Ontonagon ghost story; Kohberger jewish? & spiritual reading: love is not wimpy but an awesome power

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The ghost of a little girl in a house that, unsurprisingly, has long stood empty. It is not always healthy for a discarnate soul to hang out where they had lived in life unless there is some special, valid reason. Some ghosts are truly lost souls, obsessed with something instead of resolving it with their angels — and moving on. There is plenty to do in the afterlife of one avails oneself of the opportunities to review our earthly life — once or many times — and learn from it and grow.

The coming religion will not contain any semitic fairy tales, but real experiences by real people.

Just here in Ontonagon, pop. about 1,500 nowadays, I have had so many discussions with respected, grounded people — salt-of-the-earth Yoopers, the friendly Upper Midwesterners here in the UP of Michigan — who have experienced supernatural things.

But out of fear of being laughed at, or accused of inventing the story to get attention, they tell only their closest friends and relatives, if that.

The other evening,  a very nice and popular couple told me her story. They are both nice-looking people and she is related to a top town official. Since people tell me these stories in confidence, and I myself am controversial, at least to the hard leftists in this town, I am leaving out or changing identifying details.

The house in question is the one on the Greenland Road across from the old high school, known for being renovated at a snail’s pace by whoever the current owner is, and with insulation panels showing.

Anyway, back in the day, it was being rented by this woman and her then boyfriend (not the current mate), a man with whom she had a daughter.

Jarringly, while “Pat” (I have changed the first name) was cooking in the kitchen, suddenly the voice of a four-year-old girl rang out, calling out : “Mommy!”  Pat was stunned to hear the voice of a strange person in the house, dropped everything and looked around. Nobody there, at least not in the flesh.

She told her boyfriend when he came home, and he was, of course, skeptical, as men tend to be, especially when a woman tells such stories. Women are considered by many men as naive, superstitious, ermotional, and gullible, which sometimes is true.

But then it happened again when he was home. She told me: “He tore that house APART looking for this little girl. The voice was clear as a bell.”

The couple had to leave the tavern to go shopping and then cook supper, but Pat told me that the girl had died long ago of tuberculosis. Her father had been a Major League baseball player with a last name that was something like “Dolek.” What was especially strange is the girl had actually died at age eighteen, and had been a high school teenager at her demise. But the voice Pat and her bf heard was clearly that of a little girl. I am not an expert on ghosts at all, or understand how that could even work.

Pat told me that when she moved away, she turned and called into the house “Bye, Jean.” She said, “I was never afraid of her. It was not like a haunting or a poltergeist, just a sweet little girl who somehow thought I was her mom. When we left, because this was spooky, I just did not want her to follow me to our new house! 😉 ”

My Austrian in-laws (Kajetan and Liselotte Atzl) from my first marriage, to their daughter Gerda, told me that several times they saw a ghost in their house. It was of an old lady with white hair, walking up a staircase way in the back of the house that no longer was located there, but had been torn down and relocated to the middle of the house.

Brandenberg, Tyrol

Tyrol, Austria has wonderful alpine mountains and gorgeous folk costumes. Here are some folks from the Ziller Valley, maybe an aging father and his two adult daughters?

Death announcement in 2013 for Kajetan, a very hard-working, friendly and brilliant man, baker and father of seven good kids. He owned a huge personal library, and would have gone to college had it not been for the war and postwar hardships. This was a flattering photo.

I saw Kajetan again twice, on visits to Austria in 1999 and in 2004. He understood more than ever before about the JQ…

…..and also, although he was a practicing Roman Catholic, all about reincarnation, having read the voluminous works of a German mystic called Jakob Lorber (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Lorber).

Lorber reported via what is called “automatic writing,” among other things, on what happened in the afterlife to a leftwing Jew named Robert Blum who got shot and killed by the police during the 1848 leftist uprising in Vienna, Austria. It was all about reincarnation.

I was honored and touched that my ex-in-laws, long after I and their daughter divorced, loved me and were always glad to see me, talk with me, and ask me what I thought about things going on in the world.

Liselotte told me that during the war she had been a fervent Hitler girl (Hitlermädchen). At the very, very end of the war, in April 1945, the Waffen-SS came several times to draft Kajetan, then age 17, but his family, fearing he would be killed for nothing fighting General George Patton’s Third Army, hid him in a fake chimney they had erected with bricks.

