Spiritual reading: cherish the physical miracles; Why many Russians, despite the gulag, still admire Stalin — his opposition to jewry and its attempt to seize Crimea

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Stalin mocking his enemies. For me, and for many others in Russia and around the world, such as Alexander Solzhenitysn, Stalin was mostly (not completely) a murderous, psychopathic gangster, but he saw the jews as competition for him, as a powerful rival, an international crime family opposed to him, which they were and are. I see it as a battle between rival demons: slavic/Georgian devils versus Jewish demons. I did a major essay on the mostly very antisemitic book “Two Hundred Years Together” by Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and the Russians. (But Solzhenitsyn did not go far enough; he was married to a jewess and his kids looked swarthy and jewish, not Slavic and Cossack like him.  )


February 8

Appreciation of the miracles of the physical plane is the order of the day. All around you and within you: miracles! Like yesterday, the energies today can be oriented toward all that which is solid and material.

And even if you find yourself longing for escape (especially if you fnd yourself so longing) from the weight and density of life on this plane, take some time today to look for the luminosity and radiance in form.

If you begin to look, you will see. There is an extraordinary idea which many of you have held for many millennia that there is a line between things of the spirit and things of the flesh. Your job today is to dissolve whatever remnants of this belief you carry.

Do it by observing with the eyes of your higher Self, or your heart. Look into the trees, the birds, the waters, the eyes of your friends and children, and as you look, intend to see the formless in form.  You will find it.

Do it by approaching yourself in the same manner. Be conscious of and seek out a sense of yourself as a being of pure light, of formless vibration. You needn’t go overboard and frighten yourself, but see if you can touch into the place where you can feel that. We are talking here about removing barriers, about unification and wholeness.

Today, you will be supported in moving in that direction from the physical side.

In addition to using your organs of perception to better understand reality, continue today to take very good care of your material realms. Pamper your body, clean your house or your car, change your oil if needed and get a facial if you do that! Today is a very good day for physical healings—your body needs to receive healing energy.

As you understand yourself to be less dense, you will be even more receptive.

If you can, plant seeds or bulbs indoors or out. If that is not possible, bring some of nature inside. We rarely suggest this, but today it will be beneficial to gather a bouquet of whatever green life is available where you live and take it inside with you. Bring it into your home so that you can sit with the dual nature of nature and let its lessons permeate your environment.

We love you and send many blessings.




….Karl Radek: “Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt; Stalin took them out of the Politburo”

Original taken from philipshero in
Why do our current Trotskyists hate Stalin
Original taken from yopster in

Zionization of Russia (part 2)


(part 2)


*** This article is by a Russian nationalist who is also sympathetic to the ideals of communism of helping working people.

Communism had an insane economic theory, jettisoned 40 years ago by even the Chinese communists, but it was very good at war and the repression of dissidence….And Communism, for all its many horrors, did support the fine arts, ballet, symphonies, sports, high-tech education, engineering, etc.

In Soviet-bloc music shops, you could buy every obscure composition by Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Tchaikovsky and Verdi, not just the popular and profitable works. Profit was not the only factor under the Soviets.

The article below by a modern Russian communist-sympathizer is very antisemitic, and shows sympathy to the non-jewish Stalin for crushing the jewish communists, whom he calls satanists (!), a group led in early Soviet days by Leon Trotsky, born Lev Bronstein.

Karl Radek [photo], who once quipped: “”Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt; Stalin took them out of the Politburo”” was a jewish communist whom Stalin had arrested; he died in the gulag in 1939.


Interestingly, this jew wanted a rapprochement between the Third Reich and the USSR, which some National Socialists, such as Joseph Goebbels, also wanted.

Consider that of the three million brave Wehrmacht soldiers killed in WWII, two million died fighting the Soviet Union, and the fact that Stalin turned against the jews, and came out for the blond Slavs,

Alexander Rodimtsev, twice “Hero of the Soviet Union,” commanded the elite Guards Division in Stalingrad


AND the fact that both the NSDAP and the Communists held the common ideal of helping the workers, this was an idea that, for logical and practical reasons, deserved more consideration…..


The year is 1926. As Stalin comes to power, he deals with this secret [jewish] power in the country, but for now he behaves cautiously, realizing that all branches of the country’s government are entangled in them and a premature attack on their throat can not only paralyze the country, but also sweep it away.

Lev Davidovich Bronstein ( “Trotsky”), jewish founder and commander of the Red Army 


Therefore, blows are applied to their individual centers with pinpricks, and since the second half of the 20s, Freemasons have been struck by a real pestilence.

