Earthly life as hell; the Chinese glove; Churchill: self above country; Jewirish government stuns beautiful old Irish town with 120 gimmegrants while Irish go homeless; Moldovan rapist with no ID or passport granted immediate bail and legal aid

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Earthly life is one long series of follies and atrocities. Psychopaths, who incarnated from hell dimensions to find prey, gradually take over everything, and they love coming to this earth — because earthling cowards, 80%, let them do it.

Churchill and Stalin in the Kremlin in August 1942 – or is it just another of Stalin’s “montages” ? The realistic portrayal of Stalin’s withered arm suggests it is authentic

Winnie and Joe, Bosom Pals

Churchill’s abhorrence of Bolshevism disappeared as rapidly as his reservations about International Jewry as soon as it suited his personal ambitions

Winston Churchill was the spoiled son of an aristocratic father and an American mother who doted on him. As a young man he was a dilettante who developed an early taste for expensive clothes, imported cigars and old brandy. At 26 he entered parliament.

As a politician he continued his dilettante ways, serving in a number of minor posts and switching from one party to another whenever he thought it would further his career. Although he displayed only minimal qualities of statesmanship, his family connections and sharp eye for the main chance led to his steady advancement, and in 1908 he was promoted to the cabinet. When World War I broke out Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty, effectively the supervisor of the British Navy.

Churchill’s lack of a sense of responsibility and his ineptness as a military strategist led to disaster. He directed the utterly bungled Gallipoli campaign against the Turks in 1915 which led to a total defeat for the British, with more than 100,000 casualties. He was forced to resign his Admiralty post in disgrace.

He returned to his earlier career in journalism and in an article entitled ‘Zionism versus Bolshevism’ which appeared in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of February 8, 1920 he wrote:

‘This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their beards and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.’

By 1938, when he was 64 years old, Churchill had so lived beyond his means that his creditors prepared to foreclose on him. He was faced with the prospect of the forced sale of his luxurious country estate, Chartwell.

‘At this hour of crisis a dark and mysterious figure entered Churchill’s life: he was Henry Strakosch, a multi-millionaire Jew who had acquired a fortune speculating in South African mining ventures after his family had migrated to that country from eastern Austria. Strakosch stepped forward, advanced the ageing demagogue a “loan” of £150,000 just in time to save his estate from the auctioneer, and then quietly slipped into the background again. In the years that followed, Strakosch served as Churchill’s adviser and confidant but miraculously managed to avoid the spotlight of publicity which thenceforth illuminated Churchill’s again-rising political career.’


† Additional Notes:

‘I have my own theories about Winston’s real origins. These are based on the known facts about both his parents.

‘Known Fact 1: Winston’s mother, Jenny Churchill (née Jacobson) was a notorious adulteress. Jenny Churchill’s promiscuity was so infamous that ZOG Court Historian William Manchester commented on it in detail in Volume 1 of his now to be permanently incomplete Churchill “trilogy,” The Last Lion.

‘Known Fact 2: Winston’s putative father, Lord Randolph Churchill, treated Winston with distance and disdain. The non-existent father-son “relationship” has been the subject of exhaustive micro-analysis.

‘It seems not to have occurred to anyone that Winston may have been a literal as well as figurative bastard.’ Maguire, FAEM (, 9 February 2002

‘Cunning, no doubt, came to Churchill in the Jewish genes transmitted by his mother Lady Randolph Churchill, née Jenny Jacobson/Jerome.’ Moshe Kohn, Jerusalem Post


With acknowledgments to Michael McLaughlin: For Those Who Cannot Speak, Historical Review Press, 1979 and National Vanguard

“Germany is our public enemy No. 1. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.” Bernat Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, 1932. This came to fruition as shown here, being reported on the front page of the Daily Express on March 24, 1933

The Daily Express was then, and is now, a major British newspaper:


The Daily Express is a national daily United Kingdom middle-market newspaper[2] printed in tabloid format. Published in London, it is the flagship of Express Newspapers, owned by publisher Reach plc. It was first published as a broadsheet in 1900 by Sir Arthur Pearson. Its sister paper, the Sunday Express, was launched in 1918. In June 2022, it had an average daily circulation of 201,608.[3]