A number of times Kajetan would take off his spectacles and scrutinize me with his piercing blue eyes as I conversed, as if he were trying to figure something out about me.  🙂 ….maybe along the lines of “How on earth does it come about that this Amerikaner speaks perfect Austrian dialect without an accent, and knows all about the Jews?”

A fine man he was. Maybe Kajetan is watching over me now, AND Margi, AND my late maternal grandfather John Colwell from England. 🙂


—-“Is Bryan Kohberger a jew?”

A very educated comrade and generous donor wrote me:


“Dear John, I have heard from right-wing podcasts that Kohberger, the knife-killer of three white women and a man., is a Jew.”

I replied:

Hi, [].
Well, I heard that I was a jew, too.  😉
Incel Kohberger’s four victims:
Here are some pics of the 28-year-old grad student and psychopath Kohberger with overtly neanderthalic features which, of course, could be jewish. However, I see ZERO evidence other than his neanderthalic looks that he is anything but of German stock and a “Christian.”
Note the seemingly jewy everted lower lip on this high school photo:
The nose, hhmmmm, and the curly, dark hair, double-hmmm….(The cop with the round face expresses how we all feel about this POS.)

The murder house, Kohberger and his four nice-looking victims. Arrogant look, typical of jews but also of all narcissists and psychopaths

Unquestionably jewish appearance, or, if not jewish, he simply has a strong neanderthalic genetic component.

Fact is, though, that the Neander Valley is located in northern Germany, and some Germans do “look jewish” by having some Neanderthal DNA, and yet not one single drop of jewish blood or a jewish ancestor.
I rest my case with just this one stamp — you can skip the rest of this entire article if you want, but know that SS men had to have zero jewish ancestry going back 200 years, and Heydrich was the Number-Two Man in the SS:
Aryan übermensch from the front….

….but,. umm…. from the side not so much. 😉 (Still, he was a wonderful national socialist and gave his life for our race!)


Same went for Joseph Smith, btw, founder of Mormonism: a blond, blue-eyed Aryan from the front, but, egad, what a profile….

Again, from the front a very Aryan-looking Stew Peters, creator of the truly fantastic anti-vaxx documentary “Died Suddenly”: (https://johndenugent.com/must-see-died-suddenly-will-america-be-crucified-or-awaken-and-a-spiritual-reading-about-loving-yourself/)

(I asked Peters on VK, tactfully, about his features, and he did admit between the lines he had jewish blood, though he sports often a Christian cross on his lapel, whether out of conviction or as a PR tactic)


The true, Aryan, Cro-Magnon, European look was exemplified by John Kennedy, as depicted in profile on the 1965 half-dollar coin, with truly perfect white features. (Ireland, home of all his ancestors, had until recent mass immigration began, by virtue of its remote location on an island on the westernmost edge of Europe, the most stable Cro-Magnon genetics of any European country.)

Example of neander genes on someone who was not at all jewish:
My late father-in-law in Tyrol, Austria, Kajetan Atzl, was a truly wonderful man. I loved talking to him, and my blog today already went into him. He was smart, an avid reader, inquisitive, owned a huge library, and was strong, sturdy, well-built and had nice blue eyes. He liked me very much, too.
Of the purest, most isolated German-Austrian small-alpine-village stock, Kajetan also had
1) a kind-of biggish, kind-of widish nose, and
2) a shovel-lip, an everted lower lip, a neanderthalic trait which some jews DO have….. but also some Arabs, Armenians (like the singer Cher, seen below), Indians, a few southern Italians and southern Spaniards, and others of the j-haplogroup .
Haplogroup J:

Infamous US Jewish author Israel Zangwill, who promoted the idea of a “melting pot” of races

Fanatic zionist Zev Jabotinsky

ADL bankroller and Jewish mega-gangster Meyer Lansky, buried with full honors in Israel

ISIS beheader Abaaoud

Rabbis — note the one just off-center to the right of the pillar, his hand on his forehead, looking at the painter

Miss Iceland 2007, Johanna Vala, in contrast, a classic Cro-Magnon 

A North-German girl during the Third Reich


A reconstructed neanderthal face and body

Many Jews —  both sephardic and khazarian/ashkenazic

Note especially the protruding mouth of the Israeli general, of “Lady Gaga,” lower-left, and (below) that of 1960s singer Carly Simon.