So during 1926-1928, Krasin, Skvortsov-Stepanov, Sokolov, and Kozlovsky died. In 1929, von Meck and Manuilov were shot, and in 1933-1934 Sereda and Lunacharsky were shot….

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War [war with Germany 1941-45/ WWII], the main, large-scale hotbeds of Masonic anti-Russian ideology and subversive work were eliminated in the USSR.

Until 1936, Stalin had no real power. So the decree on troikas [rule by committees of three men] was valid until 1938. And the local Trotskyist leaders did not allow this troika system to be liquidated.

Stalin, shortly before the thirty-seventh year of this century, began to purposefully build a legal state in the USSR. And in a state governed by the rule of law, brutal repression, as well as the notorious “cleansing”, are impossible in principle. So the question is, what is the point of strengthening the rule of law on the eve of reprisals against political opponents? It is much more convenient to deal with them “in a revolutionary way”, and then complain about the “dizziness of the struggle”, draw a few bitter conclusions, and deal with the legal side of Soviet life. But no: the rule of law was strengthened immediately before the events of 1937.

Stalin had the talent to manage to drive Leon Trotsky out of the U.S.S.R., to start quarrels of Trotskyist leaders among themselves, and then begin their at first slow and then total removal from power in th Soviet government.


JdN: The communist Trotsky believed in world revolution, but the rival communist Stalin believed this was unrealistic, because state security police in Britain, America, France, etc. would infiltrate and crush any communist uprisings, and also leftwing parties (such as the Democrats in the US and the Labour party in Britain) would gradually improve the lives of workers and thus placate them. And in fat American and British workers neve embraced communism, just tiny numbers of jews, Irish-Americans and blacks.

Stalin also wanted communism to rule the world but believed in “socialism in ONE country,” meaning building up the Soviet Union first as a military superpower and then conquering the world by force and invasion. Hitler invaded Soviet Russia in a suprise attack six weeks before Stalin could surprise-attack Germany in “Operation Icebreaker,” which the Soviet Jew Suvorov outlined in several books.




With incredible efforts, working under the gun of enemies, Stalin managed to destroy part of the satanic [jewish] power by 1938, arresting about 340,000 Trotskyist Satanists all over the country, of which, unfortunately, most of them were amnestied by Stalin out of his kindness in 1941 and 1946.

1. Stalin did not allow foreign invaders and their agents to divide the Russians. A Georgian, he was Russian by culture. Like no other   Soviet leaders, he was aware of the unity of the fate of all the peoples of the USSR with the Russian people and the Russian people with all the peoples of the USSR.

2. Stalin revealed the national question. In his work Marxism and the National Question, Stalin writes that the Russian question is a question of uniting all nations. Culture is socialist in content and national in form. The Russian people are the leading force in the inter-ethnic community, but they are not the master people.



JdN: a partly East-Asian looking girl greets a blond Slavic girl…. white Russians as the leaders, not the masters

A Russian, Vladimir Avdeyev (1962-2020), with whom I corresponded,

….wrote an excellent book on Indo-European/Aryan studies under the Soviet Union, called Raciology.

Most prehistorians agree that the Indo-Europeans/Aryans originated in what is now southern Russia-Ukraine, and Joseph Stalin, feeling this would would build up Russian pride, and thus weaken the jews, supported these studies.

The Indo-Europeans likely spread out from southern Russia-Ukraine. Map: The blond Aryans in the year 1000 BC. 

Augustus, of the Roman nobility, the first emperor 

You can see on the pink skin of these elite Russian troops the Aryan DNA.



3. Stalin opposed the primitive class approach. For example, the class approach is not applicable to the language. Language is not class-based by nature, Stalin writes in Marxism and Questions of Linguistics. And now in post-Soviet Russia we are seeing the primitivization of the Russian language.

4. Stalin clarified the theory of the withering away of the state. At the XVIII Congress on the eve of the war, Stalin said that the socialist state must be strengthened in a hostile capitalist environment.

5. Stalin warned of the intensification of the class struggle as socialism developed. When he said this in a speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) on July 9, 1928, he was referring to the capitalist encirclement.

We are now belatedly recalling this warning.

H.G. Wells confessed to Stalin: “There are only two personalities in the whole world whose opinions are listened to by millions: you and Roosevelt… I have already seen the happy faces of healthy people, and I know that something very significant is being done here. The contrast to 1920 is striking.”

On November 07, 1941, when the German enemy was already close to Moscow, the troops went straight from the parade to the front. The Commander-in-Chief, now at the mausoleum’s rostrum on Red Square, addressed the soldiers and spoke about things that were poorly correlated with the internationalistc sideology of that time: “Let the image of great Russian ancestors inspire you.”