The paper rose to become the largest circulation newspaper in the world under Lord Beaverbrook, going from two million in the 1930s to four million in the 1940s.[4]

[….] The paper’s editorial stances have often been seen as aligned to Euroscepticism and supportive of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), and other right-wing factions including the European Research Group (ERG) of the Conservative Party.[8][9]

[So its purpose is neo-conservatism, as with the Daily Mail or FOX News Channel in the US: 1) let’s cut taxes on the hard-working rich, 2) hate other white people and racism, but deny the reality of race; 3) support brave little Israel as it stomps on the native Palestinians, the whole lot being terrorists, you see; and we must have more wars to prove we are truly patriotic. So stop worrying — WWIII with tiny little Russia will be fun.]

International Jewry declared war against Germany in 1933 simply because the German government had removed Jews from influential positions and transferred power back to the German people. Such declarations of war as carried in the Daily Express were repeated throughout the world.

‘The Israeli people around the whole world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce, and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler’s people.’ Daily Express, March 24, 1933


Winston S. Churchill with his backer, the American jew financier Bernard Baruch. On the right, the unofficial implementor of the ‘Morgenthau Plan’ and later US President, puppet president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

‘I would like to remind you about the kind of system the foreign relations have been taken up with. Here it is:

It was a system that got into power by armed revolt, that dispersed the constituent assembly;

It was a system that liquidated political opponents without any judicial proceedings, that suppressed the strikes of the working men, that pillaged the villages so insufferably thus driving the peasants to rebellions, which were crushed bloodily;

It was a system that destroyed the church, that drove twenty governments of the country into starvation;

It was the system that was first to introduce concentration camps in the twentieth century, as well as the method of taking hostages, i.e. not by catching the persecuted ones, but rather their families or indiscriminately anyone in order to shoot them down;

Karl Radek, jew bolshevik


It was the system that deceived the working people with all its decrees: the decree concerning the land-reform, the decree concerning peace, the decree concerning the manufacturing plants, the decree concerning the freedom of the press;

It was the system that liquidated all the other parties. I ask you to get me right: It did not alone destroy the parties as such, it did not just dissolve the parties, but it liquidated their members;

Two bolsheviks, one a jew, the other a Russian scumbag (see his facial features), shove a hot poker up a prisoner’s rectum.

My late, great friend, Ralph Grandinetti, a Rockwell party stormtrooper (as I was later on)…

Ralphie, Italian-looking, is front and center

……wrote a booklet in the 1990s, which I translated from German for him. It was a 1920s-era booklet about the Cheka (the first name that was given to the bolshevik secret police). These jews and other scumbags had a technique called “the Chinese glove.”

This involved making you watch as they yanked all the skin off your hands, exposing the bloody hand bones.

They would boil water before you while they used a sharp knife or straight-edged razor to cut in a circle through all the skin around your wrists. Then they attached fishhooks to your fingertips.

Finally they plunged your hands into boiling water, held it in there, and after a minute of your howling in agony, they would yank on the fishhooks — and the skin on your hands would slide off like a glove as you watched.

These are the people we Anglo-Americans, and the heralded “Greatest Generation,” helped in WWII. We saved communism and the jews. We did it. And now we are paying the price. As they say in Pittsburgh, “Quit-cher whinin’.



It was the system that introduced genocide of the peasantry: 15 million peasants have been deported for liquidation;

It was the system that introduced serfdom anew;

It was the system that provoked an artificial famine in the Ukraine during peace time, 6 million people died of hunger in the Ukraine at the border of Europe during the years 1932 and 1933.

During the years 1918 and 1919 the Tcheka shot more than a thousand people a month without legal procedure. At the climax of the Stalin-terror, during the years 1937-1938, the number of people shot to death averaged more than 40,000 a month. And with this country, with this Soviet Union, the whole allied democratic world entered a war alliance in 1941.’

Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his speech on June 30, 1975 at the Washington Hilton Hotel during an invitation of the US-American Union Organization AFL/CIO

Solzhenitsyn after receiving the highest medal of Russia from President Vladimir Putin on his second visit to the Nobel Laurate#s dacha outside of Moscow. The writer, of Cossack ancestry, suffered 11 years in the gulag for protesting Soviet atrocities against the German civilians of East Prussia.