Palestinian Yassir Arafat, founder and head for decades of the PLO


Menachem Begin, jewish terrorist against Britain, Israeli Cabinet minister and long-time Israeli prime minister


Shimon Peres, a founding father of Israel and PM

Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology — I know of no evidence this Wyoming fellow was jewish, though he was evil, cunning, manipulative, and money-obsessed.

Ron Hubbard visited Rhodesia, which had broken away from US and British control, looking for a headquarters location, and bought there a hotel and various business holdings. But the wary Rhodesian leader Ian Smith showed him the door, and here is Hubbard packing up on July 17, 1966, in Salisbury, Rhodesia, now called Harare, Zimbabwe. Note Hubbard’s profile (sloping forehead and protruding mouth), short neck and the fire-hydrant body shape.


Actor Rick Moranis of the film “Ghostbusters”


….My conclusion:

I would speculate that the quadruple murderer Bryan Kohberger is in fact of basically German stock (his middle name, nota bene, is “Christopher” — and his sisters and he all have typically white-Gentile first names, not, say, jew-favored names such as Marc, Sarah, Rachel, Sidney, or Milton).

But Kohberger may well have some distant jewish ancestry….that came out genetically in his generation.

(I knew a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses at the Hyde Park/Boston congregation in the early 1970s who had a black kid, but it was not adultery; the couple was in good standing; but the mother, who was in fact odd-looking — the husband was nordic — had a distant black ancestor — and it sure did come out in the child, who was café-au-lait.)

But I assume now that Kohberger is a psychopath and also such an ugly, neandery f–ker that he has an insane, jealous, angry-incel hatred for good-looking, Aryan-like people who can get dates and marry an attractive person. 

One thing that set my mental wheels turning was seeing the very jewy 1984 comedy movie “Revenge of the Nerds,” where nordic-looking college fraternity boys at the WASPy “Adams College” bully and sneer at nerds who cannot get any chicks.

It became clear that many of the nerds looked jewish…. and the whole movie reflected the jewish self-image as “homely but clever — and out for revenge on attractive Aryans.”

Mom packs us a lunch and we’re off to school
They call us nerds ’cause we’re so uncool
They laugh at our clothes, they laugh at our hair
The girls walk by with their nose in the air..

So there is such a thing as insane jealousy…and even murderous jealousy.

When I did my 30-man demonstration against the opening of the Holohoax Museum ON THE NATIONAL MALL in Washington DC (FIFTY MILLION IN US TAX DOLLARS FOR SOMETHING THAT SUPPOSEDLY HAPPENED IN EUROPE) on April 20, 1993, JDL jews were there to counter-protest me,  and what stood out was that these overtly VIOLENT JDl types were the ugliest, homeliest most neanderthalic  jews I ever saw. 😉

***  See halfway down here (many photos were hacked out…)

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent



This reminds of an old 1980s joke about envy, comparing Reagan America with the then very leftist Britain.

In America [= where successful people usually are admired unless they get cocky like Trump], a gold Cadillac whooshes past a janitor. He leans on his broom and says: “Someday, I’ll have one of those, too.”

In Britain a Rolls-Royce flies past a street sweeper. A Cockney squints: “Some-dye, ‘e won’t have one neithah!”


So “down with the beautiful and strong” is the motto of not just Talmudic jews but of other resentful, jealous, egoic people.

As for Kohberger, try him, sentence him — and put him in the man-sized microwave.



…spiritual reading

January 7

Oh dearest ones, allow your hearts to open today. Allow them to become softer and more tender than you knew was possible. Allow yourself to dwell there, if only for one minute or two every hour, in that most gentle and loving space in the universe: your own love.

You may encounter a challenge as you loosen the tight bands that hold back your love every day, you may find a depth of feeling that is unvisited before and therefore, a little uncomfortable. Piercing, perhaps. To love as much as you are capable of loving can feel overwhelming. If you know this may happen, then you can be prepared for it.

It is not dangerous, feeling this much love, nor will it last indefinitely. You may find that you instinctively react in order to hold it all back a bit, to keep things under control. If you need to do this, you will.

But if you can really let the full force of your heart reign, even for short spans of time, it will be an extraordinary experience.

Remember who you really are and what you are here to do. Only you know who and what those are; don’t lose track of them. But, without this magnificent force of love energy, none of you would be animated, yes, alive, right now. The particulars of your life and journey are important only inasmuch as they reflect and embody this original energy. If you allow it to possess you today, we promise that you will return to “normal.” Whether you want to or not! 😉

Our point: don’t fear the power to which you will be able to open yourself today. You will survive it intact, but uplifted. Wiser and clearer. But you must let go of the ordinary in order to experience the full effect.

