Margi interviewed a Bulgarian revisionist publisher: On the heavy burden of duty toward the truth; how communist controlled-opposition figures took over “after” communism and got rich; HUMOR; the arrest of our friend Vincent Reynouard

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A beach in sunny Bulgaria, a mostly warm Balkan-European country, Eastern Orthodox-Christian, which grows roses by the ton to make rose oil for French perfumes. Long part of the Roman Empire, and called Thrace, here is the ruinof the South Gate of the massive Roman wall at Hisarya, then called Augusta, later Diocletianoplis.

Its people are a mix of mediterranean and slavic DNA. Bulgaria was allied with Germany in both world wars. During the Warsaw Pact/communist period, Eastern Europeans came here annually on summer vacations. 

Sofia, the capital


Margi visited Bulgaria in 2011-12, spent some very nice time in Varna on the Black Sea coast, found a wonderful dog there, “Mishki,” who went with her all over Europe, and did this interview below with a brave Bulgarian revisionist publisher for The Barnes Review.


To Be a Revisionist Is a Heavy Duty’

An interview with Bulgarian Populist Galin Jordanov

Galin Jordanov [JdN: the J is pronounced in many languages as a “y,” so it is really “Yordanov”] defines himself as a “man of letters.” Two decades of literary work has left to Bulgarian readers over 30 translations and a short history of Bulgaria in English (Glimpses of the History of Bulgaria), along with six handbooks on the Bulgarian language for foreigners.


In 2001, Jordanov took the post of editor-in-chief for the newly formed publishing house Zhar Ptitsa, which printed the first Bulgarian edition of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf; and works of Revisionists Prof. Robert Faurisson, Jürgen Graf, Richard Harwood and Oleg Platonov. After leaving Zhar Ptitsa in 2003, Jordanov translated into Bulgarian Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta H. Webster, and abridged versions of The International Jew by Henry Ford and Jewish Supremacy by David Duke.

Here he talks with Margaret about the tasks Bulgarian Revisionists face in deconstructing both the Communist and capitalist histories of their country.

By Margaret Huffstickler

TBR: Why are you considered a Revisionist historian? And how did you get involved in Revisionism?

Jordanov: In the years of the Communist dictatorship, our historians carefully presented only those facts that were compatible with the party line. As a schoolboy in the early 1970s, I liked history, but some things were confusing to me, and when I asked questions, the answers I got did not make sense.

One day my parents were sent to work in eastern Africa. There I discovered that the textbooks were full of lies about the West. Having friends from Sweden, Germany, the U.S. and South Africa, I saw they wer also just humans who differed from Bulgarians mostly in having some freedom. Three years later I returned to Bulgaria with the seeds of Revisionism planted in my head.

TBR: Was historical dissidence common at that time? What about censorship and propaganda?

Jordanov: Of course it was not common under the communists. There certainly was strong censorship. For example, the only existing TV channel showed us Hollywood movies like One Potato, Two Potato or Soldier Blue—the first one promoting interracial marriage and the second depicting white mistreatment of Amerindians. Generally, the whole West was presented as “rotten” because they exploit people there and have lots of beggars and homeless, while we were told we had none of these here. But by the late 1970s and early ’80s, information was circulating more easily across boundaries, and thousands of Bulgarians had already traveled or worked abroad. So the dogma that Westerners were bad and the Communists were great was fading.

TBR: How did you obtain information behind the Iron Curtain?

Jordanov: Through the fact that I knew foreign languages. Every two to three months we had campaigns in school where we collected wastepaper for recycling. I would poke into the piled bundles of paper and take out old copies of Time or US News and World Report, the British Guardian or Economist, sometimes the French Le Monde or Paris Match, or even the German Der Spiegel, all left by foreigners who had worked in Bulgaria. You couldn’t buy them freely at the news stalls. I read and compared all these with what our media said or wrote. I was shocked by the differences—for example, about Czechoslovakia in 1968, or Polish Solidarity in 1980.

Even then, in my teens, I felt like I had some mission: to help people separate the truth from the official propaganda. Isn’t this the same thing Revisionists are doing on a global scale?

