In Judeo-France, this woman, mistress to a top official, saw it all; the elites intend to grind us into dust

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Christine Deviers-Joncour is approaching 75…

She lives very modestly in a French village in the Périgord Noir ara where she writes books and devotes herself to charitable actions, having drawn a line under her past, which she nevertheless does not deny.

She was the mistress of Roland Dumas (, who for many long years on h 1980s was the Minister of Foreign Affairs under leftist French president François Mitterrand (1981-95).

In her time, 1998, she released a book of scandalous revelations and condemnations of power titled, provocatively, “La putain de la République” (= “The Whore of the Republic”).

His name has been widely circulated in stories of corruption involving the most senior figures in the state ( Suffice to say that she saw with her eyes behind the scenes and the dark side of the political world.

She did five months in prison for taking bribes, but her lover, Dumas, got off scot-free, and eight people were murdered who knew too much.

Here is what she says:

“I heard them speak their delusionaal ideas, far from imagining that they would ever go to the full extremity of their madness.

I saw them, at the time, gobbling and stuffing themselves while riding the beast of power. I saw them, their eyes bigger than their stomachs, looting and gorging themselves. Giving themselves, in effect, modern, artificial letters of ‘nobility’ that their position and their power conferred on them.

I have seen them puff out their chests and, from their own low altitude, despise the people by throwing parties of royal luxury at the Palace of Versailles.

This was to celebrate with dignity the coming to power in 1981 of the new “monarch” (Mitterand).

The processions was unending of official cars like so many carriages in the old days, and the garden parties of these new upstarts soon to get their powdered wigs.

I saw the wives and their children shamelessly playing Queen Marie-Antoinette under the panelling, whose pastime was limited to organizing fine dinners with friends and visiting the Mobilier national [a French government agency responsible for the administration of all the old royal furniture and palaces from the epoch of the kings of France] the way the little people go shopping at Ikea. It was all free here — for them [the new political nobility].

Especially when we failed to return these period pieces of art and furniture [that belonged to the nation!]

I saw them do it, and I paid dearly to have been a witness, not being from the seraglio [Italian word, used also in opera, for the harem] of a sultan…

I have seen the slush funds of ministries exempt from taxes, shameless stewardship fees beyond the most drunken shame, drivers and bodyguards for life and full accumulated pensions, retro-commissions [kickbacks] on state contracts, planes equipped like flying palaces, jets on the tarmac ready to take off at the slightest whim or whenever tsunamis, earthquakes and other disasters made it possible for politicians to call in the hordes of news photographers (after rushing first, of course, to the hairdresser and the trendy designer) to immortalize themselves heroically at the foot of a jet with a bag of rice for the poor on their back!

I have seen bunkers from Africa filled with banknotes and car trunks transformed into Ali Baba’s cave for large-scale distribution of money, state contracts passing into the hands of thieves, accounts well hidden in countries with their blue lagoons, (…)

I saw children disemboweled, women raped, stoned, andtortured.

I saw a plane with a red cross on its side “rescue” starving African populations by shooting at them, and I even saw some crocodiles eat unfortunate witnesses and others, who knew too much,  “fall” from windows, suffer heart attacks and die of induced cancers.

***  “induced cancers”…..

This seems to confirm my suspicions about the death, on September 12, of my 17-year-old wife, Margaret, an anti-Jewish activist, who died of cancer that her doctor with an Anglo-Saxon-sounding name hardly treated…. throat cancer though Margi never drank, smoked, ate junk food, but only tngs that were all-natural and organic, who never was obese, and always was hard at work in her vegetable, flower and spice garden, out in the fresh air… or walking on the beach with me….



All this shame, all these crimes in our government for ever more Power and Riches.

…for a world in the hands of International Finance, Bilderberg, WHO, the criminal New World Order, IMF, GAFAM [=Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft], etc, to maintain and lock in the system, to protect an elite and enslave the peoples by making them into primitive brutes, and  depraving them by inverting all the traditional old values!

