Spiritual reading; Trump’s lying vow to “obliterate the Deep State”; after finishing a book on folly

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A shower without any mental chatter at all can be part of gradually attaining enlightenment. Can you love yourself enough to just enjoy the warm water and soap streaming down your body without cogitating about anything — things you know can wait until later? Remember, your chit-chattering, sullen, dreading, and hyper mind can be your enemy!


March 5

Bring consciousness to the smaller things of life in form today. By this, we mean that it will be helpful to allow yourself to sink into being human. There are so many seconds in a day when you are interacting, assessing, reacting, responding, judging, planning, working and hoping for things in your current material lives.

Today, though, be fully in the moment in as many of those seconds as you can, bringing to them awareness of your multi-faceted nature.

It is necessary and important not to withdraw from the details of daily life. At least this is the case for most of you. Yet it has come to pass that details, activities and things rule your lives much of the time, instead of being subservient to your wishes and values.

You might feel bisected: one aspect of yourself lives in connection with spirit and another lives as a full-fledged member of the consumer
constituency. Because you have chosen to have bodies, to be in form, this is a duality that you are here to heal.

It is not healthy for you to bounce from one aspect of yourself to another. You are well aware of this, of course. You feel the split and it is likely becoming more and more uncomfortable. You want unity and wholeness within yourself. You long for it.

And yet it so often escapes you. Today we encourage you to bring together your expansive and transcendent higher Self with the ego-identifed self who lives very much in the world, dealing with all that means, minute to minute.

There are ways and openings for the two to become one and in the end, it may be one of your most important tasks to find those openings and live them. When you agree to merge, to heal the split in yourself, it may be a minute here and another there of simple wholeness, or it may be much larger—an understanding of why it is you have taken a particular path and how you are meant to follow it.

Whatever you are doing during the day today, we urge you to intend to hold a higher level of consciousness throughout. Set yourself up a reminder—a note on your desk or refrigerator, a mark on your hand—anything that will help keep you from drifting into the normal state of unconsciousness that characterizes daily life, anything that will help you remember your true and brilliant nature even as you delve into the

Many of you do this already; today you will reap greater rewards from it.

The trick here is not to set the two ends of the spectrum up in opposition to one another. Let the mundane and earthly activities glow. Let the moments of meditation and practice be filled with practicality, with earthly purpose. If you are in the habit of sitting for meditation, try meditating today while you vacuum or make a meal or take a shower. See if you can bring some of the sacred into the profane.

And let yourself be suffused with the light and love of your highest connection to Spirit while you walk the dog. (But be careful while driving, or doing other potentially dangerous things, please.)

You will need to make an effort to use the energies which support this bringing together into oneness. It will happen, but you will have to participate actively in the process. We think it will feel like a tremendous relief, even a homecoming, for many of you, so we hope that you will take advantage of it. In other words, a little effort will go a long way today.

And throughout the day, as every day, we will be sending love and blessings,





…..Trump Outlines Agenda for 2024 Presidential Run at CPAC 2023 Conference

by Tony Gray March 5, 2023

JdN: Smirking away as ever, Donald Trump sees that the same suckers he had back in 2016 are back now for more — for more fake Republican bandaid “solutions,” rantings about the symptoms while ignoring the disease: race and the jews.

What did this man leave us on 20 Jan 2021?

A Trump-vaxxed, clot-shotted nation, now literally dying

Thanks, Trump

Young people in their prime now sick, dying or dead


The problem is your jew friends, Trump, who want us dead — and the multiracial, decadent society the jews created. 

White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, right, listens to President Donald Trump, left



Former President Trump spoke almost biblically Saturday during an address before Conservative Political Action Committee audience members in Washington, D.C.

“In 2016, I declared: I am your voice,” Trump told the rowdy conservative CPAC crowd. “Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution.”

The Epoch Times further reported:

Former President Donald Trump took to the stage at the Conservative Political Action Committee’s (CPAC) 2023 conference in Washington, D.C., and spoke about his agenda for winning the upcoming election and what he would do if elected as the 47th president of the United States.

Among the top issues on his proposed agenda was a promise to fight for parental rights, school choices, and the end of chemical and surgical castration of youth in the United States, Trump said during his March 4 comments.