Dresden was merely the climax:


On 10 May 1940 Winston Churchill came to power and put into motion a new “terror bombing” strategy. ON THE VERY NEXT DAY, on the 11th, 36 British aircraft bombed the centre of the German city of Mönchen-Gladbach in Westphalia. The inspiration behind Churchill was Frederick Lindeman, later Lord Cherwell, a half-American, half-German-Jewish technical adviser.


‘The historical documents, which condemned millions of people to losing their homes and additional millions to forced labor and death, were signed as a little variety during the breaks between the menu courses in an atmosphere reeking of gravy and generous wines.’

Admiral Leahy, Roosevelt’s Chief Naval Advisor, on the Yalta Conference. Das Ostpreußenblatt, Nov. 5, 1960 p. 3. In Walendy, The Methods of Reeducation.

…..Poor Moldovan immigrant to Eire victim only wanted to rape an Irish girl! Mean natives beat him and held him for the cops — the horror

Female libtard judge lets him go on bail… Rape is normally terrible, see,  especially so for the feminists, and it proves all men are evil.

BUT if the victim is white, then, look, fighting racism and xenophobia, and protecting illegal migrants and parasites, must prevail.

After all, maybe he tried to rape her because, back in Moldova, he was traumatized by something.

Could be, eh?

And the Irish girl — ahhh, she’ll get over it.


Look, until all the men are gone, which is an major goal anyway, rape simply will happen, folks…. and her white Irish ancestors, going way back, well, I bet probably they oppressed the poor, starving penniless jews, a gentle race of poets and philanthropists, or they trod on all the poor blacks in Ireland — or on someone.

I bet her ancestor, Patrick McGillicuddy, born in 1631, was a homophobe and transphobe…. Just prove he wasn’t!




Earthlings are insane. Their minds are out of control. But they think their mind is them. No, your soul, an eternal thing, is you, but your mind is a changeable, unstable thing that must not be allowed to take over- But in earthlings, with their bad karma, it does.

Earthlings lie to and about others; they embrace and fiercely defend their favorite lies; and they even lie constantly TO THEMSELVES.

The new faith is

  1. national socialism — racial and national strength, solidarity and unity
  2. We are not alone in the universe, and powerful aliens want us Whites to win for many reasons, including their compassion and also their self-interest
  3. Vedanta (reincarnation) and
  4.  Eckhart Tolle (your eternal soul is your boss, is YOU, and not your unstable mind, which is haunted and dogged by the past, neglects the beauties and duties of the present, and worries and dreads the future rather than acting).

And not just the libtards are insane.

So are most white nationalists too, fighting and feuding day and night…. and made mentally miserable and angry constantly, seething, deep down, every second over the racial conquest of our lands by the jews and their Third-World hordes. A WN can actually have less inner peace than any other human! 🙁

They are already running their victory lap….


White New Orleans woman saw negro hijack the car of her sweet, white neighbor, an older lady, and drag her, her arm caught in the window of her own car, until her arm came off, her clothes also came off, and she died, screaming. 

UPDATED INFO: Negro hate crime in New Orleans (where I lived 1989-90); white senior dragged by her own car until her arm rips off and all her clothing; she dies naked on the street as Whites desperately dial 911, but no Afro picks up the phone for 4:45 minutes; my memories of New Orleans white-rights candidate David Duke

The new faith will get our minds back under the control of our own eternal souls.

And then we will stop making excuses, stop whining how the jews (ugly little, ratlike runts who are just 2% of the American population) “have all the power” — when WE have NINE HUNDRED MILLION GUNS.

We shall stop being GUILTY of INACTION, and ACT.

It was OUR fault in many previous lives that we let the jews, blacks, and muslims in, and then let them get away with all this devastation!

When our mind is serving us again, and not craziness, then the inaction will stop. And this earthly hell will turn into a kind of heaven.

The Third Reich was proof in the real world — a tiny glimpse — of the possibility of human happiness, of safety, of prosperity. of beauty, meaning and fulfillment on this earth.

