December 5
Your roots are of the utmost importance today. Instead of reaching upward, instead of striving to expand up and out, place your focus this day on learning your way deep down into the earth beneath you.
Really try to look, listen and understand the earth. She speaks eloquently and with great passion if you can learn to hear Her.
But already we digress. The point we want to make is that it will serve you well to turn your attention to grounding, to living fully on your planet, in your body and in the three dimensions to which you are
so accustomed.
As you know, we are constantly adjuring you to grow greater, to move forward and to expand beyond the apparent limitations posed by your material and physical world. Today it will be useful to focus on what is right in front of you, right beneath you.
But here is the thing: you need to look at all that is most familiar with new eyes. You need to look and listen and especially feel for the deeper truths beneath the assumptions you generally make about the world you move through so skillfully and automatically.
We know that you have had the experience at one time or another of suddenly being able to see something–a pattern, a belief or “truth” about life, self or others for instance–in a completely new way.
And when you see it new, there is astonishment that the old vision held so long and so firmly because the new one is so clear and so…well, obvious.
This is what we suggest you actively seek out today. Look around your world, the people and places you routinely encounter, and try to see without assumptions.
Or rather, look for the assumptions and beliefs that govern your words, actions and thoughts, and then put them in abeyance for a moment. Check to see if they are the only ones that can work.
What other truth might be just as true?
Okay, okay. Yes, we are actually trying to get you to expand again. It is—you know this about us by now—our habit. But we are asking you to look in a new direction today because you are there, on the ground, and that is where you have all chosen to be at this time. It is your home, at least temporarily, and you are capable of knowing and understanding it more deeply, of flowing through and with the substance of it with greater ease and fluidity than you do already.
You have many structures to help you handle your lives, but they are dissolving and so you need to learn to live on your toes. To do that, you need to have a deeper knowledge of where you really are and what you are dealing with. Does that make sense? So ground yourself well today. Really. Make absolutely certain that you are firmly anchored to the earth.
And then go out and question everything. Allow yourself to see and experience that which you never have before, right here, right now. You may feel a bit mad, but that is okay if you are connected to the strength and wisdom of the earth. If you are able to uncover just a few other versions of “reality,” you will have used the day to good advantage.
Oh, and do try to keep a sense of humor about it all. If you are too serious about this you will begin to go crazy, and that clearly does nothing useful for anyone. When things start to look most absurd,
let yourself laugh.
And if this avenue of exploration is outside of what you can do today, at very least ground yourself well, keep your awareness on the earth and Her heartbeat and tend with close attention to things of the material plane, for the day is designed for that.
We will be wishing you lots of interesting discoveries and holding you in our love all the while.
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