“I will fight for parents’ rights, including universal school choice and the direct election of school principals by the parents,” Trump said. “If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to vote to fire them and select someone who will.

“Continuing the work of the 1776 Commission, we will teach our values and promote our history and our traditions to our children,” the former president went on, saying it was time to protect children from chemical and surgical gender transitioning.

“I will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutilation of our youth—and ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states,” Trump said. He also promised to “keep men out of women’s sports.”

The former president also promised to “revoke Joe Biden’s crazy executive order installing Marxist Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Czars in every federal agency” if he is elected to the presidency in 2024.

The former president said he would “immediately terminate all staffers hired to implement this agenda. I will urge Congress to create a restitution fund for Americans who have been unjustly discriminated against by these Biden policies. And we will ban all racial discrimination by the government.”

[“Racial discrimination” as in “affirmative action,” Trump? You gonna ban THAT? I’m calling bullshit. it was actually a Republican, Richard Nixon, though he despised the Blacks as lazy morons, who started forcing companies to hire Blacks over Whites — and bus black kids into white schools, ruining them, over 50 years ago! I’m 68 and I remember well all the Republican b-s!]


Trump announced several other initiatives at the top of his list, saying the “very first reconciliation bill I sign will be for a massive increase in border patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE deportation officers. Under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American History.”

*** And did you do any of that, Trump, in 2017-21?

No! So then why believe you now?


The former president said he would specifically target gang members: “I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one of them that is here illegally, we will pick them up, and we will throw them out of our country, and there will be no questions asked.”

Trump also plans to address illegal drug importation saying, “To stop the flow of deadly drugs, it will be my policy to take down the cartels just as I took down the ISIS caliphate [NO — the Russian air force under Putin did!] that everybody said was impossible to do.”

The former president also promised to “totally obliterate the Deep State” and “fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system.”


*** Gee, sounds like your “drain the swamp” speeches back in 2016….

But the swamp drained YOU, big talker.

The Deep State/The Swamp is the jews, bozo!

How are you going to try yet again to be all buddies with the jews while you are obliterating their Deep State? Hmmm?



It will take another Hitler, or the same one but wiser still. God knows — and I do know it from local conversations — that white people are finally, truly, deeply disturbed about where things are going.

Alcoholism, suicide and drug use –and I see it in this 99% white town — are exploding all over our occupied nation, over a Whitamerica in agony and despair.

I am back but I am better. And no one here wants a dictator to take away their freedom.  Let the jews be the enslavers.

I am here to liberate mankind, first and foremost my own race, and then all of humanity that suffers under the exact same Demon People who are killing US.


In this 2014 German movie, “Look Who’s Back,” a comedy bashing Hitler, to the utter shock of the leftist movie crew, people of all races welcomed “me.” These scenes in Berlin were not staged at all. The leftist cineasts hastened to assure all the jewspapers that the reaction to Hitler was not their “fault.”


……On finishing jewess Barbara Tuchman’s book, The March of Folly

Folly (from the French “la folie”) means, of course, madness, and in this case, rulers doing something they know is wrong, just because they feel like it.

It is about how, ignoring huge, clear warning signs,

— the Trojans managed to finally lose the decade-long Trojan War,

— the Roman Catholic Church, after 1100 years of spiritual rule, via the lifestyle of six corrupt Italian Renaissance popes in a row, lost half of Europe forever to a German monk named Martin Luther,

— Britain infuriated the Americans into seceding — though the wisest and most famous men in England, BELOVED WAR HEROES, the whole time were screaming STOP, S.-T-O-P PROVOKING THEM!

— America plunged into what it knew was a totally unwinnable war in Vietnam.

Here is an example of the British aristocrats both clearly getting the warning and yet dismissing it even as disaster loomed.

And remember that these snooty lords all understand by looking at any globe that England could never reconquer, once lost, the far larger America, 31 times its size — only seek to retain or regain its love and loyalty by forming a voluntary union of free British brothers.


Instead, British jewspapers ranted how the Americans were:

— “the spawn of our prisoner transports”

— “rabble-rowsers with manners no better than Mohawks”

— “a mongrel breed of Irish, Scotch and Germans leavened with convicts and outcasts”

In this “mongrel land” of America, Harvard University was already 140 years old when the Americans very reluctantly declared their independence. …..