– Stalin calls out the name of the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky;

he calls on the name of the holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy;

*** Wiki: Dmitry Donskoy fought the Mongols and Tatars to free the white Slavs.

Saint Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (Russian: Дми́трий Ива́нович Донско́йtr. Dmítriy Ivanovich Donskóy, also known as Dimitrii or Demetrius), or Dmitry of the Don, sometimes referred to simply as Dmitry (12 October 1350 – 19 May 1389), son of Ivan II the Fair [the Blond] of Moscow (1326–1359), reigned as the Prince of Moscow from 1359 and Grand Prince of Vladimir from 1363 to his death. He was the first prince of Moscow to openly challenge Mongol authority in Russia. He is regarded as a Russian national hero and central figure of the Middle Ages. His nickname, Donskoy (“of the Don“), alludes to his great victory against the Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380), which took place on the Don River.[1] He is venerated as a Saint in the Orthodox Church with his feast day on 19 May.


The biggest Soviet submarine ever built, just now decommissioned (https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/02/russia-decommissions-worlds-largest-submarine/), was the “Dmitry Donskoy,” which is also the largest submarine ever built by any country on earth:



Stalin calls the names of Minin and Pozharsky, Suvorov and Kutuzov…

That’s who was supposed to inspire the Red Army fighters, Slavic Russians!

Mentioning these medieval Russian heroes before this date was apolitical and impossible.

Stalin began to return its history to the Russians.

*** Lydia Litvyak was a female Soviet fighter pilot who had 12 kills of German pilots; she died during the battle of Kursk in 1943


The restoration of Orthodoxy [the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church] also began.

In 1942, despite martial law and a curfew, the celebration of Easter was allowed in Moscow, for which thousands of people flocked to the Epiphany Cathedral. Churches in our country were reopened. On September 8, 1943, the Church finally regained its Primate — Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) was elected to the Patriarchal Chair by the Moscow Council, which met in Moscow after the blessed death of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon. There was announced the opening of theological schools and monasteries, the and the founding of the “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate”.


Putin takes communion from the head of the Russian Orthodox Church; he seems to be somewhat sincere,  and his mother was a Christian, NOT a jewess!


The $100 -million Christ the Savior cathedral in Moscow


Jewish attempt to take Crimea for themselves

*** The jews wanted their Khazar Empire back!


In the early 1920s, one of the prominent members of the Soviet government, Yuri Larin (((Lurie))), developed a plan to create Jewish autonomy in the Crimea and settle 3,000,000 Jews on its territory.

In November 1923, another project appeared under the authorship of the head of the Jewish section of the RCP [Russian Communist Party](b), A. Bragin, who proposed to form an autonomous region of Jews on the territory of the Northern Crimea, the southern steppe zone of Ukraine and the Black Sea coast up to the borders of Abkhazia.

As the Jewish Telegraph Agency (ETA) noted on February 20, 1924, this project was approved by “Soviet” leaders: members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) L. D. (((Trotsky))), L. B. (((Kamenev))), candidate for Politburo membership N. I. Bukharin and Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR A. D. Tsuryupa.

There is no need to introduce Lev Davydovich Trotsky (Bronstein) to the reader. This is a Zionist who bathed in Russian blood.

*** In 1940 Stalin had Trotsky, who had fled to Mexico, assassinated with an icepick



Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (who called himself Moisha Dolgolevsky), together with Trotsky, edited the newspaper Novy Mir, and then was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Pravda and in fact the leading party ideologist of the Communists.

In 1926, the head of the Jewish charity organization “Joint” (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) came to the USSR, one James N. Rosenberg. As a result of meetings with the leaders of the country, an agreement was reached on financing measures for the resettlement of Jews from Ukraine and Belarus to the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Assistance was also provided by the French Jewish Society, the American Society for Assistance to Jewish Colonization in Soviet Russia, and others.

On April 7, 1926, the All-Crimean Jewish Conference opened in Simferopol. In the April 11 issue of the newspaper Krasny Krym, [Red Crimea] the main provisions of a speech delivered in Yiddish by a representative of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee’s Department of Nationalities, Comrade I. M. Rashkes, were published, where he said :” We are striving to create a continuous land area with autonomy in the future, not for the concentration of world Jewry, but for the establishment of three million Jews.”

On January 31, 1927, a new contract was signed with Agro-Joint. According to it, the organization allocated 20 million rubles for the organization of resettlement, the Soviet government allocated 5 million rubles for this purpose. The document, which bore the beautiful title “On Crimean California”, contained the obligations of the parties. “Joint”, for example, allocated the USSR 1.5 million dollars a year, and the CEC left 375 thousand hectares of Crimean land as collateral for this amount. They were issued in shares that were bought by more than 200 “Americans”, bigwigs of the Jewish community, but also including US politicians such as Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover, financiers Rockefeller and Marshall, and General MacArthur… All disputes under this agreement were to be settled in the arbitration court of Heidelberg, Germany.

