Spiritual reading; pot pourri

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March 1

Go out today and seize your life. Or stay in and seize your life. It matters not at all where you go or where you are. What does matter is that you wake up to your beauty, to your power, to your gifts, to your responsibility.

Today, open your eyes, not only to what lies outside and around you, but also to all that is within you. It is stunning, so prepare yourselves for a shock—if you are ready to really look.

You are goddesses, gods, disguising yourselves as ignorant and helpless mortals.

We know that you are among those who are beginning to understand this state of affairs; otherwise you would not be taking the time to read this.:-)

But even you have no idea of the incredible scope of power with which humans have been endowed. It is frightening to hold power, and you have had hidden from yourselves the truth of who you are for thousands and thousands of years.

There is a certain convenience to be found in limitation. If you believe yourself to be limited, then there is no need to have great expectations. Then you can just trudge on…..

But people, dear, dear people who are in truth gods and goddesses, it is time to cast of the costumes and take on your rightful roles. Yes, you must work with the challenges of form. But you must not be restricted by them. For so long, you have believed in the impossibilities imposed by a material existence.

Time to shatter those beliefs. Time to fly. Time to transcend.

Once in a while, we get awfully excited and start ranting. Please forgive us our tone today, but try to understand that we are like parents, trying to encourage their child to read. Oh, the vistas, the worlds, the adventures, the wisdom, the comfort, the freedom, the possibilities once you can read, children!

But some children are afraid of all that potential, all that opportunity, all that independence.

Some are afraid that they will fail. Their minds wander when they have the chance to practice reading and they learn slowly. There isn’t the time for your minds to wander now. You are needed, your creativity is needed, your capacity to hold love and light, your power, your divine nature in form.

It is time to stop asking others to read for you, and begin to do it for yourselves.

Because you can. Each one of you has the ability to tap into unimaginably great gifts.

When we talk about living larger, it is something that must be approached step by step. It is necessary to examine closely the beliefs which keep you small, using only a fraction of your capacity. To open your mind to the possibility that there is a different and greater reality available to you. After that, you must begin to act in accordance with that greater reality in order to learn if it is valid.

But in the end, like a child who has worked hard to prepare herself to read, there is a magic moment when something clicks and you are reading or flying or simply radiating light.

Today, if you take on the work of honest self-refection you will also taste the magic which will change your transport from trudging feet to powerful wings.

We love you so much and even as we rant at you, we know how frightening and even incomprehensible some of what we have to say can feel.

But please, try to trust that you are all being guided with great love and wisdom and foresight. You will not be urged to go anywhere you could not safely go.

And the great thing is that you need not “do” differently. It is really about being. Allow yourselves to know your own divinity. Stop hiding your light from yourself and others. That is the key.

Please think and hold in your heart what we have said today. We have to repeat: you are needed. Give yourselves permission to be as much as you can be and know that as you grow greater, you are healing yourselves and transforming those around you.

We offer you our profound gratitude and love.

…..Pot pourri




Covid : injections and excess mortality are linked

….Jewish (((feminism))) to destroy the white family
….(((equity))) inhousing means destroy white neighborhoods
…(((they))) are erasing our history

1 Comment

  1. In my opinion Biden is ruled by the Jews; so when it is reported that Biden wants affordable hi-rise apartments buildings built in the suburbs, in reality this is what the Jews want.

    Therefore, in effect, the Jews want to flood the living quarters of Whites with what Hitler called “subhumans.”

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