Spiritual reading; Fox turns against Trump; weeping for the innocent Lee

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….Spiritual reading for March 12

Allow yourself to widen today. Let go of the ways and means with which you control, focus and sometimes limit yourself. It may almost seem the opposite of what was asked of you yesterday, when you were to move forward without looking right or left. (But it is not really different at its core.)

Today occupy right, left, front and rear. Let your essential nature fill all the space it wants to and can.

You have a tendency to circumscribe, to hold back, to save yourself for the next thing, for the actual performance. It has arrived, as we think you know. The dress rehearsals are over, and the show is now on.

It is crucial, if you are to do what you are here to do, that you ease up on the reins, that you learn to let all of your gifts and powers be fully present and felt. We think that you will fnd that as you do this it is less draining than you fear.

Of course, you will tire if and when you give your all, but the biggest energy drain lies in fighting your nature and your purpose. When you surrender to the latter and allow all of your great beauty to shine forth, when you take the chances that are really nothing but your path manifested and without second-guessing yourself, you will see that there is a wonderful exchange of energies.

Yours, if used correctly, are immediately replenished from the infinite. From the Source. Once you stop fighting with your Self, you will be able to move much more smoothly and efficiently on your way.

The thing to deal with here is the mind. It generates fear and judgment. It speaks harshly to you about safety and about reasonable limits. It fears ridicule and it longs to fit in. Your mind wants you small. You are so much easier to manipulate and control that way.

Once you expose its values as shallow—for they are quite shallow and predicated on a very narrow idea of survival—you can begin to free yourself from the tyranny
of your mind. As you see yourself in a larger context, you can begin to place the ideas of your mind in their proper places.

They have nothing to do with true freedom or with love. Let us acknowledge that the mind does have a purpose, of course, and that only a fool would ignore it altogether. Still, it would be another kind of fool who allowed the egoic mind to dictate in matters of spirit and heart. These are not its domains.

Your job today might be to quiet your mind if it is in fear, to give it the reasoned assurances it needs regarding the basic necessities of life. Then you can move on to the fundamental consciousness which is at the core of your being here and now.

You are asked to allow yourself your full range, to be all that it is you are. First remove the strictures and then welcome the vastness of your own ability, power, glory and light.

Let yourself take up space and absolutely fill it with your own divinity and love. Holding that while in a body—even for moments at a time– is an incredible feat. And in the end, it is probably all that you must do.

We don’t underestimate the challenge. And yet, if you are reading this, you were made to do just that.

Difficult though it may be, give it a try today. Be firm with yourself. Expand a little bit, as much as you can.

And if you don’t like it, you can always jump back into your mind tomorrow. All of us and many others are near, cheering you on. Your limits are mental only. Put them aside and let your deepest wisdom and love lead you to live as the incredible being that you truly are.

All our love.





……Steve Bannon vowed that his war against Fox News will get “a lot nastier” after he blasted the network for “disrespecting” former President Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week.


Fox News has found itself at the center of the GOP’s debate over whether the party should move past Trump. The former president remains popular with large swaths of the Republican electorate. However, his approval has taken a hit in recent months as some Republicans raise concerns that he elevated weak candidates during the 2022 midterms, leading to losses in several key races.

Trump-aligned Republicans have criticized the network for not providing Trump more coverage, while offering more time to his potential opponents, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has not yet announced a presidential bid, but is seen as Trump’s top competition, according to polls.


……His blood cries out from the grave

It was truly horrendous what was done to innocent Lee Oswald, a loyal US Marine and patriot who loved the whole Kennedy family (as did many other Americans, including Republicans).
I was nine years old when John Kennedy was assassinated, and I remember how America was shocked to the bone.
1962 portrait of President John F. Kennedy seated at his desk in at the White House in Washington, D.C. (AP Photo)
Everyone sensed to their core that this was not just a horrendous murder but also a terrible turning point for this country, and that only very powerful and very evil forces could 1) pull off such a thing and 2) effect such a coverup. And we have been ruled by these powerful and evil jewish forces ever since.