One of the main opponents of the mass resettlement of Jews to Crimea is the Chairman of the Crimean Central Election Commission Veli Ibraimov. V. Ibraimov was summoned to Moscow, where under pressure he was forced to confess to organizing the murder of one of the Tatar activists and hiding the bandits. He was subsequently shot.

On September 5, 1930, by the decision of the Crimean Central Executive Committee, Freidorf became the center of the Jewish national district. In 1931, the OK VKP(b) and the Crimean government stated in their decisions that ” the Jewish resettlement to the Crimea was politically and economically justified.” The republic established the Jewish National Freidorf District, 32 Jewish national village councils, and published the Yiddish newspaper Lenins Weg.

I think the reader will now not find it strange that the resettlement of Jews “coincided” with the dekulakization [crushing of the small-farmer class] and forced eviction of well-to-do peasants from the Crimea. The GPU at that time had set up a network of concentration camps all over the peninsula.

Discussion of the” Crimean Project ” was even included in the agenda of the American Jewish Congress, held in Philadelphia. Representatives of two hundred of the richest “people” in the United States addressed the Congress delegates. The consideration of the “Crimean Project” at the congress was welcomed by the future US President H. E. Hoover, who was present at its opening. Roosevelt, and the chairman of the Committee on Land Management of Jews in the USSR, Smidovich, on behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, said: in exchange for Western loans to the USSR, the colonization of the Crimea by Jews will be carried out.

Since the mid-1930s, the Soviet government has ceased to show interest in increasing the population of the Jewish Autonomous Region. The “Crimean project” seemed to have sunk into oblivion. The Joint branch in the USSR was liquidated by the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of May 4, 1938.

In the country, a campaign was launched to expose the enemies of the people, to which almost everyone who participated in the development of the “Crimean Project” in the 1920s and 1930s was counted and repressed. Karl Radek, an associate of Lenin and Trotsky, expressed the essence of those trials very figuratively: “If Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt, then Stalin-out of the Politburo”…

Instead of creating a Jewish Autonomous Republic in the Crimea, a Jewish Autonomous Republic was formed in the Far East. But the Jews did not like this place; they insisted instead on the lands of the Crimea, the south of Russia and Ukraine (the territories of the former Khazar Khaganate). By the way, it was for this reason that the crypto-Jews in power organized the Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932-33, which “surprisingly” affected exactly those territories that Jews were interested in.

Churchill and Roosevelt in WWII invited Molotov to visit London and Washington. This was done in order, on the one hand, to establish closer contact with the Soviet government on military issues, and on the other hand, so that the “Jewish problem” was solved within the territory of the USSR. Molotov flew one of the few Soviet four-engined long-range bombers designed by Petlyakov (Pe-8). Churchill replied that “a second front in Western Europe will be created as soon as the appropriate conditions for invasion appear.”

The British government agreed to conclude a treaty on post-war cooperation with the USSR, but refused to include any specific references to the future borders of the USSR. Molotov intended to postpone the signing of the treaty again, but Stalin, unexpectedly for Molotov, ordered to accept the draft proposed by England.

May 26, 1942 Eden and Molotov signed the Anglo-Soviet treaty “on alliance in the war against Hitlerite Germany and her accomplices in Europe, and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the war.” The treaty confirmed the agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany of July 12, 1941 and provided for joint actions in the post-war period, including the provision of mutual assistance if one of the parties again becomes involved in a war with Germany or related States. The U.S.S.R. and Great Britain agreed to cooperate in organizing the security and economic prosperity of Europe; not to form any alliances or take part in any coalitions directed against the other side. The term of the contract was set at 20 years. One of the extra-protocol agreements was the promise to provide Crimea for the future Jewish state, as a mandatory territory of the USSR.

In 1943, at the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt told Stalin that his administration would soon have problems with lend-lease supplies to the USSR if the Crimean California project was not revived. He also gave Roosevelt a verbal promise to resolve “the Jewish question in favor of the Crimea, not Palestine.”

In the spring of 1943, Mikhoels (along with Itzik Fefer) was delegated by the Anti-Fascist Committee to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom to raise money. Solomon Mikhoels returned from a seven-month trip on December 10, 1943. Upon arrival, they immediately informed Beria that American and British Jews, prominent representatives of which were Einstein and Oppenheimer, were insisting on the adoption of an early solution of the Jewish question in favor of  Crimea. Otherwise, Jewish lobbies in these countries will prevent the resumption of lend-lease aid, and with the opening of the second front, which was promised back in 1942, the Americans and the British would not be in a hurry.

