February 24
Place both your hands on your heart now. This is where you need to bring your attention. As we said yesterday, things will be opening, or rather, stabilizing, such that it will be possible to move ahead in small ways. It is still not a time yet for taking grand steps or action that will have long-term consequences, but some movement will occur, and it will behoove you to guide it from love.
Today you may feel a strong sense of connection. This may feel as if it is to God, or another human, an animal, nature, the planet. It really doesn’t matter, as all are part of the whole and really connecting to one is connecting with all.
If you find yourself tugged in this direction, in the direction of feeling your connections, please go with and into it. As you connect with the source which exists bountifully in every form and formless thing, you will be filled and replenished. And in turn you will be filling and replenishing the other as well. Drink deeply if you can. The energetic weather ahead is not always serene.
This does not call for your fear or withdrawal, but it is useful to be aware, and thus, to partake of the opportunities for respite, sustenance, peace and renewal that come along. Today is just such a day. No matter what else happens to you, keep your heart open to the possibility of feeling that call to connect and when it comes, follow it.
You also may be able to successfully focus on details that have eluded you of late, address concerns or tasks that have been awaiting your attention. Take advantage of this as well. There are times to nurture the spirit in its pure form, and there are times when the spirit is gladdened by a lifting of burdens in the third dimension [=this material universe here].
Use the open energies to accomplish a few things on your list.
As we noted, though, these actions must come from love and be rooted in your heart. It is no longer wise, nor in many cases even an option, to act solely from the mind, and love from the heart alone.
You who have practiced something formal in one way or another know that one of the easiest aspects of practice lies in the fact that you take a set amount of time from your day, from your ‘life,’ and bring a heightened level of consciousness to it.
Things are really altering, and although any time sent in deep consciousness–no matter how you get there—is valuable (particularly as a rejuvenator), it is now time to begin to integrate those practices into every waking moment. It is time to breathe deeply and thoughtfully regardless of the
circumstances. It is time to speak from your heart whenever you open your mouth. It is time to begin the harvest of the fruits of your many lifetimes of loving labor to become fully aware.
How to accomplish this? How to dissolve the barriers that separate one aspect of who you are from
another? Intention is your most powerful tool. If you do have a practice that you work with and love,
continue with it, but add to it a little time each morning to sit quietly in your conscious intention to integrate all that you know about what life truly holds and who you really are into the mundanity of your daily routines and experiences.
Ask for help. It is everywhere around you, and there are many of us who would help and hold you if you but let us.
In addition, allow yourself to know just how deeply you are connected. You are never alone, and yet that illusion that you are alone is tenacious and causes endless suffering. Let it go and partake of the joy that is inherent in being one with, no matter what with.
And remember that there is much love and support for you in this tremendous work, and that you are indeed ready to undertake it.
… my lives in Greece, Rome and Germany
“Ich bin Hellene,” “I am a Hellene” [=a reincarnated Ancient Greek]
The Berghof was built in a germanic and alpine-chalet style, because it was a beautiful style that also fit in with the Bavarian surroundings.
Gerdy Troost
Life and work[edit]
Troost was born in Stuttgart, the daughter of the architect Johannes Andresen.[3] After completing her education, she worked in her father’s business, where she met Paul Ludwig Troost in 1923. In 1924, the pair moved to Munich and were married there in 1925. Through her husband, she became acquainted with Adolf Hitler in 1930 and became a member of the Nazi Party in 1932.[4]
After her husband’s death in 1934, Troost ran his architectural and design business together with his former partner, Leonhard Gall.
She supervised the construction of the Haus der Kunst, the remodeling of the Königsplatz, and the construction of the Ehrentempels.
She remained an architectural and design adviser to Hitler’s circle up to the end of the war. In 1943, she received from Hitler an endowment of 100,000 Reichsmarks.[5]
Troost was one of the few people who actively disagreed with Hitler [yeah-yeah-yeah — anybody could disagree respectfully] without fear of being fired or arrested.
