The jewish clot-shot the ultimate “accusatory inversion”: the jews bewail a fake holocaust by the goyim — and commit a real one ON the goyim!

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…Outraged, disgusted German on the death shot

After reading this blog yesterday….

Was being a “Nazi” treason — or foreknowledge?

..a German who thinks deeply (which is actually a German specialty) and who is very much on my wavelength about how we must change spiritually to have any chance of winning in this extremely late, dark and gloomy hour, wrote the following comment in excellent English, though I edited a few little things :


Thank you, Carl [in England] and Kendra [in California/USA] (and to the late John Amery [a British friend of peace and of NS Germany, hanged outrageously for “treason” after WWII]) for your commitment to political-historical enlightenment, for correct history and for international friendship and for a more just world.

I was in London in 1992 and had a conversation with a warm old lady, interested in the world, in a supermarket and experienced how the true, original English people are so completely different from the (((British)))) press.

I also met hearty Americans and Englishmen on site in Germany, including many young American and English work colleagues, during my working years at McDonalds (1980s).

The sad thing is that the majority in today’s Anglosphere and in today’s Germany is sleepwalking like zombies into the next ghastly war, a war that will again be directed only against the white peoples. Nothing is questioned; the most fundamental and existential questions do not interest the masses.

But so there is no misunderstanding: The tired and exhausted worker, employee or entrepreneur, who has neither the strength nor the time to inform himself, but who still has a somewhat open and critical mind, does still sense that something is seriously wrong.

The system-believing ignoramus, however, can have 20 free hours a day and still ignore every warning, believing only in what the system media blare at him.

Here in dumbed-down neo-Germany, everything unimportant is more important, every distraction, sports, entertainment, etc. is paramount and nothing is questioned.

What we see today is probably the most ignorant and dumbed-down version of the German people that has ever existed.

Although there is so much good knowledge in the Anglosphere and in Germany, and so many good people are around, the majority still sleepwalks toward their own demise because they question nothing and are only system believers. This is because of the debut people [young souls, just coming up from the animal stage to their first human incarnations, beginners, and the opposite of an old soul, a man or woman who has had many human lives and learned powerful lessons from them all]:

Debut people are people with no or only little human-incarnation experience.

According to Michael Winkler [see below] they simply lack the mental equipment (life experiences, comparative values) from other lives, so they do not question the system in which they grew up.

The population percentage of debut people is currently very high. The majority of these people apparently needs, according to the assessment of several analysts, the next (military) war to wake up and question.

And one must conclude: There is nothing worse than misguided debut people who have been indoctrinated with anti-ideals and political-existential-suicidal behavior. If they had been introduced to beneficial political ideals and ideas, this would never have happened, but they were “programmed” for suicide, with all natural life impulses and functions rewired.

We see now maximum self-hatred with simultaneous love for the stranger to the point of complete racial self-sacrifice, to the point of complete self-destruction, with foreigners coming first and natives last; driving wedges between the generations (young versus old), etc.

Therefore they are sleepwalking inevitably into the next war, to the further millionfold mutual slaughter of the white peoples.

The destruction of the elderly: Can you imagine that, Carl and Kendra? Here in Germany officials used to assumed a budget deficit in the German old-age-pension fund, a shortfall in fact of 6.5 billion euros [US$6 billion].

Now, however, we see a surplus of 2.1 billion euros.[1]

That means that so many white German old people have already been annihilated that there is a big surplus of 8.6 billion euros in the pension fund — and the annihilation continues!

The pension fund surplus is sold here to the public as joyful news; this is purest cynicism; it is the bare mockery of the physically destroyed old people, and contempt for humanity in its most ghastly form.

What should we think of a people that does not treat its own ancestors and forefathers with the slightest respect and decency? What to feel about a society which annihilates its old people in the biggest human annihilation scheme of all times, and lets them suffocate with Covid-mask mandates which destroys the old people indirectly via isolation and directly via vaccinations, millions of times over?

The German heroine of modern times:[2]

Did you know, Carl and Kendra, that in the whole of Germany there was just one single(!) institution for the elderly, which stood protectively in front of the elderly and took on the “authorities”?

One single (!) person, an owner of two old people’s homes, has put herself protectively in front of the old people and has contradicted the orders of the authorities for the de facto (vaccination) extermination of the old people (and the mask compulsion for residents and staff).

One single human being in th whole country!

What a disgrace for “Germany”!

No, this is really no longer my Germany, not my old fatherland.

Even in the first phase of annihilation, the [officials, doctors, pharmacists and media] saw the horrible truth from the beginning and still they continued to annihilate the old people.

And in the second, third, fourth (“booster”) vaccinations, they, the politically-correct (!) self-righteous NWO-Germans, have carried out on their elderly what the enemy accuses us of doing in endless, long-refuted history lies, 24 hours a day, for decades.

[This refers to the claim that during the Third Reich there was supposedly a  “euthanasia of the severely mentally handicapped or insane.” Margaret debunked this, and cited Madison Grant on this question — a pro-German and best-selling American author. Euthanasia was very rare, and was done in wartime — after extensive medical examinations and hearings — and only to hopelessly miserable, insane, sick, poor, institutionalized souls who were incapable of any kind of decent, normal life. I permitted this because, with so many wonderful young German soldiers dying at the front, we were spending, or to be frank, wasting huge resources of precious time, money, doctor and nursing staff during the war for white survival on people with no chance of EVER leading even a partially normal life or contributing to the whole. Their entire fate was to be an eternal burden on society, and who can be happy knowing this?] 

And nationwide every order from on high in Berlin is executed without question. The most suicidally obedient people in human history, the Germans of today, know only how to obey and carry out the orders of [our mortal] enemy, and nothing else.

