Spiritual reading; Jewess’ book “The March of Folly” sure left something big out

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February 23

Have you been longing to feel like your own true self again? Has it been ages since you had the sense of being filled with your own strong and authentic being?

Have you felt consumed by the struggles you are obliged to engage in just to put one foot in front of the other? If so, you are not alone (be assured) and there is good news on the horizon.

Today you can access the energies which increasingly support your alignment with power and the ability to move yourself and things in your life. You could find that you have moments, perhaps hours or more, when you think,

“Ah, this is me! I recognize this person! This is who I really am, always have been and always will be.”

You will be ecstatic to stand up straight, to feel the energies running powerfully and
correctly through you, to throw of the disguise you’ve been wearing. No more pretending to be a tired, cranky, weak shell of a person, working yourself right to the end of your abilities just to get by.

We wish this time to be rich with strong and fulfilling energy for you. It will be important, however, to keep the experience in some perspective, even as you revel in it. Understand that what you are dealing with here is a shift in your relationship with external energies.

Instead of demanding that you reach down as deep as you are able (and then some more) in order to meet the challenges of each day, we are suggesting that you choose ease, to simply receive and recharge.

Oddly, this can make you feel much more powerful, and yet the circumstances will be such that much less is being asked of you. It is a great time for refueling, for remembering the gladness and the glory of who you are. Please take all you can from it, but don’t allow yourself to forget completely that you are on a break, that things will shift again.

You may be able to feel this change quite clearly and distinctly right away, but it is possible that your
awareness of it could take a few days to build. However it feels to you today, be confident that you are moving toward a greater sense of ease and empowerment. Allow this knowledge to help you do all that you must do and to let go of any fear or worry about the future, which only tends to be an added weight.

Another critical piece of advice regarding this shift:

you must stay connected to God, Spirit, Creator.

If you do experience the wonder of recognizing yourself as a being of substance, it is easy to become
confused about the reasons for that. If you lose your alignment with the divine, then the true refueling cannot occur. So pay attention, and when you find yourself feeling “right,” try to remember what that really means and take a second or two to acknowledge your gratitude.

Spend some time today in contemplation if you can. It is a good day for thinking about the things you may want to manifest, the directions you may want to head in next. It will also be a good day for taking care of business, wrapping up loose ends and finishing projects that have languished.

Whatever you do today, be on the lookout for this fortuitous shift and enjoy it.

We send love and blessings to you all.


…..Not neglecting the spiritual when the good times come

If and when good things happen to your money, health and relationships, it is so easy to not read anything spiritual and coast along.

But actually you are going down, just like an airplane that shuts its engine off. Soon you are in a steep dive.

Keep doing spiritual things for yourself, and intensely love yourself, in the good times, and when the bad times return, you will be ready, and take it in stride.




…..”Folly” or jewish wickedness?

A former British infantry soldier and frequent commentator on this site wrote me:

In Vietnam, the use of Agent Orange was authorised by Admiral Zumwalt. His son, serving in Vietnam in the riverine force, was regularly sprayed with Agent Orange. Admiral Zumwalt had to watch his 30 year old son, Elmo, die from bone cancer when he returned to America.

Admiral Zumwalt unknowingly killed his own son via dioxin.

I replied:

Thanks, Carl. I remember when the admiral’s own son died.

Wiki on dioxin:

The defoliant Agent Orange contained trace amounts of dioxin impurities and caused severe health issues as a result.

Regarding Vietnam, where the dioxin-containing Agent Orange was used massively, ruining the health of many American soldiers and Marines (including here in Ontonagon, Michigan) I have been reading (for 50 cents from the local library a discarded book) called The March of Folly From Troy to Vietnam by a once famous and lauded quasi-historian (with no history degree, but being jewish and well-connected was enough for one of “God’s Chosen People”).

Barbara Tuchman was a mannish-looking jewess who was very slanted and left lots out, but otherwise her books were informative.

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_W._Tuchman


The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam is a book by Barbara W. Tuchman, an American historian and author. It was published on March 19, 1984, by Knopf in New York.


