Spiritual reading: quiet and calm; faces that cause antisemitism ;-)

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…..Letter a while back from a lass deep in Enemy Territory (Massachusetts) 

Hi John! I got your card in the mail today!

Thank you so much! Love the baby animals of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan!

Loon and chick

American Marten

Moose mama & calf

I get up pretty early in the morning for work ( I leave at 4:30) when I step outside I can hear the foxes bark/howl, and occasionally see one run across the road!

(They apparently don’t like my high beams too much because they always stop to give me a “look.”)

Also I found some rather interesting images [from Vaught’s Practical Character Reader].

[JdN: Note the nose and everted lower lip. Oy! Antisemitic prosopology…. ] 


…..So disillusioned 😉




……See also

Neanderthals & Semites

….Spiritual reading

December 3

Reach for the stillness, dear ones. Everything you need is there. The answers are easy to discern and the energies simple to find when you put yourself in a place of quiet and calm.

This is but a gentle reminder of what you already know.

You will likely have much to do over the course of the next week, and on the surface things may look quite hectic or frenetic. This is ok. This is just the way it is sometimes, but know this: it means nothing.

Unless you yourself assign meaning to the extra activity. However, this will not be helpful, for it is not true.

Step back and inward, into the secret garden nestled in the center of your being. Allow yourself the respite of time there as often as you can. This is where reality lies and you really need to be in touch with it at the
moment. The stuff that goes on around you, the stuff in which you engage: it is superficial, particularly at this time, and will drag you from that which has the capacity to guide and fulfll you if you let it.

Our message to you today is both simple and straightforward. You know how to find that place within, and you know how to touch into that which is both eternal and utterly safe.

Every one of you has a way to do this and has practiced it from time to time. But sometimes the allure (which often comes disguised as
fear—take care not to be seduced by fear) of all that action outside draws you away from the stillness and the vastness that lies within. It draws you away from the sweet, sweet beauty of being in communion with your own divinity.

In humble surrender, in allowing yourself to be nothing and to do nothing, however briefly, you can find all that you ever needed and so much more.

Please don’t let yourself be distracted overmuch today. Make that communion your highest priority, even if your mind and body are busy running about doing worldly things. This, as you are aware, is a great
part of your charge: to learn and to live in the deep truth while simultaneously taking care of the business that is necessitated by being in a physical form.

Take the challenge up with gusto. Commit to remembering that which you know, and to creating the time and space for that which sustains you, even when the world makes it inconvenient.

More and more, clearer and clearer, the call is going out to all of you to come home. To rest when you can in the pure and untainted vibration of love that arises of its own accord out of the stillness. Many of you
feel the pull, the longing, the resonance. So do what you must, but whatever you do, heed the call of the great heart and allow yourself, with much love and compassion, to know the exquisite beauty and peace
of your own eternal nature.

We send you love and many, many blessings. The blessings are everywhere, dear ones—within and without. Everywhere. Look for them (sometimes they come in unexpected guise) and open your arms.

The joy and peace are yours if you will but consent to receive them.



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