Dreaded dictator pops up on ocean liner, terrorizes forced vacationers, makes them dance and dine


….spiritual reading

February 18

Do not despair today. Or rather, be aware that, if despair presents itself at your door, you need not answer.

You may know that it is there, waiting outside, but you are under no obligation to invite it in.

At least, that is how it may seem. The road is a hard one at times, and it happens occasionally that there is a deflation of energy which can lead you to feel like giving up. When this occurs, you may find that things look hopeless, or as if the way is too steep, and your energy and enthusiasm too weak to climb it successfully.

At times like these, it is always good to be conscious of what is going on inside you, to shepherd your resources, and to protect your sanity. By this we mean that it would be wise to move slowly, to stay at home (figuratively—remain within the stability of your own soul), to treat yourself with extra gentleness — as if you were a dear child who was coming down with the flu.

No over-exertion of any sort. And try not to give your mind too much latitude when things feel like this. It is more than likely to stray into negativity and defeat. If you can hook into joy and delight, then, by all means, enjoy them and share them around.

But, if you find today that the very concept of joy seems far-fetched, you will do best to quiet your mind as well as you can. It will not be of much service to you under the circumstances, so don’t worry about shutting it off. You won’t get lost without it.

To the contrary.

Another important thing to remember is that steep paths can only be ascended one step at a time. It is easy to become overwhelmed if you look at the whole distance you have to traverse. It is sometimes most helpful to work with increments and to avoid calculating the length and difficulty of the entire way.

This “later on” is nothing more than mischief of the mind. Please, give it a day off!

If you are able to protect your heart from the vicissitudes of your mind, you should find a very sweet energy dwelling there today.

As we have discussed, love is far from monolithic. It manifests in myriad vibrational variations. It is, as you know, infinitely powerful. It is the force which literally holds your physical world in form. And in one manifestation, it can enfold you with a sweetness and tenderness that allows you to effortlessly let go of all your armor.

Look today in your own heart for this incredible softening energy. Wrap yourself in it, rest in it, let it permeate your being, and fear nothing.

*** after all, we are immortal!


When I gave my Margi, after she passed, and her heart, brain and breathing all flatlined, my final kiss on her forehead at almost 6 am on September 12, all her pain and anxiety, her wrinkles of tension, were gone.

Her face was again so beautiful and peaceful.

I felt she was in the room, and watching me from above as I kissed her goodbye.

I’ll see you again, little Margi (she was 5’3″) — after I fulfill my mission in this life.

Before the wretched jews gave her throat cancer, Margi was so cute, a woman that opened all hearts.

And if 90% of us die from WWIII, the vaxx, and economic collapse, well, we deserved it from many, many lives of doing nothing about h jews and their collaborators. We will learn in the next interlife, reincarnate, come back here, and rebuild the white world, jew-free and national-socialist.


If you can do this, even a bit, you will have made beautiful use of today’s energies.

And even if you do nothing else, we urge you to be very careful and gentle with yourself today. Take care not to get caught up in negative thinking and be reasonable in your expectations of yourself and of others.

Those around you may be feeling somewhat vulnerable, so don’t let your mind go after them either! Turn inward, rest and cherish your own very special beingness.

We will be cherishing all of you and holding you in our hearts. Many blessings and much love.


  1. Churchill was visiting Russia to sell Stalin vast amounts of our home-produced British weapons. Valentine tanks, 1000s of them. Bren gun carriers, 1000’s of them. Hawker Hurricanes, 1000s of them.

    We supplied the Soviets with everything to keep them in the war and make a profit.

    A quote from Stalin.

    “We have the Germans by the throat at Stalingrad…. and this Churchill is haggling over the price of 350 obsolete aircraft.”

    HMS Edinburgh was torpedoed by a German U-boat with £50 million in gold bullion from Communist Russia, a part-payment for Allied weapons.

    All that time, Jewish spies were stealing secrets from the West for Stalin.

    Also, in Palestine, while we Brits fought Germany, the Stern gang were in negotiations with the Abwehr (the Third Reich’s FBI) for weapons to kill British personnel, and drive the British out of Palestine, thus creating a Jewish homeland.

