Spiritual reading: lead lives at two levels; being both “Mars” and “Venus” about other races and peoples

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February 15
Today could be a marvelous day for integration and synthesis if you allow it. You have worked so hard to attain the knowledge that you have, the experiences that are now yours, the perspectives which enable you to see beyond the ordinary and the obvious.
Sometimes you have been dragged kicking and screaming to the seat of the wisdom you now possess. Often you have suffered immensely in the process of acquiring experience and understanding.
But that is not all. You have likely also come upon springs of unimagined joy and delight, have unearthed the truth, have been transformed by the light and have sat in the center of your own heart.
The path is a rugged one, and you have ascended some perilous inclines, fallen down a few ravines and stood near the
summit in breathless awe at all you could see and be.
And the pace is relentless. There is so little time afforded you to accustom yourself to your new knowings, to unexpected revelations, huge losses and grand openings.
Today you can seize the opportunity to lodge much of what you have been learning directly in your physical form. As you have moved through that which has been put before you, you learn, you change and in general, you become lighter.
The temptation to fly off tends to grow. But because you are in body, it is essential to bring all that you know down into form so that you may make use of it in your daily life.
*** This is a core teaching
In leading our lives ater leaving heaven on this very challenging material world, and on this specifically rough planet, the earth, which is what you consented to do, you must apply what you learned — hopefully 😉 — in your previous earth lives and especially in your interlives via life-review videos.
Yes, you must live out the lessons you learned and discussed with your guardian angels and wise deceased relatives. You must put them into practice in real-world situations and relationships.
You must interact with integrity and effectiveness with your children, lovers, spouses, customers, colleagues and friends.
Swami Rama, at whose ashram in Honesdale, Pennsylvania I worked and practiced meditation, was once asked at a darshan (an “ask-the-guru” session) the “$64,000 question”:

“What is the purpose of life?”


He answered:


This, after all, is the great challenge you face. At this time, you are not being called, most of you, to become hermits living in caves.
You are instead being asked (each in your own way) to transmute light, to hold it in the very density which you inhabit on earth. Perhaps there are some who are ascending, but most of you are sticking around for awhile and will need to integrate and marry the various lives you lead: the spiritual, emotional, rational and mundane.
The physical and the transcendent both.
The reason for this is simple: compartmentalization is ceasing to work on earth. Oneness is the overriding agenda and all that stands in the way of unity is being dissolved. It is necessary for those of you who possess the capacity to bring together in wholeness your physical form, the joy and the light you have made room for, your wisdom, your vision. In order to live and contribute successfully in this changing world, you need access to all your gifts at once.
For that reason, we want to encourage you today to work to bring together all of who you are.
The earth will be very supportive of this. You will likely find that it is easy to feel that support if you walk or sit outside and intend to notice it.
Your own body will be quite open to receiving and crystallizing all that you invite in. Imagine if you will that your body is the solid base of a triangle, and then use your mind to intend that your transcendent experiences, that your ecstasy and your wisdom flow down both legs of the triangle and pour into your body.

Just stay open, intend for there to be a joining of all your aspects, and ask for assistance if that feels right.
This is an unusually difficult thing to describe and yet we are trying to talk with you about it not only because it is so important to do—you will be immeasurably stronger if you can manage it—but also because the days when you can simply stop moving and allow all that you have done and learned to take form are rare.
And even if you cannot understand what we are saying, we hope that you will use the day to ground yourself well, to rest and ready yourself for what lies around the bend.
It is a wonderful day to do all of those things. No matter what, don’t miss out on the chance to breathe and gather yourself.

We want so much to see you living in a body suffused with joy and gratitude; you cannot continue on much longer otherwise.

As we have said, good food and water are no longer enough to assure vibrancy. You have to live in form at a higher vibration. If you want to, you really can raise that frequency today.
We’ll be sending our highest love and blessings all day long.

….”Christian lady” writes me from a kind heart and with intelligent questions

Having read this


She wrote me:

Engrossing reads.  However this nordic girl has a jewish father, Silverstone, just so you know. Check the wiki on Alicia Silverstone.  Once they have a gentile parent, they look less jewish.  i.e., they have upper lips, ear lobes and all kinds of our stuff.  😉


But let us not divide the world by horse-breeder fanaticism.  Clearly you can’t tell if they are half-jewish or not.