Not impetuous, they did not even break way from England until after a FULL YEAR OF WAR…from Concord & Lexington, Massachusetts on April 19, 1774 to Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Yet even then the egoically sick British Parliament refused to listen or budge.

Let me tell you about a British “voice in the wilderness” now.

Colonel Isaac Barré was a British Army war hero, of French Huguenot descent but born in Dublin, Ireland. He lost an eye in combat, and then became a famous Member of Parliament.  He once stunned his fellow MPs with the blunt truth about the Americans and their justified grievances.


I wish to go into this man further, because he illustrated why democracy — as long as people, white or any other race on this planet, are as they now are — is unworkable.

This was one man the Parliament should have listened to!

Could they call an army infantry general who had fought for his nation and lost an eye for Britain a “traitor”?


*** Wiki: Isaac Barré (15 October 1726 – 20 July 1802) was an Anglo-Irish soldier and politician.[1] He earned distinction serving with the British Army during the Seven Years’ War [French and Indian War in the US of 1757-63] and later became a prominent Member of Parliament, where he was a vocal supporter of William Pitt. He is known for coining the term “Sons of Liberty” in reference to American colonists who opposed the British government’s policies.

Early life[edit]

Barré was born in Dublin on 15 October 1726, the son of Marie Madelaine (Raboteau) Barré and Peter Barré, Huguenot refugees who escaped to Ireland.[2][3] Peter Barré became a linen dealer and served as High Sheriff of Dublin City.[4] Isaac Barré was educated at Trinity College,[5] and graduated in 1745.[6] His parents hoped he would study law, and David Garrick thought he had potential as an actor and offered to hire and train him, but Barré decided on a military career and entered the British Army in 1746.[6]

Military career[edit]

Barré joined the 32nd Regiment of Foot as an ensign in 1746.[6] The regiment was based in Flanders during the War of the Austrian Succession, and Barré gained his initial army experience prior to the end of the conflict in 1748.[7] He continued to serve, and was promoted to lieutenant in 1755, and captain in 1756.

During the French and Indian War, he served under his patron General James Wolfe on the Rochefort expedition of 1757, when he first met Lord Shelburne, and afterwards in Canada where he was appointed adjutant-general, fighting at both Louisbourg (1758) and Quebec (1759).[8]

In 1759, he was promoted to major, but the rank applied only during his service in America. In the Quebec expedition, in which Wolfe was killed, Barré was severely wounded by a bullet in the cheek and lost the use of his right eye.[9]

He was among the group of officers and one Indian gathered around the dying Wolfe which was immortalized in Benjamin West‘s celebrated picture.[10]


Returning to England in September 1760, despite many years of commendable service, Barré was denied promotion by William Pitt the Elder[11] and turned to Shelburne for help. After undertaking a tour of Shelburne’s Irish estates, he was advanced to lieutenant colonel of the 106th Foot, and in 1763 he was appointed to the lucrative posts of adjutant general of the British Army and Governor of Stirling Castle.[12]

[…] In his first political speech [as an MP], he vehemently attacked the absent war minister William Pitt, renewing this assault the next day to Pitt’s face.[13] This caused a sensation, and set the tone of a long and colourful parliamentary career in which he acquired a fearsome reputation as an orator.[13] 

In the Stamp Act crisis [with the Americans, who refusede to be taxed if, though British subjects who fought for the Empire,  they could not send any Members to Parliament], Barré not only championed repeal but also followed Pitt in opposing the complete right of taxation as stated in the Declaratory Act.

Horace Walpole described Barré as “a black [meaning his hair was black], robust man, of a military figure, rather hard-favoured than not, young, with a peculiar distortion on one side of his face, which it seems was a bullet lodged loosely in his cheek, and which gave a savage glare to one eye”.[16]


Barré’s knowledge of North America (he was one of the few politicians with friendships among the American mercantile classes) made him a champion of the colonists, whom he famously dubbed “Sons of Liberty” while opposing the intended Stamp Act, which nevertheless passed on 6 February 1765.

An example of his fiery oratory was his response to to [the American-bashing] Charles Townshend‘s observation when introducing the Stamp Act resolutions that the colonies should

“contribute to the mother country which had planted, nurtured and indulged them”,


….to which Barré replied:

They planted by your care? No!