  2. As regards the gimmegrant-welcoming Ireland, serves you right.

    When Dr Allan Shatter, the Irish/Jewish Cabinet minister, opened up Ireland’s borders to 3rd World scumbags, what did you do?

    Nothing except hate away at the British for bad but ancient stuff — but we Brits left your country in 1921, over a century ago!

    How is Ireland’s mega-mosque construction going?

    I knew an Irish rebel girl. “Up the IRA”… Well, she hit hard times and was evicted by her own Irish bank, by her own Irish politicians. Nobody from the Irish political parties offered her help.

    She was living in a council house on benefits.

    She told me how she loves immigrants into Ireland… and how wonderful diversity is…..

    How ironic if her old house was used to house her beloved gimmegrants. Or a large African or muslim family paid cash for her old house at the auction.

    And they still blame the British for her house being repossessed.

    They still vote for the same parties that are ethnically cleansing them.

    They still hero-worship Jerry Adams, even when he knowingly covered up a paedophile abusing one of his nieces!

    Before any militant Paddy starts gobbing off, look, the Irish people do exactly as my own British people do = nothing but whinge, complain, and accept it.

    • Yes, divide-and-conquer the whites.

      Thanks, Carl!

      Both Ireland and England have wonderful white people…and specific strengths.

      I cannot find the name again, try as I might, but some famous Irish writer spent time working in England, and did some radio interview back to Ireland, saying that his experience was that the average Englishman was helpful, honest, punctual, reliable, kept his promises, and was a good bloke.

      Yes, bad things had happened [thanks to the British judeo-norman ruling class, which also despises and exploits the working-class Englishman, Scot and Welshman!] but “the average Englishman is not our enemy”.

      The Irish can be a charming, funny, free-spirited and poetic people, Kelts to the bone, who have given the world so much, and also their descendants in Canada, America and Australia.

      The purely Irish Mel Gibson said the truth about the jews, and did the freedom masterpiece “Braveheart” and also “Edge of Darkness.”

      In that “Edge” movie, Irish Mel Gibson plays a Boston detective with a murdered daughter, an MIT graduate who knew too much about something — and the reluctant secondary hero is a CIA hitman from England. He is dying of cancer and about to face God. He redeems himself in the end. 🙂

      An amazing, powerful and spiritual movie, done in 2010 back when Mel was totally in the jews’ dog-house over his antisemitic remarks in Malibu!

      Highly recommended:

      The English hitman grows a conscience, fed up to here with serving the evil of the elites:

  3. I grew up with Irish kids. Catholics and Protestants, either fleeing the Troubles or born and bred here. Fantastic people, hard- working. It breaks my heart how in Ireland they hate each other and want to kill each other still. There will never be a united Ireland whilst two peoples hate each other.

    Whilst the Catholics and Protestants kill each other, the Muslim and Africans are stealing your country; absolutely mental. Just like in the Irish civil war. Southern Irish asked Britain for weapons so Catholics could kill each other. You even killed one of your own nationalist heroes, Michael Collins. A Republican shot by Republicans in an ambush. Whilst Catholics and Protestants try to kill each other, you’re losing your land to the gimmegrant invaders.

    Yet even as I write, you still blame the British for what you are doing to yourselves. Are you too stupid to see it or change? It’s time for us to unite and be loyal to our common race. Forget all this religious hatred. It’s used to control us, divide us, and ethnically remove us.

    • Thanks, Carl. You served with the British Army in Northern Ireland, and saw the tragedy.

      An Ulster lady comrade wrote me once how ridiculous and outdated the Protestant-vs.-Catholic nonsense was. Only ten percent on either side even go to church anymore! Why are they still identifying with old, obsolete categories?

      We Whites are all brothers and sisters, and the Jew wants ALL of us dead.

  4. Beobachter: Development Denial Problem: Remaining in the child world (supervised thinking) = downfall of the white race
    February 18, 2023 at 6:36 pm

    “It was the system that provoked an artificial famine in the Ukraine during peace time, 6 million people died of hunger in the Ukraine at the border of Europe during the years 1932 and 1933. ”

    On Germar Rudolf’s Bitchute channel once appeared a video recording of a US TV discussion from the 1980s, it was a black talk show host. One or more Jews gave the usual “survivor” propaganda and they got so much backlash, you can’t imagine:

    First, one or more black Americans fired them up and talked them up about the Jewish slave trade. And then a Ukrainian among the audience stood up and spoke to them about the millions of Ukrainians who were annihilated, about the Holodomor.