My point is Benjamin Harrison Freedman, a sincere convert.  Once the Holy Spirit got into him, he answered his Calling with all the passion of a Saint.  God love him for it.  He’s got my vote.


Hence, proving my point that we are first spirit, housed in a temporal human body.  Adolf Hitler knew this foremost, as a devout Roman Catholic [not true but a Jesus admirer and believer in the soul, God, immortality, plus in reincarnation].

But he favoured a Germany for the Germans.

He loved who they were — and wanted to keep them that way.  Nothing wrong with that, seeing as our Maker put the Sahara desert between the Congo basin and Egypt for a reason.  😉

He made us all suited to our biomes, and for a reason.  But like today’s pythons breeding out of control in the Florida Everglades, once creatures are trafficked into biomes where God did not put them, they cause problems.  One could pose this as it applies to the African.

He was brought here in chains against his will.  Now what?  Hate him for it?  They, by the sweat of their brow, have earned the right to be here.  You gonna tell a Louisiana Creole that he has to “go back to Africa?”  He is intrinsically American.  Those marranos owned most of the slaver fleets.

They are to blame for trafficking Africans all over the world, starting around 1440, and long before the Southern planter arrived in th late 1600s.  There is a deeper thesis to this dilemma than just whining about the down-side.

Thomas Jefferson in his “Notes on the State of Virginia” addressed it.  [Confederate] General Patrick Cleburne addressed it.  They knew they had to dismantle slavery.  But where to begin with an institution centuries old?  A dilemma.  Now we suffer some of the consequences.

What do you suggest we do about it, John?

Not every black man is an ax murderer and a rapist.

And I’m all about the Catholic priest, Father Coughlin [a nationwide enemy of Rosenfeld and anti-war radio preacher in the 1930s from Royal Oak, Michigan who lit up the airwaves until his own Catholic Church shut him down].  Love the man.

And know all about who kill’t the Lindbergh baby.  I would warn any parent to be careful whom you trust.  It’s hard to find good help.  That bitch handed over their baby to an assassin.  Out the window — down a ladder.  Then they pinned it all on an innocent German immigrant, Bruno Hauptmann, who was electrocuted.

Boy, do I have these bastards down.  They are all of our problem.  All of us.  Mexicans, blacks, enslaved commie states (China, the Nam, Cuba…).

Divided we fall.  Are you aware of that?

Have you considered the power of a coherent beam?  Have you read the text of Louis Farrakhan and the slain Huey Newton?


They tell preachers what to preach.
And tell teachers what to teach.
They own your police and government.
They know where all your money went.
You may call them Soviet.
You may call them Kness'iet.
They took Chipper down.
They run your whole damn town.
They use toddlers for target practice
And make fragments of your sons.
Martyrs are the fortunate ones.
Like Father Coughlin, they died in their boots.
Now Holy Ecstasies are their banquet fruits.#
Hi, [].
Thanks for this email. I became aware that this was Silverstone after using the photo, because outwardly she is a perfect nordic, and her father was a Khazar/Ashkenazi that is, part-white (slavic/germanic).
I have often discussed Freedman, a fine man, on my site.
My internal search engine will show you that I have blogged on many topics for 13 years now.
I have had a major outreach to blacks for 14 years.

For African-Americans: Part 1

The Irish-born General Cleburne was a fine man and commander. It was, however, a bit of Irish dreaminess as well as desperation in 1863 to think the Confederacy could be saved militarily by making emancipated Black slaves into rebel soldiers. They would be fighting for a South that despised them while seeing the Whites killing each other! 