TBR: What historical events in Bulgaria would you say are neglected by mainstream media?

Jordanov: The biggest problem for Bulgaria after the war was Soviet occupation. The Soviets did not recognize Bulgaria as their ally in World War II, and treated Bulgaria as an ally of Nazi Germany. After the occupation the Soviets gathered all the machinery and equipment they found here—from bicycles and motor vehicles to railway wagons and ships—and took it to the USSR. They also confiscated money and food and condemned the population to starvation. Until 1989, the official Communist media called this “liberation” from “fascism.” But what kind of “liberation” was it to deprive a whole nation of its rights and possessions?

Further, there is the official version of Czar Boris III’s death in August 1943. They say that Hitler poisoned him. But what for? The czar did not oppose Berlin. In fact, he had strong influence there, so he could have been an obstacle before the Soviet occupation, which took place a year later. It seems Moscow may have assassinated him.

Few of our historians dare to discuss the truth about Soviet occupation out of fear for their jobs, incomes or political protection. So there’s a lot of work for Revisionists.

TBR: Will these problems be addressed in your upcoming book?

Jordanov: Of course. Bulgarian history from 1939 to 1989 has to be cleansed of all the trash, and we need to stop the ongoing falsification of our history since 1989. Those who are direct witnesses to this period get really angry when today—just some 15-20 years later—we have to read about the “heroic” behavior of certain political figures from the “blue” (i.e. “democratic”) wave.

We all know that the so-called “opposition” to the “reds” (Communists) was carefully created by State Security prior to November 1989 in case the Communists lost the elections.

Thus, when this finally occurred in 1991 and 1997, the new “blue” governments was composed of people secretly loyal to the “reds.” The “blues” kept the “reds” at the reins of economic power. They betrayed the 2-3 million Bulgarians who had supported democratization in the ’90s.

TBR: Can you name some of these “blue” political figures whom you call traitors?

Jordanov: Sure. I’ll start with Jhelio Zhelev and Petar Stoyanov, both ex-presidents from 1991 to 2001, then the ex-prime ministers Filip Dimitrov (1991-1992) and Ivan Kostov (1997-2001), not to forget Stefan Sofiyanski, ex-mayor of Sofia from 1995 to 2005. All of these were elected with the “blue” vote, and played the role of “anti-communists,” but the results of their work were disastrous.

During their terms in power the ex-Communists succeeded in acquiring through so-called “privatization” [as in Russia and other ex-communist countries] the most important assets that had been held by the state. So today Bulgaria is a banana republic, with 0.5 % of the population being super-rich, 4-5 % of the people their servants in the government and the state bureacracy, and 95 % of people with “floating” economic status—“floating” from unemployed to low-paying jobs that let them barely survive, and then back to unemployed. [JdN: The French would use the word “precarious” for the life of such workers with lousy, no-security jobs. At least under communism, fro all its serious flaws, everyone was guaranteed a job and full social coverage.]

Today, at least half of the population dreams of returning to the [communist!!!] times before 1989. The blues have made “democracy” into a dirty word.

This was not a “mistake.” It was all carefully planned and designed. If you let somebody buy a company that is worth billions of dollars for a few hundred thousand, explaining that it’s on the brink of bankruptcy when it is not at all [exactly as in Russia under Boris Yeltsin, exactly!] , how can you call this a “mistake”?

This happened with hundreds, even thousands of companies [privatized under the lie that they were on the verge of bankruptcy and some bigshot was saving them].

TBR: Is it only the “blue”—the so-called “democratic”—leaders that you blame for what you describe here?

Jordanov: Certainly not. The government of the so-called “Czar” Simeon [Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, prime minister of Bulgaria from 2001 to 2005] inherited in 2001 what was started by the “blues” in the 90’s. The son of Czar Boris III [the last tsar and a freind of NS Germany] promised “honesty in everything.” But the “Czarists” simply continued the crooked privatizations.

As a result the living standards of millions of Bulgarians continued to fall.