    So much freedom of discussion on NWO television and such frontal counter-attacks on Jews, you can’t imagine that being aired back then. The NWO Jews/Globalism Jews were simply not used to so much headwind. At that time David Cole and Bradley Smith could also still appear in the mass media. Later, such discussions were no longer allowed because it was found that they simply had zero counter-arguments.

    About the Irish and the British: “[…] An Ulster lady comrade wrote me once how ridiculous and outdated the Protestant-vs.-Catholic nonsense was. […]”.

    It is so true! I met English origin people in London, 1992, also an older lady, she was so open minded and interested. And I met heaps of Irish and British (seasonal workers) and Americans and Australians in the McDonald’s on site in Freiburg (1988 – 1993). They were all so interested, humorous and open-minded and collegial.

    But everywhere divide-and-conquer: young against old, women against men, white against white, etc. etc. However: As long as the debut people don’t question what the NWO-TV and -mass media tell them, everything will stay the same. Only then, when they grow up and start to question what is put in front of them, something will change. Who does not question NWO propaganda, goes down! How many more white people have to be slaughtered until the white peoples finally wake up?

    It is a developmental refusal problem: overwhelming masses of white debutantes (with zero or little incarnational experience)[1][2] refuse to step out of supervised thinking. They refuse to develop critical questioning, they want to remain forever in the child world and leave the thinking to others, therefore anything can be done to them.

    It always comes down to the aspect of egocentrism thematized by JdN (“Egoic Mind”). One does not have to follow every false trail/track laid out by the NWO, which are often only laid so that the individual dissipates and uses up his energies and sinks into dead ends. It is only about the fundamental open-mindedness to question something. If one is grounded inwardly, one feels feelingly which indications are genuine and which are false.

    However, as long as the majority of the white people want to remain in the kindergarten (supervised thinking) and basically do not question anything that was taught in school and what daddy state and mommy mass media tell them, as long as nothing at all will change.

    As long as the white man insists on remaining in the childish world view (of the good father state, the good experts and mass media etc.), so long white peoples will be slaughtered.

    Grow up, debut man, or perish! Your refusal to develop, your self-chosen remaining in the child world is your downfall and the downfall of the white people!


    [1] In English:

    [2] In German:

  5. Beobachter: Entwicklungsverweigerungsproblem: Verbleib in der Kinderwelt (betreutes Denken) = Untergang der weißen Rasse
    February 18, 2023 at 6:37 pm

    “It was the system that provoked an artificial famine in the Ukraine during peace time, 6 million people died of hunger in the Ukraine at the border of Europe during the years 1932 and 1933. ”

    Auf Germar Rudolf’s Bitchute Kanal erschien mal eine Videoaufzeichnung einer US-Fernsehdiskussion aus den 1980er Jahren, es war ein schwarzer Talkshowmoderator. Ein oder mehrere Juden gaben die übliche “Survivor”-Propaganda von sich und sie bekamen so viel Gegenwind, das kann man sich gar nicht vorstellen:

    Erst heizten ihnen ein oder mehrere schwarze Amerikaner ein und sprachen sie auf den jüdischen Sklavenhandel an. Und dann erhob sich auch noch ein Ukrainer unter den Zuschauern und sprach sie auf die Millionen an vernichteten Ukrainer an, auf den Holodomor.

    So viel Diskussionsfreiheit im NWO-Fernsehen und so frontale Gegenangriffe auf Juden, das kann man sich nicht vorstellen, daß das damals ausgestrahlt wurde. So viel Gegenwind waren die NWO-Juden/Globalismus-Juden einfach nicht gewohnt. Damals konnten auch noch David Cole und Bradley Smith in den Massenmedien auftreten. Später ließ man solche Diskussionen nicht mehr zu weil man festgestellt hatte, daß man einfach Null Gegenargumente hatte.