Hitler listened to Troost about art and architecture.[2]
During denazification [after 1945] she was classified as “less responsible” (Minderbelastete) by the Hauptspruchkammer and sentenced to a fine of 500 DM and a 10-year Berufsverbot [= forbidden to work in her profession].
At the end of this period, Troost resumed work and resided in Schützing, a town on the Chiemsee in Upper Bavaria.
Gerdy Troost remained a friend and confidante of Winifred Wagner after 1945.[6] She died in Bad Reichenhall at the age of 98 on 30 January 2003.
When our souls are beautiful again, then we will begin to win again, and as Aryans we shall create more thrilling beauty than ever before in our world.
In the meantime, enjoy Third Reich Appreciation Week 😉 Earthlings must experience the jew in all his glory to be ready for us. 😉
And with defeatist, feuding, untrained, unequipped, and undisciplined troops I will not go into battle.
“What remains today – all that beauty had to be destroyed, OF COURSE. The white goyim must not be allowed to dream, be swept away by something higher that inspires them….. “.
“be swept away”, yes, that hits it centralst on the point!: Opening of the consciousness to the soul inner world, to the inner self (guardian angel), by beauty in architecture, art, music etc.. !
John de Nugent had already thematized this earlier years, in an article with photos of a beautiful, Soul-raising architecture in a British city (Town Hall Square), architecture that was brutally flattened and replaced by monster buildings; he also referred in the article to one of the standard works (film version) of Roger Scruton, to a documentary film that brilliantly illustrates what anti-architecture, anti-art etc. is all about.[1].
What Scruton says about the nature of art is so insightful and so easy to understand. All great minds used and use clear, simple natural language.
In 1985, while visiting relatives in Bavaria, I (1970) went on a day trip to Nuremberg, to the Reichs Party Rally Grounds, and although the Allies mostly mutilated and destroyed the buildings, it was still impressive.
Here on the Zeppelin Tribune I stood, where HE stood. 🙂
It was, like everything from that time, magically attractive and so familiar. Probably I was/am also incarnated then or have a related complementary self in that time phase and probability. In the early 1980s a friend lent me the book [2] and there were magical breakthroughs, memories emerged, everything was so familiar, so home-like, as if I only had to go to another adjacent room to be there again.
The congress building (Congress Hall) was also very appealing:
The arcades invited to a relaxed walk:
[1] Film on the Nature of Art: It has often been noted that true art creates a connection, a bridge to divinity, to divine energy. Depending on its expression, it brings about a sense of harmony and exerts a healing effect. Ideally, it even stimulates processes that promote heightened awareness of inner realities.
Roger Scruton’s standard work “Why Beauty Matters” (2009, 59 minutes) explains the nature and mode of action of art; numerous people expressed their gratitude [*] that Scruton described with film, image, and words what they had always felt.
Certain forces have been working for a long time to cut the connection to the divine energy, so the sabotage of the art business was the logical consequence. The questionable developments are critically examined.
[*] “Roger Scruton on His Documentary ‘Why Beauty Matters’ | Ten Years Later” (3 minutes), full interview, in Englisch (48 minutes), title: “Batemos um papo com SIR ROGER SCRUTON, o maior pensador vivo do CONSERVADORISMO”.
[2] https://archive.org/details/Pimpf-im-Dienst-Ein-Handbuch-fuer-das-Deutsche-Jungvolk
“What remains today — all that beauty had to be destroyed, OF COURSE. The white goyim must not be allowed to dream, be swept away by something higher that inspires them….. “.
“be swept away”, ja, das trifft es zentralst auf den Punkt!: Öffnung des Bewußtseins zur seelischen Innenwelt, zum inneren Selbst (Schutzengel), durch Schönheit in Architektur, Kunst, Musik usw. usf.!