By 2004, 15 years into “democracy,” the average standard of living was 40% of what it had been in 1989!

The “monarchist” idea was a catastrophe, and Simeon of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha took his leave from politics, but he kept the wealth he had stolen!

 TBR: You still blame the democratic or liberal formations and not the Communists.

Jordanov: Our communists were born as a subversive hate movement more than a century ago, and were simply born, psychopathic criminals. I blame now the traitors of all political colors who made fools of the Bulgarian people during the transition period, including the media for the “heroization” of these utterly corrupt politicians.

TBR: I see you are a keen watcher of political events.

Jordanov: What we call politics today leads to deformed history tomorrow. And if we forget what’s happened or just close our eyes to the distortion that is presented by the media, we will be blamed by future generations.

That’s why I support “historical hygiene.” The cleansing must start now while the people who went through all the events after 1989 are still alive and still remember. But there is fear. We know what happened to Prof. Robert Faurisson, David Irving, Ernst Zündel, Jürgen Graf and David Duke. To be a revisionist is a heavy duty.

TBR: Were there any measures taken against you back in 2001 when you started printing “dangerous” books?

Jordanov: Yes. Our publishing house was tried for “propagating fascism” and we faced a libel action. All three actions were abandoned in 2002, but later there were new trials against other writers. The last one ended in June 2011 with a sentence of probation and a fine. 


This was a French joke I sent to Margi in 2005, with an English, German and Italian translation:

CHASSE – Impossible…
Quelques temps après s’être marié avec une très jeune femme, un monsieur de 80 ans voit son docteur. Ce dernier doit lui annoncer que sa femme attend un enfant.

– Laissez-moi vous raconter une histoire, dit le docteur. Un homme très distrait part à la chasse ; mais à la place de son fusil, il prend son parapluie. Pendant qu’il traque, un ours le voit et fonce sur lui. L’homme distrait pointe alors son parapluie vers l’ours, il tire et le tue sur le coup.
– Impossible ! s’exclame le monsieur de 90 ans. Quelqu’un d’autre a du tirer sur l’ours !
– Exactement, répond le docteur…


HUNTING – Impossible…
Some time after getting married to a very young woman, a, 80-year-old gentleman sees his doctor. The latter must tell him that his wife is expecting a child.

– Let me tell you a story, said the doctor. A very distracted man goes hunting; but instead of his gun, he takes his umbrella. While he is stalking, a bear sees him and rushes at him. The distracted man then points his umbrella at the bear, he shoots and kills it instantly.

– Impossible ! exclaims the 90-year-old gentleman. Someone else must have shot the bear!
– Exactly, answers the doctor…


JAGD – unmöglich…

Einige Zeit nachdem er eine sehr junge Frau geheiratet hat, sucht ein 80-jähriger Herr seinen Arzt auf. Dieser muss ihm mitteilen, dass seine Frau ein Kind erwartet.

– Lassen Sie mich Ihnen eine Geschichte erzählen, sagte der Arzt. Ein sehr zerstreuter Mann geht auf die Jagd; aber statt seiner Waffe nimmt er seinen Regenschirm. Während er sich anpirscht, sieht ihn ein Bär und stürzt auf ihn zu. Der abgelenkte Mann richtet dann seinen Regenschirm auf den Bären, er schießt und tötet ihn sofort.

– Unmöglich ! ruft der 90-jährige Herr. Jemand anderes muss den Bären erschossen haben!
– Genau, antwortet der Arzt…



CACCIA – Impossibile…
Qualche tempo dopo essersi sposato con una donna molto giovane, un signore di 80 anni vede il suo dottore. Quest’ultimo deve dirgli che sua moglie aspetta un bambino.

– Lascia che ti racconti una storia, disse il dottore. Un uomo molto distratto va a caccia; ma invece della sua pistola, prende il suo ombrello. Mentre sta inseguendo, un orso lo vede e si precipita su di lui. L’uomo distratto poi punta l’ombrello contro l’orso, lo spara e lo uccide all’istante.

