• It is a classic mixture of much truth, speculation and outright lies.

      To even quote anything from the fraudster Hermann Rauschning, a Christian and monarchist, btw, as a source on Hitler shows this website creator has no regard for the truth.

      Even Wiki-jewdia admits Rauschning is a lying fraud, simply inventing slanders:


      Between 1938 and 1942, he wrote a number of works in German on the problem of the Nazis that were translated to a number of languages, including English. His Gespräche mit Hitler (Conversations with Hitler) was a huge bestseller but its credibility would later be severely criticised, and it now has no standing as an accurate document on Hitler for historians. However, as anti-Nazi propaganda it was taken seriously by the Nazi regime.


      In his biography of Hitler, [Hitler-hater] Ian Kershaw wrote: “I have on no single occasion cited Hermann Rauschning’s Hitler Speaks, a work now regarded to have so little authenticity that it is best to disregard it altogether.”[28] Historian Richard Steigmann-Gall [also a Hitler-basher], in The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, also contends Hitler Speaks to be an overall fake.[29]

      The Encyclopedia of the Third Reich also considers that “the research of the Swiss educator Wolfgang Hänel has made it clear that the ‘conversations’ were mostly free inventions.”[42]

      *** “For fear of the jews”

      This phrase occurs constantly in the New Testament, but Gentile fear of the jewish power to silence their critics has been widespread everywhere.

      If one is writing about amazing NS achievements in any area, one has to also be careful to bash the “Nazis” in almost every sentence and claim non-stop that they

      1. scapegoated the poor, innocent Jews, then
      2. Holocausted them, and
      3. started WWII to conquer the world.

      Otherwise, people, especially the young, naturally looking for an ideal and goals, wanting a better world, would be super-impressed with us, our uniforms, our everything. 😉

      I finished reading this hostile but basically accurate book by a leftwing Greek female about the homes Hitler lived in.


      It illustrates all this: like drops of water dripping every ten seconds out of a leaky faucet, there has to be some negative remark about NS worked into every sentence so the author can also put out actually good information …..without him- or herself being blacklisted by jews in the publishing industry, media, and academia.

      And so we have to sift through all such books or websites, and wash the urine and feces — which the jews demand be put in — off the sparkling diamonds which the book may actually offer. 😉

      Haus Wachenfeld before the big expansion in 1935, when it became the Berghof


      How awkward for the authoress to have to admit that my Berghof was gorgeous and in excellent taste.

      ….or that I chose a WOMAN, Gerdy Troost (1904-2003) Gerdy Troost – Wikipedia to do the interiors and many other projects!

      The leftwing Greek authoress speculates that Gerdy maybe was even gay or something in later life; she did live for decades with a female friend after her architect husband Paul died in 1934.

      But, gee, still, I thought I was oppressing all the women — and gassing all the gays! 😉

      Actually, plenty of older women live with a female friend without being gay. Who wants to live alone for years? Plus as people get older or suffer an injury in a car wreck they might need someone to help them get around, or suppose they slip and fall? (I waited on my ailing Margi hand and foot for the final three months.)

      But artistic people do march to a different drummer. However, unless they flaunted their weirdness, shocking the public, our policy was to tolerate weird “artsy” people for the sake of their great gifts.

      One could condemn my favorite composer in that life, Richard Wagner, for stealing his best friend’s wife! Cosima Wagner had been Cosima von Bülow — wife of Hans von Bülow, a great symphony conductor and strong Wagner ally!

      Well, with people, stuff happens. 😉

      Cosima Wagner – Wikipedia

      This was the Berghof’s cozy, elegant living room by Gerdy in a neo-Bavarian style… I spent a third of the entire Third Reich 1933-45 here at the Berghof, and the beauty here always inspired me.

      Speer, Gerdy (center) and I

      (Notice that architect Albert Speer, standing erect on the far left, who was six feet tall, was just two inches taller than I, at 5’10” — in that life and this one.)

      Architect Alois Degano designed the exterior of my building to my specifications, but Gerdy chose all the furniture, rugs, windows, ceiling lights, lamps, beds, bathrooms, etc.

      She fought me on the huge window, btw, but I prevailed, and she admitted it was a good decision. The Berghof was never just about being cozy, but also for impressing world leaders.


      My study on the second floor


      After 1945, the end of the jew war on our Reich in Europe, Gerdy bravely refused to condemn me or NS at a “denazification” hearing. She was sentenced to a fine and a ten-year ban on working in her field as an interior decorator; though ill, she had to become literally a farmer with a garden to have any food at all to eat or any income.

      I wish more men had this woman’s guts! She proved by her deeds that she loved our white race, she made our world more beautiful, and she stood up AFTER the war for national socialism!

      Heil Gerdy Troost!



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