John de Nugent hatte dies bereits frühere Jahre thematisiert, in einem Artikel mit Fotos einer wunderschönen, seelenerbauenden Architektur in einer britischen Stadt (Rathausplatz), Architektur, die brutal plattgemacht und durch Monsterbauwerke ersetzt wurde; er verwies in dem Artikel auch auf eines der Standardwerke (Filmversion) von Roger Scruton, auf einen Dokufilm, der brillant illustriert, was es mit der Antiarchitektur, Antikunst usw. auf sich hat.[1]
Was Scruton über das Wesen der Kunst sagt ist so einleuchtend und so leichtverständlich. Alle großen Geister bedienten und bedienen sich klarer, einfacher natürlicher Sprache.
1985, bei einem Besuch bei Verwandtschaft in Bayern, begab ich (1970) mich auf einen Tagesausflug nach Nürnberg, zum Reichsparteitagsgelände und obwohl die Alliierten die Bauten größtenteils verstümmelten und zerstörten, war es immer noch beeindruckend.
Hier auf der Zeppelintribüne stand ich, dort, wo ER stand. 🙂
Es war, wie alles aus der Zeit, magisch anziehend und so vertraut. Vermutlich war/bin auch ich damals inkarniert oder habe ein verwandtes Komplementärselbst in dieser Zeitphase und Wahrscheinlichkeit. Anfang der 1980er Jahre lieh mir ein Freund das Buch [2] aus und es gab magische Durchbrüche, Erinnerungen traten hervor, alles war so vertraut, so heimatlich, als ob ich nur in einen anderen benachbarten Raum gehen müßte, um wieder dort zu sein.
Der Kongeßbau (Kongreßhalle) war ebenfalls sehr ansprechend:
Die Arkadengänge luden zum entspannten Spazierengehen ein:
[1] Film zum Wesen der Kunst: Es wurde oft angemerkt, daß wahrhaftige Kunst eine Verbindung, eine Brücke zur Göttlichkeit, zur göttlichen Energie erschafft. Je nach Ausprägung bewirkt sie Harmonieempfinden und übt eine heilsame Wirkung aus. Im Idealfall werden sogar Prozesse angeregt, die eine erhöhte Bewußtseinswahrnehmung innerer Wirklichkeiten fördern.
Roger Scruton’s Standardwerk „Why Beauty Matters“ (2009, 59 Minuten) erläutert das Wesen und die Wirkungsweise von Kunst; zahlreiche Menschen drückten ihren Dank aus, [*] daß Scruton mit Film, Bild und Worten beschrieb, was sie schon immer empfanden.
Bestimmte Kräfte arbeiten seit langem daran, die Verbindung zur göttlichen Energie zu kappen, die Sabotage des Kunstbetriebes war daher die logische Konsequenz. Die fragwürdigen Entwicklungen werden kritisch unter die Lupe genommen.
[*] „Roger Scruton on His Documentary ‘Why Beauty Matters’ | Ten Years Later“ (3 Minuten), ganzes Interview, in Englisch (48 Minuten), Titel: „Batemos um papo com SIR ROGER SCRUTON, o maior pensador vivo do CONSERVADORISMO“.
[2] https://archive.org/details/Pimpf-im-Dienst-Ein-Handbuch-fuer-das-Deutsche-Jungvolk
What are the ruins with the retaining wall to? Are those from the Berghof?
The retaing wall is to prevent a landslide of soft soil in the rain.
And since it is not beautiful, the Jewallies had no objection. 😉
The communists will never be elected, so they seize power.
The communists in the West knew they would never get elected. So Britain’s Orimw Munistwr Harold Wilson told Britain’s communist party members to infiltrate all Britain’s political parties.
Thus the socialists worm their way into power. Britain’s Green, Liberal and Labour Parties are full of Trotskyite members and ideal whilst all the parties are subservient to the zionists.
The same level of communist infiltration occurs at the local level via British councillors, who have to pass a selection test before standing in elections.
They must be pro-gimmegrant, pro-gay, pro-EU, and anti-British. They do the opposite of what the indigenous British wants. Our politicians are treacherous scum.
Another level of communism is the selection of left-wing personnel to work in the police, schools, health service. unions, media local government, libraries, etc.