– Impossibile! esclama il signore di 90 anni. Qualcun altro deve aver sparato all’orso!
– Esatto, risponde il dottore…


….The arrest of our friend Vincent Reynouard by UK police

Notorious [sic] Holocaust denier [refuter!] Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scots fishing village after posing as [no, BEING!] a tutor in Fife

A notorious Holocaust denier has been arrested in Scotland after two years on the run from police in France.

Vincent Reynouard was arrested in Fife, where he had been working with children under a false name as a private tutor according to reports, two years after fleeing France.

The French media reported that during his time in Scotland, Reynouard had been tutoring children in maths, physics and chemistry – with an international search leading police to Anstruther concluding a two-year hunt for the 53-year-old led by France’s Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes.

General Jean-Philippe Reiland of the OCLCH, the arm of the French gendarmerie that specialises in hate crime and war crimes, said: “Vincent Reynouard was able to be arrested thanks to a huge effort of international co-operation and, in particular, thanks to our British counterparts.

Vincent Reynouard was arrested in Anstruther Image, Campaign Against Antisemitism

Vincent Reynouard was arrested in Anstruther Image, Campaign Against Antisemitism

Holocaust denial has been a criminal offence in France since 1990, and Reynouard has been convicted on numerous occasions. His conviction was in relation to a series of antisemitic posts on social media.

“For him to have evaded justice, only to settle in the UK teaching children [Oh yeah, now the NWO loves white children], is intolerable, which is why we worked with French Jewish organisations to secure his extradition so that he faces the consequences of his abhorrent incitement.

In 2015, he was sentenced to two years in jail in Normandy for denying the Holocaust in a series of Facebook posts, with his most recent conviction coming in November of 2020 after he posted a Holocaust denial video on YouTube. However, he fled rather than serving his sentence.

A Police Scotland spokesperson told The Herald: “On Thursday, 10 November, 2022, a 53-year-old man was arrested by Police Scotland officers on behalf of the French Authorities.

The Herald reports that Reynouard is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today with French media reporting that the 53-year-old was imprisoned ahead of a possible extradition to France.


…..My comment

This saddens and depresses me because I and Margi knew the man, a true modern-day saint, and we stayed in his apartment in Brussels, Belgium in 2007 with him and his wife and seven children whom he adored.

One of his daughters, Azélie


A beloved math teacher, his pupils protested when he was fired for his revisionist writings.


His work on the Holocaust, Hitler, the Third Reich and the supposed SS massacre of the French village of Oradour in 1944 is truly superb. Marig translated many of his articles into English for TBR, especially his Gestapo series. Even many revisionists would not defend the unpopular Gestapo, but Vincent Reynouard told and proved the truth. It was by far the least brutal of all state security police forces of its era.

I will run Margi’s translation of his Gestapo article, part one, tomorrow.

I further deeply respect the man because he was an ultra-sincere Traditional Catholic for years, truly living his then-faith, and that included love, service and humility.

And most of all, I respected him for breaking recently with Catholicism, saying we need a new and better spirituality for our race, which is what I tactfully told him in 2007. Catholicism, being Saulianity, not the true teachings of Jesus, contains both beautiful values and yet also many false, arch-jewish elements!

Knowing the man, I am sure that Vincent’s karma for bravery, loyalty and kindness is off the chart.

Whatever happens to this hero, God sees his works, his life, his journey of the hero.

We all die, but most men just exist; the Vincent Reynouards of this world really live.




A French Waffen-SS soldier; it was such Frenchmen who defended me and the Reich Chancellery in Berlin in May 1945







  1. Hey John. Much blessings to you. Here are some songs you might love.

    Reynouard is such a huge character – a true hero. I can only imagine how great he’d be at a podium if he was able, and I can’t believe his censorship doesn’t draw more intrigue. Tho, I’m young, but I am beginning to learn that people need to change the way they interact before we can have such discussions. Especially all of us truthers – it seems like such a strange thing to us, that no one listens. Maybe, others, like myself, we have been engaging in the wrong way. So this video is beginning to change my frame – what do you think?

    Thanks John, and Peace Be With
    (btw BE = G in gematria)

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