Your oppression planted ’em over in faraway America.

They fled from your tyranny to a then uncultivated and unhospitable country where they exposed themselves to almost all the hardships to which human nature is liable, and among others to the cruelties of a savage foe, the most subtle, and I take upon me to say, the most formidable of any people upon the face of God’s earth….


Catherine German of Georgia was captured and raped for years by Indians, and both her parents and two siblings were killed and scalped

The torture tree in Cuylerville, New York State; in Amerindian culture, like that of their mongol cousins, torture was a sport and a party where prisoners (Indian and White) were tormented for days with fire and knives, including by the squaws



They nourished by your indulgence?

They grew by your neglect of ’em.

As soon as you began to care about ’em, that care was exercised in sending persons to rule over ’em, in one department and another, who were perhaps the deputies of deputies to some member of this House, sent to spy out their liberty, to misrepresent their actions and to prey upon ’em; men whose behaviour on many occasions has caused the blood of those sons of liberty to recoil within them….

They protected by your arms? They have nobly taken up arms in your defence [in many wars with the French in North America], have exerted a valour amidst their constant and laborious industry for the defence of a country whose frontier while drenched in blood, its interior parts have yielded all its little savings to your emolument ….

The [American] people, I believe, are as truly loyal as any subjects the King has. But this  people is jealous of their liberties and will vindicate them if ever they should be violated; ……but the subject is too delicate and I will say no more.”[15]


.What was the effect?

For a few moments it was weighty. (Tuchman, p152)

“These sentiments […] were thrown out so spontaneously, “so forcibly and firmly, and the breaking off so beautifully abrupt, that the whole House sat awhile as amazed, intently looking, and without answering a word.”



But then they forgot all about it again. The Americans went back to being scum. 😉

In their eyes…. in their egoic mind, where truth does not matter, sneering does.

Vedanta, 1) which means freedom from the egoic mind, and 2) reincarnation, is my religion, aided by Eckhart Tolle, a very modern German, raised in Spain, educated in England, and living in Canada, a man who strips away all the Oriental trappings so we white Westerners can get it.

Tolle is yet another full-fledged Grman genius — but his ideas  have only impacted a few million people…. and the clock for Armageddon is now ticking on for us all.


We can have freedom when we can handle freedom, when we stop denying the truth willy-nilly as we do, and freedom does not lead to discord – as it does now — and then The Genoiders, the jews, can no longer foster strife among us in order to divide and conquer us..and then to exterminate us.

I saw this in World War One.


World War Three would be far, far worse.


Freedom begins with being free of the ego. Then truth and facts matter, reality matters, and our discussions and debates become loving and fruitful.

Mistakes are freely admitted and eagerly corrected.

We act as a team.

Like brothers.

This is the way forward, not a new benevolent dictator.

I did that dictator things before, and the whole world was against me.

Look at humans –normal reality is denying reality.

What we learn from history is man never learns from history.

And this must change, and a new man and woman arise.

This Henry Ford was warning us about the jews back in 1920, folks, the most beloved and admired man in America — until he said the truth.

The jews even ADMIT everything we say, and still the white masses drool.

My greatest achievement in any life will be getting you to understand the real reason why our beautiful earth is a hell, and then turn this hell back into heaven, AS GOD WANTS FOR HIS CHILDREN. But we have free will.



……$2,876 plus four excellent books since December first

A beautiful old street in Brittany, France, where many still speak Gaelic. The name “Brittany” comes from the word “Britain,” and the Bretons descend from British Kelts who crossed the English Channel to escape rule by the invading Anglo-Saxons.
— 25 February 2023 100 euros via PayPal from M in France
— 22 February 2023 from T in Florida two excellent, expensive books on the Third Reich by a Greek author, Despina Stratigakos, Hitler’s Northern Utopia: Building the New Order in Occupied Norway (2020) (how Hitler’s architects and planners envisioned and began to build a model “Aryan” society in Norway during World War II, winner of the Society of Architectural Historians 2022 Spiro Kostof Book Prize, and Hitler at Home (2015), investigating the architecture of the Führer’s homes such as the Berghof in the Alps and the Old and New Reich Chancellery:
— 18 February 2023 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 8 February 2023 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 7 February 2023 US$42 via PayPal from B in Denmark
— 5 February 2023 $210 from B in Georgia via GabPay
GabPay is the way to support free speech and avoid the woke and jewy PayPal!
Sign up here:  https://www.gabpay.com/ 

— 5 February 2023 $100 cash from M in Texas


He wrote me on a PM on VK:

When I first heard of your site, I thought it was grandiose or fanciful. The more I hear from you, the more I’m convinced you actually are that reborn great man, and that you have tapped into something most of us can’t view or have forgotten. I want to see what you reveal to the world. 88.