    Zu Iren und Briten: “[…] An Ulster lady comrade wrote me once how ridiculous and outdated the Protestant-vs.-Catholic nonsense was. […]”.

    Es ist so wahr! Ich lernte englisches Ursprungsvolk in London kennen, 1992, auch eine ältere Dame, sie war so aufgeschlosssen und interessiert. Und ich lernte haufenweise Iren und Briten (Saison-Arbeiter) und Amerikaner und Australier im McDonald’s vor Ort in Freiburg kennen (1988 – 1993). Sie waren alle so interessiert, humorvoll und aufgeschlossen und kollegial.

    Aber überall Teile-und-Herrsche: Jung gegen Alt, Frauen gegen Männer, Weiße gegen Weiße usw. usf. Jedoch: Solange die Debütmenschen nicht hinterfragen, was ihnen der NWO-Fernseher und die -Massenmedien sagen, solange wird alles beim alten bleiben. Erst dann, wenn sie erwachsen werden und anfangen zu hinterfragen, was man ihnen vorsetzt, wird sich etwas ändern. Wer NWO-Propaganda nicht hinterfragt, geht unter! Wieviele Weiße müssen noch abgeschlachtet werden, bis die weißen Völker endlich erwachen?

    Es ist ein Entwicklungsverweigerungsproblem: Überwältigende Massen an weißen Debümentschen (mit null oder nur wenig Inkarnationserfahrung)[1][2] weigern sich, aus dem betreuten Denken auszusteigen. Sie weigern sich, das kritische Hinterfragen zu entwickeln, sie wollen für immer in der Kinderwelt verbleiben und das Denken anderen überlassen, daher kann man alles mit ihnen machen.

    Es läuft immer wieder auf das von JdN thematisierten Aspektes des Egozentrismus hinaus (“Egoic Mind”). Man muß ja nicht jeder von der NWO ausgelegten falschen Fährte/Spur folgen, die oftmals nur gelegt werden, damit der einzelne seine Energien verzettelt und aufbraucht und in Sackgassen versandet. Es geht ja nur um die grundsätzliche Aufgeschlossenheit, etwas zu hinterfragen. Wenn man nach innen geerdet ist spürt man gefühlsmäßig, welche Hinweise echt und welche falsch sind.

    Solange die Mehrheit der Weißen jedoch im Kindergarten verbleiben möchte (betreutes Denken) und grundsätzlich nichts hinterfragt, was in der Schule gelehrt wurde und was ihnen Papa Staat und Mamma Massenmedien sagen, solange wird sich rein gar nichts ändern.

    Solange der Weiße darauf besteht, im kindlichen Weltbild (vom guten Vater Staat, den guten Experten und Massenmedien etc.) zu verbleiben, so lange werden weiße Völker abgeschlachtet werden.

    Werde erwachsen, Debütmensch, oder gehe unter! Deine Entwicklungsverweigerung, Dein selbstgewählter Verbleib in der Kinderwelt ist Dein Untergang und der Untergang des weißen Volkes!


    [1] In Englisch:

    [2] Auf Deutsch:

  6. You, John de Nugent, humorously linked in one of your Egoic Mind articles to the following video (possibly different video title) in which a rabbit gets angry and keeps stomping loudly on the ground because its owner stops petting it and the feel-good feeling is suddenly gone:

    “A cute spoiled rabbit growls and thumps when owner stops petting” (2:48),

    Here you see a dog that gets angry because it is not being petted anymore and resolutely demands its owner to pet it:


    In German:

    Beobachter P.S.: Egoic mind und Tiere

    Sie, John de Nugent, verlinkten mit Humor in einem ihrer Egoic-Mind-Artikel das folgende Video (evtl. anderer Videotitel), in dem ein Hase wütend wird und immer wieder lautstark auf den Boden aufstampft, weil sein Besitzer aufhört, ihn zu kraulen und das Wohlgefühl plötzlich weg ist:

    “A cute spoiled rabbit growls and thumps when owner stops petting” (2:48),

    Hier sieht man einen Hund der wütend wird, weil er nicht mehr gekrault wird und der seinen Besitzer resolut dazu auffordert, ihn zu streicheln:

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