There is a continuum. Life puts you all in different places at different times. Do what you can with this opportunity today. At very least, ask that your heart open to its fullest and try not to close it down out of fear. Whatever you need to experience will come.

Take time to rest today if you can. Don’t take on too many strenuous projects and give yourself the time and space you need to send in your heart. Although there are endless tasks to do and things to accomplish, a few minutes, an hour, in the center of your own open heart will move more mountains than weeks and months of earnest labor. Stop running. Rest in love.

If you can, take some other moments to acknowledge to yourself the blessings and gifs you enjoy in your life. Open your eyes to the sacred all around you. It is there, woven into every moment, every interaction, every breath.

Give your heart the chance to sit and soak in that as well.

Above all, don’t give in to despair. There are so many opportunities to fall into the abyss, and each time you step back from the edge, embracing life and love, you are moving the world closer to a new paradigm.

Please, please. The power of your love is beyond your imaginings. If you truly allow it to become that which guides and leads you, there is no limit to what can be attained.

Along with the blessings that surround and infuse you, we send ours.



  1. Regarding Heydrich, years ago I read that he did have some Jewish blood and he was concerned about this. I believe the context of this info was correspondence with his brother.

    Regarding the possibility that Kohberger was Jewish, Giusepppe of The Sane Asylum #088 was interviewing UK Steve, and Steve said when he heard of the Utah knife murders his first thought was that it was the deed of a Jew. Then when he saw Kohberger’s photo his instinctual thought was confirmed.

    • His nature certainly is. Sadistic, arrogant, tyrannical, and treacherous….to kill three women and a man in their sleep.

      Sort of a metaphor….

      Our motto in Germany was Deutschland, erwache, a phrase my close friend Dietrich Eckart conceived …

      ….and he was a gifted and very successful playwright who knew how to bring it home:


  2. FYI in case you didn’t see the story yet: Blond-haired, blue-eye Abby Zwerner was shot in her classroom yesterday by one of her six-year-old students. Critical condition. Very shocking.

    I looked up the school and it lists the demographics as 74% minority. Very sad. New mayor using it to call on national gun control action. Pathetic. .

  3. Putins erster Fehler aus jüdischer Sicht war es der orthodoxen Kirche zu erlauben die von Juden ermordete Zarenfamilie zu Heiligen zu machen. Die Kirche in Russland ist wie ich der Meinung das es sich hier um einen Ritualmord gehandelt hat. Ermordung der Zarenfamilie: 17. Juli 1918, gleichzeitig tisha Ba av, ein jüdischer Feiertag. Die Zarenfamilie war auch deutscher Abstammug. Eine ethnisch gesehen deutsche Familie, bestialisch von Juden rituell ermordet wird jetzt in Russland als Heilige verehrt ;)…das war für den jüdischen Weltkongress ein Tritt ins Gesicht. Die Juden haben alles!!! getan um das zu verhindern. Ich bin mir sicher das Israel die Kursk aus diesem Grund versenkt hat. Das würde auch die Aktionen gegen die Medienjuden Gussinski und Beresowski erklären die ihn wegen dem “Vorfall” mit der Kursk kritisiert haben. Die Sache mit der Kursk (12. August 2000) hat ja dann auch die Heiligsprechung (15-20 August 2000 überdeckt). Diese beiden Ereignisse in der Frühzeit muss man kennen und richtig einordnen um Putin und Russland zu verstehen.

      • Ich glaube schon. Das mit der Heiligsprechug der Zarenfamilie hat den Juden aus oben genannten Gründen nicht gefallen — wegen der Bestätigung der Kirche in Russland, dass es ein Ritualmord war. OI WE. Seitdem ich über die USS Liberty Bescheid weiss, traue ich denen auch die Versenkung eines russischen Atomboots zu.

      • Russland war damals zu schwach sonst waere Israel schon eine strahlende Glasplatte. Aber wer mit Israel Stress hat hat automatisch auch Stress mit den JewSA…. dafür geht es jetzt in der Jewkraine rund.

  4. Jurowski….sah aus wie eine Stürmer-Karikatur. Sowas haben wir ins KL gesteckt…zurecht. Kannst du mal ein Bild vom Zarenmörder reinstellen, damit jeder sieht, was ich meine?

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