I replied:

Oh, thank you, brother M[]!  The challenge now is pretty steep for me and so I really appreciate your support.

As the 2020 and 2022 US elections proved, both rife with massive fraud, the jews this time will not let any true patriot win office, and especially not the presidency. Even the very handsome and brave Madison Cawthorne in Asheville, North Carolina, which was Margi’s Congessional District, a sitting Congressman, was cheated out of being the Republican nominee for a second term by a nobody RINO! And so our method in Germany in 1932-33 of coming to power peacefully via the ballot box is excluded.

This time I have to literally change the human race so we act in the face of overwhelming opposition from the media, government, business community — and especially zombie, leftist white females and college kids who have been lobotomized and are deeply into white self-hatred.

Also, we are facing a 50% white die-off from the Covid “vaccine” — a 50% “died-suddenly”! Adolf did not have to face half the German people dying off at the start of HIS rule! Nor a country that was 50% brown! But I DO.

— 5 February 2023 100 Euros (=US$90) from M in France


— 1 February 2023 $100 cash from a local donor

— 31 January 2023 250 euros (=US$225) via PayPal from S in Germany

— 31 January 2023 $156 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 29 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

— 22 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

A sun-flecked house in Provence, in the southeast of France.

I lived there in 2004-05 with my then wife, who was French, along with 100,000 other Brits and Americans. The name comes from the Latin “provincia,” “the province,” and refers to it being the first Roman province outside of Italy itself. Julius Caesar began his conquest of all of Gaul from here. The local accent has a pleasant, sing-song quality, and the old dialect, Occitan, is related to Catalan in Spain.  The people feel more Latin than in the north of France, and are shorter and darker than the keltic-germanic (Frankish) mix of northern France, where one often sees blue eyes and very fair skin. “The glory of my father” is a famous novel by local novelist Marcel Paqnol about his Provence family, and it became a hit film. 

— 22 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

— 17 January 2023 $100 from K in Massachusetts via CashApp

— 14 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

Saint Malo in Brittany, France

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

Brittany is the last pocket of France where some still speak a keltic language. The wild boar was the symbol of the ancient French Kelts.


— 7 January 2023 $50 and two valuable spiritual books from A in New York City

— 7 January 2023 $14 in the form of seven two-dollar bills with Thomas Jefferson on them from M in Florida

— 4 January 2023 200 euros (=$180) from M in France

— 1 January 2023 42 euros (= $38) from B in Denmark


  1. Well, as president he cancelled a major nuclear arms treaty with Russia


    and gave US arms to Jewraine (https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-seeks-rewrite-role-bolstering-ukraine-nato/story?id=83159716).

    Trump, in 2018, had approved the $47 million sale of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers to Ukraine — the first lethal military assistance provided to Ukraine by the U.S. in its fight against Russian-supported separatists since fighting began in 2014.

    And the Van Rensburg prophecy does suggest it is he who will start WWIII. 😉

    After a black boy becomes US president, an older white male succeeds him, one with puffy hair like a wig, Turkey double-crosses Russia and then “horror bombs” go off in a third world war. Then America will be a weak, ruined country that will take decades to rebuild, all this said by NvR in 1917, along with predicting THREE world wars, total, and black presidents in the US and South Africa, which engendered much ridicule in 1917.

    • Trump is a nationalist. The Jews want world government and they are busy undermining our nation. Under Biden 500,000 non-Whites have crossed our southern border illegally. I believe Trump will end that. In general, I think he will act in the interest of our national sovereignty.

    • This is so true, as any Irishman or Scot can say…. but much more than that must be said. I am going to re-issue my Normans essay.