You have to go on a team building course run by Common purpose. Their former director was the leader of the Communist party of Great Britain. They hate Britain.
They ask you to fill in a questionnaire. Depending on your answers you are selected for promotion and promoting communist views.
But one wrong answer can lead to your dismissal.
This is what has lead us to wokism: thevay agenda, diversity, and hatred of the indigenous British.
Their hatred leads to constant attacks on our culture and history. They hate publicity about their sinister actions.
Hitler knew how to deal with rhese communists.
Qui tutto bene, M[]
Grazie, cara amica, per questo interessante rapporto. Ho pensato molto a te e M[].
Le letture spirituali servono a ricordarci di non smettere mai di amare, così non diventeremo mai codardi riguardo ai nostri doveri o semplicemente ci arrenderemo.
M[] è un ragazzo meraviglioso!
Sono molto solo senza Margi. Come temevo, qui non c’è nessuno al suo altissimo livello.
Ma ora sono libero per il mio dharma.
E David von Braun è un buon amico e offre consolazione. Anche lui ha subito molestie e peggio – cinque anni in diverse carceri – e ha anche perso la sua dolce e intelligente moglie a causa del cancro.
Mi sento come Gesù nell’orto del Getsemani, ma non ascolterò il Diavolo! L’amore mi mantiene forte e proteggerà anche te, carissima amica 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
con protonmail?
avatardah@protonmail.com 🙂
Tutto Disattivato ormai.Sono fuori dal mondo 🙁
Ma..la mia intuizione c’è ancora 🙂
Leggi e ridi:
Ma chi erano i veri genitori di Leonardo?
“La storia dei genitori di Leonardo la si riscontra in ciò che è racchiuso nei cicli dipinti dal Beato Angelico, da Benozzo Gozzoli e dal Ghirlandaio tra Firenze e San Gimignano. La madre, mantellata dell’ordine della Misericordia e facente parte della famiglia dei Tornabuoni/Stemma araldico di un certo Jacopo de Tornaquinci,romano 😉 viene ingravidata da Piero de’ Medici, figlio di Cosimo; per proteggerne la maternità, Pierozzi, priore del Convento domenicano di San Marco, istituisce nel 1441 l’Oratorio dei Bonomini di San Martino in Firenze, dove Leonardo nasce e passa i primissimi anni della sua vita.
Quindi, secondo i suoi studi, dovrebbe chiamarsi Leonardo de’ Medici?
“Leonardo è un de’ Medici, fratello di Lorenzo e zio di quella Caterina che diverrà poi la controversa Regina di Francia: nasce nel 1442 (compatibilmente con quanto scritto da tutti i biografi dell’epoca) e porta il nome di Giovanni 🙂 come scritto anche nel ciclo di affreschi del Ghirlandaio in Santa Maria Novella” e nella sua Vergine delle Rocce 😉
Indovina come si chiama l’aeroporto di Roma?qui nella zona di Fiumicino?!!
Leonardo da Vinci! LOL
Abbiamo la madre di Isabella D’Aragona/ghibellini/Ippolita Maria Sforza e Lucrezia Tornabuoni/Tornaquinci/Guelfi.
Con questa Caterina Tornaquinci che non trovo, madre di Leo, per la precisione Giovanni Leonardo.
Insomma proprio un matrimonio “segreto” tra una Ghibellina e un Guelfo.
Tipo Romeo e Giulietta 😉 😉
Perdona i miei errori ortografici 🙁
Sono proprio fuori..
Piero De Medici, Giuliano De Medici e Lorenzo(Figli)e Leonardo.
Guarda i Nasi..la struttura dell’occhio.
Be’ forse ora capisco perché si paragonava a Gesù, già, stessa Storia:
di stirpe reale(Erode il Grande)e sua madre(prostituta)Maria Boeto(possiamo definirla principessa Alessandrina).
Non credo che un uomo di alto rango possa finire a letto con una donna del popolo!!!!
Non è mai successo.
Leonardo era un vero seme stellare, non spiegabile se non in parte dal sangue dei Medici 🙂