Many patriots believe that more than 50% of the population in Germany are now foreigners, i.e. more than 40 million foreigners.

There is only one fifth of the rest of the German people who think for themselves and question what they are told; the others are misguided incarnational debutantes. As for the other four-fifths, yes, there is actually a people who believe any, really, ANY and ALL enemy propaganda, and slavishly implement orders for German self-extermination. They wage war against their own people without questioning!

The healthcare industry now has become the greatest human-extermination industry of all time.

Those who were thought to be protecting the old, have willingly carried out the orders of destruction. Ignorance? No, it was a fully conscious annihilation of our fellow countrymen. One saw immediately (!) during the very first phase how the old ones died in throngs, but no one stopped it; they continued on with the annihilation of their fellow citizens.

Immediately, during the very first annihilation phase they should have stopped, because they saw immediately (!) that the old people were being annihilated by the vaccinations. But no!

In Germany, order must be maintained! The rules are the rules!

So keep on exterminating, vaccinating, and doing still further exterminations!

In the first destruction phase, the on to the second, anmd to the third, and the fourth!

Reputation-wise, the nursing profession has now crashed and burned, just like the medical branch and the hospital branch. To obey and to execute orders, what else the politically correct NWO-German cannot do, the perfect NWO-slave, who destroys his own people and his own old people on order, who knows only obedience. No, this is no longer my people; with such a people I can no longer identify.

Where has that ever happened, that the old people who have worked all their lives are destroyed like that? One simply kills the aged — those who have toiled all their lives (and made prosperity possible). It is the completely bankrupt explanation of the healthcare industry and the majority which permitted the destruction of its seniors since the end of December 2020!

There is no more German people! Once again: There is no more German people; the Germany I loved does not exist any more!

What will follow now will be a selection of those capable of thinking. With the survivors who proved able to think, one will be able to build up a better society after the quite big collapse, to start from the beginning, with a drastically reduced remainder people.

If the foreign parasites [Turks, blacks and other migrants] are not (cannot) be fed any more, then they will take flight all by themselves or the surviving rest-Germans, rest-Englishmen, rest-Americans will not be so insane as to feed and aliment their mortal enemies.

Then again a German people, an English people, an American people etc. will arise.

I have not the slightest doubt that the remaining white peoples will survive.



and, (translated) excerpt from

“[…] After all, he had to lure as many people as possible, especially the old, to the syringe, since according to Lanz of March 3, 2021, his “strategic goal” was “Getting the elderly to die.”

Sure, the elderly only cost money, away with them. Of the two hundred thousand excess mortality deaths, most may have been old people, because the government already joyfully announced that the pension insurance has made almost 9 billion euros plus.  Rossbach, president of the pension funds, cited the “increased mortality due to the Corona pandemic” as reasons for the good budget situation. (Source, Bayrischer Rundfunk, Dec. 28, 2022) The expected deficit that was avoided, plus the current surplus, thus results in a total plus of 8.6 billion euros. The vaccination deaths make it possible!

[2] Dear John de Nugent. I would be glad if you could somehow make it in time to watch this video. Isabell Flaig is one of the greatest heroines of modern German history, a fighter who stood protectively in front of the elderly, who protected residents and staff from vaccinations and from death by mask suffocation; streets will later be named after her. The only (!) old people’s home of many thousands of old peoples homes in Germany, which saved its old people from extermination!

From : “Die Rebellin von Kirchheim.”, [7 Minuten],
(“Isabell Flaig, Rebellin aus Kirchheim, kämpft gegen regelmäßige CORONA-Tests in ihren Pflegeheimen”), EN: “Isabell Flaig, rebel from Kirchheim, fights against regular CORONA tests in her nursing homes”


  1. Beobachter [JdN: which means “Observer” in German], thanks for informing me about the reality that our old folks are dying at an astounding rate. Were it not for you might never have known this.

    We White people have long been taught to respect our elderly folk. What we see today in this regard is clearly a discontinuity from our tradition.

    I submit that only an alien influence can account for this discontinuity.

    I submit that this alien influence can only be that of the Jew.

    • Yes, an influence which promotes the selfish ego……

      When I read Sun Tzu’s famous masterpiece from 200 BC, The Art of War, it struck me that he said if you wish to conquer a powerful enemy kingdom, first morally corrupt its leaders and then the people themselves.

      It is part of the strategy of “divide and conquer”…. Because when people act despicably in their daily lives toward each other, they simply can no longer love their fellow countrymen. Their heart no longer beats for their country. Everyone is a treacherous rat, and there are no friendships. And then it becomes “every man for himself.” This is how, Sun Tzu said, a kingdom must be defeated; 1) morally undermine it first, and then 2) militarily defeat it.

      And so of course the jewish captain in the French Army, Alfred Dreyfus, had no problem in the 1890s selling huge French military secrets to Germany for top-shelf champagne, beautiful call girls and gambling money. As a jew, he loathed and despised the French people anyway, so what did he care?

      And a few decades later, by starting WWI, which killed 20 million whites, the jews proved they hate us, exactly as the Talmud said a thousand years before. Thus d they must never again have any power over us whatsoever.

      And one expression of that power for ill is getting whites to no longer love their own people, or even their own parents! Die off, you old white, homophobic, climate-destroying, racist bastards! More money that way, too, for us wokies!

  2. Zum Zwecke der Vergegenwärtigung:

    Jesus spricht zu den Juden

    Ihr seid von dem Vater, dem Teufel, und nach eures Vaters Lust wollt ihr tun. Der ist ein Mörder von Anfang und ist nicht bestanden in der Wahrheit; denn die Wahrheit ist nicht in ihm. Wenn er die Lüge redet, so redet er von seinem Eigenen; denn er ist ein Lügner und ein Vater derselben.

    Joh. 8,44

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