New supposed Epstein orgy-isle passenger list includes Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, King Charles, Anderson Cooper, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel…….

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  1. Two Jew scribblers at the Jew York Slimes defend a young Jewish “chess prodigy” named Hans Niemann, despite his obvious cheating. According to his Wiki entry, he’s of mixed Hawaiian and Danish ancestry, but his father’s first name is David, and David Niemann sounds plenty Jewish to me. If Hans Niemann was a Gentile, those two Jew York Slimes scribblers would be trying to crucify him instead of defending him:

    Jews are big chess players, and the retirement of their Jewish chess hero Gary Kasparov has them looking for another “Einstein of chess.” They clearly can’t stand the fact that Magnus Carlsen, a Gentile, is currently ranked #1 in the world, so they have provided this young Jewish punk with some type of hidden technology to enable him to cheat his way to the top.

    Hans Niemann:

  2. Justin T must masturbate to Carla Holmolka and Paul Bernardo snuff tapes

    JT = order of Jacques Cartier Canadian Psycho

    do u notice Col. Quaritch in Avatar looks exactly like U JD?

    Semper Fidelis

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