The book is about “one of the most compelling paradoxes of history: the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests”.[1]

It details four major instances of government folly in human history: the Trojans’ decision to move the Greek horse into their city;

the failure of the Renaissance popes to address the factors that would lead to the Protestant Reformation in the early sixteenth century;

England’s policies relating to its American colonies under King George III;

and the United States’ mishandling of the conflict in Vietnam.[2][3]

Anyway, she condemned the US for getting into Vietnam, where we lost 57,000 dead and many more lives were ruined and vast treasure spent for zilch.

She wrote that the war was hopeless from the get-go; it could never have been won.

My own father, then a Marine Corps reserve officer, a captain, who had fought in two wars in East Asia, also said this to me on the evening of Election Day in November 1963.

President John Kennedy, already murdered by then by the crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson, had seen it the same way.

Of course, it would have been good to stop the spread of communism with all its murder, torture, poverty and horror, but it just could not be done in Vietnam.

In fact, many, many high American officials and generals going back to the 1940s, had understood this and written clear reports to their superiors proving the war was unwinnable. How were even 500,000 American troops going to beat 20 MILLION North Vietnamese and millions more in South Vietnam who hated the US, and were being supplied with modern weapons by Red China and the Soviet Union?

Plus, the Vietnamese communists had iron communist military discipline! And communist leaders spend human lives, the lives of their soldiers, like water, and instantly crush all anti-war protesters with the secret police!

But the US politicos did not care, and the war went on until 1975 — thirty years of futile carnage, blood, tears and heartbreak, followed by total defeat.

Well, gee, Barbara Tuchman, you kinda left something out in your book about folly.

Had it not been for you jews, America would never have gotten into WWII, and back in 1941, when National Socialist Germany surprise-attacked the Soviet Union ruled by the psychopathic mass-murderer Joseph Stalin, we Germans would have wiped out the dangerous, nightmarish and spreading virus of communism.

Instead, thanks to American jews more than to folly, marxism has now spread everywhere in the entire West. It creates fear, coercion, firings, bankruptcy, death, mass murder (from the vaxx and now more is coming from the East Palestine mega-disaster), imprisonment of truthtellers, beatings and killings of dissidents. (David von Braun has much more to say about that in his upcoming book.)

And we see growing poverty for all but the “elite” and their cowardly lackeys in every white nation.


The West itself is now quasi-communist, because communism is a great way to seize our money, terrify us, and wipe out millions of jew-hated goyim.

THANKS, jews, for reviling us, though it was WE, the Anglo-Americans, who saved your nasty asses from the righteous Adolf Hitler in WWII.

I have been to this truly beautiful cemetery in Normandy, France, where almost 9,400 American dead lie who went into D-Day to save their jew enemy and kill their white German brother.

Talk about “the march of folly”! You kinda left the absolutely craziest war ever out, you lying jewess Tuchman — whites killing other whites for your psycho-scumbag people. And now, sick fucks that you are, you are cutting the breasts off our girls and the penises off our boys!!!!


  1. Vietnam was like a Stalingrad for America.

    Pat Buchanan said that in 1968 Nixon campaigned for president with “win it and get out”. George Wallace campaigned “win OR get out”. Wallace almost forced the election to go to Congress.

  2. Carolyn Yeager used this classic long ago as an introductory song, it is so touching and poignant, you, JdN, also already included it in one of your articles:

    “The Green Fields Of France”,


    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Man%27s_Land_(Eric_Bogle_song)

    [2] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Fields_of_France


    In German:

    Beobachter: Illustrierend zu all den Massengräbern: “The Green Fields of France”

    Carolyn Yeager verwendete diesen Klassiker vor langer Zeit als Einleitungslied, es ist so berührend und ergreifend, Sie, JdN, banden es ebenfalls schon in einen Ihrer Artikel ein:

    “The Green Fields Of France”,


    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Man%27s_Land_(Eric_Bogle_song)

    [2] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Fields_of_France

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