In February 1944, after returning from the United States, Mikhoels and other members of the EAC delegation sent a letter to Stalin and Molotov about the establishment of a Jewish Republic in Crimea and the urgent wish of the Jewish circles of America (Rosenberg’s letter) that the Jewish Republic should include all of Crimea with its southern coast.

An analysis of the events shows that Stalin was not interested in creating a Jewish Republic in the Crimea, but only used this issue in order to obtain material assistance and loans for waging the war and restoring the country’s economy.

Difficult circumstances forced him to maneuver, and the bargaining around the “Crimean California” continued. The Jewish Joint insisted on the transfer of Crimea to the Jews, the eviction of the Crimean Tatars, the withdrawal of the Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol, and the formation of an independent Jewish state in Crimea. Moreover, the opening of the 2nd front in 1943 [the Anglo-American invasion of Italy].

The Jewish lobby linked it to the fulfillment of Stalin’s debt obligations to the Joint Venture. Stalin told Tito about all this in 1944. Stalin insisted that this state entity should be part of the USSR, having the status of an autonomous republic (Lazar Kaganovich was going to be appointed head), and wanted to get a $ 10 billion loan to restore the country’s economy. Money seems to have been promised, but on condition that the Crimea leaves the USSR. The case has once again stalled…

Stalin did not want to transfer the land of Crimea, southern Russia, and Ukraine to the Jews over Soviet debts for the construction of Israel – so he welcomed the decision of the Jews at the 1948 conference in Basel on the creation of Israel in Palestine, and actively supported them in considering this issue at the UN.

So, gentlemen Trotskyist liberalists, it was your organized criminal group and your foreign masters who programmed the deportation of the peoples of the USSR. They wanted to grab such a tasty morsel for themselves, and Odessa and the Crimea and the resorts of the Caucasian coast.[….]

On April 10, 1945, the Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR, I. V. Stalin, held a meeting and conversation on Orthodox Church affairs with Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Nikolai of Krutitsky, and Protopresbyter Nikolai Kolchitsky, the result of which was soon felt by everyone.

On August 22, 1945, the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR issued a decree granting church bodies — the Patriarchate, diocesan and parish communities and monasteries-legal rights to purchase vehicles, manufacture church utensils, etc. By the same decree, local Soviet authorities were asked not to interfere with church communities, but to make bell ringing.

At a reception in the Kremlin in honor of the Red Army commanders, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin said::

“Comrades, allow me to raise one last toast.

I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people.

I drink, first of all, to the health of the Russian people, because it is the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union.

I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people because in this war they have earned general recognition as the leading force of the Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country.

I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people not only because they are a leading people, but also because they have a clear mind, a strong character and patience.

Our government made quite a few mistakes, we had moments of desperate situation in 1941-42, when our army retreated, left our native villages and cities of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Leningrad region, the Baltic States, the Karelo-Finnish Republic, left because there was no other way out. Another people might say to the Government: you have failed to meet our expectations, go away, we will put in another government that will make peace with Germany and provide us with peace. But the Russian people did not do this, because they believed in the correctness of their government’s policy and made sacrifices to ensure the defeat of Germany. And this confidence of the Russian people in the Soviet Government proved to be the decisive force that ensured the historic victory over fascism. Thank you to him, the Russian people, for this trust! For the health of the Russian people!”

After the Great War, Stalin, in a conversation with Rokossovsky, recalled that when he worked in the Trotskyist entourage, he sometimes wondered whether the sentry would shoot him in the back or in the face as he walked through the corridors of the Kremlin.

I think it is now clear why our present Trotskyists hate Stalin. After all, it was he who prevented them from destroying the Russian people. Therefore, the people keep their love for their hero defender, the epic Svyatogor, and wait for him to wake up from sleep and come to the defense, and then wherever you look, there are only Zionists everywhere. Many members of both the upper and lower parliaments are either Zionists or homosexuals.

I think it is not necessary to humiliate the Russians by humiliating their Hero Stalin, who saved the peoples of Russia from physical destruction and did not allow world Zionism to seize power on Earth. In fact, Stalin is the savior of the peoples of the whole earth. Gentlemen Trotskyists, your attempts to de-Stalinize and transfer Russia under the patronage of world Zionism will lead to a lot of blood. Remember the history of the Russians.

Russia and the peoples inhabiting Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR
do not need De-Stalinization, but a real cleansing DEZIONIZATION is needed.




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