“White Privilege, the movie”; JdN progress report; spiritual reading: the joy of not suffering overly from the current mess

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Black with white girl carrying his brown kid at (yes) Berchtesgaden. If or when he starts beating her and cheating on her, she will dump him and then he might come, O.J.-style, and kill her. But try telling her that now.

Jew posing as white wants more Mexicans and other brownies to come in so as to beat the Democrats, sez he:



…..This is the kind of excellent content Rockwell used to put out, so why has it never worked with the masses?

Rocky’s monthly newspaper White Power used to have two regular features with short news items:

“Jews in the News” and “Jungle Crime Report” (or a similar name).

I would read it and just seethe.

And I became a storm trooper over all this stuff.


But think about it: American and British Whites with our air forces were blowing up and burning alive German Whites for the jews for years on end, 1940-45.

And it was not ngrs who raped this German girl:

Think about it — is white-on-white violence triggered by jews not far, far more sickening????

Why is it, I demand to know, that your libtard White work colleagues, “friends” and relatives would do absolutely nothing after seeing this video? And you know they would in fact do nothing… and rationalize it by saying:

“This is wrong, of course, as all racism is wrong, but the Blacks are angry about all the systematic oppression and the injustice of slavery, lynching, white cops pulling black motorists over for ‘driving while black,’ etc.”

You KNOW the libtards and moderates will all find a way, SOME way, to shrug this video off.

The problem is the egoic mind in US, which makes us impervious to facts… to even the most urgent realities.

And I have met just as many egoic white nationalists as libtards. In fact, in this town of Ontonagon I had to call the sheriff five times in the 2016-17 period for WNs threatening me.

Yes, it is horrible what ngrs do to whites. But far more horrible, reprehensible and insane is what Whites do to each other, and to themselves.

It was a white nationalist who murdered Rockwell.

And 450,000 Northern whites died 1861-65 while killing Southern whites (photo) to free these negroes.

“Those ngrs are crazy” — yep.

But so are the Whites for freeing them in 1865 and letting them beat and rape us in 2023.



…..Spiritual reading

February 1
Bringing the celestial to the earth is the work of the moment. It is being done in hundreds of thousands of ways and on more levels than you can imagine by many, many of you. It is, in essence, the work that most of you have chosen.
There are variations, and different ways of manifesting this mission, but this is the nature of it—to bring light into density, joy into impermanence and detachment into survival. Does this make sense to you?
From our perspective, there is absolutely no sense in the human experience if it is without light, joy and detachment. (To clarify — by detachment we are referring to a state of not holding on to the physical form you are in in this incarnation.) And it is possible, though not simple and far from easy.
So this is why we have been speaking of dualities the last couple of days. Because the very heart of the work to be done to transform yourselves and your world has to do with transcending—not the physical reality–but rather the duality which appears in the physical reality.
To bring the celestial to the earth, and to see that they are actually now and always will be one.
Today you may have some incredible opportunities to share with or assist others. These are not to be missed. But this is not a day to take on the impossibly daunting. It is unlikely that you will be presented with anything huge to do, but if you are, think ten times before agreeing.
Herculean tasks need strong underpinnings in order to be completed successfully. The energies you want to access today support kindness, thoughtfulness, happiness, satisfaction, simple contemplation and moderate worldly accomplishment.
Enjoy relative quiet and peace today and if you can, make a point of tending to some need of your own amidst your other work. Sleep well, eat warm food and do your best to avoid that which you find disturbing (such as the “news” or particular topics of discussion, etc.)
All the while, keep in consciousness that light, joy and detachment are always available, and that it is possible in every moment to anchor awareness of them in yourself.
*** Detachment means to both feel anger and to observe your anger as an outsider….
If anger makes you DO something, good. If you just steam and seethe, bad.
I felt incredible grief when Margi died.
But then I observed my grief, and said: “I gotta channel this into something productive.”
I got busy cleaning up the house, getting ready to sell it to fund my spiritual movement, and selling it.
And now I have the money and it is not in any bank.
I am fortifying the house, which I have rented in advance through the end of May.

It and I are now defended with many guns, surveillance cameras, floodlights with motion detectors, double-cylinder deadbolt locks, 2×4 wooden barricades, fire alarms, fire-proof strongboxes, fire extinguishers, and buckets of water and sand in every room……

I am also funding the renovation of local housing for supporters to move here, help and protect me.
And I feel joy that my wife is on the other side, for she is free of her agonizing cancer, and supporting my work now just as she did 2005-22.
I have one person and soon two sharing my articles around the Net.
And now I have a highly intelligent, 6’1″ German-American in this house, armed, and bodyguarding me.
Life gave me lemons and I am making lemonade. 😉
Detachment is when you feel the pain of losing something precious, such as your spouse, and you turn it into action.
This is not a crusade, especially today. Just a reality we ask you to consider and hold near the surface. As always, we marvel at your courage, fortitude and inner nature, which remain so loving even in the face of so many challenges. We send you all the love, light, joy and detachment we are able, and ask you to bless us with their receipt.


….Recent donations


— 31 January 2023 250 euros (=US$225) via PayPal from S in Germany

— 31 January 2023 $156 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 29 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

— 22 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

A sun-flecked house in Provence, in the southeast of France.

I lived there in 2004-05 with my then wife, who was French, along with 100,000 other Brits and Americans. The name comes from the Latin “provincia,” “the province,” and refers to it being the first Roman province outside of Italy itself. Julius Caesar began his conquest of all of Gaul from here. The local accent has a pleasant, sing-song quality, and the old dialect, Occitan, is related to Catalan in Spain.  The people feel more Latin than in the north of France, and are shorter and darker than the keltic-germanic (Frankish) mix of northern France, where one often sees blue eyes and very fair skin. “The glory of my father” is a famous novel by local novelist Marcel Paqnol about his Provence family, and it became a hit film. 


Recent donations:

— 22 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

— 17 January 2023 $100 from K in Massachusetts via CashApp

— 14 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

Saint Malo in Brittany, France

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

Brittany is the last pocket of France where some still speak a keltic language. The wild boar was the symbol of the ancient French Kelts.


— 7 January 2023 $50 and two valuable spiritual books from A in New York City

— 7 January 2023 $14 in the form of seven two-dollar bills with Thomas Jefferson on them from M in Florida

— 4 January 2023 200 euros (=$180) from M in France

— 1 January 2023 42 euros (= $38) from B in Denmark


  1. The Joel Berry comments at the top are from a typical libturd/jew.

    There are 50 million Americans on welfare of some sorts. So according to jew Berry, letting in gimmegrants so they can be taxed to pay for the 50 million on welfare.

    How about spending less on weapons that will never be used?

    Or five stupid wars for Israel’s benefit?

    How about eradicating drug dealers with violence? Put those guns to good use!

    Across Europe we have 24 million people out of work, so why do we need millions of wog gimmegrants? Unless it’s for white ethnic cleansing….

    • Jew Berry wants mandatory, compulsory race-mixing, except for Jews.

      Is he joking or mental? Very racist of Mr Jew.

      So, Berry, you publicly discriminate against white races.

      And you wonder why anti-semitism is on the rise?

      Look at the shit you post, Jew Berry. The problem is you again.

      I say let’s have race mixing for Israel!

      Mix white Ashkenazi Jews with Arabs, and go nice and brown, eh, Jew Berry?

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