Dioxin CRISIS — the most toxic molecule ever created by man

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US Transportation Secretary Pete “Booty-judge” (this is actually the correct pronunciation!) with his homosexual f–k-buddy and the two white babies the queers adopted….leaving no time for the catastrophe in East Palestine, Ohio





  1. Dioxin has been used in the environment for decades. Wasn’t it one of the ingredients of Agent Orange? It killed off the jungle for decades.

    It doesn’t break down. So it stays in the ground and water.

    In Britain our railway companies sprayed a defoliant called 245T. Contains a kind of dioxin, and was sprayed on the embankments to stop vegetation grown near the tracks. So when it rains where does this dioxin go? Yep, straight into the water supply that you drink.

    We knew about the effects of Agent Orange in the ’70s. Yet we still used 254T in the 80s until it was banned.

    Too late. It’s in the British ground and water, just like the estrogen from the female contraceptive.

    In Vietnam, the use of Agent Orange was authorised by Admiral Zumwalt. His son, serving in Vietnam in the riverine force, was regularly sprayed with Agent Orange. Admiral Zumwalt had to watch his 30 year old son, Elmo, die from bone cancer when he returned to America.

    Admiral Zumwalt unknowingly killed his own son via dioxin.

    You eat chemicals sprayed on crops as pesticides.

    • Thanks, Carl. I remember when the admiral’s own son died.

      Wiki on dioxin:

      The defoliant Agent Orange contained trace amounts of dioxin impurities and caused severe health issues as a result.

      Regarding Vietnam, where the dioxin-containing Agent Orange was used massively, ruining the health of many American soldiers and Marines (including here in Ontonagon, Michigan) I have been reading (for 50 cents from the local library a discarded book) called The March of Folly From Troy to Vietnam by a once famous and lauded quasi-historian (with no history degree, but being jewish and well-connected was enough for one of “God’s Chosen People”).

      Barbara Tuchman was a mannish-looking jewess who was very slanted and left lots out, but otherwise her books were informative.

      Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_W._Tuchman


      The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam is a book by Barbara W. Tuchman, an American historian and author. It was published on March 19, 1984, by Knopf in New York.


      The book is about “one of the most compelling paradoxes of history: the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests”.[1] It details four major instances of government folly in human history: the Trojans’ decision to move the Greek horse into their city, the failure of the Renaissance popes to address the factors that would lead to the Protestant Reformation in the early sixteenth century, England’s policies relating to American colonies under King George III, and the United States’ mishandling of the conflict in Vietnam.[2][3]

      Anyway, she condemned the US for getting into Vietnam, where we lost 57,000 dead and many more lives were ruined and vast treasure spent for zilch.

      She wrote that the war was hopeless from the get-go; it could never have been won.

      My own father, then a Marine Corps reserve officer, a captain, who had fought in two wars in East Asia, also said this to me on the evening of Election Day in November 1963.

      President John Kennedy, already murdered by then by the crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson, had seen it the same way.

      Of course, it would have been good to stop the spread of communism with all its murder, torture, poverty and horror, but it just could not be done in Vietnam.

      In fact, many, many high American officials and generals going back to the 1940s, had understood this and written clear reports to their superiors proving the war was unwinnable. How were even 500,000 American troops going to beat 20 MILLION North Vietnamese and millions more in South Vietnam who hated the US, and were being supplied with modern weapons by Red China and the Soviet Union?

      Plus, the Vietnamese communists had iron communist military discipline! And communist leaders spend human lives, the lives of their soldiers, like water, and instantly crush all anti-war protesters with the secret police!

      But the US politicos did not care, and the war went on until 1975 — thirty years of futile carnage, blood, tears and heartbreak, followed by total defeat.

      Well, gee, Barbara Tuchman, you kinda left something out in your book about folly.

      Had it not been for you jews, America would never have gotten into WWII, and back in 1941, when National Socialist Germany surprise-attacked the Soviet Union ruled by the psychopathic mass-murderer Joseph Stalin, we Germans would have wiped out the dangerous, nightmarish and spreading virus of communism.

