• Yes, and segregation in the full apartheid-style as implemented in the successful vision of South African president Hendrik Verwoerd, with “homelands” for the Blacks, each consisting of people of one specific tribe, and the white man was openly in charge.

      Blacks could work during the day in mixed-race aras but had to go home at night to their own areas, called “homelands.” The jews tried repeatedly to murder Verwoerd, and one jew psychiatrist, born in South Africa but living in London, was the mastermind, sending two different communist negroes with a two-week period to kill Verwoerd. They finally succeeded, and the rest is tragic history. The subsequent leaders began watering apartheid down…..not making it ever stronger.

      But to be frank, even Verwoerd, who was very kind-hearted and Christian, too much so, did not state forthrightly the fundamental basis of apartheid — that the races are VERY different biologically, and Whites are more advanced. And this is why they cannot live together, not “cultural” differences. Also Boers kept saying the Black leaders were “communists,” such as Nelson Mandela, which was true but secondary. The Boers simply avoided openly stating the core truth underlying their reforms — the Blacks are an inferior race that should obey a superior race.

      I have often written to praise this Hendrik Verwoerd, the great leader of apartheid South Africa…and its prime minister from 1958 to 1966.  https://johndenugent.com/?s=verwoerd  The man had heart (he adopted German orphans after WWII), he had brains, vision and sturdy character — you name it.

      So the Jews had him assassinated. IF YOU HAVE NO wise and brave LEADER, then EVERYTHING eventually COLLAPSES.

      A Time magazine cover showing Verwoerd and angry arms of African blacks behind him

      South Africa under STRICT Apartheid had law and order, a booming economy, a huge and invincible military, and the true apartheid economic plan was being implemented: give the black tribes their own “countries” so the Whites can be safe by living separately!

      The South African military that Verwoerd built up kicked black butt everywhere it went, and even developed atomic weapons (likelyy with secret Israeli help)! Here is the thrilling story of the Cassinga operation in 1978:



      A great salute in song by Bok van Blerk to the white “Border War” soldiers who risked their lives to successfully crush the black communist terrorists over and over and over again, and kept at it heroically, and without flagging, for 25 years:

      But one of the other big lessons of the fall of white South Africa IS THIS:

      NEVER TRUST YOUR OWN WHITE MILITARY GENERALS! THEY WERE MAYBE BRAVE ONCE ON THE BATTLEFIELD BUT BRIBE-TAKING SELLOUTS NOW IN THE BOARDROOM AND COUNTRY CLUB…just like US general Mark Milley, who betrayed Trump and refused to obey his orders after Biden stole the 2020 election, which was a Demoncrat coup d’état!

  1. I’m having a hard time believing a six-year-old did this. How could a child get a gun like that?

    By the way, I watched that Hellstorm documentary you and Margi did yesterday; it was hard to watch, but I did it for educational purposes.

    Also, did you see the email I sent you on the 18th of December? I shared some ideas I thought might help spread your religion and asked some questions.

    • I would assume at this point the child is a negro and thus had negro parents….

      Glad you saw the “Hellstorm” film….. There was tremendous anticipation of this film, the realization that it was very high quality (and for all my criticism of The Renegade crew, partly for slandering ME without cause, this was indeed a stellar achievement), and there was a definite feeling of hope that it might even mark a turning point for the average White American, Canadian or Brit — to see what we really did to those poor Germans.

      But, of course, it did not change hardly anything.

      Literally no shocking fact, no urgent warning, no exposé, no matter how much is it proven and skillfully presented, by itself, without a religious and spiritual change of consciousness, can awaken the sheeple.

      The latest example of the quasi-futility of our messaging is Stew Peter’s magnificent “Died Suddenly,” about people keeling over from the jew jab and how this is a literal genocide.

      I saw another video of Peters talking — after the film was completed — with his film crew, and also thanking them….and I give this man credit for not just the film but also for his passion and outrage.