In 1969, Blum wrote and published an exposé of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in which were revealed the names and addresses of more than 200 CIA employees. He worked as freelance journalist in the United States, Europe and South America. In 1972–1973, Blum worked as a journalist in Chile where he reported on the Allende government’s “socialist experiment” before the U.S backed coup and the regime of Augusto Pinochet. In the mid-1970s, he worked in London with ex-CIA officer Philip Agee and his associates “on their project of exposing CIA personnel and their misdeeds”.[5] He supported himself with his writing and speaking engagements on college campuses.[2] One of Blum’s stories on Iraq was listed by Project Censored as one of “The Top Ten Censored Stories of 1998”[6]

In his books and online columns, Blum devoted substantial attention to CIA interventions and assassination plots. Noam Chomsky has called Blum’s book Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, “far and away the best book on the topic.”[7] Blum supported Ralph Nader‘s presidential campaigns.[8] He circulated a monthly newsletter by email called “The Anti-Empire Report”.[9][10] Blum described his life’s mission as: “If not ending, at least slowing down the American Empire. At least injuring the beast. It’s causing so much suffering around the world.”[2]




Lee was wickedly set up for two murders the man not only never committed but the fact is that the very idea of killing either Dallas police officer Tippitt or John F. Kennedy was the furthest thing possible from this man’s mind.
As a co-workers said, Oswald was a kind and loving man.
This is an excellent website — as far as it goes.
But the more shocking truth, which Gil Jesus does not touch on at all, is that this was a jewish war on the entire Kennedy family, which was rich, powerful and beloved all around the world, and this is why one Kennedy after another has been murdered ever since Joe, Junior was killed in 1944.
Few remember as I do that US Senator Ted Kennedy was nearly murdered when his plane crashed in 1964; his back was broken and the pilot was killed.
When will the jews bump off Robert Kennedy, Junior for exposing the Covid vaxx and other vaccines that cause the horror of autism? And how did RFK Jr  ever get that weird throat disease he has?
Robert Kennedy Jr. is the chairman of Children’s Health Defense (formerly the World Mercury Project), an advocacy group he founded in 2016. The group alleges a large proportion of American children are suffering from conditions as diverse as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, food allergies, cancer, and autoimmune diseases due to exposure to certain chemicals and radiation.
Autistic child; my own wife had severe ADD, which is on the autism spectrum
The Children’s Health Defense has blamed and campaigned against vaccines, fluoridation of drinking water, paracetamol (acetaminophen), aluminum, wireless communications etc. Kennedy’s group has been identified as one of two major buyers of anti-vaccine Facebook advertising in late 2018 and early 2019.

Readers of johndenugent.com:

I am now paying huge bucks via the selling of my paid-off and delightful little house (whilst 99% of you sit on your wallet)

….to FULLY restore my constantly hacked website….

….from which 35,000 photos, audiofiles and videos were deleted a year ago, but because YOU do not donate, I had no funds to repair the site.

This is what I am GIVING UP….. a block from beautiful Lake Superior….
Anyway, 20,000 views yesterday.  No donations, however. 😉 Ask yourself why you do not donate.  🙂 I gotta hear your wonderful excuse. 😉
“I don’t have even $5, sergeant.”
Scene from a 1920s silent film: “Tell it to the Marines” 😉
When my site is fully restored, THEN you will see with photographic evidence that the Kennedys were secretly antisemitic, pro-Hitler, pro-German,
….opposed to Israel getting nuclear weapons, and …
….they planned to dissolve the CIA,
….throw crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson in prison for many serious crimes, including murders,  and….
John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson in 1960 during the Democratic national convention in Los Angeles.
…..they were also demanding answers about UFOs from the CIA, which was withholding the vital truth that the US Deep State was in bed with, yes, wicked and callous Greys Aliens and has been ever since the Eisenhower period.
JFK and Wernher von Braun, head of the moon program — and former SS officer and NSDAP member
On Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his murder, the President of the United States ordered the CIA director to organize the agency’s intelligence files relating to UFOs , and to debrief him on all “unknowns” by the following February.
Kennedy refers to “unknowns”.