      Instead, thanks to American jews more than to folly, marxism has now spread everywhere in the entire West. It creates fear, coercion, firings, bankruptcy, death, mass murder (from the vaxx and now more is coming from the East Palestine mega-disaster), imprisonment of truthtellers, beatings and killings of dissidents. (David von Braun has much more to say about that in his upcoming book.)

      And we see growing poverty for all but the “elite” and their cowardly lackeys in every white nation.

      The West itself is now quasi-communist, because communism is a great way to seize our money, terrify us, and wipe out millions of jew-hated goyim.

      THANKS, jews, for reviling us, though it was WE, the Anglo-Americans, who saved your nasty asses from the righteous Adolf Hitler in WWII.

      I have been to this truly beautiful cemetery in Normandy, France, where almost 9,400 American dead lie who went into D-Day to save their jew enemy and kill their white German brother.

      Talk about “the march of folly”! You kinda left the absolutely craziest war ever out, you lying jewess Tuchman — whites killing other whites for your psycho-scumbag people. And now, sick fucks that you are, you are cutting the breasts off our girls and the penises off our boys!!!!

      • A brilliant reply, John.

        When America gets into a war, it’s so the Jew elites can make vast profits from slaughter from 1914 onwards until today.

        Look at all the arms orders dished out during the Vietnam War. The various American administrations all knew the war was unwinnable. Kissinger is right on tape, telling Nixon it’s an unwinnable war.

        WW1, WW2, Korea, Cold War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran. Syria, Libya, the South American states, etc.

        American arms sales and the reconstruction aid….

  2. The ahrimanic/satanic forces are directed against life, on every conceivable level, in every conceivable form.

    Thank you for the information, Carl Mason. I once read that Vietnam was said to have the highest dioxin contamination (Agent Orange), but that they wouldn’t make a big deal about it because otherwise they wouldn’t be able to sell their shrimp on the world markets.

    And now the new law in the EU: Since January 2023 insect powder is allowed in practically all (!) food categories, combined up to 60%. Not only are certain worms to be permitted to eat Styrofoam (microplastics). A Vietnamese company is to sell insects to Europe and this means that we now get Vietnam dioxins into our food via insect powder. An attack on multiple levels to finish us off.


    In German:

    Beobachter: Dioxine in Insektennahrung

    Die ahrimanischen/satanischen Kräfte sind gegen das Leben gerichtet, auf allen nur denkbaren Ebenen, in jeder nur denkbaren Form.

    Danke für die Informationen, Carl Mason. Ich las mal, daß Vietnam die höchste Dioxinbelastung haben soll (Agent Orange), daß sie es aber nicht an die große Glocke hängen würden, weil sie sonst ihren Shrimps auf den Weltmärkten nicht mehr los werden würden.

    Und jetzt das neue Gesetz in der EU: Seit Januar 2023 ist Insektenpulver in praktisch allen (!) Lebensmittelkategorien zugelassen, kombiniert bis zu 60%. Nicht nur sollen bestimmte Würmer Styropor essen dürfen (Mikroplastik). Eine Vietnamesische Firma soll Insekten nach Europa verkaufen und das bedeutet, daß wir die Vietnam-Dioxine nun über Insektenpulver in die Nahrung bekommen. Ein Angriff auf mehrfacher Ebene, um uns fertigzumachen.

  3. As for the two queers adopting kids.


    On the subject of self extermination, my mate who lives in the Azores has been warned not to eat more than three portions of fish caught in the Atlantic, as it’s contaminated with deadly heavy metals and other toxins. This has found its way into the food chain.

    In America, lots of local lakes and rivers have warnings not to eat locally caught fish, also, due to contamination.

    Never mind ethnic cleansing– we’re poisoning ourselves out of existence.

    Time to avoid refined sugars, smoking, alcohol, drugs and junk food — this will increase your lifespan.

    I’ve not seen a doctor or dentist in 40 years; no need to.

    I had no medical records. I had to prove who I was at the doc’s recently.

    • Thanks.

      Well, the body should be the temple of the Lord.

      I believe we reincarnate for clearly defined purposes — for spiritual growth and to help our loved ones, race and nation.

      So we must take care of our physical form to achieve our goals.

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