      He says this vaxx is murder, deliberate mass murder, and there need to be trials and executions for these MURDERS.

      But the Peepul are way too zombyized for that. And I never forget to emphasize that it is not just spiritual apathy in the fact of monstrous evil, but between the physical chemtrails and the physical low-t, white male adults today are simply not men any more, not in the two-fisted and even lynching sense.

      You can cripple or even kill them, torture with sickness and suffering their wives and their kids, whom on paper they are supposed to “love,” without any fear of retaliation… And while psychopaths — our ruling class — have no conscience, they would fear physical retaliation.

      Those who criticize me for not yet starting my white religion wilfully ignore:

      1) the magnitude of this problem of rank cowardice and shocking apathy in the white masses;

      2) my time-consuming burden of 4 1/3 years of constant caring for Margaret 2018-22,

      3) as it turned out, my fully justified fear that the doctors and nurses would be “triggered” by our pro-white and pro-Hitler racial politics and neglect her care, or retaliate with bad care against her and me as Margi desperately fought against her cancer, which, btw, was highly suspicious in origin

      4) massive slander campaigns by hateful, envious or simply bought-off White Nationalists (such as Carlos Porter or Henrik Holappa) portraying me as a pedophile, wife-beater, con man, liar, fake Marine, etc., and

      5) the ensuing lack of funds to do anything at all….. People determined to do nothing love slander, because it means you do not have to help the guy. He’s a scumbag…. which is music to their ears. 😉

      But Margi has now gone now to temporary heaven, to her interlife, before she reincarnates. I have now sold our lovely little house (with all its fond memories of my beloved wife) for CASH, for literal cash and gold and silver, money not kept in the bank, .

      This conversion-to-cash step, however, necessitated turning this house into a mini-fortress of sorts…. with guns, motion detectors, security cameras, many dead-bolt locks (on both outside doors and internal doors and closets), and double-barred doors.

      I am now able to move forward….. with, as ever, my 90% zomby readers doing absolutely nothing to help me.

      Yet it remains highly disturbing that I am living alone.

      Margi was at home most of the time and physically in this house, watching over it, or she was out on the property gardening, when she was not shopping for food, or going (with me) to a doctor or hospital for cancer care.

      Natürlich no one responded to my invitation to come and help me in Ontonagon. Of course, they did not.

      This is, as I say, a bad-karma planet.

      A genuine asshole in Apollo who was at least an expert on his fellow assholes, said to me once: “Even if you convince people of what you are saying about NUMEC and the cancer and the jews, they still won’t do anything.” He was right. They would rather die in agony of cancer than be called an antisemite by the jews murdering them. 😉

      If you try to save the white race, and appeal for help, people will do nothing except

      1) resent your calls for action,

      2) unfairly criticize you, or even

      3) defame you as a despicable scumbag.

      When I did my fiery appearance at the NUMEC hearing by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the autumn of 2012, a decade ago, to expose how Israel and the local jew Zalman Shapiro, had blithely killed thousands of the local white American people there with cancer by 1) years of blatantly unsafe working conditions and 2) literally dumping radioactive uranium and plutonium into the local water supply, what I saw in the crowd (and my film crew talked about it dejectedly as well as we drove back to my house) was, sorry to be so blunt, a bunch of f–king zombies.

      And, incredibly, the Wikipedia article on the effect of this jew company NUMEC on THEIR town of Apollo, Pennsylvania, actually says the entire truth! The jews must be laughing their asses off. They have indeed turned us into goyim, that is, in the Hebrew language, CATTLE.

      I will check my Proton email account for your missive. Sorry — I have been busy with the most extremely urgent things — but will respond today.

      My love for our people is unbroken. But when you reflect how I got rid of democracy in Germany in 1933, now you know why. It sprang from realism about people….. They would rather fight each other or do nothing at all.

      The jews are waging literal war on us. Name me one single successful military organization in all of world history that was run like a democracy.

      I’m waiting… 😉

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