Since Cleburne died (bravely) at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, I might mention that I won that town of Franklin in my race for Congress in 1990, which the jews stole by an early act of blatant electronic-voting-machine fraud.
My intention with regard to the black-white problem is this:
….to adapt to America the apartheid vision of Hendrik Verwoerd of South Africa, who was very successful with it. It brought about safety for the Whites and prosperity for the blacks under white rule.
So the jews got two different negroes in one week to try to assassinate him, with the second one succeeding. A South Africa jew psychiatrist who had moved to London was the mastermind of the plots; I have blogged on this.
Verwoerd was so overly “Christian,” and this time I mean it in a very negative sense, so overly yin, not yang, that he kind of “put it all in God’s hands” whether he would live or die. So a mentally ill negro was permitted to walk right up to the president of South Africa — on the floor of the SA parliament — and just stab him to death.
Insane! God helps those who help themselves! Verwoerd was succeeding marvelously when the jews got him killed!
As for solving the black problem, first, they are very different from us: much lower IQ, much higher testosterone, creating a propensity for violence and rape; AND their frontal lobes are deficient, so they lack self-control.
Furthermore, many are psychopaths, and other blacks heartily agree.
One of my webmasters for this website 2009-11
My late wife and I stayed in 2014 with a black couple who were sympathetic to us, and Jim Rawls and I did a radio show (of which an example is here: https://johndenugent.com/images/2014-07-21-Ebony.mp3)….
Jim said once:
“I don’t want any ‘black self-rule.’ I  don’t trust most blacks! 
The Nation of Islam [the Black Muslims of Malcolm X and Farrakhan] came and talked to me one day on the street and gave me their paper, “The Final Call.” There was the usual stuff about Whites being ‘the blue-eyed devils.’ 
A French police lieutenant colonel named Beltrame who exchanged himself as a hostage to free a white Frenchwoman from a muslim terrorist; the muslim released the woman and slit his throat
I handed the paper back, John, and said, 
“Man, forget that. I know too many BLACK devils!”
Here is the rub, and Thomas Jefferson saw this in the 1780s already, and later on Robert E. Lee:
— There must be either very open white supremacy, with the white man on top because he is superior in many vital ways; or
total, radical expulsion of all the blacks, right down to the very last man, woman and child.
I will rearrange America to create huge all-white areas, and other areas where Blacks and Whites, Hispanics and others intermingle and work during the day, but then separate and go home at night to their own, radically segregated neighborhoods.
By electronic means, the same ones the NSA uses on us now to read our emails and track our movements around town via our smartphones, we can keep strict tabs on them at all times.
And they will neither have guns, nor need them in their crime-free neighborhoods.
There will be the death penalty for all negro felonies.
(I remember an old episode of the original “Star Trek” series with some planet full of beautiful blond people, and all crime had died out centuries before by the rigorous application of the death penalty for all serious transgressions. This also weeded out those with bad DNA — being dead, they could not reproduce. 😉 )
And while the Blacks were brought here involuntarily, true,  we Whites did not bring the negroes here; the sephardic jews did, bribing in effect the kings of Portugal, France and England with visions of vast profits…..
African slavery, long-term, was a nightmare for everyone except the jews. It was not just the Civil War with 750,000 brave young white men dying. It was the never-ending troubles, welfare expenses, crime and ruined cities ever since.

Since I want to win, and many Blacks are very antisemitic (29% in an ADL study), and national socialism established law and order, prosperity and happiness, this is the path:
National socialism and totally overt white supremacy. 
It is our country and they can stay if they 1) fight FOR the whites, 2) acknowledge white superiority and supremacy, and 3) accept the strictest barriers against any racial mixing, with the death penalty for any romantic or sexual relationships.
America is now only about 45% white. The Blacks are miserable under the Jewnited Snakes regime, racked by drugs, crime, illegitimacy, and godlessness of every kind. Many Blacks admire Adolf Hitler.
We can offer the Blacks a good deal, especially compared to now, when the Mexicans are taking over as the main minority, have twice thier number (80 million versus 40 million) and, except for th NFL, for football, are preferred universally as workers.
We can guarantee, as in Germany, safe streets, good trade schools and decent jobs, no drugs or alcoholism tolerated, and restoring the black family, marriage, the man as the traditional head of the family, and having and raising legitimate children.
We will also teach them to be docile, humble, and grateful to live in a white country instead of their African sh–holes (to use Trump’s realistic term) and reduce their testosterone and libido levels via additives in food and water such as saltpeter, which the US military long used.
Should the negroes ever break the apartheid deal — which allowed them to stay in North America by fighting for us, by fighting for white rule based on white superiority, and by submitting strictly to white rule and apartheid – we would then needs take the most radical action.
Many Blacks are violent, stupid, lazy and dishonest, as many Blacks themselves admit.
Hence their own frequent use among themselves of the term “ngr.” They should have been expelled elsewhere en masse after 1865, relieving the White American nation of an immense and unending burden. But Lincoln did not send them back or Africa or elsewhere as he had said, and went Christian-libtard at the end, talking about visiting “the Holy Land” and others things that surprised his friends who knew him to be a lifelong agnostic as well as white racialist.
This Lincoln was yang…..
But he got all Christian-yin toward the end, so 750,000 white men died for nothing.
The Stone-Age, oversexed, low-IQ Blacks were freed to cause nationwide havoc and a crime wave. and the race problem is still with us and worse than ever before!