      The Judeo-Norman aristocracy has committed innumerable ghastly crimes against everyone. It is composed of a mix of jews and ruthless, raping, pillaging Viking nobles (“Northmen” = Normans) who had picked up some French in Normandy, France in 900-1066 AD, and then one of them, William the Bastard, borrowed massive sums of money from Norman jews in Rouen to go and conquer the Kelto-Anglo-Saxons of England! These were my own ancestors, mind you, to my sorrow!!!!!!!!!!) And this bunch has been screwing the Engllsh people (including literally, and especially young boys!!!!) since 1066!

      Under the rule of those psychopaths, a mostly peaceful, agricultural people who were gifted with both keltic and germanic DNA (the best combination there can be, both fun and poetic yet also hard-working and precise)and who were bothering and invading nobody turned into a nation that found some justification by sheer cant to attack nearly every country on this earth!

      I have to laugh at the British phrase in the 1500s of “privateer.” It was simply London-approved, open piracy. (The Romans crucified pirates, btw.)

      Privateering, a euphemism if there ever was one, came up in one of the two excellent movies on Queen Elizabeth I by an Indian director. As long as the Queen got her cut, she was perfectly okay with private British citizens attacking Spanish ships on the high seas and robbing them!

      No wonder the Spanish sent their Armada! It was not just the Catholic-Protestant thing.

      The more I have learned of “English” (=Judeo-Norman-English!!) history since 1066, and read carefully the Shakespeare (= Edward de Vere plays) the more I understand why George Washington rose up and why my own grandfather left Goole, Yorkshire, England as a boy with his parents in the late 1890s. It was hell for the white working class — poverty, alcoholism, their common lands for agriculture and hunting “fenced in” and off-limits, the death penalty for 200 different crimes, and the endless wars for the sole benefit of the aristocrats.

      The English people were brutalized first themselves until many of them became brutal as well. When I read the heart-rending novels of Charles Dickens as a boy, it struck me how harsh and cruel slum life was for little English children. Be seen, not heard, and work yourself to the point of collapse for a crust of bread. Where was the natural love and adoration that white people in all ages have felt for our wee ones? 🙁

      In Barbara Tuchman’s book, she goes into how aghast colonial Americans became, all curious as well as proud about their mother country, when they actually visited England and saw first-hand the poverty of the desperately poor and the sadism, sexual perversion, gambling, indolence, boozing (with port and French wines) and the heartless, callous arrogance of the filthy rich, who often did little or nothing.

      It got to the point that the originally very pro-British and very anti-independence Benjamin Franklin came to the conclusion that there was no reasoning with such wicked, psychopathic aristocrats….. among them the Norman Spencers, the ancestors of one Winston Spencer Churchill.

      In the 1780s, after Washington had won the Revolution militarily in 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia (with the massive help of the French and of a key German officer, Baron von Steuben!), there was the suggestion (that was being promoted by London) that America and Britain should form some sort of loose union, with America being self-governing but still technically under the king, thus becoming a “Dominion” (to use a later word) as the WHITE colonies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand would in fact become.

      Franklin, having seen for years the British ruling class up-close, then published wartime accounts of British officers paying Amerindians cash for each white scalp of murdered white frontier families they had brought in.

      Some “MOTHER country”!

      And so America insisted on total independence with no political connection at all.

      What folly of the Judeo-Normans to so appall a people who had once been so proud to be British, and were clearly destined in every way to become a superpower. But madness is normal on this specific, sinful, ego-mad planet called Terra or Earth. To a lesser extent, life was harsh for the working class in every white country, as it had been for most white Europeans under the sword of Rome.

      WHITE psychopaths, with their ruthless drive, greed, lust and passionate lover of lies and treachery, an art form for them, tend to take over everything: every religion, every large company, every political party, every media outlet and even many marriages.

      I know very well a woman in this 99% white town whose mother murdered her father and a sibling for the insurance money!

      And whe a white psychopath is on the make, a Dwight Eisenhower type, or, decades later, a Bill Clinton, then in rush the jews, a whole RACE of psychopaths, in the form of a financier like Bernard Baruch to identify and groom such young white psychopaths. They how them a good time, rope them in with the high life, the sex and the big money, and they form binding alliances with them! And the hard basis is always the blackmail — the jews having serious dirt, sexual and/or financial, on them. Jeffrey Epstein was there for that.


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