychopathic, most vile and murderous book on this benighted earth.

            “Hate speech”? The jews invented it!

            Mary and Jesus by watercolorist A. Hitler, Munich, Germany, 1913

          • You said, “…speaking now to you entirely in practical PR terms, to bash Jesus is folly — a huge turn-off for the masses, and especially for many conservatives we need to reach.” I unfortunately have to agree with you on that, which is a sad commentary on the intelligence of most white people today.

            I can only add that nothing good has ever come from believing a lie, as it only gives power to the liar, and removes power from the believer. In my opinion, if Hitler had publicly exposed and rejected Christianity as most of his dedicated SS men did, instead of playing along with it for PR purposes, Germany would have won WWII.

          • I could not agree more that nothing solid can be based on a total lie.

            First, Jesus, for me, is not a lie at all.

            Secondly, to replace Saulianity with something better — and only that would have sufficed, something better, not under any circumstances mere destruction of the old — would have been a massive, separate project. Saulianity was still alive and kicking in the 1920s — unlike now, and 40% of Americans, for example, attended church regularly — hard to imagine but there you have it.

            Now, however, is certainly time for the new and better.

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