“It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns…. arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where Unknowns are a factor…. I would like an interim report….no later than February 1, 1964.”

Kennedy was concerned that UFOs seen by the Soviets on their radar early-warning systems would be misinterpreted by them as being U.S. aircraft or missiles rapidly approaching their country.
This may be what Kennedy implied when he wrote, “It is important that we make a distinction between known and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended [planned] cooperation [with them on space] as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defense or space programs.”

The second reason for Kennedy’s inquiry could have been his obvious interest in space travel; at the time of his (alleged) writing, NASA was a new agency,  and “the whole question of outer space and life in outer space was at the forefront of everybody’s thinking.” Third, there was a natural concern about UFOs at the time due to a spurt of incidents thought to be sightings.

This is the shocking reality, and in it the average little jew is just a pawn in a galactic chess game:
So while you send not one farthing to support me, I am paying for this restoration of my site, AND ALSO for the upkeep of David Scott von Braun, who is very ill from, as he thinks and I would tend to agree, being poisoned by the jews.
Two weeks after this extremely strange chemtrail BOMB, which exploded directly over our house at 801 Michigan Street, Ontonagon, Michigan 49953, Margi was DEAD.
I miss this woman so….. and what a cook she was, though with her throat cancer she could not eat anything by mouth herself; I fed her myself a formula which I also made for her and she got excellent nourishment oplus anti-cancr supplements at least thrice daily by a plastic feeding tube….. But Margi cooked amazing and fully organic meals for me, often with vegetables and seasonings she grew in her own garden. 🙂

I miss simple delights like “spooning,” too, just cuddlingmy wife…. Sure, sex is always great 🙂  , but so is just holding someone you love.

….The chemtrail bomb of 8/28/22

The jews actually exploded a weird chemtrail “bomb” directly over my house as a sadistic warning, knowing I am not one of the oblivious ignorers of this “geoengineering” attack by jewry on the white world…. and that I would “appreciate” their little “gift.” (Interestingly, “gift” in German means “poison.”)
This aerial explosion happened on August 28, 2022, 15 days before Margi died. Possible connection?

Thin though she was, just 92 pounds when I took this pic because of a double pneumonia which a Pakistani doctor at the Laurium, Michigan hospital had caused in her by his asshole laziness and neglect, Margi had been gardening away until then, pulling her oxygen tank behind her, until this chemtrail bomb. (The tray below contained her liquid meal which I prepared for her, which I served my wife five times daily, including at 3 and 6 am).

Fifteen days later she was gone….
Actually, it seemed from the x-ray and symptoms which I observed when she was at home that she had had a mini-stroke three days before. She slept constantly and was often confused  just before she passed over, wanting at 3 am the dy she passed to go urinate (with my help) three times within twenty minutes.
The ER doctor, Dr. Cearlock of Tennessee, suggested to me indirectly and gently that we not take any more “heroic measures” after he saw the x-ray, showing Stage 4 cancer in the head, and he had sized up the whole situation.
He put his hand on my shoulder and I gulped.
So this was it; this was Goodbye.
Oh, my God.
The chemtrail on August 28, fifteen days before, literally ends suddenly in mid-air in a huge release of a blob of chemicals; do watch carefully….


Our house (again):


They did something like this twice before: extremely, DANGEROUSLY low-altitude flights….. over my rented house in Sarver, Pennsylvania….. See the huge strands of chemicals? This was very low-altitude.


This was 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver, Pennsylvania…. The highest tree in this pic is the one shown on the preceding one with the chemtrail strands.
..,….and also we had a low-altitude flight right over my rented house in Apollo, Pennsylvania (photo by Margi, kneeling on the grass, shooting up past me to the chemtrails):

How can people stay in detail when I (or another WN) offers proof for almost everything we say?
It is the sickness of egoic denial….
I wrote to my employee who monitors my site for hackers, who studied at Princeton, and has sent me many excellent articles for this website, as follows:

The problem is few read them, and also, since the 2020 Stealection and the refusal twice of the US Supreme Court, with three Trump appointees, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett, to even hear PRESIDENT Trump’s case, we are way, way past the stage of reading any more WN moaning and groaning about what the enemy is up to.