    • I understand. Canada used to be “the true north, proud and free” as per their anthem. Unlike America, it had a proud white British and white French flavor.

      Now it has zero freedom, is banning guns, seizing bank accounts, and proudly advocating — as per a Justin Trudeau speech — a “great reset.” It is proud that it took away freedom. And David von Braun has added his own horrendous life experiences in Canada to my convictions.

      What was once a genuine and wonderful white nation is now run by the bastard son of Fidel Castro.

      And it is welcoming in the Red Chinese by the millions, and Vancouver is nicknamed “Hongcouver.”

      Canada, right on our border, has become a multiracial, woke nightmare that is an enemy of the white race in general and of America specifically, lying right along our border.

      Since the time of Pierre Trudeau, Canadian identity has no longer been British and French but is open anti-Americanism.

      But if the Canadians want to rise up and fix their country themselves so that it is no longer an existential threat to the American people, fine. I loved the old Canada, a true friend, a nice bunch of people, and our cultural and genetic kindred.

      But as things stand, it is now an enemy country, with a large percentage being brainwashed, woke, America-hating zombies. Canada must be fixed, just as Jewkraine must be, or it is a threat to our survival just as Jewkraine, since 2014, has been to Russia.

      There is no more Canada, comrade, just the name. It is a fully crypto-communist colony of the Jew World Order. And I say this knowing many fine Canadians and having visited four provinces extensively: British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island. And one of my biggest donors was from Edmonton, Alberta.

      My father’s second wife, my stepmother, still living, is from Canada….. and, sadly, unbelievably brainwashed.

      She lived for decades — 1971-2012 — with my conservative Republican dad, and nothing rubbed off. She said to me by phone of my website:

      “I heard it was just, just HORRIBLE — and I have never even looked at it even once.”

      And there you go. A true Canadian.

      I guarantee that the rumors are true that in the event of an American civil war, Canadian troops would intervene and slaughter with relish the WHITE Americans. Have no illusions.

      The old Canada is dead as a doornail, just as Palestine no longer exists, only Israel. In fact, all the old white Dominions, as they once were called — New Zealand, Australia and Canada — via a massive network of British-connected 33rd-degree Freemasons, are completely unfree, pedophile-run colonies of the City of London and lapdogs of Lord Rothschild. The Covid lockdowns and forced vaccinations were far worse than in the United States, which still largely believes in freedom of speech and the right to own guns.

      Remember, the ancestors of all these modern white Dominion people COULD have chosen to emigrate to the US, but they chose instead to have a king or queen on their money, and have Royal Bank of this or that all over the place, and “the Crown” is the prosecutor.

      It is a different spirit, one of white submission to their purported “betters.”

      But let Canadians rise up and shake the jew strangehold off themselves. Or we must fix it ourselves.

      In Germany in 1938, we annexed Austria, and the supposed differences between the Germans and Austrians vanished. It was a joful liberation and a reunification more than an annexation.

  1. Washington’s Farewell Address advised us to avoid foreign entanglements. The Jews later denigrated this advice of our founding father as “isolationism.” i think we should heed Washington’s advice and become an island, as it were.

    Regarding Canada, we should secure our northern border with forts.

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