We give them an ounce of power and they lose all common sense. And the higher you go in the hierarchy, the more they give in to their heart’s every lust, lose all sense of reality and cross cheerfully and without qualms into the realm of the unacceptable.

And at the highest level of the pyramid, they no longer have anything human about them at all.

They are monsters.

(…) Could power, the supreme aphrodisiac, really dehumanize them to such an extent? And big money — the essential engine behind all these excesses…

How dare they pose as preachers of morality, and talk about probity, integrity, and openness as their aberrations multiply and corruption cases and other misdeeds splash all around them? (…)

We have become an immense horde of sheep to be sheared, while democracy in fact no longer exists, so that everything now depends on, not the governments, but the power to resist and revolt of the peoples.

The enslavement of our populations has now moved up a big notch with this “covid pandemic” by creating a mental freeze from FEAR!

And the big moneymakers of the planet and their puppets make it clear to us that only their profits count– that the well-being of citizens is of no importance whatsoever.

Their pandemics and their deadly vaccines will finish for them the dirty work of world depopulation which they have even announced. This project does not date from yesterday, believe me!

We are all being sacrificed on the altar of profits. For the past few decades, everything has been done to destroy us. And television and the media under orders have participated in this mass stupefaction which has led us via brainwashing to feeling powerless.

However, I want to remain optimistic.

We are at a major turning point, a change of civilization.

It is urgent that all citizens wake up and take back control of their country, their sovereignty and eliminate this financial vermin in order to reinject funds into the coffers of the state for the collective good, seizing the incredible fortunes embezzled by a handful of dangerous mafiosi without good faith or respect for law.

We must realize that, whatever your political side or your conception of life,

if you are not part of their elite,

you will be



Christine Deviers-Joncour




The especially brutal French riot police CRS take aim at Yellow Vest demonstrators in Paris with huge, rubber-coated steel bullets that permanently blind people if struck in the eye.




We need a new movement against the denial of reality!

And for a new love of self, nation, race and dear homeland that agonizes and implores us to act!

The majority have no idea that the Afterlife is real and, yes, scientifically proven, and that we must, without further hesitation, risk everything without any FOOLISH FEAR OF “DEATH,” which is impossible.

I myself am a former victim of the pedophiles of the Judeoccidental regimes!

After I began studying at the elite Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.,

…I became a non-commissioned officer in the US Marines to learn how to kill with my own hands this human shit that enslaves us!

It takes The Man and the Plan!

And White Liberation has to start in the United States, where the white population of 180 million, the civilians, have 900 million guns, millions of combat veterans, and still have the right to speak out on everything, including race, Islam — and the Jews!

Did you know that it was the blacks who built the Roman Empire, and not these bug-eyed white fools?


Well, this jew will tell you all about it…..

+1 (906) 884-4442

My late wife, Margaret, at 16


Down with the tyranny! — even if the struggle lasts for 25 generations! DEUS VULT!



  1. “my 17-year-old wife, Margaret”

    Talk about a Freudian slip, you fucking pedo.

    *Paged cached before another de Nugent pathetic attempt at an edit*

    • The mistake was by from French to German… by Serge Brin. 😉

      The Jungian projection of pedophilia was by you, Mr. Fake-Name Tor Browser coward.

      Author: Dan Clifford (IP address:,

      Oh, and you must be a limp-wristed homosexual (or an alien) if you think 17-year-old American girls are virgins. 😉

      • John, I commend you for even putting up that tasteless, insulting comment. You could have easily removed it, but it is a testament to your fortitude and beliefs in truth and honesty that you allowed it to be published. Like everyone else, I read the mistranslation and implicitly understood its meaning. I’ve been married to my wife for 20 years now… and I can only guess at the grief and inner wrath you must be experiencing from her loss. God be with you sir… and may He eventually right His capsizing ship called “Creation”.

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