Trump appointees Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch all knuckled under in December 2020, fatuously declaring that Texas and 16 other states have no “standing”(a classic cop-out) to protest Joe Biden stealing the presidency of the United States. Well, gee, wouldn’t Biden, senile, a pedophile, a rapist and a mega-thief, be the president in Texas, too? 

The Big Jew is now tightening his noose of final white genocide, which for decades already has been loosely encircling our necks.

We need a religion to get us out of one thing:

the insane affliction, on this obviously bad-karma planet, of FANATICALLY, BLINDLY denying the most menacing realities.


….and to get us to love ourselves, our nation, race and planet once again.


How right Hemingway was….


Margi’s mom, a (sincere) liberal, and a Shakespeare festival director…….lived to be 92, eating candy and smoking like a chimney….


….but Margi, a white nationalist — married to John de Nugent — a woman who strictly ate only organic things and never smoked or drank , died 18 years younger.


Margi was interviewed on 23 April 2022 by Jim Rizoli on how she lent $20,000 — purely from the goodness of her heart — to Holocaust gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter, who lied to her about 1) his need for the loan and 2) ability to repay the loan, and then 3) stiffed her a year later with no apology whatsoever — while knowing she was fighting cancer, actually an especially horrid form of cancer, throat cancer, which affects eating, talking and breathing.

As the cancer advanced, my wife, a gourmet cook, baker…

….and professional opera singer….


….could no longer eat or sing, the two things she really, really enjoyed, and her weight fell from 115 in 2018 to 72 in 2020.


Her pain went to 8 out of 10, with many patients committing suicide at 9.


But Margi was German, a strong, silent type, not a chatterbox, and no whiner.

Margi with Jim (and I added info, too)


The lying, heartless crook Leuchter invented the whopper that he was so broke he was facing foreclosure on his house so as to con Margi, then in North Carolina liquidating her parents’ estate) out of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Proof? Here you go.

A German comrade wrote me:

I am very angry with God and the spiritual world. How can a noble woman like Margi Huffstickler suffer so much, while evil creatures have such a good life? I do not get it !

I replied:

Because the majority do nothing to stop the jews, just a tiny minority, as you know.

Why should God help lazy cowards?

“We [Russians] purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward [at the hands of the bolsheviks].”  Alexander Solzhenitsyn”


Margi is in heaven, comrade, radiantly beautiful and happy. She is not dead; we are.

How’s your karma, reader?

I ask because the way things are going, you might be facing your Maker sooner than you realize.


…..a religion to wake Whites up from their hypnosis is coming

Bob Pira I don’t think we need anymore religion. This shit is the death knell of human consciousness, not to mentions the untold billions it has killed throughout the world.
John de Nugent Bob Pira I agree, basically. Religion can be used for psychopathic enslavement and atrocities. But the word comes from the Latin “religa,” which means “relink.” Humans are social animals and need to be bonded to each other, overcoming excessive individualism, and relinked to God or the divine.
Spirituality alone is just individualistically reading some book in a corner.
No one becomes a marine or soldier by reading a book. You have to undergo boot camp, learn to obey, and be trained to think differently and act together.
What I am saying is that we are at war, and any anti-religious, individual approach,  or providing yet more information on what the jews are up to (or blacks,  muslims, or Masons, or pedos) is hopelessly ineffective.
“Les hommes sont comme les plantes, qui ne croissent jamais heureusement, si elles ne sont bien cultivées.” –– Montesquieu
“Men are like plants, which never grow well unless well cultivated.” — French writer Montesquieu

If you know the enemy and know yourself,

your victory will not stand in doubt.


if you know both Heaven and Earth,

you can make your victory complete.

— Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”

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